The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 25, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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Absolutely Puro
only Baking Powder made
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Brakeman Jesse Predmore
has laid oil for a few days
C Ytr Britt was in Denver
Tuesday on company business
Engineer R E French left
on Xo 2 Wednesday morning
for Galesburg Illinois
Conductor A G King arriv
ed heme Thursday from his trip
to Chicago on 0 R C business
Chas M Bailey master me
chanic at Wymore was in the
city Tuesday on business maititors
Operator and Mis P W An
dresen and son returned Wedne
day morning from their Denver
Mrs M IT Hammond was
down from Denver early days of
the week guest of Mrs I L
Rodstrcm and other friends
Miss Loretto Williams return
-ed Wednesday morning on Xo
15 from a visit Avitli her siter
Mrs J W Walsh at Wymore
Xo 9 was over throe hours
late on arrival here Wednesday
morning bad rail brake difficul
ty etc conducing to that end
Engineer M H Hammond
was at headquarters Tuesday
and Wednesday He and wife re
turned to Denver on Wednesday
Brakeman J F Wall was
called away Tuesday night to be
present at the obsequies of his
mother at Republican City Wed
Conductor P F McTvenna
reported for duty Wednesday
morning but found himsalf un
able to go out on Xo 1 later in
the day
Supt Flynn of the Burling
ton was down from McCook this
morning investigating the mat
ter of changing the mail crane
also matter of lighting the depot
Cambridge Clarion
Xo 13 was a couple hours
late Wednesday morning ac
count of engine failure An en
gine was sent down to Holbrook
to bring the train in to McCook
Wednesday being damp and chil
ly made it difficult to get trains
over the road on time
President H T Perhaan of
0 R T and T W Quick gen
eral secretary and treasurer al
so Y T Kissinger general su
perintendent of telegraph and n
A Yaughan superintendent of
telegraph vest of the river were
all in Omaha yesterday Which
may or may not be significant
Early Monday morning four
prominent railroad mui were
killed three trainmen injured
in a rear end collision of Illinois
Central trains at Kilmundy Il
The killed are
James R llarahan Sr former
president of the Illinois Central
Frank 0 Melchcr second vice
president of the Rock Island
E B Pierce general solicitor
of the Rock Island
Eldridge E Wright son of
Duke E Wright former secretary
of war
The injured are Robert Stuart
engineer and C J Bert fireman
of the limited and Jesse E Gil
ber fireman of he express Thej
were- taken to their homes in
Champaign Bert lias a fractured
skull Gilberts hip was broken
and Stuart is suffering from con
cussion of the brain
The victims of the wreck avtc
sleeping in a private car of wood
construction attached to train Xo
35 the Xew Orleans express
when the engine of train Xo 3
the Panama Limited crashed into
the car
The reads and weather per
matted people to get out to two
services last Sunday
There wall be preaching at thu
church next Sunday evening
Miss Mabe Sexson visited Jen
nie and Daisy Younger Sunday
Miss Margaret Doyle is teach
ing again this week
Mrs T M Caimpbell visited hei
brother W Y Johnson and wife
iru McCook last Saturday
J K Gordon drove his bogs to
McCook last Tuesday
Miss Mabel Sexson is enjoying
a couple weeks with the home
We are pleased to learn tibaiti
Ora Bible is improving in heialitli
He has been confined to bed for
eight weeks
AY Y Johnson stood his trap
over the mountains much better
than was expected
C A Wilson of the San Luis
valley is visiting his parents Mr
and Mrs A T Wilson
1 Quartette Sextette from Lucia arranged for Quar
tette Donizetti Company
2 Solo I Hear You Calling Me Marshall
Mrs McKinnie
3 Tenor Solo A Dream Bar tic tt Mr Mathisen
4 Duet The Honeymoon from Opera Loves Lottery
Edwards Mr and Mrs McKinnie
Solo Thought Fancies Jones Miss Heidenreich
Duet Homo to Our Mountains from II Trovatore
Yerdi Miss Heidenreich and Mr MaitMsen
Solos Swedish songs in National Costume Mrs McKinnie
Quartette from Rigoletto Verdi Company
Solo The Brigand Spence Mr McKinnie
Piano Hoehzeitstag auf Troldhaugen Greig Mr Muehling
The Second Act of Martha in Costume Flotow Company
T j
Ware That Wean
Guaranteed 15 Years
It doesnt pay to buy cheap ware that soon peels cracks
leaks tarnishes rusts or wears out Hven at a lower
cost such ware is the most expensive because it is dan
gerous to health and unreliable inservice doesnt last
1892 Pure Spin Aluminum Ware
is guaranteed for 15 years There is practically no wear
out to it and scientific investigation proves it the most
sanitary cooking ware made Particles cant chip
on ana cause enronic trouoies nor spoil tne 100a
Germs do not breed on its smooth surface and odors can not be
absorbed by it
Youll have better food and ssve trouble time and fuel by using
only 1892 Pure Spun Aluminum Ware Look for trade
mark on every piece
McCook Hardware Company
fciaaor afsteaAs
Must Carry Beer Whenever Of
fered for Transportation
Washington Jan 22 liqu
or interests today won far reach
ing victory in the supreme count
by a decision that railroads must
carry beer when offered for tran
sportation into dry counties of
another state The decision ef
fected particularly shipments
from Indiana into Kentucky Jus
tice Lurton who announced the
counts decision also laid down
same limitations on jurisdiction
of the inter state commerce com
mission He upheld the action of
shippers in going before judicial
tribunals to test the A aiidiiity of
laiws rather than to the
sion He said that the commis
sion had jurisdiction over admin
istrative questions and matters of
fact but the courts over question
of general law
Justice Lurton declared decis
ions in the supreme count had
indisputably determined
That beer and other intoxicat
ing liquors are the recognized
and legitimate subjects of inter
state commerce
That no state can forbid amy
common carriers from a consig
nor in one staite to a consignee j
in another
That until such transportation
as concluded by delivery to the
consignee such commodities do
not become subject to such regu
lation restraining their sale or
Justice Lurton explained that
the Wilson act which subjected
such liquors to state regulations
although the liquor still was in
original packages did not apply
before actual delivery to the con
signee where tilie shipment was
interstate Lincoln Journal
Real Estate Filings
James A Barnhart et ux to
Ed 0 Pangborn wd sw
qr and s hf nw qr and s
ihf se qr nw qr 25-4-27 7905 00
Will C Israel et al to Ed
J Bradv wd pt se qr sw
qr 20-3-29 S00 00
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozcll Sons at clothing
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will quote you prices Satisfaction
Located in the Heckman House one block west
of the Court House
Will be open to receive patients after Janu
ary 1 8 1 91 2 A Hospital devoted to McCook
and southwest Nebraska Skilled attendants
in charge
D J REID Surgeon Proprietor
Surest Thing for
Skin Diseases
Its no disgrace to contract
eczema and it may not be nec
essary to continue to suffer
Skin disease is one of the
most difficult problems if
medical science Whole li
brairies liave been written on
itlie treatment but nf you are
suffering yon do not need
the symptoms described yon
know all about that
Most cases of skin diseases
are curable some are not
Where anything can cure
or relieve
You can depend upon
it stops the intolerable itch
ing and permits sleep
Good also for tetter bar
bers itch ringworm dry or
scaly skin and ivy poisoning
C R Woodworth
Christian Science The morn
ing subject for next Sunday is
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m H M Mitchell mil
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 O R Richert
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
eveniners New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Episcopal Sunday school ait
10 a m Morning prayer and
sermon at 4 Special choir re
hearsal on Wednesday in the
church at 7 30 p m
Methodist Regular services as
follows Preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m Epworth League ait
7 p m Sunday school ait 10 a
an Prayer meeting on Wednes
day evenings
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p m Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
heart welcome to all who wish
to worship with us If Lt Mc
Bride minister ft A
Catholic St Patricks Church
8 30 a m low mass and sermon
1030 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
800 evening services Rev Wm
Patton O M I pastor
You can buy heavy fleeced
underwear for 7oc at Ilubers
Reduced from 100
E W Sovfcrn whose full name
as to plaintiff unknown will take
notice that on the 18th day of
January 1912 W B Wilnttaker
a justice of the peace of Willow
Grove precinct Red Wallow coun
ty Nebraska issued an order oif
attachment in the sum of 1860
in an action pending before hian
wherein Ed Iluber -is plaintiff
and said E W Sovern is defend
ent consisting of money due Ifiron
ithe Chicago Burlington and Quin
cy- Railroad company has been
attached under said order Said
cause has heen continued for
hearing on the 2nd day of March
1912 at the hour of 2 oclock pm
ED HUBER Plaintiff
First publication Jan 25 6ts
Ever get up in the morning
more tired than when you
went to bed Make you
weak languid and listless
hardly last out the day
wall stir up that sluggish liv
er give you a hearty appe
tite and assist the digestive
juices It will rid you of
that languid depressed feel
ing and make you ready for
the most active work
jYou will enjoy your daily
tasks you will work
hard and play hard
you will sleep
well too
Tioai will notice a decided
improvement before you have
taken many doses
The price is 25 cents
When we had a chancei to
get the exclusive selling
agency for Nyal Family Rem
edies we jumped at it They
are known among alll drug
gists as the highest quality
line on the market and are
prepared by a great firm of
manufacturing chemists fa
mous for fifty years
C R Woodworth
and nothing to do but BUSINESS
It must be done in a new way in 1012
Things Do Change
Right now our store is undergoing changes that
will fit us even better than before to serve you
Our motto Reliability Good Values Honest
Merchandising and equally important Prompt
and efficient service
Everything to Eat and Wear
W R A Howard whose full
name is to the plaintiff un
known will take notice that en
the first day of January 1912 W
B Whittaker justice of the peace
of Willow Grove precinct Red
Willow county Nebraska issued
an order of attachment in the
sum of 1440 in an action where
in E B Odell is plaintiff and
said W R A Howard is defend
ant and property of the defend
ant consisting of 35 collars 5
pieces of underwear 5 shirts
10 neckties 1 hat 1 cap 2 suits
clothes 1 coat 2 pair shoes 1
suit easehas been attachcr under
said order Said cause has been
continued for hearing on the loth
day of February 1912 at the
hour of 2 oclock p m
E B ODELL Plaintiff
First publication Jan 25 6ts
Brands count for something In
canned goods the premiers are
the J M and the Advo Ilubers
Phone 97
im aiOT
E W Sovern whose full name
is to plaintiffs unknown will
take notice that on the bth dav
of January 1912 W B Whittak
er a justice of the peace of Wil
low Grove Precinct Red Willow
county Nebraska issued an or
der of attachment in the sum of
750 in an action pending be
fore him wherein E D Perkins
Company are plaintiffs anc
said E AY Sovern is defendant
and property of the defendam
consisting of money due f roue
Chicago Burlington Quincy
Railroad Company garnishee ha
been attached under said order
Said cause has been continued
for hearing on the 23rd day of
February 1912 at the hour o
2 oclock p m
First publication Jan 25 8ts
You will always secure the besfc
market price for your butter
eggs and cream at Magners
Phone 14
Sharpies Tubular
m fill
ncCook Nebr
In the County Court of Red
Willow county Nebraska In the
matter of the Estate of Stephen
Bolles deceased State of Ne
braska Red Willow County
To all persons interested in the
estate of Stephen Bolles deceas
You are hereby notified that
Marilla Bolles executrix of the
last will and testament of Steph
en Bolles deceased has filed hei
final account in said matter and
a petition for final settlement
and discharge and that the resi
due of said estate be -assigned in
accordance with the terms of
said wall Said final account and
petition will be heard in the coun
ty court room in the city of Mc
Cook in said county on the 29th
day of January 1912 at one
oclock p my and you are here
by cited to appear and show
cause if any such exists at the
time and place above designated
why said account should not be
allowed and said petition grant
Witness my hand and the seal
of sadd court this 5th day of Jan
uary 1912
Seal County Judge
First publication Jan 8 6ts
Are long lifed easy to clean and re
quire no repairs We have some
special low prices for the early buyer
7500 Separator for 6000
6500 Separator for 5500
Buy one of these now and get the
profit from your cows
Hardware Co
Phone 31
Order of Hearing
To all persons interested in this
estate of James R Jackson de
ceased You will take notice ti
the following
In the county court of Reii
Wallow County Nebraska Izr
the matter of the estate of James
R Jackson deceased
Now on tliis 13th day of Jan
uary 1912 Ruth E Jackson
filed her verified petition is
this court praying that the ad
ministration of the estate of
James R Jackson deceased be
dispensed with and that his hears
be determined
It is ordered that a hearing on
said petition be had at the cousr
ty count room in said county om
the 5th day of February 1912
at 10 oclock a m and that no
tice hereof be given to all per
sons interested in said estate br
publishing this order for three
successive weeks in The McCook
Tribune a legal newspaper pub
lished in said count3
Seal County Judge
C H BOYLE Attorney
First publication Jan 15 6ts
If you want THE NEWS read
The Tribune