The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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avadlaiblcak o
vation that the follow wlio has
neither property nor crcdat
often in the front lanks when
con to voting expense or tax
s onto property owners They
an marvels of public enternKss
when others pay the bolls Four
flulier and wnd jnmmprs ire
all alAvays with vs Thrltr scig n
seems to be d mil the cxpoiise
let tlie other fjluvs pay
McConndl for drugs
those sweet ones you have been looking
Til M Goofe THGune
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
I hereby announce my Candi
da 03 for County Attorney sub
ject to decision of Republican pri
Nebraska Judge Says State Will
Go Republican
Washington Jan IS Spec
ial Judge E B Perry of Cam
bridge and Judge Orr Avihcm Mr
The Tribune hears it staled J VT centlv succeeded on the
luan iub iiviivu Jiuvcu m
tlt TJnncovolt 1K 1
o ic n or
IUKI I tl iHVV Vit Vv - J 5 iw i
ganized in McCook The colonel
Avndd find his- share of admirers
an I supporters here no doubt
The federal government has de
cided upon a rifle range near
Plattsmcutii in the Mjj Xiuri riv
er valley It contains about 800
acres and between 2000 and o
000 anen will annually use tihe
range It wall be
to tate militca
I ington late Is
stay of a feiw
is evening lor a
days Judge Per-
jiy is a candidate for delegate to
j the national republican conven
tion and the two men were pre
sented to the president this morn
ing by Senator Brown They will
be admitted to practice in the su
preme court tomorrow morning
upon Senator Browns nrctcn
Judge Perry snrtl that in his opin
ion the republicans would bevic
toricms in Xhika next faAl r
Lincoln Journal x
Just note my brethren if yoia
will how nnaiiv there are who j Norris Files for Senator
onu tell you that ilout evciy j Congreppjiian G W Norm vps
tliing is all wrong And then see terdav filed his nomination pa
how few do batter The job
can pers 1S n candidate for United
of the destructive is always cscr states senator on the republicar
than the work of conrtruciUon ticket Mr Xorns is in Wash
This applies to all human ington and his filing was mailed
ties Politics rahgion busmes f rom tllflit tv to Secretary of
It is a matter of coenmon ahrsgi
State Wait Lincoln
1 IStih
alAvays cive satisfaction because the
always do the work J T Shelnut
Bremen Ga says I have used Fc
Ipy KiJiv PVls with frreat satisfac
tion and found more relief from then
use than from any other kidney mc
ieine and Ive tried almost all kind
I can cheerfully recommend ther
to all sufferers for kidney and blad
dcr trouble A McMillen
at Maimers
On next Thursday afternoon you are invited to
come and partake of a cup of
Three Star Coffee
ften Biscuit Wafers
which we sell on their merits I am pleased
to inform you that we sell the celebrated
Pine Cone Oranges
Diamond C Ham and Bacon at 18c lb
And Pure Lard at 2 lbs for 25c
Main Ave
Phone 14
Vaccination for Typhoid
Typhoid vaccination at first -a
voluntary measure in our army
has since July 1 1911 been made
compulsory for all officers and
enlisted men beloAv the age of
45 years and avIio have not had
an authenticated case of typhoid
The immunization of the army
has proceeded rapidly until at
ffchei present time someAAiiat over
60000 men have completed the
necessary three inoculations In
this entire number and covering
a period of nearly three- years
bnt tAveli eases of typhoid have
developed and no death has oc
curred One man at
Naval station died five
days after the first inoculation
from a case of walking typhoid
This is the only fatal case of
Jyphoid an service
in any one on whom the inocula
tion had been begun- The rec
ord of the Maneuver Division in
eamp at San Antonio Texas dur
I5S55E3553 I
most insitniotlLve An army di
A flEiion having an aAerage strength
of 12800 men all inoculated
eaipied the same eamp for four
months from March to July and
in this command hut one ease of t
typhoad developed This Avas a
mold case in a liospital corps man
Avlno had not completed the inoc
ulations necessary for protection
There AArere forty aiina cases of
typhoid Avith nineteen deaths in
tliie city of San Antonio for the
same four months Durincr the
siajno period that tliis camp ex
isted ait San Antonio between
three and four thousand men
Avere in eamp at Galveston Texas
and in this command no case of
typhoid occurred Avhile the city
of Galveston furnished 192 cas
es of the diseasie1 during the ex
istence of the camp The city
and the camp liad the same wat
er milk and food supply the
only difference being that the
cwnsp Tiad been jjrotecited by in-
i - -
Postmasters Here in Junjs
Thirteen postmasters of the
state gathered in Lincoln Friday
night Despite the fact that the
Avord had gone out that the meet
ing might have a political eom
plexuon such Avas ncit the case ac
cording to Secretary W J Cook
of Blair Of course Ave couklnt
meet tnd get together unless some
of us talked politics more or
less said he but that Avas not
the purpose of the conference
It Avas a meeting of the executive
committee of the Nebraska post
masters association and Avas held
for the purpose of arranging for
this years state convention anel
for the purpose of outlining some
of the subjects AAhich Ave desire
to have discussed at that time
Those present Avere Lcav Shel
ly of Fairbury EdAvard R Siizer
of Lincoln AY J Ccok of Blair
J Eaton of Lorton J M Ivroll
of Tekamah S W Wilson of
Wood River L F Etter of South
Omaha I S Tyndale of Central
Ccitv Lon Cone of MeCook T J
Taylor of Wilber W Ooake of
Hebron Julius Ilaumont of Brok
en Boav and R R Douglas of
The date of the next meeting
Avas set for June 11 12 and 13
in Lincoln
No phase of the impending po
litical struggles in the party Avas
taken up at the gathering it av3
declared Lon Cone of McCook
araerted that not even- the senat
orial race Avas dAvelt upon a sub
ject close to his heart because of
the fact that he represents the
city - Avhere Congressman Norris
The meeting Avas arranged for
as a business session and not as
a political conference said he
and that idea Avas carried out
Lincoln Journal
Mrs John Dolan is on the sick
list Avith la grippe
There Avas a taffy pull at J B
RozelTs Friday night
Minnie Johnnie and Willie
Frye have all been sick but un
der the care of the doctor are
Jesse Vandervooit Avent up to
Trenton Thursday to help Gran
Arille Mary field Avith a bunch of
Sheplcr Frye and Frank Em
rich have each filled their ice
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
is a reliable family medicine Give
it to your children and take it your
self Avhen you feel a cold coming on
It checks and cures coughs and colds
and croup and prevents bronchitis
and pneumonia A McMillen
For 1912 Fourteenth Judicial
District of Nebraska
Judge E B Perry has desig
nated the folloAving dates for
court an this district for the en
suing year
Ohase April 29 jury Nov 25
Dundy March 18 iury May
2d equity Oct 28 iury
Frontier April 1 iury June
3 equity Oct 14 jury
Furnas Feb 19 iury May 13
equity Nov 11 iury
Gosper Feb 13 iury May 27
equity Dec 9 iury
Ilayes April 15 jury Oct 7
Hitchcock March 4 iury May
20 equity Sept 23 iury
Perkins April 22 iury Dec 2
Red WdlloAV Jan 29 jury Maj
6 equity Sept 9 jury
Remember The Tribunes phone
is 19 We AA ill appreciate an item
any time
Do not allow your kianey and blad
der trouble to develop beyond the
reach of medicine Take Foley Kid
ney PHls They give quick results
and stop irregularities AViith surpris
ing promptness A McMillen
Why Be
We have felt shoes to
go inside overshoes for
German Socks
Sheep Lined Shoes
make this weather a
street Avear aKirejtflerr
1 1
Dusky Damsels Adorn Themselves by
Repulsively Distending Their Lips
With Wooden Discs
London Africa is the land of
many strange things and queer peo
ple and not the least odd of the lat
ter are some of the natives living in
the vicinity of Lake Chad in the cen
tral part of that puzzling continent
As a result of his travels on the dark
continent Landor has given some line
descriptions of the people and their
grotesque customs
The accompanying illustration gives
an excellent idea of one of these One
may he excused for not believing it
to be tho picture of a woman for
there is nothing to suggest the fem-
SiJWi 7
Nil ilk JM
African Victim of Style
Inine in this case unless it be wom
ans inherent loe of adornment Hav
ing determined that elongated lips
are a thing of beauty these dufly
damsels go the limit using wooden
discs in the process ot creating and
maintaining this frightiul repulsive
It Avas on the Shari river Avrite3
Landor that I found the custom cf
elongating the lips more exaggerated
than in any other part of Africa tho
women actually inserting small wood
en or tin saucers in their upper lip
and sometimes in both lips It wrc
most ludicrous to hear these young
ladies tall especially when they had
two plates cue in each lip as they
clapped like castanets and the voice
became naca and unmusical These
women Avere otherwise Avell formed
arrtoTr y and quite ctatuesquo
when ycg They adorned their
iri 0 aul arms Avith brass rings and
oe iiel ornaments around the
neck The plates in the lips were oc
casionally removed when the upper
lip hung down to lew in a loop as to
reach lower than the chin leaving a
repulsive aperture under the nose
through which one could see the
Not a very pleasant picture truly
but style is style and Africa is Af
Farmer Had Carved Inscription on Its
Shell in 13S8 When He Vas
a Boy
Harrisburg Pa A farmer in south
ern Pennsylvania went swimming
very frequently last summer in Green
lake On one occasion one of his toes
was suddenly caught and held with a
vise like grip He sputtered and tried
to get loose all the way to the shore
almost fainting with the exertion
His catch was a large snapping tur
tle which had to be removed from his
Finds His Pet Turtle
toe with a chisel and hammer The
following inscription was found carved
on the shell H T 188S Why
gasped the astonished farmer I carv
ed that on a pet turtle when I was fif
teen years old and Ive been looking
for him ever since He found me first
Young New Jersey Farmer Fearing
Loss of Arm Has Singular
Clayton N J Joseph G Souder a
prosperous young farmer of Clayton
who recently purchased the Bubois
farm for 10000 Avas bitten on the
Qnger by a hog he was killing sev
eral weeks ago and blood poisoning
set in The finger Avas lanced but
the poison spread to his arm Avhlch
It was thought Avould have to be am
putated Souder objected to losing the
arm but as he grew worse he start-
sd for the hospital
Before leaving Clayton Souder said
My arm feels better and before
reaching the hospital he declared it
was well and begged to be taken
back home But his brother-in-law
who accompanied him insisted on his
solag to the hospital Here It was
round that the arm was well the ban
Jage taken off and left off It had
ured in three hours
Souders says the only way he can
tccount for the strange cure is that the
blood poisoning was scared out of
Ul m
takjTnx otherL
The Danger of La Grippe
is its fatal tendency to pneumonia
To cure your la grippe coughs take
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound R
B Fisher Washington Kas says I
was trouhled Avith a seA ere attack of
la grippe that threatened pneumonia
A friend adviced Foleys Hcney and
Tar Compound and I got relief after
taking the first few doses I took
three hottlcs and my la grippe Avas
cured Get the genuinein the yel
low package A ilcIillen
Here is a remedy tnat will cure
your cold Why waste time and mon
ey experimenting when you can get a
preparation that has Avon world Avide
reputation by its cures of this dis
eases and can always be depended up
on It is known everyAvhere as
Chamberlains Cough Remedy and is
a medicine of real merit For sale bj
all dealers
When you want a reliable medicine
for a cough or cold take Chamber
lains Cough Remedy It can always
be depended upon and is pleasant an
safe to take Fcr sale by all dealers
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
Cures inn Every Case
Mr Jas AjcCaffery Ztfgr of the
Schlitz Hotel Omaha Neb recom
mends Foleys Hcney and Tar Com
pound because it cures in eAery case
I have used it myself and I have
recommended it to many ethers who
haAe since tald me of its great cura
tie power in diseases of the throat
and lungs For all coughs and colds
it is speedily effective A McJIillen
Mrs A R Tabor of Crider Mo
had been troublde Avith stick head
ache for about five years when she
began taking Chamberlains Tablets
She has taken tAvo bottles of them
and they have cured her Sick head
ache is caused by a disordered stom
ach for which these tablets are es
pecially intended Try them get well
and stay well Sold by all druggists
Persons troubled Avith partial par
alysis are often A ery much benefit
ted bj massaging the affected parts
thoroughly when applying Chamber
lains Liniment This liniment also
relieves rheumatic pains For sale
by all druggists
Charles Durham of Lovington 111
has succeeded in finding a posItiAe
cure for bed Avetting My little boy
Avet the bed eAery night clear thro
on the floor I tried several kinds of
kidney medicine and avcs in the drug
store looking for something differ
ent to help him Avhen I heard of Fol
eys Kidney Pills After he had tak
en them two days Ave could see a
charge end when he had taken tAvo
thirds of a bottle he Avas cured That
is about six wreks ao and he has
not Aet in bed since A McMillen
1912 litlition
In this comnar volum of ralnaMe aid inter
tstins lafurrna inn a co mctp niMi ditp librae
In ief tou will find accurate tnrtirnlar of the
special Cstinrn nf Conn the elertn cenn
statistics and coniiian ons rr iiro itv the Panama
Canal imrfcrts croia ncrei e in Iice staf
products cot of linns aeria acheieineats
record aid di aters lo entific discorfrie explor
ations and lnnorations of 1011 wars intersationJ1
diasrecincnts and othci sreat historical events
growth of th Lnited State incrca ins i npnla
tion and wealth of countries State and munici
palities Conjrressionil rcco ds sportins re ords
currency ueishts and measure weather forecasts
univecitic and school religion otov iada3
txies commerce nilroads shipping Ccbi of
cation armirs und of the Torld lanitns
monfy taxes insu ance political parties secret
societies chilis births marnases dirorces and
deaths voman siffrae nd
10000 Other Facts and risureM Up to Date
of erery dai interest and value to everybody
Xo merchant fanner laborer business niaa
housewife or business woman school boy or school
jirl should be without a copv of the valuable 1012
reference volume of useful information Price
25c West of Buffalo and Pittsburgh 30c By
mail 35c Address The New York World New
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 271
Most for your money
Thats All
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyono sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether an
invention is probably patentable Communlci
tioiisstrictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents
scut free Oldest ncency ior securing patents
Patents taken through juunn s Co receive
spteial notice without charge in the
Scientific Bmiieat
A handsomely lllnitrated weekly
dilution of nnv scientlUc lournai
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Tcrms 73 n
venr four months tL Sold by all newsdealers
HMNCo35IBoadwa New York
Branca Uflico C W BL wasntDgton v J
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Ask any man past fifty years
of age and he will tell you of
some time in his life when he
Avas sailing high Things were
coming his way There are
few exceptions Wny is he
poor now Well there are va
rious reasons One thing is
sure It is not because he
placed his money in a sound
bank and checked it out onry
Avhen safe inAestments were se
cured There are more ways to
lose money than to make it If
you are making any money no
matter how small the amount
start the saving habit by open-
g a jank account
The First
of McCook Neb
Osborn Burton
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of BeGrofPs
Phone No 13
Trained Nurse
Phone red 479
804 East Second Street
w J A L
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
J J J ij J J 4 J ij J J
Fire and Wind
Written in First Class
I 2 J J 2 I I I t I
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
Aan in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456
ike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n3t acrcis VrCfr
street in P Wleh building l lwUUlV
Lite ail Coal
Vk J p