The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 01, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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Conductor J F Uttter took
the Byram day light special on
to Red Olcud
Brakeman G R Gadwallad
er was a Laird passenger AYed
nesdny night on 15
Con duet or T A Nash was
in charge of the Byram special
Den ve r A IcGcok Thursday
Emerson Hanson claim agent
is quite himself again after a
severe attack of bronchitis of a
few Aveeks
Engineer and Mrs I L Rod
strom went down to Iloldrege on
No 10 Wednesday evening to
visit briefly
President IlilJ states that the
Burlington has no intention of
obtaining an interest in any road
west of Denver
T Hill Don Snoke Eranh
Woody and A A Grigsby togeth
er made the Denver pilgrimage
Tuesday night on No 3
Conductor T A Nash went
up to Denver on No 9 yesterday
morning dead head to bring in
Vice President Byram s special
Operator W T Lyon was
called down to Cambridge Tues
day by news of the illness of
his baiby The little one was re
ported better -
Engineer and Mrs F AY
BosAVorth and Engineer and Mrs
Walter Stokes departed Tuesday
on a trip which will consume a
month or longer in its itinerairy
First they touch Denver Thence
they go down into Mexico touch
ing Yera Cruz and several other
points They will visit Mr TBos
Wiorth s Mexican rancho while ab
General Trainmens Examin
er C P Philbrjck lectured to a
gathering of about 150 train and
engine men Tuesday afternoon
an Monte Cristo liall on the book
of rules of the operating depart
ment Also Mrs C L Fahne
stock spoke in behalf of the oaew
hospital now being projected The
meeting was probably the largest
meeting exclusively of railroad
men yet held in the city
AhsIsdfy Puiro
The only Baking Powder mad
from Royal Grape ream of Tartar
East Depart Central Time
No G 1130 P M
10 500 A M
2 550A M
- O Ot XX IM
1 i 920 P M
JU O ou it 1
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arrive S35 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
t I D A il
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 170 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs G45 A M
SleeiiP dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked tc
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and ricivfts call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Brakeman R G Talbot went
down to Kearney tikis morning
to visit with his folks there
Mrs C L Bunstock and baby
returned Thursday from a short
visit Aviith relatives in Oxford
Miss Nora Rhoad and sister
daughters of Mr and Mrs D
II Rhoad will go up to St ration
on 13 in the morning on a short
visit to relatives
An Omaha report is to the
effect that track laying on the
line tfrom Sboshoni Wyoming
thru the Big Horn canon will be
gin on March 1st The track will
be laid to the canon during Feb
Taking effect Februairy 1st
several changes will be made in
McCook telegraph office Sec
ond trick wiire chief T J Cain
is promoted to extra dispatcher
Third trick chief W L Bass has
Cain s old place F W Andre
sen is promoted to wire chief
Floyd Stayner becomes train or
der operator
Fairness Wins
That it pays to be fair vith em
ployes was illustrated recently in the
New York financial district A young
man who had worked for a largo
house for three years was forced to
remain at home two days because oi
illness He had never been absent
from his desk a day during the entire
time not even for a summer vacation
Nevertheless when he received his
salary envelope the amount of two
days pay had been deducted
The boy was indignant and resigned
on the spot The following day ho
closed a deal involving S1XJ0OOO Y hich
would have meant a clear proiit of
20000 to the firm he had just left
The young man turned the business
over to a rival house and was given a
position His contract calls for double
the salary he had received at the old
house and stipulates that he is to re
ceive one months vacation each sum
mer with full pay
The Horse Pedometers
The whorls of hair on the coats of
horses and other animals are natural
pedometers inasmuch as they regis
ter the locomotive activities of the
animals on whose bodies they are
The best examples and the greatest
number of these hairy whorls and
crests aro found on the domestic
A study of the action of the under
lying muscles explains the origin or
these peculiarities in the lay of the
hair and furnishes the jiistilication for
calling them pedometers although the
analogy is of course merely super
Fatal Gas
Illuminating gas has caused more
deathsin some states recently than
have Starlet fever infantile paralysis
or typhoid fever In Massachusetts it
has become an importanrcause of
death and serious sickness The re
peal of the law regulating the amount
of carbon monoxid in gas has been
according to Prof Sedgwick of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technol
ogy one of the direct causes of the
increase here and it is recommended
hat the state go back to the old
fashioned ccal gas and prohibit the
manufacture of water gas Boston
Chicken Time Soon
Will Be Here
You should be ready by giving your
order to us early for
Incubators and Brooders
Get the Profit from Your Cows
Start now while butter is high no use to
postpone buying a separator DO IT NOW
DeLaval Separators
get all the cream
McCook Hardware Co
Probably He Vas Right in Consider
ing the Game of Chess a Good
Deal Like Life
When a young man I was fond of
playing chess One day as I was de
liberating over a move in the middle
of a game I suddenly asked myself
whether an expert standing beside me
could predict what that move would
be Not I saw unless I had a past
history -as a chess player with which
he Avasiamiliar If I were a beginner
he could not tell whether I would ad
vance a pawn three squares or move
a castle aslant or expose my queen
to capture
All these and a multitude of other
possibilities would be open to me and
therefore to his prediction But if T
had a knowledge of the game these
possibilities would be closed And if I
were an aqcomplished player the ex
pert at my elbo rr might whisper to
his neighbor There is only one move
he can make He must attack his op
ponents king with his black bishop
As I then without hearing the re
mark proceed to make that move
should I feel belittled to have the ex
pert announce that it was foreknown
Should I fel that having supposed my
act to be one of freedom I had now
been deprived of something precious
and myself degraded into a mere
thing On the contrary I should
probably feel much flattered and con
gratulate myself on being and beinp
known to be a player guided by law
Evidently then as personality en
larges conduct becomes more predict
able That was the impressive lesson
taught me by this striking case G
H Palmer in The Problem of Free
Small Group of Magdalen Islands
Populated by Deccerdants of
Those Unfortunate People
Up in the center of the Gulf of St
Lawrence the small group of Mag
dalen islands are populated by three
or four thousand lineal descendants
of the Acadians under Champlain and
De ilonts who were driven out of
New France Nova Scotia by the Eng
Since the first setlement in 17G3
generations of the same families have
raised scanty crops in the valleys and
fed sheep and cattle on the high con
ical hills which constitute a promi
nent feature of an insular landscape
Year after year men have gone out
on the waters of the gulf in search of
the cod mackerel and lobsters on
which a livelihood depends They are
a simple primitive people these na
tives of the llagdalens laboring all
the while under circumstances that
are most discouraging
The archipelago contains 12 or 13
distinct islands including several
grim rocks which are not inhabited
and never will be But the remark
able feature about the physical forma
tion of the whole group is the way in
which one island is in some instances
connected with another by a Ions
stretch of sandy beach enabling a per
son if ho desires to do so to go for a
score of miles or more along the most
barren shore in the world one that is
uninhabited and unrelieved by vegeta
tion of any kind and the only animal
life being the thousands o gulls
ferns gannets and other sea fowl
which -are extremely numerous in all
this region
As to Adhesive Postage Stamps
Rowland Hill had nothing to fear
from enlightened officers of health
foreboding that stamp licking would
disseminate consumption diphtheria
smallpox and scarlet fever It is re
markable to recall with what enthusi
asm the public took to stamp licking
in 1840 The adhesive stamp seeais
to have been only an after thought of
the great postal reformer whose orig
inal proposal covered only the sale of
ready stamped envelopes Even when
he admitted the adhesive stamp as an
alternative he thought it would be
reserved for exceptional cases But
in spite of newspaper jeers at bits of
sticking plaster for dabbing on the
letters the public soon showed its
mind The stamped Mulready en
velope proved a dead failure while for
weeks the supply of sticking plaster
fell far below its demand
Streets Vith Long Names
Using the letters of the alphabet
and numbers to designate streets is
called here says a Berlin letter the
American style and the introduction
of the system has many advocates
but xppMently these have no voice in
the matter because the popular idol
royal heroic religious scientific or
commercial still has the first call
Many of the names are exasperatingly
long and when -we think that the most
impossible one has been discovered
we always find another just a little
bit worse Recently we saw two let
ters addressed to Vienna one to a per
son in Klosterneuburgstrasse and the
other to a correspondent in Mariahil
fergasse How much time would be
saved if these streets were numbered
or lettered
Proof Enough
The climate of heaven has been
determined by two youthful philoso
phers announced George Arliss who
is appearing in Disraeli While pass
ing along a muddy street the other
morning I heard a little chap say to
hia sister
It dont ever rain in heaven does
it May
In course it does ye little
chump the girl replied Theres
1 where iff all a comin from aint it
Statement by Chancellor
The UniviCirsity of Nebraska
False reports have been circulat
ed in regard to typhoid condition
among students of the university
TJier e have been about thirty
five cases one death has oc
curred The use of the N street
well the supposed source of con
tamination has been discontinued
All waiter is -now treated Aviith
hypochlorite rendering it prac
tically free from bacteria
Very few new cases1 are being
reported in the city
At no time has the percentage
of people in the eity ill with the
disease been as great as in most
of the smaller places in the conn
try where typhoid is an epidemic
The total number of university
students xr tick en is less than one
per cent of the total registration
January 25th 1912
S AVEliY Chancellor
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
McCook Neb January 23rd
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to ad-
iournment Present Edward
and J W
mission ers
W N Rogers
Randal county eom
Chas D Ritchie
county attorney and Chas K
Dutcher county clerk
The minutes of the meetings
held January 19th and 20th were
read and approved
Chas Ska lb having this 2ird
day of January 1912 filed an
amendment to his annual repent
dated January Jrd 1912 admit
ting that according to the inter
pretation of the new salary law
by the caunty board and uplwikl
by the state attorney gentrail he
owes the county an additional
sum of 20463 making his total
exoeas fees S2500 and he also
having filed the two recerapte
from the count v treasurer one
for 20403 and one for 02037
making the total amount paid to
the county treasurer S2500thii3
amount being a full settlement
for all money due tine county for
his last term which ended Janu
ary 3rd 1912
It wae moved by Rogersi and
seconded by Randal that ex
County Clerk Skallas report as
amended be approved and order
ed placed on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It Avas
declared carried
General fund claims
The folloAving claims on the
general fund Avere audited aod al
lowed and the county clerk Avas
instructed to draAV Avarrants on
the 1911 levy
Kloipp Bartlett Co m
inal docket for county
Judsre 35 00
Klopp Bartlett civil dock
et for county judge oo UU
W II Smith report to state
board of health 2 75
L E Nadeoi report to state
board of health 2
Jacob Nelson report to sitalte
brwiirrl of health 1
W A Middleton report to
state board of health 8 75
E J Ilachenberger report to
state board oi health
L AY Robinson report to
state board of health
Smith Cochran mdse for
pauper E R Moon
S E Ingram Avire and
R L Bragg serving sum
mons and return of samee
10 12
1 IS
Wm Uerling load of Avood for
Mrs Yandervoort 2 50
Tax refund
A J Bush assessed on prop
erty he dad not own id vv
Len Peiterson assessed in
McCook and WiIIoav
S A Austin assessed in Le
banon and school dist No
2 50
4 19
Perry Barker poll tax AA hen
oat of county -2 50
Tax refund claims disalloAved
F Woody 5 00
B P Powell 2 00
Fred Thompson 1 00
H J Peterson 1 do
The folloAviner road claims AAere
audited and allowed and Hie coun
ty clerk AAas instructed to draAV
Avarrants on the road fund 1911
Road district No 7 WiiLlow
GroAe precinct
AY T Clark Avork on Avest
bridge 1 50
Amos Clark Avork on roads 4 50
Jolin Houlihan AAiork on
roads 1 50
G- S Meyers Avork on roatlsi 2 50
Road district No 4 Box Elder
C M Spauldmg AAorio on
roada 5 00
Ben Doyle Avork on roads 3 00
John MJodrell Avorlc on
hrid eres 3 60
Motion fto recess until 9 acltfck
The car of baled cane I have coming has been delayed j
but will be on track here by Saturday Better get some
Saturday if you want it
a m January 24 1912 Carried
McCook Xebr January 2 ith
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to recess
Present Edward SughiioaieyW N
Rogers and J W Randal county
commissioners Chas D Ritchie
county attorney and Chas K
Dutcher county clerk
between R AY Devoe fornisr
clea k of the district court of Red
Wallow county with refereua
ita the amount owing by him Uh
the said county on account vi
juiy fees unaccounted for ani
amor in charges far complete re
cord in insanity cases and
Whereas The said R W Dz
voe has offered to pay the sue
of Forty - eight dollars in full f
Motion made by Rogers second
ed by Randal that DrD J Rakltteniet ot alJ clms Sstlii
be and is hereby appointed cor lu7 uu ux ttiU u
therefore be it
oner lor the term ccm
ensuing i
olved by the board ot
L Cqu
mencing January 4th 1912 Mo
tion carried I commissioners ot said counts
rni -
max ior rue purpose oi aAciams
id e commissioners eont nuect
litigation and securing a settle
cheelang the accounts at ex Treas ment of the ttffferenes existing
urer C Nad en throughout the ba between the said parties
liiuu ux wm uij ranir mti n nml hn ahT
On motion the beard of county accept said sum of
adjourned to meet eight dollars in full settlement oc
at 9 oclock a m January 25th said matters
112 j Adopted and approved this
EDWARD SUGHROUE 2Gth day of January 1912
Attest Chairman
Chas Iv Dutcher County Clerk Attest
McCook Nebr January 251h
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present EdAvard
W X Rogers and J
AY Randal commissioners Chas
D Ritchie county attorney and
Chas K Dutcher county clerk
The minutes of the meeting
hold on the 23rd and 24th of
January 1912 were read and on
motion approved
Moved by Rogeres and second
ed by Randal that the petition
Chas Iv Dutcher County
uoii cancel ougnrone ye
Rogers yes Randal yes Mo
tion carried
Motion by Rogers seconded hjr
Randal that the following resoh
tions be adopted
AVhereas There is a dispute be
tween C A Rodger former
clerk cf the dicitn ict court cf thk
county and Red AYiilow eaurafx
as to the amount OAvinir sai
C A Rodgers to said Red AYiJ
loAV county for fees earned ser-
Aiice rendered and money
e1 such eknk he strict
for the appointment of Alfred
Carter as road overseer for dest 1
-1 -
riot No 7 AYiilow Grove precinct iercas l h fcl A- odg
be approved i ers lias ProPose1 to Py -
The depository bonds of The oi t5e i hundred - dollars in fuE
Rnt f TolnTinT Ir WI claims or werv naiure ue
sum of 10000 and The Farmers far ot sl county growing
i of tUo ant ot sacd matters thererore be
i liVl iUUt OH 1 11 LO 1 - U IX 1 JL L XI tl Vlit i
ola in the sum of 450000 Aver a
on motion approved and ordered 1 vgd By the board gJ
caunty c o mm sssi oners ot sai5
plae d on file j
eau for the purpose of
The board finished checking
the accounts of ex County Treaj111 litigation and sscmqnr
- - n i i HPirr Pinpnr nr 3nif rrirmTfrl r In ins
urer U iatien ana rina tne roi i - -- r
loAving to be a true and correet
statement cf aA of the money
collected and disbursed by him
from July 1st 1911 to January
3rd 1912
Moved by Rogers seconded by
Randal that the report rendered
by C Naden ex county treasur
er be approved and ordered plac
ed on file
See report on page 215 of
missioners records
The following claims Avere aud
ited and ailoAved and the county
clerk Aas instructed to draw Avar
rants on the general fund for
their payment
Fred Brans haar cut and
shave for SAAayze Bros 1 00
Stroekey Gamsby coal
Mrs YanderAroort 17 00
Stroekey Gamsby coal for
Mrs Quiglcy 4 2o
E G Caine Oo coal for
Mrs Quigiey 13 25
E G Caine Co coal foa
Mrs Arandervoort 4 50
F M Kimmell printing
itionery and supplies 4 5
Percy Oatlett money due on
Gossard check 3 00
Commissioner District No 2
The claim of A H McElroy foi
bridge Avork AAas audited and al
lowed and the county clerk was
instructed ito draAV a Aarrant on
the fund belonging to CommDs
sionier distniet No 2 for 587
The boiard commenced check
ing the accounts of ex Oounity
Sheriff L M Higgins and contin
ued the same throughout the day
On motion the board orderod
recess until 9 oclock January
26 1912
McOoiok Nebr January 26thi
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to re
cess Present EdAvard Sughroue
W N Rogers and J W Randal
county commissioners Clias D
Ritchie county attorney and
Chas K Dutcher county clerk
Moved by Randal seconded by
Rogers that Percy M Bell caun
ty surveyor be instructed to oc
cupy as an office the northeast
eorner room in the basement of
the court house
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes
Meitoon by Rogers seconded by
Handal that the f olloAving resoelu
toons be adopted
AYhereas There as a dispute
the said county agrees to ana
hereby does accept the said smr
of three hundred dollars in full
payment of any and all claims
against said C A Rodgers or
account of the saixl matters anE
cf all claijns against him in con
nection AA ith liis office occurring
px icir to the year of 1911
Adopted and approved tliis
2Gth dav of January 1912
Chas K Dutelier County Clerk
Roll called Sughroue ye
Rogere yes Randal yes Motiosi
Alotion by Randal seconded bp
Rogers Miat the county clerk b
ailoAved the sum of three lrandr
red dollars per year for clerldnj
for tlie board of county commis
sioners from January 4 1912 ii
January 9 1913
The board continued checking
the accounts of L M Higgins
ex county sheriff until 6 ocloet
p m Avhen they ordered reeessj
until 9 oclock a m 21
McCook Nebraska January 21
1912 The board of county
eonimissioners met pursuant ix
recess Present EdAvuvrE
Sughroue AY N Rogers and J
AY Randal county conunissionenn
Chas D Ritchie county eiatitornt
and Eugene S Dutcher deputp
county clerk
Minutes of the meeting held on
January 26 1912 Avere read anS
on motion approved
The folloAAiing claims Avere auffir
ited and ailoAved and -the c oun
olerk Avas instructed to draw avst
rants on the general fund far
their payanent
General fund claims
Edward Sughroue
er serA iee and mile age 29 0O
W N Rojrs ccmm hsTiCuor
serre e and mrleage 31 5ft
J AY Hands ciommissiouer
service and mileage 33 10
The eommssonirs eontinneS
the cheeking of the accounts
L M Higgins ex county sSheriifx
and continued same th rcrughorfc
the day
On motion adjourned to mee
Feb 6 1912
Attest Chairman
Chas K Dutcher County Clerk