The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Miss Florence Radler
Scalp Treatment 35c Each
Manicuring and Facials for
both Ladies and Gentlemen
Palmer Hotel Room 52
Fined for Assaults
Henry Gartner liad a hearing
before Justice of the Peace TV
33 Whittaker tlhis morning and
drew a fine of 50 each on four
counts for assaults a total of
200 Gartner was drunk Satur
day night and in five or six in
stances insulted women on the
business streets of the city fol
lowing them taking hold of their
arms striking one of them and
in various ways making himself
offensive and alarming the wo
inen He was arrested and at
the hearing this morning was fin
ed as above He claimed to know
nothing of the acts charged by
the women but acknowledged
that he was drunk which was
not accepted by Justice Whittak
er as sufficient excuse for a man
to make a brute of himself Gart
ner is a married man with a
wife and several children He is
now in the county jail
Father Comings Dead
A private letter from Dr A
F Comings Seattle Wash an
nounces the death of his aged
father Sherman Comings Death
on the 16th followed a fall down
a stairway January 10th The
remains were taken to Rookford
Illinois for burial The doctor
states he may stop in McCook on
his way back west The grand
old man will be remembered by
many McCook people
Out of Town Visitors
From many sources we laarn
that a great number of out of
town patrons of the drama are al
ready arranging to attend the
performance of Gharlels Kleins
great play The Third Degree-
when presented in our city
Marriage Licenses
Bert L Wilcox 21 and Anna
M Kutzke 21 both of McCook
Arthur L Pronger 22 and
Mary George 18 both of Tren
Harvev L Billesbacih 22 and
Margaret 0 Tull 22
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
your personal correspondence and
youll never buy anytliing else
Tablets 25c and in boxes 50 c
McCONNELL Druggist
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull
for service
Balsam cures
McConnell fills prescriptions
Want ads 5 cents per lise
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
black 271 4 tf
WANTED Pupils on the pian
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
- FOR RENT Cottage of sv
en rooms and bath room at 810
W 1st street Inquire of Mrs H
M Tyler Orleans Neb 25 2w
FOR RENT 7 room modern
house Phone 193
FOR RENT 5 room cottage 3
blocks eas tof Bee Hive build
ing Phone red 366 154f
WVR SATYR Cow 5 dozen
chickens household furniture and
ottiner armeies auo w aru w
L Jackson black 323
The Cooperative Hospital
The next meeting of the Mc
Cook Cooperative Hospital asso
ciation will be held in the Mc
Oook Commercial club rooms on
Saturday afternoon at 2 oclock
January 27th
Kindly note that these meet
ings are in the interest of the Co
operative Hospital which is not
a private hosipitaJ but a hospital
promoted and for interest of the
people of the city and to be
maintained and operated by the
people of McCook
If you are well-to-do and are
amply able to pay ordinary hospi
al charges you can then well af
ford to contribute one dollar per
montiii or ten dollars a year in
advance to help some unfortu
nate one who is unable to pay
the larger fees of other hospitals
This hospital is an undertaking
to help the poor in times of dis
tress and at a tame when they arc
sorely in need of help when flow
ers and kind words will not fill
the caste And by thus helping
needy you may also help your
self iby taking a ten dollar mem
bership ticket and secure twelve
weeks hospital privileges -at any
time during the year immediately
following the date of your mem
bership card should ycu be so nn
fortunate as to be sick or injured
and in need of careful nursing
such as cannot be secured outside
a properly managed hospital
The ladies of the committee will
call on you in a few days Dont
turn them down Be a booster
for McCook s hospital
Publicity Committee
Stop Foot Torture
What would you think of a man
who would hobble around with
a burr or tack in his shoe
Yet a lot of people are putting
up with corns that are as un
comfortable as a burr and whiieh
they might just as well be rid of
McConnells Lightning Corn
remedy fakes out eorhsall kinds
every time Takes a little long
er to remove vfchem than to take
a burr out of your shoe but nono
the less sure Use it now and be
free from corns next
Price 10 cents
McCONNELL Druggist
Bert L Wilcox and Miss Anna
Kutzke were married by County
Judge Colfer last Saturday Jan
uary 20th
Arthur L Pronger and Mary
George both of Trenton were
married by County Judge Colfer
this morning They left for Den
ver on a wedding trip this noon
on No 1
Symphony Lawn
Fashions latest dictation in a
pure white linen stationery Ap
propriate for any occasion amd it
comes in boxes or tablet form
with envelopes to match
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The New Way
of smoking meat We have a
pure wholesome liquid smoke
with the desirable elements of
hickory wood without any dan
gerous substance
McMILLEN Druggist
Wreck on Illinois Central
At an early hour this morn
ing one train ran into another
on the Illinois Central at Kil
mundy Illinois and ex President
ITarrahan of that road and oth
er officers were killed
Dont forget that Barney Hof
er will save you money on sub
scriptions new or renewal for
any paper or magazine publish
ed Get Iris- new club catalogue
Get our rates on farm loans
The largest line of tablelts we
have ever shown arc now on dis
play at our store
McCONNELL Druggist
A Cambridge man fell down the
upper stairway of the Eagle hall
last Friday night and was quite
painfully injured
Everything in drugs
L W McCONNELL Druggist
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Freshest fruits at Magner s
Monday Evening Edition
Given At the Temple Theatre on Friday Evening
January 26th
Quartette Sextette from Lucia arranged for Quar
tette Donizetti Company
Solo I Hear You Calling Me Marshall
Mrs McKinnie
Tenor Solo A Dream Bartlett Mr Mathisen
Duet The Honeymoon from Opera Loves Lattery
Edwards Mr and Mrs McKinnie
Solo Thought Fancies Jones Miss neidenreieh
Duet Homo to Our Mountains from II Irovatore
Verdi Miss Heidenreich and Mr Maithasen
Solos Swedish songs in National Costume Mrs McKinnie
Quartette from Rigoletto Verdi Company
Solo The Brigand Spence Mr McKinnie
Piano Hochzeitstag auf Troldhaiugen Greig Mr Muehling
The Secontl Act of Marthain Costume Flotow Company
The Debating Team for 1912 Is
The opening of the preliminary
or elimination debases in the high
school was held in the high
school auditorium Thursday eve
ning last
The debated proposition was
Resolvel That Labor Unions
Are on the Whole Beneficial
The question was affirmed by
Carroll Eldred Maurice Benja
min Miss Gladys Picklum and
Carl Schmidt with Stephen Mil
ler Glen Oallen Miss Ida Gor
don Lawrence Glandon on the
The judges1 declared in favor
of the affirmative
The musical offerings of the
opening evening were
Selections by the high school
orchestra at the beginning and
close of program j
A violin solo bv Mr W J Mc
A vocal solo by Miss Minnie
Makinir a brief but artistic
week iture much enjoyed and applaud
Friday evening the question
debated was1 Resolved That
Disputes Between Labor and Cap
ital in the Railroad Business
Should be Settled by Boards of
Arbitration Having Power to En
force Their Decisions
W Z Is Riled
W Z Taylor of Culbertson a
member of several Nebraska leg
islatures is attending the meet
ings of organized agriculture
Mr Taylor is not sure whether
he wall be a candidate for the
house again or not He is chief
ly tempted to ask to be returned
in order to lead an attack from
the southwest on the board of
regents because they have not
carried out the intent of the law
regarding the Culbertson experi
mental station Mr Taylor says
that nothing has been done to
establish the school although 15
000 was appropriated for the
purpose The regents have vis
ited Culbertson more than once
since the appropriation was avail
able but are frank in stating that
they do not want to locate ta sta
tion at that point They refuse
to purchase ground but offer to
rent a plat and turn it over to
a ipraotacal farmer for experjimen
The subject was affirmed by
Mass Susie McBrfide Cecil McMil
len Edwin Somerville and Har
old Schwab and denied by Miss
Marvel Browne Albert Barnes
Miss Agnes Clark Miss Julia
The young people handled this
raitiher difficult problem with no
little skill their efforts being en
thusiastically encouraged by theii
schoolmates and admirers1
The decision of the judges
Messrs J F Cordeal F L Wolfl
and F M Colfer was in favor
of the affirmative side of the
The decision for members of
debating team and alternate was
as follows Harold Schwab Maur
ice Benjamin and Carroll Eldred
with Cecil McMillen as alternate
An excellent program of vocal
and instrumental music was giv
en before and following the de
The opening selection was by
the High School orchestra
An instrumental duet by Miss
Mary Russell and Miss Marjorie
Lewis Ludwick offered a vocal
There was a clarinet solo by
Ray Jordan
And a concluding selection by
the orchestra
All the numbers were heartily
encored and there were respons
es in practically every case
Both evenings attracted fair
sized audiences of pupils and
Supposed to Be in Washington
Seeking an Appointment as
Judge in Alaska
Washington D C Jan 19
Special dispatch World Herald
Judge E B Perry of Cambridge
of the Taft slate for delegate-at-large
from Nebraska is said to
be in Washington to aid Judge
R C Or r of McCook his prede
cessor who is with him here to
land a federal appointment as
judge in Alaska or the Philippin
es Both called on President Taft
yesterday in company with Sen
ator Brown and were with Sen
ator Brown today The latter
denied that Orr has asked for his
aid in getting the place
The Meaning of the Third De
Some misunderstanding saems
to exist as to the nature of Clrrs
tal purposes the cost to ber paid Kleins play The Tliird De-
from appropriation The grant gree The story is a powerful
of funds gave the regents the
option to buy or lease Mr lay-
lor reports that live stojek in his
Ppart of the state is not suffer
ing as yet notwithstanding the
stories circulated lie says that
the hard winter has made feed
rather scarce arid that if it con
tinues to such an extent as to
shut off range grazing during the
remainder of the winter some
trouble will be experienced Lin
coln Journal
Denver Property
6 room modern home 2 story
pressed brick fine location east
side for sale or will trade for
MeCook property 18 tf
524 Main Ave MeCook
Everything in drugs
arraignment of the inner meth
ods of the police in obtaining con
fessions from innocent sinipcets
The scenes are laid in New York
and a strong love story as in
Two desirable steam heated anc
electric lighted rooms for rent
Everything that s seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Huber s
all the time
Magner s groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
The genuine Old Manse maple
syrup at Huber s
MeConnell fills prescriptions
A McMillen Druggist
McConnell fills prescriptions Fresh fruits at Magner s
Juvenile Delinquents
Harry and Edwin Swayze two
youthful delinquents had a hear
ing before County Judge Colfer
Saturday and were placed in the
control of Probation Officer Fred
Schlagel for the present The
lads were arrested upon their ar
rival from Palisade Monday of
last week They had been de
serted by parents who have since
been divorced and a brother re
cently put them out of his home
on the mercies of the world The
mother who lias in all eleven
children arrived from Elwood on
Friday night and testified she
was unable to care for them The
lads were filthy and ill clad but
bath hair cut new and clean
clothes made them quite present
able They are now attending
school in the city under charge
of Mr Sehlagel Here wojdd be
a fine opportunity for some good
Samaritan to giive two boys a
home and a fair chance in life
A Victim of Consumption
Mrs C W Kepler living a
mile or two west of Perry station
died about 830 oclock on Friday
night last of consumption Serv
ices were conducted at the farm
home Sunday afternoon after
which the body was conveyed to
tliis city for interment in River
ATfew cemetery Rev L E Lew
is of the Methodist church con
ducting the services at the home
which were attended by neigh
bors and sympathizing friends
Departed is survived by her hus
band and one child a son about
four years of age together wiith
seven brothers
Mass Jennie Osborn was born ii
Coolville Athens county Ohio 011
September 15 1880 Was married
to C W Kepler in 1904 Came
to Nebraska in November of 1910
for her health settling on the
Frank Cain farm near Perrv
Arrested for Rape
Burton 0 Dickey a Burling
ton brakeman was arrested here
Sunday night by Sheriff Thom
as Carroll of Harlan county
charged with statutory rape lie
was taken on train No 16 Mon
day morning to Orleans to an
swer to the serious eliarge The
young girl making the charge
formerly was employed in a Mc
Cook store as clerk Dickey was
recently married to a young lady
of Oberlin Kansas who is well
known here The young man is
facing a serious matter He was
ready to leave the city when he
ran into the arms of the officers
A Successful Play
The Third Degree has been
played not only in America- and
England but has been produced
in France Germany Italy Rus
sia Sweden Spain and Japan It
has been a world wide sensation
Take a nice fresh box of John
sons chocolates with you to the
theatre Tuesday night Prices
35e 45c 65c per box
The annual meeting of the Mc
Cook Building and Savings as
sociation will 1 be held on the first
Monday in- February the fifth
Gloves in cotton and in leath
er you will find a good assort
ment at the right prices at Hu
ber s
Mrs W W Barritt and daugh
ter Mrs G II Hughes were in
Trenton Saturday Sunday visit
ing friends
Miss Elsie Budig is spending a
month or so with her married
sister iniPlatitsmouth She went
down on Friday morning last
Mrs Isabelle Johnson of Hold
rege is visiting with her daugh
ters in MeCook and Culbertson
for a few weeks
Rev L E Lewis will leave for
Lincoln in the morning to attend
the big Methodist banquet in Lin
coin Tuesday night and the
great inauguration of the plan
to raise 500000 for the Wes-
leyan university following
Mrs J R Turner and Mrs R
M Osborn pleasantly entertained
Baptist Circle No 1 Thursday
afternoon ait the residence of
Mrs Turner on 1st street west
Mrs Floyd Berry and Mrs Hugh
Kelly assisted in serving the re
freshments which were an enjoy
ed particular of the session
Delivered free any place in McCook
Corn chop per 100 S130
Bran per 100 130
Shorts per 100 145
Wheat per bushel 95 X
Corn per bushel 70
Oats per bushel 60
Ground alfalfa meal for chick-
en and cow feed per 100 105
McCook Milling Company
i Phone 29
uIiss Anna Kutzke returned on
Friday evening from Denver
Mrs Mary Northrup went
to Denver Saturday on No
on receipt of news that Mrs
H Boyle is not so well
Miss Powers of the eighth
grade was at home in Trenton
over Saturday Sunday going up
west on 13 Saturday morning
Miss Lenor Fitzgerald principal
in the Cambridge schools spent
Saturday Sunday in the home
nest coming up on 13 Saturday
Mrs Matthew Lawrateon and
the baby went up to Trenton on
Saturday on 13 on a short visit
at the home of Agent L Lawrit
son and family
S S Garvey manager for the
Updike people was taken quite
sick close of week and had to
house up a few- days but is better
at this printing
Mrs James Carwin of Wray
Colorado who has been visiting
her mother Mrs J narry Cox
for some time departed on 13 on
Friday for her home
Dr W E MeDiviitt has pur
chased the lot north of Mrs Mar
ie Bronson s residence and is pre
paring to build a residence on
the same for himself
Postmaster Cone is absent from
the city He attended a meeting
of Nebraska postmasters in Lin
coln Friday going from there oh
to Chicago on business
C J Reynolds the horse buyer
was here close of week He re
ports quite a number of horses
for sale but that many of them
are not fat enough for market
AY F Everist was down- from
Monte Yista end of week vis
iting the members of the family
here and incidentally doing some
boosting for the San Luis valley
Miss Elizabeth Beittcher depart
ed Sunday evening for Lincoln
where she will spend a few days
on business going from the capi
tal city on east to her heme in
Indiana on a visit of seme length
Mr Hawkins of Lincoln form
erly of Hawkins Evans con
tractors of our city spent Sat
urday in the city on his way
home from Imperial where he has
just finished the carpenter work
on the new court house for Chase
county It is admitted that the
new court house is one of the
architectural gems of the state
The cost is about 30000
On account of illness of Mr
Hanson the P E O will meet
with Mrs Fred L Schwab this
evening instead of woth Mrs
Hanson as intended
The Young Ladies Bridge
Whist club were guests of Mais
Nellie Smith at the heme of Dr
and Mrs C L Fahnestock on
last Thursday evening After
the games of the evening light
refreshments were served Mrs
C L Fahnestock and Miss Eliz
abeth Bettcher assisted
The Ladies Bridge Whist club
were entertained by Miss Edna
Waite at the parental home Fri
day afternoon Mrs Simpson
Finnell of Hamburg Iowa and
Miss Lona Phelps were guests
Dainty refreshments were serv
ed during the afternoon Mrs
H P Waite assisted her daugh
Mr and Mrs F M Kimmell
entertained the Thursday Whist
club at the home of Mr and Mrs
Albert McMillen last Thursday
evening The guests of the even
ing were Mr and Mrs A Ga
lusha Mr and Mrs F W Bos
worth Mr and Mrs Frank Real
Mr and Mrs 4 dair Galusha Mr
and Sirs F A Bennell Mrs
Simpson Finnell of Hamburg la
A seven oelock dinner was serv
ed Mrs Albert McMillen assist