The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 18, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4
ffM vs u 9 1 I 1 MpPaaI IT MWI ral of amae mam iece The Maltese cross with the words Pure Illinois ac1892 Aluminum the original insures that ron get the genuine There are imitations so be sure this trade mark is on every piece 3 - rV Hospital Located in the Heckman House one Block west of the Court House Will be open to receive patients after Janu ary iS 1 91 2 A Hospital devoted to McCook and southwest Nebraska Skilled attendants in charge D J REID Surgeon Proprietor WAS A TRAGIC DEATH 2alhetic End of E E Everts Life in Oregon The Roseburg Oregon Review at liand gives a complete account the death of E E Everts a fusrmer resident of Red Willow county which occurred on Decern bar 31st 1911 in Oregon 3Er Everts was a timber that is he examined and re ported upon value of timber on isolated tracts of mountain land an tlunt great timber country in the mountains of Oregon a dan gerous avocation in this season f year Mr Everts and a fellow cruiser sam ed AIcGee were inspecting anc surveying a tract in the wild and Tieavy timbered mountain region near the west branch of Smith saver 4S miles northeast of Gar diner Oregon They had com peted a partial survey and exam Hfcition in a deep snow and se vere teanperature and being quote sxhaaisted AIcGee urged they should return to eaanp for rest raid until the raging storm had atlmed down Mr Everts thought could complete the work and irrakc the cabin on the way home Iffcrt the deep snow dense tim ber and underbrush coupled with fAe severe temperature oveacame 33 Everts and lie became utterly JwHpless McGee carried him on iifs back for three quarters of a bale under almost super human until he was likewise eEhaiusted Their maliehes being McGee decided to return to he eabin for diy watclies and Smelling and wrapping his coat aout Everts he started out late Si the afternoon of December 30 3or the cabin arriving late at sight Drying his clothing and assuring the articles lie again sought his ccmpairn Arivng set the place abcu4 dawn lie Sband that Mr Evci had ruc enmbed tc the cold ixptiyure and MeConnell for drugs a Vesh fruits at Manners the Family Health is often endangered by unsanitary cooking slensils Physicians have found that cancer is massed by enamel ware chipping off and irritating itfe stomach fSlvou have children or invalids in the family beware d cheap cooking utensils that crack scale peel off Ornish and rust Disease germs lurk in the worn places and there is further danger cf tainting the Sad Health is too precious to take risks with it IS2 safe Use Pure Spun Aluminum Cooking Utensils smich are guaranteed for 1 5 years constant service and will never spoil food nor endanger health This new ware is featherweight beautiful easy to dean does not tarnish nor rust The slight extra east is more than made up by long service and absolute safety fflABJffi Sf Far Sale Bv McCook Hardware Co 3 exhaustion After three or four days fight ing with the deep snow McGee reached a lumber camp and tele phoned the tragic facts to Gar diner and thence to Roseburg Two sons of the deceased went at once to the scene and the body was temporarily buried un til spring would make it possible to bring the body to civilization for interment Everts left McCook 12 years ago and since that time has liv ed in Roseburg Peel and Oak land Oregon lie leaves four sons and one daughter Mass Laura Everts of our city where she is- attending school Of the sons Jason is storekeeper at the Southern Pacific round house Roseburg Edward is a maohinrst ait Peel Charles lives there also and Albert lives at Riddle Ore gon Five brothers and four sisters also survive Everts Jason of Sutlierlin Oregon Charles Orlo Louis and George laving in Wis consin Mrs L C Church and Mrs Nora Church of Wyoming Mrs Anna Kendall of Chicago and Mrs AV B Whittaker of our eity GRANT A daughter was born arv 10th to Mr and Mrs Pete Ilairis J II Weseh and brother Char lie were McCook business visitors Tuesday Abe Peters is on the sick list this week This moderation of the weath er villi be fully appreciated by the stockmen especially Pancake flour the Advo Aunt Jemima and Ralston brands best the market offers Ilubers Phone 97 Continued from page 1 750000 every Sunday morning Women offer the tickets for sale at almost every place of business in Colon and Panama It is said the plan lis similar to our Louis iana lottery The Oanal Zone is a strip of land extending from the Atlan tic ito the Pacific across- the dsllh mus ten miles wide or five miles each side of the center line of the canal forty seven miles long and embraces about 448 square mDles The length of the canal from deep water in the Atlantic to deep water in the Pacific ib fifty mjiles The working forces are organized into three divisions the Atlantic Central and Pacific divisions AVe left Panama Friday at S a m on a special train of five cairs to view the great Culebra cut and locks at Pedro Miguel and Aliralfores AVe were taken through the center of the cut and had a clear view of men and ma chinery at work The plans of the French company originally provided for a sea level canal sev enty ftwo -feet wide and 30 feet of water in the cut Our plan provides for a lock system 500 feet is the minimum width thru the cut with 45 feet of waiter Highest elevation on center line through the cut is 312 feet aibove sea level bottom -of cut when completed to be forty feet above sea level highest point of exeava tion on the side of the highest hpill is 540 feet above sea level The bottom of cut has to be brok en by blasting Drilling is done by hundreds of machines similar to ones -used in this country for veil boring The holes are charg ed wiifh explosives and fired by clcetri v breaking the in shape to be handled by the aieum hovels and lead id on cars The improved sanitary condi tion cf the Canal Zone is a re markable accomplishment of our government It is said that up to the present tiiu they have expended 12000000 in thw work Tiny haw cut the grs draanid he land and iprmd c en all waters ito kill the miui to Thev hav imported a iVi eiiUrd mlliGBS from the irsland f Barba dces tint feeds on the Iar vao cf Vne mciquVo that k x pectcd to keep the zone cleir of these pests Avhen the canal is completed It differs from other fish in tlrat the young are born alive Tit ul nt tlist grrat cvn and alterton w oiv given tj tlr ccmfoit cf empcvco T hry have ecnf enable qutrtrs srd the same convenvners c have They have spendid hcsrntuei in ease cf oVjlcness or acaideut Houses furniture fu wa tepncnt n ln are furrii ih m wthut l They haw guod school reads cub hoivcs and Y M A binlduigr rre prcvdl t ix weeks leave cf rbsencc i giv en the monthly employ era each year witii niM pay Tiir re ire aibouit 35000 uvn omplovcl 5 000 of them Americans 5000 aro Europe in me tly Spaniards art1 Italians The balance aire ne groes from the islands adjonvfi principally Jamaica The canal commission conducts large dtipa m nt or crmmi 1 nrv wii branches at al camps C nh ml es aav prchlwted everything i charged to emplcy s eny An nual sales idd to be 500000000 They run a big laundry bakery ide making plant th pdus c of iwhidi are sold at a 111 L cost Nearly all food is shopped from the United States A line of steamers direct from Califor nia supply vegetables and fruit all the year The Commission conducts seventeen hotels and Hifty fivc messes along the line of the can ail Employees can geii dinner for 30 cents geld at the hotels miHSCS for Spaniards and suppiy mem is ait ums pr day negroes at 30 cents per day There is consumed 4500 000 pjunels of meat per annum 152 ton 3 chickens per dav 1230 pounds ham 1 ton sheep 500 gallons 1 o l r ii Ae an 1 locks rnd r1 r Vm but tvse 1 -or emme nilund tc i iirlt lb Fiar4 be Gaiiun p 5 f dam ct cjiijuaii ivv i ii t iiuu ciif HIll 4- i 1 rt of fresh milk an uotties trom iew icnc Jiv ery month in addition they use 4500 easesi of condensed milk anc 500 gallons oysters The bakery turns out 60000 loaves of bread daily and 1000 pies Tlie ice cream consumed equals 400 gal lons per day And incidentally they use V tons quinine year ly There are 3338 bulil dings owned by the Commission on the isthmus to licnse the employe and machinery 2000 cf them turned over by the French com pany to our government Many of them had to be located by maps as they were hidden by ten years growth of tropcal vegeta tion AVithin the past two ye us a completely equnnpcxl macbni skcip was dieciovercd in a jungk and lis now in use As a sptei men of the graft under ihe 1 French rcgiime it is reponted that orders were given Itor 40 tons coffin nails and GO tons of Spencerian writing pens and fill ed in New York and shipped A hllp lead of locciirictviB were un lcnde d on side track in the r of the canail were n ver m v but were bunicd by the Hundreds of cars machinery en gines etc can be s n strewn all the way across the isthmus in the swamp rusting and rotting away It is interesting to net--1 th diiffei mee in results acccmpircli ed iby the French company in eighteen years of operations in re moving 23000000 culfe yards of material from the canal and it with tilie 30000000 cubic virds rtinrved by our irovern mnt in 190S and about 35 000 CG0 in 1009 Bcflh Fren i and our government have had and are expiriencng considerable difficulty wntb sloks from the liil side into 1- P X en Ito s f 7 to 1UU tcet lr2 11 AM Mi Ki H tlu cut and it is eVrnntid that it will be necessary to move by rea son of tV sfdes 7 per cent of ar n ts Xhntic aide where are jpd t e rarun locks and dam and put in -he d v mVwjiiz these works Glnn lake will be the iTgcot r s rvoir in the world There will be water enough stor vl to cover 4200000 acres 1 foit deep Tt embraces 163 square mil es and the maximum depth o -- er wiill Gatun cm 1titi They ar luilt in pars mkiing sx in tlu Gatun or At tan tic side The dam is lnillt at right angles with the locks and extends across the vail 3 to dam is a spillway built of con- ter Marguerite from aonth of erete 300 feet wide and 1200 Marion -were visitors in the M feet long to care for excess water when the lake is filled and from wlfeh they expect to develop el aatric power sufticient to oper ate ail the machinery necessary to operate locks and light the whole Canal Zone Gates in locks are to be of steel and are to swing outward like a doer Report savs thrc wiil 5 COO laozeii eggs rally bw pounds or uuu cutcc yards 01 concrete on 1 butter 61 tons nctatoes 2000 canal whiph reeiuiri s 4500000 J L J 1 m A J J lacon and 5 barrels of cement silupped from Pennsjjlvania Stone is quarried anil cruah cd on the csthmus Sand on tllie Atlantic side is hauled for about thirty five miles and on the Pacific about half that distance It is estimated that it will cost 12000000 to fortify the canal 3000000 of which has been auth orized There are to be break waters extending into the ocean firmn tilir ontrnTiftnt nP HlPi flTlnli at a cost of 12000000 The cost daughter yisied att T of assembling plant to pros icute bell s last bunday 40000- There is no sehcol an tlras the work is said to be qqq trict this week on account at tlii There are sixteen dredges in terribly cold weather Saturday and Sunday were like use in both oceans dredging the entrances to canal fcur cf tbem spring clays mro k are hvdraulic or suction dredges and two of them are sea level dreidsres The laitter are report ed to have cost 360000 eaeli i M Young heme from Saturday ol last until Monday of this week The west bound frieght train arrived here Sunday being de tained by a derailment at a point west of Orleans Ilenry Ilellison and A E Boye eaolf lost a horse by death last Friday nigiit Tliis will go down in history as one of the coldest recorded win ters in this section cf Nebraska BOX ELDER Airs T M Campbell has re ceived word that her brother AV Y Johnson of the San Luis Aral ley who has been very sick for some time is very low with heart trouble Later lie is expected to arrive in McCook tonight ac companied by his daughter and Airs A T AVilson son and M Camp- ent again Sunday night and day Robert AVorth returned on last Saturdav from his trip to Den- There are in use a number cif the vCr dredges used by the French com 1 - ht Larington who has 0 1 1 1 lnnn cmnnrliinrr hfk In flings Wttll nanv Tlie cost or canai o i -- completed is estimated at 400 1 000000 and the time set is Janu ary 1 1915 ilf will take vessels twcslve hours to go through the oanal and if rcqivrrd to go around Cape Horn from Colon to Pana mn ft would take the ordinary vessel two months AVe left for Colon where we bearded the hemeward bound ves scls December 2nd arriving in New Orleans December 7th DANBURY AV A Stone was a business vis itor in St Francns Kansas last week Arr and Airs Irvrn lirc wn are Uv proud p rents of a baby boy Airs AV P Crer by is rrsrev r ing from an attack cf sfeknss Bert Po well arrived hesne act week from Seottsbluff Nebraska where he has been working fcr the past four or five months Rev and Airs AV R Burbnidgc departed Thursday evening fcr Franklin Nebraska and other places before resuming to their home in Smth Center Kansas where he has a pastorate in the I CihniatnB church mama a Barnet was over lrcm aflernoon and Cook Friday and Saturday tak nir for Gatun injr invciiee cf the lumber yard at this place S AV Stilgcboucr was in Am nion Alonday looking after his banking interests in that burg A tin shower was held in the George Aliller heme recentlyin honor of Aliss Alyrtle Boyer who watg married on AATednesday Jan uary 17th TJenrv AVilliams arrived horn 1 are mvvt Sunday via IndianoJa trom ricrcns the Chagits vailley to hold eago where he has been the water cf the river of sumo od fcr prt two months E cme to form Ohe lake Dcieks J II Rice is able to be out and are buriilt of concrete three walls around some now after a seitous 110 feet apart -run parallel for illness 1r The hcuse furnace at the jyve some trouble ay mernng ljt and no rchcil home folks Saturday and Sunday lWd until at the afternoon G AVeyenotSi left Alonday to attend the stock show at Denver Airs E E Hayes is expected and from there- will go and visit back together with the sen from his brother in western AVyoming the hills is built of soil and rip- Texas any clay S2I1C1I Air Hayes to rapped on the lake side- is about return later 7000 feet long one half mile AV C Boyer has been among wide at base and about 115 feet the ailing ones the past week high Through the center of the Airs C AV Rogers and r datives here returned last week to her home at Laird Colo Her little daughter Fay who has been with her grandparents Air and Airs D B Dovle and attend ing school accompanied her home Rev and Airs Foutch have re ceived word from their son Glenn that he is well pleased with the school at Nebraska City and his teacher sends word that he is getting along exceptionally well with the sehool Avork A AV Campbell who has been spending the holidays at Lincoln with hie daughter Airs D N Richev and his son Robt Camp bell at Tobias returned home on Saturdav Aliss Dossie Younsrer returned to Friend last Sundav morninir after spending the holidays watli the home folks J S Doyle of Hvattsville Wy oming i visaing his daughter Mrs A C Ilockman He expects to imove back to Red AViillow county in the spring MAEION Olms Wilson bought the team sold under chattel mortgage here last week A J Andre of the Internation al llarvttxr Co was in town on business one day last week Airs AlanJcn Powell and daugh ter Eftie returned home from Lincoln last week J L Sims of Danbury was in town between trains one day last week II L Ruby of Danbury was in town between trains Saturday Airs Rogers and daughter vis ited at the parental Young home at Danbury Saturday night and Sunday Air Parker was initiated into tlie mysteries of AVoodcraft last Thursday night The Odd Fellows installed tho newly elected officers at their regular meeting Saturday night Elizabeth Bifert visited tliH Dr Bartholomew visited Iris pa rents at Lebanon last week Born to Air and Airs Irving Smiley Friday January 12 1912 a daughter Scene from- Rosalind at Redgate -Temple Theatre January 22od9 I92 miimixwmmmmi Haw EnilKfi JMElmimvii IWBilijMWHI WWW WMBKsBS iic AmsSm v V 1 y ifWmSSmWBmSBMm wmFWJmmwrffimffl - SRfflBiraaWI MMMlWlmmi8 MKBB5BmaBmmm I WKZ 11 4