The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 29, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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R r
Miss Florence Rader
Scalp Treatment 35c Each
for both
Ladies and Gentlemen
Palmer Hotel Room 52
A Fine Entertainment Much En
joyed by Fair Audience
The members of the High
School orchestra gave an enter
tainment at the high school audi
torium on last Thursday evening
which all agreed was- Avorth more
than the price of admission
Following is the program
Selection Orchestra
Selection Orchestra
Piano Duet Marjorie Seliobel
Miss Thorndyke
Reading Mr Davis
Violin Solo R swell Simmons
Trio Clarinet Ray Jordan Co
net Roy Bayless Piano Leta
Solo Minnie Viersen
Selection Orchestra
Reading Pearl Marsliall
Vocal Duet Florence Rosebush
Genevieve McAdams
Selection Orchestra
Presentation of Ms to B B
boys by Mr Archer
Selection Orchestra
The Tribune understands that
the affair netted the orchestra
about thirty dollars and we have
the good news to report that the
orchestra contemplates buying a
lot of nevr music and giving an
other concert and entertainment
in the not distant future
Prevents poor appetite
Prevents headaches
Prevents stomach upsets
Prevents drowsiness and spring
McConnelTs SarsajJarilla
is the spring tonic best blood
and system purifier and cleanser
Price 1
The Date Set
The appearance of Charles
Kleins play The Third De
gree at The Temple on Friday
Feb 9tih is arousing no end of
interest Without doubt this will
be the one big event of the sea
son and indications are now that
the company will do a record bus
Denver Property
6 room modern home 2 story
pressed brick fine location east
side for sale or will trade for
McCook property 18 tf
524 Main Ave McCook
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
Now is the time to buy Cluett
shirts Just received in all the
newest patterns
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
WANTED Pupils on the- piant
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
FOR RENT 7 roiom modem
house Phone 193
FOR RENT 5 raom cottage 3
blocks eas tof Bee Hive build-
Phone red 366 154
FOR RENT Fine large mod
em room Second door north of
Methodist church
LOST A locket Sunday be
tween court house and the water
works Jula engraved on face
and picture on inside Finder
please return ta phone black 101
Cluett shirts for spring The
newest patterns
The genuine Old Manse maple
syrup at Huber s
Monday Evening Edition
If you are interested in hav
ing a good upito date hospital for
McCook and vicinity you should
investigate and boost the coop
erative hospital association wMeh
has been organized by the public
spirited ladies1 of McCook
Tliis hospital will be non-sectarian
and operated by a board
of managers in the interest of
the sick and not for profit
This organization should have
the support of every eitiizen of
McCook as at is the opportunity
of securing a permanent hospital
for the city at a comparatively
small expense to each individual
The caring for the sick is a
public duty and good nursing is
an essential part of the proper
treatment cif sick why should
net this part of our life expense
be met in a mutual association
like we insure against almost all
other kinds of misfortune The
pledges for membership tickets
are many and every person who
wants to provide well for himself
or family should sign a card
The membership is worth the
money besides besing a benefit to
your fellow man A gocid creed
to subscribe to is I clci premise
before almighty God to do all
I can for suffering humanity
Publicity Committee
Worth While
The program given by the In
ternational Operatic Co in the
Temple Friday evening was
worth while and was well receiv
ed by a fair sized and appreciat
ive audience Their program
was vanied and suited to please
the musically inclined and those
Aviho just love music for music
Several selections from operas
well known to the average and
ience were given effectively and
there were numerous1 responses in
more popular sort The singing
was in Swedish French German
and -English both solo and con
certed and in costumes betimes
Mr and Mrs MeKinnie were e-
speoiaily popular with the au
dience while Mr Mathieen and
Miss Ilerdenr eich failed not of
full appreciation
To the Charitable People of Mc
The charitable people of this
city have two classes of people
to provide for First those to
whean we can give food and eloilih
ing Second Those who are loth
to accept heilp in this way hut
who if they can come to the
Rummage and pay a small consid
eration for what they get are sat
aafied and preserve their self-respect
Why not encourage this
feebng of self respect If you
have anything left after supply
ing the first class the ladies icif
the Rummage will be very glad
to accept the same for- the sup
plying of the second class Phone
red 252
The Third Degree
David Warfi elds successes
The Music Master The Lion
and the Mouse The Gamblers
and Rose Stahls great play
Ma ggae Pepper were all writ
ten bv that eminent Amcmiean
playwright Charles Klein who
also wrote The Third Degree
Which will play here soon Mr
Klein considers the latter his
strongest dramatic story
The New Way
of smoking meat We have a
pure wholesome liquid smoke
with the desirable elements of
hickory wood without any dan
gerous substance
McMILLEN Druggist
Dont forget -that Barney Hof
er will save you money on sub
scriptions new or renewal for
any paper or magazine publish
ed Get his new club catalogue
The City restaurant is resplend
ent with now wall paper and the
wood work newly grained and va
noshed etc and Martin Maitson
wears a smile that wont come off
The work was done by Harry F
E M Switzer superintendent
of the Burlingtons new depart
ment the department of safety
was in McCook Friday and com
pleted the organization of the
McCook division safety committee
There were present in Superin
tendent Flynns office representa
tives of every department of ser
vice on the division and the following-named
were placed on the
safety committee each branch
of the service being represented
Supt Flynn of our city will be
chairman of the committee
The other m embers of the com
mittee are
W G Dungan trainmaster and
roadmaster Orleans
J E Johnson trainmaster Mc
R A Hagberg roadmaster Mc
George Fenney master carp ent
er McCook
William Wood road foreman
of engines McCook
J W Deere locomotive engi
neer McCook
Worth Humphrey conductor
Jas Mc Alpine warehouse fore
man Denver
C E Emerson general car
foreman MeCook
J W Chase machinist Mc
A E Weidenhamer general
yardmasteir Denvor
J E Jagger switch foreman
II Burkett track foreman
This committee will hold regu
The Traveling Salesman
Acclaimed by all who have seen
The Traveling Salesman as
the greatest laugh producer ever
shown on tihe American stage
James Forbes latest and greatest
eomedv success will be offered
for local approval on February
3rd at the Temple theatre
Earah one of these laughs as
the logical sequence of a natural
plausible situation in the life of
a jovial drummer on the road To
add zest to an already enjoyaible
performance Mr Forbes has in
tertwined in his story a bit of
pathos here and there
Bob Blake a -jolly drummer
who impetuously prejudices his
position by coming to the rescue
of a young girl who is about to
lose her property is a character
that the public loves and admir
es His hearty laugh and uniform
good nature is bound to create
for him a warm circle of friends
in this city
The company which will pre
sent this comedy in our city is a
carefully selected aggregation
and is composed of actors of abil
ity and reputation The entire
production is carried by the com
pany ana noming Jias meen leu
undone to make the engagement
of The Traveling Salesman
a memorable and pleasant event
Nice lot of NEW ginghams anid
wash goods at
Mr and Mrs A Galusha Sr
entertained the J O C elub on
Thursday evening Guests wore
Mr and Mrs- Albert MoMiltei
and Mr and Mrs F M Kim
mell Dr and Mrs W E Mc
Diyiitt and Mr L W McCcmnell
A seven oclock dinner was serv
ed Large and beautiful bou
quets of brides and brides maid
roses and of carnations lent a
decorative charm to the tables
and buffet Assistants Mrs Ju
liet Walker Mrs Adair Galusha
and Miss Juliet vGaluslila
Mrs W E McDivitt was host
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
iave been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
E E Treadway to C W
Griffin wd nw qr sw qr
2 and ie hf se qr 3-4-29 10 00
Gloves in cotton and in leath
er you will find a good assort
ment at the right prices at Hu
ber s
If you want THE NEWS read
The Tribune
lar monthly meetings some time
during the latter part of the
month when reports will -be
heard and suggestions offered
and received along the line of ser
curing added and increasing safe
ty for railroad employes in all
branches of the service
The company has for years
been working toward securing
the utmost in safety for those
riding on its trains but the pres
ent organization has for its pur
pose and end securing personal
safety for its employes and to
this end President Darius Miller
has issued a circular calling up
on the men for their utmost co
operation in securing this desir
ed increase of safety for those
working in the train engine
shop car departments and in
fact in every branch of service
where one employe can be help
ful in making accidents to lias
fellow employe less frequent
This will naturally appeal to
the men It will increase their ef
ficieney lnake them less liable to
loss of wages from accidents re
lieve them of many unnecessary
layoffs and expenses and in gen
eral promote their comfort in
working and the service as well
The management wishes to give
this new department all possible
publicity and thus to enlist every
employe in the good work Men
in the different branches of ser
vice wall naturally report to the
member of the committee who
represents their particular branch
of service
It is expected later to organize
specially the shop men
One of Three Best
Major L II Gage inspector of
rifle practice of the Nebraska na
tional guard has filed a report
of rifle practice for the year 1911
J which shows a figure of merit f oi
the entire guard of 2905 as com
pared to 1G5S for it-he- year 1910
For the First regiment the figure
of merit is 2553 and was 1339
in 1910 and for the Second regi
ment 3133 and was 1956 in 191C
The three best companies are Co
B Second regiment Beaver City
9800 Co K Second regiment
Schuyler 5870 Co M First reg
iment McCcok 563S Lincoln
Cassell Brooks
Mr Archibald Cassell and Mo g
Grace Brooks were married Jan
uary 24th 1912 Rev D L Mc
Bride of the Baptist church of
ficiating The bride is the daugh
tea of Conductor and Mrs
George Brooks of north Main ave
nue The groom is a Burlington
employe in the train service
The local McUhcdiat church pul
pit was filled Sunday morning
and evening by Rev Anderson
the Methodist pastor at Trenton
with pleasure and profit to his
hearers Rev Lewis pastor loci
exchanged with Rev Anderson
for the day
A McMillen Druggist
ess to the ladies of the Au Fait
club Friday afternoon Mrs W
G Dutton assisted her Mrs Eli
abetih Walker and Mrs Leroy
Kleven were club guests
Mrs T B Campbell will give a
Dorcas kensington at her home
Thursday afternoon February 1
There will be a program Every
body invited
The 1904 club Avere guests of
Mrs A Campbell Saturday night
enjoying 29 and 500 and
the usual refreshments
Get our rates on farm loans
The W C T TJ will meet with
Mrs C H McBride Thursday af
ternoon of tliis week Subject
The Methodist Ladies Add so
cdieity will meet with Mrs M C
Scott on Friday afternoon for
Nice lot of NEW ginghams and
wash goods at
Try a Tribune want ad
watch results
S-4-- lW Willie
Dr D F Smith of Bartley was
a city visitor Saturday
J R MeCarl went down to
Lincoln Sunday night on busi
Mrs W H Dungan was down
from Denver closing days of last
J Raymond MeCarl participat
ed in the LaFollettc meeting in
Hastings Saturday
Misses Hostetter visited Hold
regc friends between trains 10
and 3 Saturday night
Mrs W G Huntington of
Liberty Nebraska is visiting
Rev D L McBride and family
Miss Edith Waite returned tliis
morning from Cambridge where
she has a class in voice culture
Mr and Mrs S S Silver aire
the proud parents of a 10 pound
girl who arrived Sunday morn-
J F Weybright went up to
Brush Colorado this morning on
business of the beet sugar com
1 George E Hotchkin of Min
den spent Saturday and Sunday
with his son A E of the McCook
Milling Co
Mir and Mrs W F DeMay of
Denver arrived on No 2 Sunday
morning and are visiting rela
ittives here
Mrs L M Oopeland returned
to Minden Sunday night from a
shout visit to her daughter Mrs
J G Schabel
L G Brian former state treas
urer is in the city today on bus
iness in regard to the McCook
City water bonds
Mrs E E Stayner returned Ho
her home in Lincoln Friday on
No 10 after visiting friends
here for some time
Rev D L McBride was called
to Lebanon first of the week to
conduct the funeral services of I
D Penningtons father
R L Simmons left on 10 Fri
day evening for Omaha where
he will have a minor operation
performed on his neck
Miss Amanda Hollingswonth
wiho has been guest of Mrs R E
French for several weeks return
ed to Lincoln Saturday night on
No 10
Guy Hughes of Jennings
Hughes Co overhauled and
repaired the heating plant of the
Wilsonville public school Qiouse
last week
Mr and Mrs J G Sehoibel ar
rived home Thursday night on
3 from Spiceland Indiana Mrs
L M Gopelamd accompanying
them up from Minden
Mis Simpson Finnell departed
Thursday night for her home in
Hamburg Iowa after spending
a few weeks in McCook guest of
her aster Mrs James G -Stokes
Mr and Mrs Bleod who have
been in Imperial for soane tiane
while he was employed on the
new court house came down
to McCook end oif the week to
spend a while here
Henry Voge of Indianola was
in the county seat Saturday on
business Mr Voge informs us
that he will depart an Thursday
of this week for Germany on a
visit which may extend thru un
til next fall
C II Jacobs received a tele
gram from his daughter Fay liv
ing at Bladen this state an
nouncing the death of his little
grandson Fay Sunday morning
Mr Jacobs departed on 6 Sun
day night for that plaee
SLiss Elizabeth Bettcher farm
er county superintendent of Red
Willow county is spending a two
months vacation at North Liber
ty Ind She will take up work
in the state superintendents of
fice when she returns to Lincoln
Sundays Lincoln Journal
iOharles Copeland a brother of
Postmaster L M Copeland and
L E Copeland who liad been
with them since last summer de
parted Monday for luS home in
Spicejland Indiana His health
is slightly improved by his so
journ in Nebraska but he is far
from well Mr Oopelands niece
Mrs J G Seliobel and her hus
band accompanied him on his
journey homeward joining liim
at this place from McCook
Minden iGazette
Company surveyors are lay
ing out a route to the Red Clond
depot for their new waiter line
Fresh fruits at Magners
Delivered free any place in McCook
Corn chop per 100 135
Bran per 100 135
4 Shorts per 100 145
Wheat per bushel 100 X
Corn per bushel 70
J Oats per bushel 60
Ground alfalfa meal for chick- X
en and cow feed per 100 105
McCook Milling Company
v v K I v
Phone 29
A eleven- new idea been
worked out in making the pat
tern for this dress so that in
reality it is pattern for five dis
tinctively different dresses It
is an interesting study in boitflu
style and ingenuity to look over
the pattern and see how the dif
ferent effects are contrived
There are two main parts that
serve as a basis for any of the
i s nsiniH -
Is rM
l Pi if
Ilk i
ra i k
VVC1I r c i
wa y m
mint Lm
I Si -- 41
e 7
dresses a simple peasant wais
and a trim three gored skirt
slightly gathered at the waist
and to these pieces are added
small rovers and large ones a
quaint and pretty trimming piece
in jumper effect a fichu collar
cuffs a loose panel and a deep
trimming band The combination
of these pieces has been worked
out in five distinctly different
ways and na one of the dresses
so devised is recognizable as bear
ing any relationsliip to any other
It is auite probable that still othe
smart costumes could be evolved
fiicni this same pattern
The development illustrated
here makes a stylish calling frock
or street dress that is especially
effective in stripe materials such
as the light weight spring suit
ings or a fairly heavy quality of
stripe messalme or taffeta Avhate
and black stripe effects are the
Episcopal Wednesday 730
p m full choir rehearsal in the
church Thursday Ladies Guild
meets with Mrs W A Cassell
2nd street west
The Wrong Man Executed
Charles Klein was prompted to
write The Third Degree after
reading of the execution of the
wrong man for crime to wliieh he
confessed after having been sub
jected to a foirrteen hour examin
ation by the police Several years
after the execution the really
guilty party confessed When he
read the details Mr Klein con
ceived of the plot of his present
play and that he has struck a
popular chord is best shown by
the legislation and court rulings
against the preliminary investiga
tions of the police of the larger
cities The play also contains a
strong romantic story
At a special meeting of the Mc
Cook Commercial club Safcurday
night it Avas decided to send two
delegates to the good mads meet
ing to be held in Hastings Feb
ruary 6th Tliis meeting is in tlu
special interest of the Omaha Den
ver Trans Continental Road It
was the sentiment of the member
ship thaifc the appointees be made
from among the county commis
siioners D IN Cobb was receiv
ed into the membership of the