The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 01, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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f I
v t I 4 4
Delivered free any place in McCook
Corn chop psr 100 5135
Bran per 100 135
Shorts per 100 145
Wheat per bushel 100
Corn per bushel TO
Oats per bushel GO
Ground alfalfa meal for chick-
en and cow feed per 100 105
McCook Milling Company
Phono 29
The Traveling Salesman
The Traveling Salesman
James Forbes latest comedy
which wall be presented at the
Temple Theatre Saturday Feb
iruary 3rd monopolizes the laugh
market for the season inasmuch
as it as beiag designated by the
press and public as the greatest
comedy success of the past twen
ty years The faithfulness with
which Mr Forbes has depicted
certain incidents in life of the
drummer on the rend is worthy
of commendation sufficiently so
as to warrant the endorsement
of the United Commercial Trav
elers and the Travelers Protect
ive Association
It will be acted here under the
same auspices that helped make
it a success in New York and
Chicago in wliicih cities it ran for
oner a year
Cash Prize Embroidery Congest
Three cash prizes well be given
for the best embroidery work on
center pieces table runners and
pillow tops by girls age sixteen
and nnder commencing February
1st Come in register your name
and let Mrs Co lson explain the
conditions and requirements At
the 5 10 and 25c Store McCook
Neb 1 5
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
Stetson Hats 369
at The Thompson D G Oos Ut
most values for cash only
McMiriens Cough Remedy will
cure cough and relieve croup
McCook new has a U S de
positary in the Citizens National
Bank of our city
Two desirable steam heated anc
electric lighted rooms for rent
Liquid smoke a full pint bottle
for 40c
Many filings for water rights
on small creeks are being receiv
ed by the state beard of irriga
tion Joseph Allen of McOcok
ilnis asked for the right to take
water from Red Willow creek
Lincoln Journal
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT 2 modern furnish
ed rooms light and water 511
E 1st 25 3ts
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
216 West B st Splendid boaird
elegant rooms only 20 month
Close in 4 doors idast of Palmer
hotel Itf
Man past 30 with horse and
liuggy to sell stock condition paw
deir in Red Willow county 75
dollars per month Address Room
2 1106 Farnam St Omaha Neb
furnace bath 403 1st street
tst Phone red 260 18te
Thoroughbred- Shorthorn bull
4tqj S6TVJC6
We have some fresh new Pop
Corn that
Will All Pop
All kinds of
j Phone 25 Marshs
h E Ilegenberger
Council Proceedings
The mayor and council of the
city of McCook met in special
session January 29 pursuant to a
call issued by Mayor McAdam
Meeting was called to order by
Mayor McAdams and the follow
ing eouneilmen found present
Wiood Stansberry and Middleton
City Clerk Stoll was present
Bids were opened and read as
N W Ilalsey Co Chicago
5027500 and accrued interest
T A Koan Co Chicago 50
40500 net
Fidelity Trust Co Kansas City
Mo 5000000 and accrued intor
I To elder Gumming Toledo
Ohio 5000000 and accrued in
Farson Son Co Chicago
4950000 net
C IT Coffin Chicago 49051
00 neit
II C Spear Sans Co Chi
cago 4945000 and accrued in
Moved and seconded that the
bid of N W Halsey Co be ac
cepted Carried unanimously
The folic wing bills wore ap
proved by finance committee and
on motion allowed
A E Marshall 5 SO
Win Maipes 1 25
A Z Loshbaugh 3 00
Neb Telephone Co 3 25
C A DeLov 2 00
J E Keiley 20 00
Paul Perreund 4 00
Jim Malen 8 20
R Mitchell 2 40
A J Dillon 2 00
R W McBraver 1 00
A McDonald 1 70
R McDonald 3 35
W Eshcir 1 00
C K Knowles 1 00
John Ilust 1 00
Floyd Berry 1 00
W R Reider 1 00
Xiiek Snvder 21 04
Okas Ijqaeh 2 00
J M Matson 4 oO
Bullaird Lumber Co 207 20
TT P Wiaate Clo 10 67
F M KimmeM 53 35
Frank M Golfer 2 50
R D Heskett 3 00
T E Onlbreath 3 00
1 00
E Sinner 3 00
State Journal Co 4 00
Western Supply Co 1 82
Scott L Dean 4 00
Gale Funk 6 00
W D Darnell 2 00
L M Iliggins 6 15
Mftflnnk Electric Co 47 25
R L Emerson 2 00
A N Shepherd 34 23
W F Gollehon 3 00
Gluas A Leiaoh 1 25
Motion made and carried to ad
L C STOLL City Clerk
A McMillen prescription drug
Kodaks Kodak supplies
McCONNELL Druggist
We have tlie Wedding Break
fast syrup D Magner phone 14
Call at D Magner s store and
get a can of Armours Prepared
Cambridge provided a ship
ment of five cars of stock Tues
day night
The Baptist f oiks nlan to hold
a series of evangelistic meetings
beginning with February ISth
New ginghams and wash goods
Use Nyals Sarsaparilia and ptt
rify your blood There isnoth
ing better for a spring tonic 50c
and 100 -per bottle
lYou are cordially invited to
aAtend the K of P dance in
Armory hall Februarylfrth Yon
are assured a good Ume wilth in
terest to he paid on K of P Day
Fanmeirs Now is the time to
kill prairie dog We have the
government receipe for mixing
the poison and it suite does the
work If yon wr intending to
wage a war on the little pests
we can materially Sssisit yon Call
on ns or phonS 200
Thursday Evening Edition
H G Phelps Commission Co I
Broadened Out
To broaden out the business of
the II G Phelps Commissioii Co
a considerable increase in its cap
ital stock has recently been se
cured and at a meeting of the
stockholders night the
company was reorganized the
new officers being C E Eldred
president L Suess vice president
C II Bo3leB treasurea C B
Gray sescretarv and following
ame directors II G Phelps W
B Whittaker S S Garvey C
D Noble Lon Cone and A G
The new name of the company
is Phelps Gray Company
The purpose of We company
will be to transact a general com
mission business handle produce
etc and other business activities
along their line
Mir Phelps will do the road
work -and Mr Gray will be in
charge of the house business
The Tribune prophesies for this
new company cempceed as it is
by such mien of means and busi
ness ability and with such a
promising business prospect a
career of success and expansion
Voluntary Assignment
We regret to announce that
on Satuaday night E P Huber
made a voluntary assignment of
his goods for the benefit of his
creditors who1 by agreement made
H G Phelps- trustee Beginning
on Monday an inventory of the
goods has been in progress so far
all tlilnis week As soon as the in
voice is completed the store will
again open for business with Mr
PheOips in charge and Mr Hu
ber assisting in selling The
Tribune hopes the stock will real
ize sufficient to pay off all in
debtedness and leave Mr Huber
a margin besides
Removal Sale
now croinir on at Diamonds Shoe
Store We are going to move
one dcor east ot DeGrotr ana
are sellintr eerythinjr regardless
of cost We have placed a spec
ial lot of mens and womens
Shoes worth up to 500 includ
ing patent leather gun metal vel
vet button or lace shoes during
this sale at 179 boys and girls
high cut shoes and other shoes
worth up to 350 for quictk sell
ing at 169
The Capacity House
Do not overlook the date of
Charles Kleins great play The
Third Deirree Which will be
played at the Temple theatre on
Friday February 9th Managers
MeConnell Pennell have al
ready received many requests for
seats Indications are that tins
play will draw an audience that
for size will break ail records
anid it is a play that is worthy of
its attention
will soon le warm and ccanfort
aibie if you will use one of Me
Connells hot water battles One
of the best known remedies for
relievincr pain neuralgia ate
aiious sizes and prices
Temple Program Ads
Pfrsrms rlpsirinfr advertising
space in the house programs at
the Temple tbeatxe can be accom
modated by calling at The Trib
une office phoning 19 or seeing
Menlyn Cox
Good Feather Pillows 65c
Others at 125 with ventilat
ors Se us for all bedding items
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
A special line of veterinary
remedies stock food and poultry
supplies1 can always be had from
For making fancy cake try
Swans Down Cake flour D
Magner phone 14
New muslin underwar at
Everything in drugs
L W McCONNELL Druggist
McOonnells JSarsaparalla and
Burdock 100 -
McDonnell filla preseriplibns
Stockholders Meeting
A meeting of the stockholders
of the McCook Cooperative Hos
pital association will be held in
tlie McCook Commercial club
rooms Monday afternoon Feb
ruary 5th The ladies report thev
are encouraged in the work and
progressing nicely A goodly por
tion of the capital stock sought
to be raisexl at this time has al
ready been sold and the ladies
are being received in an encour
aging way in their subscriptions
for hospital annual tickets They
are making substantial progress
in the project and hope soon to
be able to report such a degree
of success as will warrant the for
mal launching of the fine enter
prise contemplated
A Baptist Social
Mrs Hugh Brown and Mrs
Herman Pade were hostesses at
a social last Tuesday evening at
the home of the former when
more than five score of members
and friends of the church gath
eired together and enjoyed a so
cial time as well as listening to
a splendid musical and literary
program consisting of instru
mental solos duets recitations
and dialogues After the com
pletion of tlie program light re
freshments were served These
socials are proving quite a suc
cess both socially and financially
Johnson Has a Chance
Word from Dr B B Davis
Omaha states that W Y John
son who was operated upon in
a hospital in that city a few
days since for some serious blad
der trouble came thru the ser
ious operation in fair condition
and so far as early indications
could be taken had some chance
of recovery Mrs Johnson is
with Mm at the hospital Mr
Johnson recently returned here
from Monte Vista Colorado and
Jocal doctors decided luis only
chance lay in undergoing an op
Fragrant Lotion is absorbed so
quickly that youll wonder where
it has gone No trace of gireflise
or stickiness remains to annoy
Just a dainty elusive cdor to tell
that it has heen applied and an
immediate sense ot comfort to
show that bsalinsr Iras begun It
soothes chapped and roughened
skiri in n magical way is as
harmless as dew and costs but o
L W McCONNELL Druggist
About Calicoes
A storft recentlv took a large
space to announce tiltat they had
rpirliiftpfl fheiir calicoes to o c ya
and other goods in proportion
Our customers having bougiit tne
haat calicoes from us- continuous
ly for the past 2 years at 5e sure
took a smile at thatCome to us
for the right price at ail tunes
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Haw G Wockenfiuss will be in
stalled next Sunday morning as
pastor of the German Evangelical
Lutheran chuaidh of our city on
6th street E Rev Evers to be
the officiating clergyman Rev
Wcekenfuss will work in connec
tion with Rev O Riehent Sun
day evening sermons Will hereat
ter be discontinued
Special Bargain
10 yards of good bleiaohed mus
lin for 49c to customers bring
ing in our hand bill containing
the offer Wateh for our hand
bill and read it over then act
We invite your participation
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
For Sale
1000 single driver buggy and
harness I M SMITH
McCook Neb
MeConnell for drugs
New madras arid percales for
shirts and shirt waists at
Try Hamptons toilet Cream fon
chapped hands and face Once
used you will always insist on
halving Hamptons 25c per bot
tle -
Suits Filed Against the McCook
Irrigation Company
January 30th there was filed in
the office of the clerk of the dis
trict court in tlins city n suit
against tlie McCook Irrigation
and Water Power Co by Isaiah
H Wasson wliich promises to op
en up one of the biggest items of
litigation tliis county has witness
ed in some time
The suit primarily is for a re
straining order against the com
pany to restrain the company
from shuttang off water from the
plaintiffs land
The papers filed allege that the
McCook Irrigation and Water
Power Co is now asking discrim
inatory prices for water and for
water rights Alleging that while
some land owners along the ditch
have paid but 1000 for a per
petual right for 160 acres which
gives one cubic foot of water con
tinuously during the irrigating
season the company now de
mands 3500 per acre for wat
er together with taxes and main
tenance1 or practically five timse
more than others received the
same service for
Suits have also been filed by
Mrs L J Burtless and F S Lof
ton wliile several other suits are
in abeyance
This is a matter of vast and in
valuable importance to many
farmers and land owners along
the ditch anany of whom aside
from Mr W II Ferguson of
Lincoln and Mr J E Kelley of
our city who practically control
the ditch will be effected in a
most damaging manner if this
matter stands the tests of the
The Traveling Salesman
What can be considered as one
of the important events of the
cuitcemt theatrical season will he
the Representation at the Temple
Theatre on Saturday February 3
of the remarkably successful four
act comedy The Traveling
Salesman bv James Forbes au
thor of The Chorus Lady
Th Traveling Salesman has
been one of the pronounced met
ropolitan successes of the past
season having to its crediet the
unusual record of nine montlis in
New York twentone weeks in
Chicago and twelve weeks in
A Play With a Romance
If a womans devotion to a
man in desperate straits mak
ing a pure love story of unusual
heart interest should interest
playgoers then Cliarles Kleins
latest play The Third Degree
should be heralded as the dra
matic event of the season How
ard Jeffriet is forced to eonfes
by police third degree meithedi
to a murder he did net eiommit
Has wifes untiring efforts in his
behalf saves his life and incident
ally makes a great play with a
strong romantic interest
A Woman Best Police Force
The United Play Company in
presentinjr The Third Degree
in this city shortly calls atten
tion to the fact that never in the
history of the American- satge
was a plav produced wliich at
tracted such world wide attention
as did tliis dramatic triuniph by
Charles Klein It lias to do with
struggle for supremacy between
an entire metropolitan police
force and a woanan using every
expedient of feminine wile
Wall Paper Remnants
We- are selling wall paper rem
nants at very low prices It will
pay you to see what we have to
offer should you intend paper
ing your walls this sprang even
if not ready to do your work
A MeMILLEN Druggist
Jacquard silks in all the new
shades arid patterns at
Cameras photos and art sup
Reniemiber our Soda Fountain
has been in operaition all winter
and is still going If you wish
ice cream ifpr entertainments or
other social functions we can al
ways snpply yon
I uu Ki j mji j -
Have you ever considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now when you are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit itwith
P Walsh President
C F V Pres
C J OBeiex Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Nean Hayes Center This Morning-
at Four Oclock
A telephone report from Hayes
county runs to the effect that
Murray Asniere was shot and kill
ed tliis morning about four
oclock by Henry Sheldon The
rumor has it that the affaiir was
the result of a card playing
drinking eairousal hut details can
not be secured
Ralph MeBrayer is working
for the McCook Electric Co now
Frank Butler of Cambridge
came up Monday to attend court
Miss Mabel Moss went up to
Otis Colorado Tuesday on a
A R Panteburg has resigned
his position with the MeGock
ELectrie Co
Mr and Mrs Louis G Trimpey
are parents of a son born Wed
nesday of last week
Ray Light formerly with De
Groff s is now in Omaha with tin
King Swanson Clothing Co
Mr and Mrs A P Waiters
went down to Kearney Thursday
morning for a short visit
Misses Amelia and Sarah Wag
ner returned to their home in
Culbertson Thursday morning aT
tor a brief visit with friends here
Glen Rowell departed on Wedn
nesday morning for Elm Creek
Nebraska where he will enter the
employ Oif the Sferekel Lumber Co
Mrs W G Huntington of Lib
erty Neb departed for home on
14 Monday night after n short
visit with Rev D LMcBride and
A Galusha Sr was in r
coin early days of the week on
A O U W business and to do
osme buying for liis clothing
store here
Miss Ford came in from tlie
east Monday on No 1 and re
mained over the day going on
to Denver Tuesday in company
with Mr and Mrs F W Bos
Mrs Albert F Buok will as
sist in a recital by Miss Alice E
Rodidoux in WrayGolorado Sat
urday Feb 3rd playing in the
concert for two piano numbers
by Mendelssohn
W A Reynolds eaahier of the
Farmers Merchants State Bank
of Indianola was in the cityr on
Monday evening and filed for
the nomination for representative
on the Republican ticket subject
to the April 19th poumary
Bostmasteir Cone returned on
Monday night from Chicago
where he attended the supreme
lodge meeting of the Woodmen
The session resulted in the rates
heing advanced by a material ma
jority vote He reports Roose
vieffifc stock as strong in every sec
tion of the country he personal
ly meeting men from all ovr the
land m that great gathering
Boys take a bos of Johnstons
Roheista chocolates with yiou to
the show Saturday night None
better 35c and 65c boxes