The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 29, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Young man it will pay you to get the habit We mean the
saving habit The banking habit will help you If you are
starting out in life with only your two hands to help you the
dollar on deposit will be the best friend you will have on the
side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless the
need is urgent Add to it rather than draw it out You will
acquire a standing among the man who do things You will
in time have a fund to do something with yourself Get the
habit Start now The opening of a bank account may be
the turning point in your career Come and start with us no
matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is
good He knows See if ho deesnt tell you the same thing
Tfte MQoole THftune
F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffiee McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published SiimKWeekly on Mondays and Thursdays
Bix suggests that we play
the game of politics naturally
And The Tribune suggests the
word sincerely
Sam Patterson of Arapahoe Ilrsj
William Randel is still suffer
ing from a badly hurt arm caus
eid by a tack from a horse when
an improvised sleigh turned
over throwing Will out against
-the horse
R F Ioomis called on old
friends last week and maybe one
wouldnt think there was siome
ttalMng about old times Forty
years contracted into very short
space but what changes those
two score years have wrought
Most o the- house wives liave
Seen laboring the past few weeks
and are glad that work comes but
once a ytear
sDouis Longneeker and
spent Tuesday at Wall RandeFs
There wa a pleasant little so-
I hereby announce my For 1912 Fourteenth Judicial
daey for County Attorney sub- District of Nebraska
ioct to decision of Republican pri
Judge E B Perry has desig
nated the following dates for
court in this district for the en
suing year
Chase April 29 jury Nov 25
Dundy March 18 jury May
23 equity Oct 28 jury
Frontier April 1 jury June
brought Biiit against the state of J3 equity Oct 14 jury
Aeiiraeka asicmg judgment tori Furnas Feb 19 iurv Mav 13
6000 the amKnmt he clatims is equity Nov 11 jury
am nun as secretary ot the state Gosper Feb 13 jury May 27
hanking beard duung the vain- onuitv Dee 9 iury
th bank gurnty hw vraa helti Hayes April 15 jury
in suspension bv suit in the Unit- inw
Oct 7
rd States supreme court TJitehcock March 4 jury May
20 equity Sept 23 jury
Icicle Dan Nettle on is for Porlrins Anvil 92 imvMS
LaFcllf tte but hones that
- -- - w w
t l J J
Kepu nean meetings may le so Red Willow Jan 29 jury May
conducted tiat wiien ttic struggle G equity Sept 9 jury
is over when the nomination is
madp when the platform is ad- The Danger of La Grippe
optfd Ave can all unite to elect is its fatal tendency to pneumonia
our candidates and secure the To cure your la grippe coughs take
triumph of our good Republican Foleys Honey and Tar Compound R
principles iE Fisher Washington Kas says I
- was troubled with a severe attack of
The political turpitude of f SriPPf tlat threatened pneumonia
A friend advised Foley s Honey and
T 1 - - 11
ator Lorimer ot Illinois is well m Tar compound and I got relief after
dieated in this remark taking the first few doses I took
I think the direct prima rv in three bottles and my la grippe was
everv -north-era state destroys the cured- Got the genulnein the
- How package A McMillen
eohesiveness oi the majority par-
fcy The fact that somebody ha Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
put dt on the statute books dosis a reliable family medicine Give
not compel members of the it to your children and take it your
lature to vote in accordance with self when you feel a cold coming on
1 It checks and cures coughs and colds
the wishes the vet
-expressed by 1 and croup and prevents bronchitis
ers and pneumonia A McMillen
I will have a car of very fine
on track about THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1 and will sell
it at a very low price considering the price of other feeds
Bring in your wagons and load them up with
this fine cheap feed
Jlill Oik o
eed Store
Tuesday evening Those present
were Gladys and Lester Randel
Misses ODea Louis Longneeker
and family Amusing games were
playied and all enjoyed the even
Wlhat a variety of weather wo
ares having Just now it is slop
py under foot Yesterday a beau
rtiiful white world from a frosty
fog Day before snow creaking
and snapping with eold
Foley Kidney Pills
always give satisfaction because they
always do the work J T Shelmit
Bremen Ga says I have used Fo
ley Kidney Pills with great satisfac
tion and found more relief from their
use than from any other kidney med
icine and Ive tried almost all kinds
I can cheerfully recommend them
to all sufferers for kidney and blad
Showing to Paraphrase How
Touch of Powder Makes the
Feminine World Kin
She was going to get off the car a
few blocks further on and had a great
longing to powder her nose before she
alighted so that when she kept her
tryst with him she should not present
a shiny tip The woman sitting next
to her was of the critical sisters who
had looked her up and down from
boots to bonnet when she entered the
car The woman with the shiny nose
felt certain if she surreptitiously tried
to extract her powder rag from her
purse and dabble her tip with it the
woman at her side would glare hor
ribly But as her street drew near
she determined to ripk it anyhow and
trust to Providence that a quick dab
would accomplish the desired result
She dabbed blindly and hurriedly
But the woman saw her She could
feel the glare turned in her direction
Then to her infinite amazement the
woman whipped open her reticule and
extracted a small mirror This she
handed to her neighbor with an un
derstanding smile Better take it
my dear theres a gob of powder on
the left side near your eye The
other woman in her gratitude for
gave the glare previously administer
ed and remembered the good old ad
age one touch of powder makes the
feminine world kin
Audubons Scheme Might Have Been
Good but for One Small Unfore
seen Incident
There is an amusing story told in
connection with the first venture in
frog farming ever made in the United
Early in the last century Audubon
the great ornithologist went down the
Ohio river from Pennsylvania in a
little steamer of his own stopping at
various points to obtain specimens of
little known birds
While at Hendersonville Kentucky
which he made his home for some
time he built a mill and proposed to
raise frogs on a large scale preparing
for that purpose a pond near the
The frogs multiplied wonderfully
and on warm summer evenings it was
the practice of Audubon to sit under
a tree near the pond listening to the
concert given by his stock ard cal
culating the amount of money ho
should derive from the sale of the
grown frogs
But one night whn the frogs were
nearly grown they heard the booming
of bullfrogs in the Ohio Their curios
ity was aroused and hopping out of
the pond they made their way to the
river into which they plunged and
Systematic Writing
All busy women know the value of
system and every busy woman should
systematize her daily tasks
In the matter of letter writing many
women are great procrastinatcrs
They persistently leave important let
ters unanswered until the last pos
sible moment and then have to write
a hurried note often forgetting to
take up important subjects for dis
The best way to do is to have one
day or evening set apart for weekly
letter writing One woman reserves
Tuesday morning for this purpose
and she allows none but the most
pressing duties to interfere with her
While reading a letter she will jot
down any particular thing she wants
to mention in the reply on the back of
the envelope place it in the letter
rack on her desk and when Tuesday
comes has all the weeks correspond
ence ready for answering before her
If during the interim of the receipt
and answering of a letter she thinks
of any point she wished discussed
that too is noted on the envelope
With this system letter writing is a
real pleasure one that is looked for
ward to every week with keen inter
The Mystery
An old lady was going over the zoo
and after some time she went up to a
keeper and tapped him on the shoul
der with her umbrella Well mum
said the keeper I want to ask you
explained the old lady which of the
animals in the zoo you consider the
most remarkable The keeper
scratched his head for a while Then
Well mum he replied after
j careful consideration as you might
J say Ive come to the conclusion as
the biscuit goes to the laughing hy
ena Indeed said the old lady
in surprise and why do you consider
the laughing hyena so remarkable
Well mum answered the zoological
expert he only has a sleep once a
week He only has a meal once a
year So what hes got to laugh about
is a bloomin mystery to me
Then There Was Trouble
There was an old Scotchman in
Glasgow who was moving from one
house to another on the same
street Being of an economical
turn of mind he had moved his
bits of furniture on the wheelbarrow
himself The last thing left for him
to carry was one of those old grand
fathers clocks It was rather heavy
and awkward to handle As he tod
dled up the street to his new home
with grandfathers clock over his
shoulder he met a friendly Scot who
had been imbibing Tak ma advice
said the Intemperate buy yersel a
i watch
Average Woman Unable to Be Happy
Among Surroundings That Have
Become Monotonous
A certain woman was restless She
was worn out but it was not with
physical work Her husband was
wiser perhaps than most husbands
He did not send her to the top of a
mountain where she was the only in
habitant He sent her to resort where
there were many new people with
new personalities and new topics of
interest She needed contact with the
world more than she needed a cool
climate Frequently men who brush
elbows with a dozen persons each day
do not appreciate the solitude of their
wives Sometimes when a man needs
as a rert to get away from miscel
laneous lanity contact is just what
is needeu by his wife Frequently
even if she has enough feminine so
ciety sheMacks the society of men
Perhaps her husband cover really
converses or is abre to converse with
her A man hidden behind his news
paper at the breakfast table is not a
creation of the comic paper he is a
too frequent fact Too often hia wife
does not interest him because the
sphere which is imposed upon lsir is
too limited Yet vhs may have been
co confined to her own tho3hs all
day that she feels she will go crazy
if she does not have some one to tail
sincerely with 01s some other humrn
excitement Birds often divide the
care of the young and when the fe
male leaves the nest ii is sometimes
merely for change and rest There
are some who believe the French
woman is more content than the av
erage woman in other countries be-
Of Course There Are Other Reasons
but These Are the Ideas cf the
Suffragette Lady
Why does a ma like a dog re
sponded the suffragette lady fierce
ly and repeated Why does a man
like a dog Well there are numerous
reasons though a deg is not a reason
ing being A dog will lick the hand
that beats it a dog will eat a crust
and a bane and blecs the giver a deg 1
thinks whatever a man does is right j
and proper a acg lias no rignts mat
a man is bound to respect a dog asks
no embarrassing questions a dog is
always grateful no matter for what
r tier fo not ask the man to stay at
Lome Jii a deg is satisfied to love
the man whether the man loves the
dot or noL a dog submits to any and
all impositions witrout protest a dog
does not consider itself a mans equal
a dog lets a man have his ovn way a
dog doesnt want to vote a dog is
just as glad to see a man when he
gets in at three oclock in the morn
ing almost helpless as if he hadnt
gone out at all a dog has no mother
in sight and a dog cant talk back
cant talk back mind you nor wont
talk back That is why a man likes
a dog
Children on the Streets
It has been proven beyond all possi
bility of contradiction that the great
est percentage of boys and girls who
are brought before the courts for de
liquency owe their waywardness to
the education they have received on
the streets at night The school of
the streets is a bad one in which to
receive an education It is one of the
factors that must be carefully guard
ed The remedy must be keeping the
children off the streets at night or to
make the streets fit places for chil
dren It is almost impossible to do
the latter It is possible to do the
former The city streets are public
property Any one is entitled to walk
he streets provided they do not vio
late any statutory ordinance in doing
50 The city authorities have no pow
r to intervene The moral character
jf the pedestal counts for nothing
The parent of the child has authority
to keep the youngster at home and
he wise parent will exercise this au
thority Memphis Commercial-Appeal
Charming Old Boy
Probably nothing in the world is as
wholesome as seeing an old man think
ing himself young Truly a man is
only as old as he thinks Sometimes
though this tendency amounts to- al
most a frenzy and becomes wholly
Irreconcilable and beyond all reason
A case in point Is emphasized in a
postal card received by the circula
tion department of this Famous Old
Daily from an eighty-three-year-old
subscriber down state Dear Sirs
Why cant you send me the sporting
extra Instead of this five oclock reg
ular We have a mind that this
youngster will rock the boat splash-
the ladles and cut up all manners of
kid didoes on the trip across the
River Styx Buffalo News
One Old Thing
Said the superstitious friend of the
onservative bride who eschews ex-
iremes in dress
I do hope she will have good luck
I wonder if she wore anything old
Yes the fashions said the friend
whose motto is Style or death
Claimed as Record Bridge
Claim is made that the new bridge
panning the Eel river at Weeott Cal
la the longest and largest re inforced
concrete structure of the kind In the
1 trorld It is 2501 feet over all
Saturday night
to get
Some are selling at
Less Than 0ne4ialf
of the regular price
Caii and inspect our lines
T fa F T If1 TtT D
A number of the young people
cause she has a share in the family had an enjoyable time skating- on
business She is a partner instead of
a sort of upper servant Editorial ih
George liner postmaster and
stock buyer of Cedar Bluffs Kan
sua was a InismtiS visitor Ion
-Mr and frs Archie Foley ar
rived hoiine from Secttbluff X b
one day last week
The Christian Endeavors elect
ed new officers WedactCay night
Mrs Chas Dewey and child
ren of ilcCcck came Wednesday
for a visot with her father J 13
Mr and Mrs Eugene Leopold gj
are the preud parents of a bbv
hcv barn Ja nuarv 21 1912
Picf Rennceker returned to
hiis hrm at Beaver City Mondav
evening a- he did not feel well
enough to teach
Mm J C Ashton and daugh
ter Christie were Marion visiit
or between trims Monday
Arer ncn tr horse buyer ws
in town Thursday buying heme
and mules
Yates G mi tin put up over 200
tons of ice this week
The teachers meeting was held
here Saturday and a few outside
teacher were present
W II Harris and family arriv
ed home Thursday after a ten
days vacation visiting in the
eastern pari of the state
Ed IleiMiccte fell on the icy ce
ment sdewalk Saturday and re
ceived a very bad shaking up
Geo F Godown left Thursday
last for a visit in the eastern part
of the state
John Remington visited last
week with D C Boyer and faul
Eva Yates went down to Beav
er Ciiity Friday for a visit with
relatives returning Monday noon J
Remember The Tribunes phone
is 19 We will appreciate an item
any time
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Hubers
all the time
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local annlications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness and that is by constitutional
remedies Deafness is caused by
an inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the eustachian tube Whti
this- tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing and
wihen it is entirely closed deafness
is the result and unless the inflam
mation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness caused by
catarrh that cannot be cured by
Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu
lars fifee
J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio
Sold by druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for consti
H MMBIMW irVrJK a jrw
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly conOdentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest ncency for securing jmtents
Patents taken through Munn Co receive
Scientific ftifierican
A handsomely illustrated weekly T arcest cir
culation of nny scientlflo Journal Terms 3 a
year four months 1 Sold by all newsdealers
PNNCo3BIBoad New York
Brancb Office 25 F SU Washington D C
alysis are often very much benefit
ted by massaging the affected parts
thoroughly when applying Chamber
lains Liniment This liniment also
relieves rheumatic pains For sale
Persons troubled with partial par
by all druggists
Do not allow your Kianey and blad
der trouble to develop beyond the
reach of medicine Take Foley Kid
ney Pills They give quick results
and stop irregularities with surpris
ing promptness A JIcMillen
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 273
Most for your money
Trained Nurse
Phone red 479
804 East Second Street
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods oi quality
Main avenue McCook Nebrpv
g5rev rrry
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grados
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
w J
r JL
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
I Fire and Wind I
I Insurance I
Written in First Class
X I t I J J t t 5 j 3
White Line Transfer
- Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location nat acrcie
street in P Walsh buldlog lCVOOK
Lite id l