The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 18, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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k a W
Delivered free anjr place In McCook
Corn chop per 100
Bran par 100
Shorts per 100
Wheat per bushel
Corn per bushel
Oats per bushel
Alfalfa per bale
Ground alfalfa meal for chick
en and cow feed per 100
1 23
McCook Milling Company
Phone 29
- vT v
Eighth Grade Graduation
The graduation exercises of the
eighth grade of the McCook pub
lie schools were held at 230 on
Monday afternoon in the II S
auditorium The affair was Avell
attended Following is the pro
Music selected II S Orchestra
Vocal soilo Velma Sutton
Address Rev Lester Lewis
Presentation of diplomas C W
Music Orchestra
Below is a list of graduates
Galen Morris
William Wolfe
Pauline Burns
Argyle Rector
Velma Sutton
Mabel Trout
Osie Cordon
Lillian Dueland
Ruth Ilostetter
Belle Swanson
Nellie Wilson
Howard Garrett
Christina Sehlecht
Margaret Gollehon
Louis McKay
Raymond Seliwal
Lester Cannon ey
Otto ITuet
A Date Arranged
Managers McConnell Pennell
say they have secured a contract
from the United Play company
for The Third Degree The
date will be announced later on
It wiill be a month oi so at least
We are very glad to welcome
plays of this kind in our city
Personal taxes of 1911 became
delinquent December 1st Should
be paid before Februarj 1st to
avoid collection by distress war
15 3t Countv Treasurer
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
600 Overcoats for 399
dn The Thompson D G Cos
Clearing Sale
They are union made and there
are none equal the Carhart over
alls jackets and gloves At the
main store on the main street
Phone 97
Our news spring stock of wall
paper i9 arriving Remember to
look it over when you get ready
to do your spring papering
WOODWORTn Druggist
Why pay more Standard cali
coes at 5 cents yard at Hubers
Use MeMillens Cream Lotion
for hands or face
Balsam cures
Classified Advertisements
LOST Pair black fur gauntlet
gloves Tuesday a m Reward
Phone black 444
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
furnace bath 403 1st street
east Phone red 260 18 4ts
We have some fresh new Pop
Corn that
Will All Pop
All kinds of
Phone 25
Premier Musical Number
The next offering by the Citi
zens Entertainment Course com
mittee will be The International
Operatic Co Friday January 26
in the Temple theatre The com
mittee feels that in this number
have a musical offering of
such excellence that all should
avail themselves of the oppor
tunity to hear them This com
pany is composed of artists who
are able to give grand opera
light opera or a concert program
They sing in Swediish
nan vierman or jMigiisn as de
sired in costume etc The per
sonnel is as follows
Tekla Farm MeKinnie formerly
with Mme Sehiumann Heinles
Loves Lottery Co as prima don
na soprano
Christian Mathisen formerly of
the National Christiana Norway
Opera company tenor
Burt P MeKinnie formerly
with SaA ages English Grand Op
era company baritone
Rose Ileidenrcieh formerly of
the National Opera company of
Chicago contralto
Lawrence Moulding accompan
ist and piano soloist
It is proposed to require both
operatic and concert numbers so
that aill may expect to be enter
tained and the committee hopes
that this company may be greet
ed by
a large audience
Moore Schlect
Mr Fred T Moore and
Barbara Schlecit were married at
the Methodist parsonage Wed
nesday evening at 730 oclock
Rev L E Lews officiating in
the presence of near relatives
and a feiv friends Their home
will be with his parents Mr and
Mrs Thomas Moore Fred will
continue in the employ of The
White House Grocery and his
wife with II C Olaipp The bride
and groom are young people of
sterling worth and enjoy the eon-
fidenee and high regard of a nu
merous circle of friends who
will wish them happiness and
prosperity in their married life
iou need
ter outside
one inside
eter especially is1 a paying invest
ment if used to keep the temper
ature of the home even and not
too warm
We have all sorts of thermom
eters at a variety of prices and
all are reliable Clinical or fever
thermometers also
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Red Willow Represented
Red WllCiw county is well rep
resented at the great stock show
in Denver Harrison Harri
son cf Indilanola have about a
score of their prize winning Aberdeen-Angus
there on exhibi
tion These gentlemen have some
superior stock in their ranch
near Inidmnola and on mast oc
casions offered exhibit them
winning not a few prizes and in
cidentally advertising Red Wil
low county We understand the
boys captured some blue ribbons
at the show
A Great Production
From our exchanges Ave find
nothing but praise for the ele
gant production given by the
United Play company in their pre
sensation of Charles Kleins great
story plav The Third Degree
Denver Property
6 rccm modern home 2 story
pressed brick fine location oaet
side for snle or Avill trade for
McCook property 18 tf
521 Main Ave McCook
The New Way
cf smoking m aat We haA e a
pure AAholesome liquid sinoke
AAith the desirable elements of
hickory Avood without any dan
gerous substance
McMHjLEN Druggist
Warm Beaver Shawls 129
in The Thompson D G Cos
Clearing Sale
McConnell fills prescriptions
Seal shipt oysters are sanitary
and best 30 cents pint for fresh
ones at Magners Phone 14
Thursday Evening Edition
By Mr P Walsh 3
The American Bankers asso
ciation fleet to Panama charter
ed by the New York Central Rail
road company consisted of four
ships of the United States Fruit
company of Bcston the Oarillo
Tivivcs Sixaola and lloradio re
cently built at Belfast Ireland
This was their maiden voyage We
started from New Orleans No
vember 25 at noon sailing down
the MiLsaayppi river to its mouth
a distance of 110 miles passing
many points of scenic and his
toric interest Then followed a
delightful run across the Gulf of
Mexico a distance of about 500
miles until Cape San Antonio
Cuba was sighted at about noon
on Monday the 27th when the
steamers entered the Caribbean
Sen continuing a southeasterly
course The only land we saw
after sighting the above named
Cuban point was an island em
bracing about 1014 square miles
called Old Providenee said to
have been the rendezvous of the
buccaneers Morgan and Drake
when engaged in piracy on the
high scias The island has about
1400 inhabitants fresh water a
harbor and a small river
We would have been pleased
had it been possible to have vis
ited Cuba and some of the islands
of the sea many miles to the east
metre obscure but wonderful lit
tle inlands known as the Lesser
AniiiiMes Among them might be
named AnquaiGuadailOupc Dom
mrca Martinique Barbadocs and
Grenada But we were not so
fortunate as to do so These are
the islands Avrrah a century or so
ago Ave re looked upon as the rich
est in the world and over the
possession of wihoeh fierce wars
were waged On these islands
were bom such celebrities as Al
exander Hamilton and the Empress-
Josephine George Wash
ington is said to have visited
them And from them came the
highest western civilization of
TEMPERATURE i these times Every inch of land
a reliable was then cultivated and the
the house and also gra sugar estates brpught vast
The inside to their owners m England
and elsewhere mit now every
thing a changed Those who
have visited them recently say
the climate is the finest in the
world tropical vegetation still
covers the valleys and mountains
but the gardens of Martinique
are overgrown the can fcilds
have turned back into jungles
the great homes are crumbling
and the people are desperately
rpoor It is
claimed this change
Avas caused by the free dean of
the slaves and our tariff en their
It wm nrAiPivl hv 51 Of Tllle
nassenirers on board the ships
dn sight night and day A pa
per was published daily on the
sliaps giving the news of the
world as the wireless caiuglut it
music and dancing for the young
folks boat races between the
shjiips and a display of fireworks
from one of the boats for three
consecutive nights wig wagging
between the ships officers nnd
by way of diversion a little sea
sickness was indulged in by a
few The only living thing Ave
saw either going or coming Avere
flying fish an occasional sea gull
and a icav porpolise jumping out
of the water But water Ave saAV
in every direction all of the time
day and night With me it aroius
ed a desire to see land again due
no doubt largely to the fact that
Avatoer is such a strianger to one
from this section of the coun
try When m sight of Colon Ave
again saw the Stars and Stripes
not at Colon as that point
Avhile in the canal zone is not an
American port being excluded
from our governments purchase
but at a point less than a mile
distant called Christobal That
is the American port nearest the
entrance to the canal Ileire the
great statute of DeLesseps stands
in front of the great building
known as the DeLesseps Palace
DeLesseps was the Frenchman
who in 1882 Avent to the istlimus
nnl itinnrTif nf the nfimrrs ot aiina lias a nopuiaticn c
-- -- -- -
lV I
the ship avc Avere informed that
no foreign built vessel Avais per
mitted under the laAv to fly the
American flag Further inquiry
disclosed the fact that voxels
built abroad could be bought for
almost one half the cost of build
ing them in America The trip
on different boats Avhicih Av3re
Everything in dmgs
L W McCONNELL Druggist
You AAill ahvays secure the best
market price for your butter
eggs and cream at Magners
i Phone 14
Brands count for something In
canned goods the premiers arc
the J M and the Advo
Phone 97
Sheep Lined Coats 239
AAith Ing corduroy collars Oth
ers AAith big fur collars 289 in
The Thompson D G- Cos Clear
ing Sale
Colonel Bains Lecture
Colonel Bains lecture on
I Could Live Life Over
greeted by an appreciative aud
ience in the Temple theatre on
Tuesday evening The colonel
has rounded out his three score
and ten but still retains a
of body eloquence of speech
and buoyancy of imagination to
gether AAith the artists temper
anient to entertain interest and
instruct any audience The col
onel made it clear that he Avould
not change the state of his birth
Kentucky but Avould eliminate
some tilings add others and
strengthen and improve other
opportunities He oAvned he
AAioura enjoy trying me over
again and urged everybody to
look on the bright side of life
keep young in body and spirit
especially in spirit The -colonel
is a grand old sold AAhose spirit
has been sAveetened and chasten
ed and purified in the large ex
periences of long and useful life
hence his admonitions lias philos
ophy his adviice have value and
Avedght He believed it paid to
be igood and if he had the op
portunity Avould endeavor to be
a better man to make more of
life and be more useful to his
felloAV men His lecture was en
joyed and liberally applauded foi
sentiment and expression
to dig the canal having complet ns ft js to hM AVj10 ias lis
cd the task of building the Suez I sidered a most difficult te
canal between the Mediterran
ean and the Red Sea at a cost
of 100000000 His estimate on
the cost of the Panama Avas 215
000000 and time allowed for the
completion AAas eight years The
story -of the occupation by the
French is one round of horrors
The men died by thousands of
yeJloAv fever and smallpox and
Panama became the Avorsfc
Rosalind at Redgate
To make a dramatized novel
just as interesting to the
ator who has neAer read the book
task in
play AAri ting In Rosalind at
Redgate George Middleman the
dramatist has succeeded in ac
complishing this difficult feat
for the dramatization of Mere
dith Nicholsons neAV novel is eas
ily understood and stands in a
field of its OAvn s a play
The action takes place in the
same locality as tliat AViliich be
came famous in The House of
tier ot disease and lea till in tuea Thousand Candles and the
Avhole world At the end of ten story js mid to be even more
years the French company faded mysterious and interesting than
and all the money pa d by the mrpfWpcnr
seeing the points of interest Co-
ilon is a tOAvn of about 13000
From there Ave took the train for
Panama on the Panama railroad
and Aere in sight of the canal
ailmost all the Avav across the crath
mus We arrived at our di ai
tiiicn at neon Avent to th IIV1
Tivoli for dinner and ncnt Va
afternoon seeing Pwirma t a
wIipti livnr Ncav Orleans that temperature of 90 degree
Ave were flying the British flag shade on Thanksgiving dr
m tn
and it seemed that 90 ner rwA ot
them Avere negroes The streets
aire A ery narrow and irrcgmlar in
thoir course The best bnildirngc
are of the mission type There
are a great many frame build
ings and all of these have balcon
ies extending out from every
wic -in n jninhlo mm flerr The cities ot Colcn and
tatives of the fruit company and Panama have been paved sawcr
fhe railroad company Avere aatjM age systems built and A ater
us and thay had arranged a pro- Avcirks installed by our govern
gram of entertainment each day mnt sJoae the American
The Aest iels Avere equipped
aat on
Panama Nstcml IoiV
mi in -T-- t i 1 i vv
jiy uiic ua an uiit j ci3 yrirc glACn HCC 10 paiSMlger ill lilipui inui ii-
Hudson theatre New York enty in rvrfimi rrrtinfr with fi innrb fliaaondiri to rencr t d
I V V --I- -- J M
Red Wool Underwear 89c Furs
rhu G
Continued on page four
in shirts and drawers in The for edd warts and pieces in
TJircmnsnii T G Co s Clearintr Thcnnnson D 6 Cos Clf
A MeMillen prescription drug
Anything in qneensfAvaro at re
duccd prices at Hubers
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magner
Sweaters 23c 269
in The ThompsonD G- Cos
Clearing Sale
Chases Plush Robes 119
Very liandome designs- Lap
robes very necessary article The
Thompson D 6 Cos Clearing
A Vice President Here
Messrs P Walsh and W B
MiilL i Avho Avere the delegates of
McCook Commercial club to
the annual state Good Roads
meeting in Lincoln Tuesday ar
riAcd home yesterday morning
They report a iery interesting
and enthusnastlJc meeting The
illustrated lectures shoAAiing and
Have you ever considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now Avhen you are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit it with
P Walsh President
C F Lehv V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Annual Meeting-
The Dorcas society of the Con
gregational church met at the
home of Mrs L Suess Wednes
day afternoon in annual session
Reports read indicated that the
society had accomplished mucl
during the year just closed and
that its finances and general
business affaire Avere in satisfac
tory condition The election ot
officers for ensuing year result
ed as foIloAvs President Mrs
Z L Kay Vice President Mrs
Walter Stokes Secretary Mrs
A R Scott Treasurer Mns L
Suess The old committees re
main unchanged
The Junior Dorcas also held its
annual meeting Wednesday For
ensuing year they eleeted Miss
Addie Dean president Miss
Maud Doan Aice president Miss
Nellie Snrth secretary treasurer
tnAT n Mvnnnft rfi t -- 1 -1 - 1 ii i - -- 1
l i ui l l J ii r nosawna at iteagflTe aviii oeThe sceeeifcv deencled to taKe in
whis lest It rs said that tir the offering at the Temple- the jmnd the implement of the in
fueers and men holding a nn MothIjiv Tannarv 22nd a nv the lmrli nnrl m iM
ant positions Avith the company
hnd stolen ovr 10000000
Avastexl that much more 100
000000 being the total amount
We arrived in Colon about 8
a m on Thursday November 30
and spent about three days there
and if local interest is any secute this Avork at once The
erion it Avill be Avitnessed by a -work Aill be in charge of Ms
capacity audience
Lona Phelps Miss Christine Hol
lister and Miss Millicent Slaby
Miss Anna Hannan Aas on
sick list first of the Aveek
The II S Orchestra will
an ei rtainment on the 25th
this onth
describing road and biddge ife Ada Whitney cf Indfianola
provement given by represents- IoAA a arrived Sunday and assnm
tives from the Kansas and Iowa eci ier duties as instructor in the
agricultural colleges Avere eighth grade Monday morning
ially interesting as showing the
great advantage of cement over Ladies Caracul Coats 589
Avood and steel A committee on in The Thompson D G Cos
legislation AA as named Avith the Clearing Sale
atjcav or securing iavoraihle legis
lation and state jurisdiction and
rapport and a better method of
crginizing our higliAAay forces
Mr A Barnett of our city
elected one of tiio three Aice pres
idents of the organization
The cold Aveather brings need
of atomizers for the treatment
of throat and nasal aff cations
Ailments that once had to be en
dured can niw be eurrd AvtMi pro
per trcitmtnt We have a line
of the best meilcil atcfmizers
made at 50c to 150
J W McCONNELL Druggist
Vcolen Blankets 369
Big heavy avooI Idankcts for
only 369 in The Thompson D
G Cos Clearing Sale
ITots the Law
Before starting a raffle per
haps it AAculd -be Avise to consult
the laws of your state
Ladies Jacket Suits 789
All AAool and silk lined in The
D G Cos Clearing j
Blue Flannel Shirts 89c
in The Thompson D G Co
Clearing Sale
Nyals Baby Cough Syrup is
made especially for small chil
dren 25c per bottle
More snoAv
McConnell s
removes chains
last night
Fragrant Lotion
i Our dims store is the Nval s
store For anything in the Nyal
line call on us
The Research club avtiII meet
JAvith Mrs B L Webber Mon-
day aftcrnocn Jnuarv 22nd at
230 oeloek iSubject Famous
Women cf the 20th Century
the cathartic It is a fig
syrup in tablet form pleasant to
take 10c and 25c per box
It is expected that Wm Y
Johnson aaxiII arriAe in McCook
tonight from Monte Vista Colora
do in search of relief from ser
ious heart trouble IBs daughter
and son-in-law accompany him
Dr H J Reid and faanciy ar
rived from Cambridge Monday
and they are getting settled at
506 West 1st The doctor has
leased the office quarters over
Fallacks bakery for years occu
pied by Dr J D Hare The
hospital however AAill be locat
ed at 506 West 1st street
Small Boys Overcoats 119
in rue Tnompson
Clearing- Sale
D G Cos