The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 18, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2
l H Temple The MONDAY JANUARY ADDITIONAL RAILROAD Conductor the sick list Conductor T A Nash is on T E McCarl is an duty again New flues are being placed in the 1727 this week Light machinery repairs are Seing given the 1742 A new pilot was placed on engine 2903 yesterday Wan M Lewis returned to work Tuesday morning Brakeman C O Rogers is on the sick list rheumatism Steam dome on ifclie 2842 re ceived some attention yesterday Mrs E II Woolridge went up to Dnveer this morning on a brief visit Engine 1765 is in for repairs account of broken icyhnder head on left side Conductor W T Wdlcott de parted for Maywood on business Thursday morning Brakeman W A Jeffries was a Denver passenger Tuesday to see the stock show Conductor W Mapes went up to Denver to see the stack show this morning on 13 War paint lias been given the 1984 after repairs and she is ready for service Mrs C W Graves and daughter went down to Lincoln thd evening on No 10 Louis Rouse has been promot ed from helper at Cambridge to night agent at Franklin Engine 1061 is over new drop pit having her rear drivers drop ped for new brasses etc Operator W T Lyon went to Trenton Thursday on No 13 for a brief visit with he home folks Operator B J Lanes little girl is on tike sack list and Mr Lane was off duty yesterday on thaft account 4 Us Ja s GASKELL MAC VITTY Inc Offer MEREDITH NICHOLSONS FAMOUS NOVEL dT Dramatized by George Middleton itiaMwiutaHHaniKrsnHBsaaiKiaBaaaMaeKniHmann A PLAY VIBRANT WITH MYSTERY INTENSE WITH HUMAN INTEREST Produced under ike same management that produced 9 The Rosary Servant in the House Port of Missing Men Etc Etc PRICES 1 T5c 50c 35c 25c I Tickets Now on Sale at McConnells Drug Store J K Pence night foreman is sack and J W Chase has been acting in that capacity part of the week The repair gang which has been over at Atwcod repairing the snow plow returned home on 15 Tuesday nighf Conductor T A Nash is in from the snow and cold weather blockade and is housed up with an attack of erysipelas John Easton Henry Moers and John Poh were in Orleans Sunday putting new wheels un der engines 1033 and 1182 Brakeman T J Clark injur ed liis ankle and knee at Wray Wednesday and a man was sent up on No 3 to relieve him Engine 2043 recently return ed tfrom Havelock received some repairs to super heater pipes and other steam plipes this week Sam Piekard and John Bur nett were at Orleans and Stam ford Sunday to replace the tires on the 1192 which -has been flang ed loose C E Emerson foreman of repair men Jias been spending part of the week down on the Orleans St Francis line on in spection duty F II Torrey general supt of motive power Chicago and T Reopen supt of motive power Lincoln came in ifromtbhe east Tuesday night and remained here over night leaving for the west and northwest on 13 yes terday morning A wrestling match is carded for the Armory Saturday night between Harvey McPeak of Ren3 wick Iowa and George Minnick of Cambridge at 50 cents with premier preliminaries thrown in A danee is billed for January 25th in Eagle hall with the usu al shanghai sandwiches on the side Good music included 3Tt rruziX3xm yy rVWlVMMtVqM i in i mrniiwffTmnvirwi i p Tyyi ng Tft JVfcooit THMM ESTABLISHED 1S82 F M KIMMELL Editor Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays The supreme court of the Unit ed States lias declared constitu tional the employers liability law of 190S Alliance has authorized the pur chase of a combination automo bile chemical hose truck at 4 55000 per Pretty foxy Political and official Washing Ion are still gasping over Post master General Hitchcocks an nouncement favoring government ownership of telegraph and tel ephone lines Whv not express too Representative Maguire has in troduced a measure in congress providing for government aid for state fails The bill provid es for an appropriation of 100 000 for this purpose and that -the government shall have room for a suitable exhibit The rural parcels post proOsi tion is up again -with prospect oj becoming hw Tt is proposed to try iout both rural and city par cels post before suggesting a gen eral parcels post law A rural parcels pest ought to result ad vantageously to town and rural life while a general parcels pc t would be damaging and to the interest of the great city centers I The construction of an ocean-to-ocean national old trails rud to embrace the Braddock road Cumberland road national pike Bccnes Lhk rani Santa Fe trail Kearney s read Oregon tniil and other famous highways of the early days was proposed in a bill ir traduced Tuesday by Represents the of M souri It would provide a sxt foot highway from Washington to San Francisco and 01vmpi Warah the cost to be equally di vided between the federal and state governments I O O F Install Officers Officers elect of Indianola lodge I O O F were installed Tues day night W A Middleton of oud citydeputy grand master for this district being the install ing officer being assisted in the work by following members o McCook lodge L A Fitch C R Wcodworth Scott Doan Af ter the installation and work in j the initiatory degree a banquet was served The McCook breth ren drove down to Indianola on Tuesday afternoon and returned home Wednesday morning Again Once More Correspondents must sign their writings not for publication but for the information of the publisher and for identification Everything in drugs at WOOD WORTHS PERSONAL MENTION Mr and Mrs A Barnett went up to Denver Tuesday to witnes the great horse show D C Marsh went up to Den ver Tuesday on No 13 to take in the stock show Mrs J II DeFord of Cantril loiwa is visiting her daughter Mrs Seth S Silver John F Helm of Red Wallow i among those seeing the stock show sights this week Mrs John C Clark of Wray Colorado is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Wesley Rozell Alex ODonnell of Stratton visited briefly in the city Mon day returning home Tuesday on Nio 13 Mrs CumniMigs the nurs leaves tonight on No J for Oma ha to remain and pursue lur vo cation Deputy Count- Clerk E S Dutcher is at Bartley looking af ter some personal affairs for a few days Miss Mary Wray who has been employed in the Upeljke Co of fice for some time is now record ing clerk in the county clrks office Mrs C C Bvfield and child ren visited Indiancla relatives Monday Wednesday Mr Byfielc resumed his rural rout one tlr morning Mrs Ray Benjamin and chil dren returned to their home in Denver Tuesday on No 13 af ter visiting some time wth Mrs W G Jones Rev Father Thomas L Ivdly of Cambridge heard Colonel Bain Tuesday night returning home on Wednesday He recent ly occupied his new priest home in C dge Mr nd Mrs E M Stimm 11 Mr ard Mrs WM Stimmel and George Adams dearted on 14 Wednesday night for Madison Georgia where they will locate and make their home SOME SOCIAL AFFAIRS Mrs C F Fahnestock gaAe a surprise party on little Margar et Wednesday afternoon from 330 to 530 the special occa sion being the sixth birthday of her little daughter About thir ty youthful ones enjoyed the gladsome time and the good things served on this natal day Miss Elizabeth Betteher anel Miss Nellie Smith assisted Mrs S E Harvey was host ess at the meeting of the Pris cilla club Wednesday afternoon A two course luncheon was serv ed Mrs Sarah McSarl was a guest ij Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store TEMPLE THEATRE FRIDAY JANUARY INTERNATIONAL OPERATIC COMPANY Finest musical entertainment of the year Dont fail to hear it Real artists Real music Tickets on sale at McConnells Season ticket holders re serve seats on Tuesday General admission reservations on Wedensday Single Admission 75c AUmUljaraBHmJJII lJFnun vu I i r or Christian Science The morn ing subject for next Sunday is Life Adventist Services at 11 a m and 8 p m Saturday and at 8 p m Sunday Christian Sunday school at 10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m H M Mitchell mil ister German Evan Lutheran East 6th St Services every Sunday morning at 1030 oclock and evening at 730 O R Richert pastor Divine Science Unity health meeting on Tuesday and Friday evenings New Thought Sunday school three oclock on Sunday afternoon 123 W D street Methodist Regular services as follows Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Epworth League at 7 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Prayer meeting on Wednes day evenings Baptist Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Bible school at 10 Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A hearty welcome to all who wish to worship with us D L Mc Bride minister Catholic St Patricks Church 8 30 a m low mass and sermon 10 30 a m high mass and ser mon 2 30 p m Sunday school 8 00 evening services Rev Wm Patton O M I pastor Episcopal Services for Sun day January 21 Holy ion at 8 a m Sunday school at 10 a m Litany and sermon at 11 a m Service and address at 4 p m Holy Baptism at morn- ang service Choir rehearsals on every Wednesday evening at 7 3C oclock Miiiiim i iiiiuiuw i mil ii iiyfci in i i mini n i mi i n inw H ter nraniBnsssEBmaar Worth -B rooas Q 75 On every purchase of 5 over we will give pa a ts Flannel Shirts Gloves All Shoes Except Ralston or Vj vft z4A TS jtk -TX ia r 1 JtLm j pr vni JYf Overcoats Suits Underwear Caps Mittens This Includes Fur Coats This means a 25 Hart Schaff ner Tsax Suit or Overcoat for Co iJ a t ri S A Galusha Son Home of HarU Schaffner Marx Clothes You can buy heavy fleeced underwear for 75c at Hubers Reduced from 100 County commissioners are still in session making annual settle ment with the several county of ficers and elisposing of the other regular business of the county Proceedings in Mondays issue of The Tribune CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Order of Hearing- To all nersons interested in iIn I rvp rlt nm T 1 ceased You will take notice of the following In the county court of Red Willow County Nebraska In the matter of the estate of James R Jackson deceased Now on tJiis 13th day of Jan uary 1912 Ruth E Jackson liv ing filed her verified petition in this count praying that the ad ministration of the estate of James R Jackson deceased be dispensed with and that his heirs be determined It is ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the coun ty count room in said county on the 5th day of February 1912 at 10 oeloek a m and that no itiee hereof be given to all per sons interested in said estate by publishing this order for three successive weeks in The McCook Tribune a legal newspaper pub lished in said county FRANK M COLFER Seal County Judge C n BCYLE Attorney First publication Jan 15 6ts In the County Court of Red Willow eountyNebraska In the matter of the Estate of Stephen Bolles deceased State of Ne braska Red Willow County To all persons interested in the estate of Stephen Bolles deceas ed You are hereby notified that Marilla Bolles executrix of the last Avail and testament of Steph en Bolles deceased has filed hei final account in said matter aad a petition for final settlement and discharge and that the resi due of said estate be assigned in accordance with the terms of said wilL Said final account and petition will be heard in the coun ty court room in the city of Mc Cook in said county on the 29th day of January 1912 at one oclock p m and you are here by cited to appear and show cause if any such exists at the time and place above designated why said account should not be allowed and said petition grant ed Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 5th day of Jan nary 1912 ERANK M COLFER rSeaL County Judge First publication Jan 8 6ts a