The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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East Depart Central Time
No C 1130 P I
1G 500 A M
2 550A M
J Jt ul oo A il
14 D20 P M
10 530 P II
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 11 41 p TW
5 arrive S35 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
0 G25 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 17G arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs G15 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and Tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engineer L P Xeilson is on
the siek list
Conductor T A Nash is
still on the siek list
Fireman Geo Walsh -went on
the sick list Sunday
G A Brooks Jr spent
Sunday in Cambridge
Brakisman G F Phillips vis
ited in Hastings Saturday
Brak email R R Beams is on
the siick list touch of grip
Mrs -1 A Mennell Avent up
to Denver Wednesday night
Brakeman C N Neubauer
went down to St Francis Sat
Brakeman L IT Jagers of
tlie Oberlin branch was a IMcCook
visitor Sunday
Brakeman C B Berry is nenv
running with Conductor Morris
on passenger
The department of safety
wall be organized on the MeCaok
division this -week
Brakeman J F Booth of the
OrleansSt Francis branch -was a
McCook visitor Sunday
Brakeman C E Greninger is
off duty on account of the ill
ness of Mrs Greininger
Brakeman A II MeCreath
-who has been on the siek lat
went on duty again Sunday
Engineer A C Bowers lias
been transferred to Denver and
-will go up on No 3 tonight
Brakeman J II Morris has
transferred to passenger service
and is with Conductor Harvey
Conductor If Hegenberger
of the Orleans brancli spent Sun
day in McCook with his family
Harold Morris Frank Ellis
have transferred
on and Bruce Berry
ferred from the freight seracc
to passenger
Engineer J W Hasty has
been- sack for several days with
a severe attack of tonsilitis but
is improving
Marie Krieger clerk in the
telegraph office is off duty on
account of sickness Mary Huff
is- substituting for her
Operator and Mrs F W An
dersen and son were Denver pas
sengers Saturday night and will
visit there several days
On account of increase in
freight business on the Omaha di
vision way cars 14647 and 14658
liave been sent down from the
McCook division
Several members of Henry
Walkers family were quite sick
close of last week with an illness
ness resembling ptomaine
ing hut all are recovering
Emerson Hanson claim agent
lias been confined to the house
for several days with a severe
attack of bronchitis A second
use of the lance has given liim re
lief and die is improving at this
H A Vaughan of Lincoln
superintendent of telegraph west
of the Missouri river visited lo
cal headquarters briefly Monday
morning going on to Denver en
No 13 same morning
Alfalfa Milll
Brick Yard
Grocery Store
General Store
Livery Stable
Grain Elevator
Golden Wedding-
irv A ears airo Mr aiul Airs
Thos Andrews Sr were mar-
ried al Delaware Ontario Can
ada The event Avas celebrated
on Monday January 8 at Park
liam Farm where they haAre re
sided for the past thirty eight
years Six children and eight
grand children enjoyed the day
Avitih ililiem
Messages of congratulation Ave re
received from all parts of the
state as Aveli as different paits of
the union Cambridge Clarion
Stock business has been good
during the past Aveek
Brakeman E A Jensen Avent
doAvn to Omaha Saturday
Brakeman J M Wynns Avas
a St Louis passenger Thursday
Brakciman F C Kloaekner
returned on Wednesday from
Brakeman T J Allen and
E L Sullivan Avere Ked Cloud
visitors Sunday
A man Avas hit by Xo 14 on
Thursday last at Red Cloudand
it is feared fatally injured
I D Pennington is in Le
banon in answer to ucavs of his
fathers death there Saturday
Saturday a freight train of
34S3 tons came in frcan the west
seventy loaded and tAVo empty
Conductor Frank Quigley is
hack on lies run on- the Orleans
branch after an illness of about
forty days
Brakeman II E IlenshaAv
has F O Ellisons turn Avith Con
duetor Laughlin Avhile Ellison
goes on passenger
Conductor F F Neubauer
laixl off Friday and Saturday on
account of a sore foot He is on
duty again today
Two additional Avay ears in
charge of Conductors II W Wy
man and C B Dalton have been
put on the McCook division
Mrs J E Johnson and Ed
gar spent Sunday Avith Trainmas
ter J E Johnson here returning
to Lincoln this morning on No 2
Mr and Mrs Wm Overleose
Avere in the city Thursday last
Mr Overleese h lcokcng nuite
well after last summers serious
Conductor P F McKenna
ii on the sick list a touch of
rheumatism This- is his first lay
off on account of sickness in 31
Conductor Wm Hegenberg
er now has the MeOook Wray lo
cal Avhich Conductor G L Burn
ey formerly had charge of Burn
ey is in the pool in Hegenberg
er s place
A report from Omaha says the
first motor car experiment of the
Burlington on its Nebraska lines
is to be made betAveen Greeley
Center and Erieson and that the
service Avail be installed March
15 The motor car on the Eric
son branch Avill be of the latest
type It Avill have eompantments
for passengers mail baggage and
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local annlications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness and that is by constitutional
remedies Deafness is caused by
an inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the eustachian tube Whci
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing and
when it is entirely closed deafness
is the result and unless the inflam
mation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh Avhich is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness caused by
catarrh that cannot be cured by
Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu
lars free
F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio
Sold by druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for consti
There are splendid openings in the Big Horn Basin for the following
Drug Store
If your presenr business is not as successful and profitable as it
should be why not investigate You can secure particulars about
any one of these opportunities at a total cost of i cent The chan
ces of it being worth several thousand dollars to you are all in your
favor Drop your postal in the box today
Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam Street OMAHA NEB
m g Jfry il
Sra X5Z333
Growers and Packers of
Pine Cone Sunkist
Winning the following
Best S Box Lot
Best Single Box
Best 25 Oranges
Best 25 Navel Oranges
Sold in McCook by
wmiJE nuusc ijkueki
D iflAGKfcK
I San Bernardino Calif
Proving That the New Styles Are
Good Styles
Tdiey are not freakjsli these
new styles that people love to ri
dicule They are new of course
and unfamiliar but we must not
judge of them by the sxtreime
models displayed merely to show
whither the styles tend features
actually adopted rarely reach Hie
expression off the stiage
The fact that the aittractiye
model illustrated here is recogniz
ed as most up-to-date proves that
the new styles are reasonable as
well as artistic There is the
waist one of the most recent ar
rivals in the fashion field and
yat a simple dainty thing worn
with a chemisette and made with
a deep peasant style yoke flit the
I vtfc -
xkM iiJli1 j W
vJiii1 K
VJftlf tt 1ft
ff tr J I
fiiLi 1
mm mi
W i 4
t Ik -
C350 W13
hack and front and the sleeves
bell shaped the- bib section and
sleeve facings fashioned in either
straight or pointed outline and
itho quaint two pointed collar
alike at front and back The
skirt too is distinctly stylish and
ye most moderate It is a thrqe
piece design very slightly gath
ered at sides and back and made
wiitJi a loiose baick panel and a
deep hem facing A dress like
itlmis will be good style for -many
a day -to come for it is equally
adaptable for indoor- use and for
street wear alittle later
Creston la Jan 12 Spec
ial The Interstate Commerce
eoanmissiion sent out notices to
Burlington railroad officials re
garding changes that Avill have
to be made in all cars that tihey
may come up to the standard sat
for all railway ears One of the
biggest and most important of
the changes is that requiring all
freight ears having a capacity of
80000 pounds or over to be equip
ped with steel center sills instead
of wooden ones wiilh whieh they
are now made
It is saiid that there are over
S000 cars on this division alone
that will have to be made over
and will require at least a year
to complete the work Another
requirement is thait all running
boards on tcp of ears must- be
fastened dcwn with No 14 bright
screws instead of being nailed
as at presnt and that all freight
ears complying with the prescrib
ed jrequiirements must be stencil
ed on the sides stating that they
are standard ears according to
the commssion s requirements
Failed to Report
About sixty Nebraska corpora
tions have born repented tJ th
federal authorities in Omaha bv
the United States revenue oitk
ers because of failure to comply
with 11mu law requiring them to
make an annual report and it is
said that proceedings will be in
stituted against them in the fed
eral ccucte as soon as the peti
tions can be drawn
A difference of opinion ha3 ex
isted concerning on interpreta
tion of the torpc ration tax law
This law exempts a corporation
from paying a tax to the federal
government in case annual net
income of such corporation is
5000 or leas Whether or not
the corporation is also exempt
ed from making an annual report
lis Jihe point on which the differ
ence of opinion has developed
Several of the corporations got
under the wire after the first cf
March Power is given the rev
enue department to compromise
these cages and a large number
were adjusted by payment of a
penality of from 2o to 150 The
minimum penalty provided case
of conviction is a iineof 10000
Lincoln Journal
Red Willow Slipping iCo of
Red Willow is on the list
Parisian Piocess by Which Wholo
Wheat Grain Is Used
Parisian bread is made without lour
lu a machine that transforms the
wheat into dough The machine con
sists mainly of a large screw turning
loosely in a case on whose inner sur
face is a screw thread running in an
opposite direction
Between the main threads on the
cylinder are smalle threads and the
depth of the groove grows progressive
ly smaller from one end to the other
so that it will hold the entire wheat
grain as it enters the machine and
will accommodate only the pulverized
wheat at the exit
The wheat is prepared by a thor
ough washing after which about a
pint of tepid water to n pound of grain
is added and the whole is allowed to
stand about six hours At the end of
this time the grains of wheat have
swollen to double their ordinary size
It is then mixed with the yeast and
salt and poured into the machine It
falls between the threads of the mov
ing screw and of the fixed contrary
screw which simultaneously crush the
envelope and body of the grain mak
ing of them a homogeneous mixture
which forms a smooth paste
Bread obtained by this process con
tains a succession of holes whose size
increases as they approach the crust
which is thin The odor given off is
most agreeable and far more pronounc
ed than that of ordinary bakers bread
McCook Citizens Should Read and
Heed This Advice
Kidney trouble is dangerous and
often fatal
Dont experiment with something
new and untried
Use a tested and proven kidney
Begin with Doans Kidney Bills
Used in kidney troubles 75 years
Doans have cured thousands
Are recommended here and every
The following statement forms con
vincing proof
J H Millen of Oberlin Kans
says Dofans Kidney Pills did so
much for me that I strongly recom
mend them I had severe attacks
of kidney complaint and had to get
up often at night to pass the kid
ney secretions My back was very
painful and it was all I could do
to get around When someone ad
vised me to try Doans Kidney Pills
I immediately procured a box and it
was not long before they cured me
I am today enjoying good health
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole ageenls for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
sgjmja eymsssss
W Te H
iv - it rrm ii v VU
lv rrr i -1 zz
Division Program
McCcak Division of Red Wil
low County Teachers asscieiaition
will render tihe following pro
gram at the High School auditor
ium January 27 at 2 oclock
Piano solo Susie MeBride
How to Get Pupils to Keiniem
ber History Supt W T Davis
GeittvshiMg Address Francis
Plays and -Games Irene Caifch
Piano solo Ada Ileskett
Hoiw Dcmiestic Science Miglit
Be Carried On In Rural Sciliools
Gladys Piekrum
Gaining Interest in Small Class
es Rosa Selnnitz
Recitaitiion Pearl Marshall
Piano Duet Lucile McAdani
and Nellie
The History of Today as
Taughit in the Public Schools Agnes-
The Relation of Teacher and
Parent Myrtle Hammel
Duet by Marjorie Seliobetl and
Mary Russell
All teiachers are requested to
bring exhibit work
Everyone is cordially invited
to attend
Elizabeth Daugherty
Helen Schwab
Alice Moore
Francis Hall
If your children are subject to at
tacks of croup watch for the first
symptom hoarseness Give Cham
berlains Cough Remedy as soon as
the child becomes hoarse and the at
tack may be warded off For sale by
all dealers
t every way
Cream of Tarta
Made Traii Grapes
-a m
5 N ia tAk w
I 1 J i
I made foods
stim ffiNMmnma
A Statement of Facts Backed a
Strong Guarantee
We guarantee immediate szcT
positive relief to all sufferers from
I constipation In every case wisra
our remedy fails to do this we viS
ireturn the money paid us for ft
i Thats a frank statement of fasts
land we want you to substantiate
j them at cur risk
j Rexall Orderlies are eaten jest
like candy are particularly prompt
and agreeable in action may be taker
jat any time day or night do not
j cause diarrhoea nausea griping ex
icessive looseness or other ua
I desirable effects They have a Terv
j mild but positive action upon the or
gans with which tliey ccme in con-
tact apparently acting as a regulative
f tonic upon the muscular coating of
the bowel tEus overcoming weakness
and aiding to restore the bowels to
more vigorous and healthy activity
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children oid
folks and delicate persons We can
not too highly recommend tlieni to
all sufferers from any form cf constl
patdon and its attendant evils
Thats why we back our faith Ig
them wiitih our promise of money
hack if they do not give entire sat
isfaction Three sizes 12 tablets
10 cents CC tablets 25 cents and
80 tablets 50 cents Remember you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in Mc
Cook only at our store The Rex
all Store L W McConnelL
Try a Tribune want ad
watcli results
V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres
E A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen E A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
MHHlg lJJ III 1l
JIJUJji uijil
Go There First For Groceries I
The Main Store
The Main Street
No Need of Going Elsewhere
jmiiu u ii i ji ii ju wirmrjuiriminvi