The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 15, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4

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    y -
Baldness is too Generally Consid
ered a Sign of Advanced Age
A bald headed person does not
have an equal chance with one
blessed with a healthy head of
liair because laldness is too gen
erally accepted as an indication
of age Many large corporations
have established an age limit and
refuse tio take men over -35 years
of age as new employes
Probably 65 cf bald li ended
people may regain a good head
of healthy hair if they will fol
low our advice and accept our
offer We have a remedy that
we positively guarantee to grow
hair on any head unless tihe roots
of the hail are entirely dead
their follicles closed and the
scalp has become glazed and
sliiny We want people to try
this remedy at our risk with the
distinct understanding that un
less it does exactly what we
claim it will and gives saitisf ac
tion in every respect we shall
make no charge for the remedy
used duiing the tiial
We know exactly what we are
talking about and with this of
fer hack cf our statements no one
should scoff doubt cur words
or heeotate to put our remedy to
an actual test
We want every one in McCook
who is suffering from any scalp
or hair trouble dandruff falling
hair or baldness to trv our
Rexall 93 Hair Tonic We
want them to use it regularly
say until three bottles haAe been
usd and if it does not eradi
cate dandruff cleanse and re
fresh the raalp tighten the hair
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local annlications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness and that is by constitutional
remedies Deafness is caused by
an inf lamed condition of the mucous
lining of the eustachian tube Wh i
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing and
when it is entirely closed deafness
is the result and unless the inflam
mation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever i
nine caces out of ten are caused by
in its roots and grow new hair
we will return every cent ipaic
us for the mere asking Then
is no formality expected and wt
exact no obligation from the nse
We are established right hen
in McCook and make this offei
with a full understanding thai
our business success entirely de
pends upon the sort of treatmen
we accord our customers anc
we would not dare make tin
above offer unless we were posi
tively certain that Ave could sub
sitantiiate it in every particular
Remember you can obtain Rex
all Remedies in this communit
only at our store The Rexal
Store L W McConnell
To the editors of the estate
of Carrie M Farnsworth deceas
You are hereby notified tha1
the time for filing claims agains
said estate expires June 29 1912
and that the county judge of Ret
Willow county Nebraska will sii
on the first day of July 1912 at
the hour of nine oclock a in
to examine all claims against sai
estate with a view to their ad
iustment and allowance
Dated December 23rd 1911
County Judge
C E ELDRED Attorney
December 25 1911 Sts
Developed and printed
Prices Reasonable
F H TBIMBLE 503 East 3d St
Phone black 90
catarrh which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness caused by
catarrh that cannot be cured by
Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu
lars free
F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio
Sold by druggists 7oc
Take Halls Family Pills for consti
Try a Tribune
vaTcli results
TTiXrrvZ S2 Z
Tastes Like and Is Eaten
In our experience in the band
ling of drugs and medicines we
believe wo have never had ex
perience with any remedy thait
gave such greait satisfaction to
ooir customers as do Rexall Or
derlies This- remedy is notlike
any -other laxative or cathartic I
contains all tlie good features of
OftLhex laxatives but none of their
Our own faith in Rexall Order
lies is so strong that we -offer
them to you with our own posi
tive personal guarantee that if
they do not thoroughly satisfy
want ad ami
A Moving Christmas Sermon
Twas loneh on M C ok- main street
T were j a mjr on and fr
i CirMniij eie whn v countr lui
I 1 f - - f timiiflikt la lo a
T Kl ifv liin in
An i In- ii- i i a juvw 1 known
A ri i iri i riii il the iri
iir pit- ivi ton 1 sf n
V U i i returned at List
rill I hia Tiv iiiin t fitlii rs iiart with jo
V ili i vinir m hr 1 ti h l an i i rii
r li el i j i oi ce in re ier Innn lt I boy
Teirs tiinimtl the of the country lad
Yei ti i i i vision of ftr away
Oi h 1 1 1 - i mi Vier ie a- nin
1 ud hi- f tii r an mother old and tjray
in 1 w to hwr oli wor I from him
V I iiv io -ft hi- well loved ace
lie i feit a mjj of reil remorse
An 1 ri imj Ilickh left ile jjlice
When r -e in sun on Ulirist i as day
it h iiler ahoiie than ere before
On the little ottaije at the farm
For the fci sioi 1 at ii- fathers door
V ivkijn 1 - G II atkixs Vice Pred
R A G ken Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCoik Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Kriiiklm A McUillen R A Green
II Watkius Vernice Franklin
you you only need tell us and
we -will hand back to you every
penny you paid us for them
Therefore in trying them upon
our recommendation you take no
risk whatever
Rexall Orderlies taste like and
are eaten like candy They do
not grape cause nausea exces
sive looseness or any other an
noyance They act so -easily that
they may be taken at any time
day or night They are particu
larly good for children aged or
delicate persons They ane put
up in convenient tablets in three
sizes of packages Prices 10c 25
and 50c
Remember Rexall Remedies
can he obtained in this commun
ity only at mr store The Rexall
Store L W JtfcConneil
Indians Carried Away William
Brown at Austin Tex
I Recent Rumors Have Prompted
Search by Mrs Carrie Jayne Mc
Farland a Sister but So Far
Without Result
Darlington Okla Nearly seven v
years rgo William Love Brown tUt i
twelve years old was carried away iv
a band ot Comanche Indians trom tn
home ol his parents in the outsKi -of
Austin Tex and taken to the C o
manche camps in what is now sqiu
west Oklahoma Ever since that r
the kinsmen ot the lost boy have Ltt i
searching lor him and hoping that i
might be found Their inquiries wc
lately renewed by reason ot a news
paper story telling of an old man long
captive among Indians in Oklahoma
who was trying to find his people
Mrs Carrie Jayne McFarland ot
Mrs Carrie Jayne McFarland
ipre and took Amos lrom the Indian
rnd then turned to my mother andi
mid her to take the children and go
quickly into the house
My mother ran with the children
at her side An arrow narrowly
missed her and stuck in the door
lacitg as she entered the house My
lather ran but was hot and tell In
the yard near the door An arrow
passed halt way through the arm of
little Amos just above his lelt elbow
Two carpenters at work on the bouse
were present One of them Mr Hos
kins was shot and killed
My mother called to the carpen
ter in the house and they carried my
Inther inside He asked for brother
William and was told by the negro
girl that the last time she saw him
the Injins were takin him off
Father died in fifteen minutes after
he was shot He and Mr Hosklnu
were buried across the road trom the
house My mother kept hoping and
looking tor brother Williams return
tor thirty years or longer
Owner Has Device to Hurry Beast
When He Shows Symptoms of
Forrest City Ark Friends ot Su
perintendent Chilner oi the city water
and light plant are at a loss whether
to class him as the meanest man in
Arkansas or the most Ingenious one
The water department has a Missou
ri mule which possessed the reputa
tion of being the laziest quadruped
ever harnessed until Mr Uhllner
rigged a patent starter on the wagon
to be drawn by It He put a small
electric battery with a switch con
venient to the drivers hand and at
tached an insulated wire to the head
stall of the bridle thence to the ring
on the bit and then back to Its tall
Now when the gang Is ready to
start there is no cranking nor horse
whipping to be done The device wa3
resorted to after his muleship threat
ened to bankrupt the plant buying
whips Mr Chilner has applied for
Molasses Kills Many Fish
New Orleans Dead shrimp by the
million and thousands of fish are
floating on the surface of Lake Pont
chartraln as a result of their feeding
on molasses The sweet diet round its
way into the lake from the city Bew
ers when 600000 gallons flowed in the
streets -by the bursting of a storage
tank The molasses contained abouti
2 per cent of potash
E3rcp I i I
tKugnRHBi iH
Sk vRbE
Bbil HSuH
The name of Col George W Gar tllinks t has solved the problem
Bain has been a household word f stf iy ta1 Jh is thechief ob
- uavav lui iij iu iiiuuuiuir uiin t
Port Lavaca Tex sister ot Broun
in thousands ot homes through
Mr Gary thinks nis aeropIane nas
heard ot the and has written to
story out the for than
country more a met the Wright patents and avoided i
umiu aiau i muan aBei u f TJ j j an infringement of them while all
homa asking it they know or the man J Z
i e i n
the other
heard him times the successful flying machines
The agents have no knowledge x many
him Mrs McFarland is being ones most anxious to hear him
cd in her search by her son-in-law again It is doubtful whether he
P Penfield of Houston Tex
CQuld in dull
express a thought a
s ionaries among the Klowas and Co- -
or neloquent manner if he shotild
manches have been requested to que
tion the old men or these tribes ami try He IS rightly called The
i possible learn ir they have an Silver tongued Orator of Ken-
I nowledge ot the attack on the Brown tucky He might also be called
he the humorist of Kentucky the1
Mrs McFarland lately told this
story ot the Incidents that led to favorite son the pride ot the
less ot her brother lyceum and many other designa J
Some eight or ten Comanche In- tions of honor and esteem No
cM ins rode up to our gate Sunday mQre hj hl respected and
ly 10 1S42 and asked the way to t j t
to none has there been accorded
tistln Father walked out near the
jr ue to direct them my mother and more sincere praise He holds
t1 e children lollowing to look at the phenomenal record of twelve
incl ot the Indians and tin-
Ij acea nnnparnnres at the preat as-
AfmHanronc over th tencP sembIJ at Chautauqua N Y It is claimed must pay the Wrights
-d picked up my brother Amos and thirty six at Ocean Grove N J nini
pneed him behind him and started ta nine at Bay View Mich and
rit a belt round his and th childs from five to twenty or more at
ist In that way trying to strap the i
manr other
rnild to him Father stepped out the
NciIiTjc is h
the City ci MfCW
S i
r I
City Wtfr
e jji bki o
a cjiTiu
cent ot sTid
K 1 T 1
If- il -I
by given that
uud VTiL v
J t a n
Ki4 n i ug jkC I
DoikjV i bjik
Ie a u m ni i 1
i i i i
um ah iv t t i
riled wii lilt pivj ci
j on or I lore tn twenty n i
i day of Jinuaiy li12 at si
oclock p m Thu e bends to
draw int r iit at fv pr cent
i n u
Plyabk on iibe 15 h Of d Tin
uary of each year to and includ
ing Jnirrv Hth 19 - no n
t nH r v1 inrri reserves
the rvnh tr ac ipt r rei il rv
and all bd
WUncso fur Irnch rf M r i
Jsrinrv 13Vi 1012
T r RTOLL City Clerk
City Seal
How to Test Seed Coin
Enough ears tc plant twenty
acres can be tested in a single
day with a heme made tauter
TJalve a box six inches deep and
about tvve by three feet in size
Tvfl box aliit IHf full f
m dt s nd r awdu t
Pi- ed it well down so it will
hive a smooth even surface Xow
take a wlrte elcth about the size
rf the box rule it eff checker
board fash on making squares
one and one half inches each
way Number the checks 1 2
3 and so on Place this over the
sind dirt or sawdust
Take the ears to be tested and
eiibheir lay them out on the floor
and mark a number in front of
each or attach a numbered tag
Niow take off about six kernels
from each ear not all from the
sianne place but at several paints
on all skies Put these kernels
on the squares ccrr in
number to those- placed on the
ears of corn Be -careful not to
get theim mixed Kecip the ears
numbered to correspond exactly
wiiith the numbers on the squares
of cloth
After the kernels have been
placed carefully on the cloth
wlidch covers the moist sand dirt
or sawdust cover them with an
other cloth considerably larger
than the box cover this cloth
with about two inches of the
same moist sand and keeip the
box in a warm place It must
not get cold
The kernels will germinate in
four to six days
Remove the cover carefully to
avoid imiisplaoing the kernels Ex
amine them carefully Some -will
havot long sprouts hut almost no
roots others -will not have grown
at all hut the -kernels from ears
which will produce corn if plant
ed waM have both sprouts and
srood root systems
Compare the numbers on the
squares wJth these on the ears
Put back into the feeding corn
bin the ears which correspond
in numbr to the numbers on the
squares where kernels did not
grow or where ihcy showed only
weak rccts
The ears numbered correspond
ing to those on the cloth which
shewed strong signs of life are
the ones to preserve for seed
Every kernel from these ears
should produce a stalk every
atalk an tax
Its Unusual Shape Is Expected to Ob
viate Present Difficulties Inven
tor Clairrs Stability
Paterson X J V A Gary of Pat
erson has built an aeroplane which
looks as though it might easily make
a noise like a hoop and roll away
But it really cant Moreover Mr
1 ii Ti SSa
rv i yir - rj w
4 t Ji
H i --
A Queer Aeroplane
Wright and other flyers meet
changed conditions caused by gusts
ot wind on one side or the other by
warping the main planes of interme
diate planes If they didnt their ma
chines would skid sideways into the
first air pocket and be wrecked Mr
Oaiys machine presents a side riding
at the bottom of the hoop in wlnoli
his three planes are enclosed brings
the center of gravity of the machine
so low that it cant tip over It is
now awaiting the building of a heavy
motor to have its final trial
Gobbler Broods on Nest
Evans Colo Turkey gobblers have
been known to care for motherless
chicks but a three-year-old handsome
bronze gobbler on the George Jones
farm near here is sitting on a nest of
annum payable sDini anmially at 20 eggs and results
the bankinir hous of Kxan watched
-v ir ri i
A w Itll lij lit -
ire anxiously
rder of Hearing
Io ail persons interested in the
ejtatt ex James K Jackson de
ceused You will take notice of
the following
in the county court of Ked
TViillciw County Nebraska In
the matter of the estate of James
R Jackson deceased
Now on this 13th day of Jan
uary 1912 Ruth E Jackson hav
ing filed her verified petition in
this count praying that the ad
ministration of the estate cf
James R Jackson deceased be
dispensed with and that his heirs
be determined
It is ordered that a hearing on
aacid petition be had at the coun
ty count room in said county on
the 5th day of February 1912
ait 10 oclock a m and that no
tice hereof be given to all per
sons interested in said estate by
publishing this order for three
successive weeks in The McCook
Tribune a legal newspaper pub
lished in sand county
Seal County Judge
C n BOTLE Attorney
First publication Jan 15 6ts
In the County Court of Red
Willow county Nebraska In the
matter of the Estate of Stephen
Bolles deceased Staite of Ne
braska Red Willow County
To all persons interested in the
estate of Stephen Bolles deceas
You are hereby notified that
Marilla Bolles executrix of the
last will and testament of Steph
en Bolles deceased has filed hei
final account in said matter and
a petition for final settlement
and discharge and that the resi
due of said estate be assigned in
accordance with the terms of
said wilL Said final account and
petition will be heard in the coun
ty court room in the city of Mc
Cook in said county on the 29th
day of January 1912 at one
oclock p m and you are here
by cited to appear and show
cause if any such exists at the
time and place above designated
why said account should not be
allowed and said petition grant
Witness my hand and the seal
of said court this 5th day of Jan
uary 1912
Seal County Judge
Pirst publication Jan 8 6ts
Your combings
made into switches and puffs
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210 1st st W -- Phone red 450
Plumbing Heatina
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasemeEt
Postoffice building
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
cuvuns uiiicfc xoc resilience
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Templs
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Mc
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms
building McCook
3 and 5 Wai
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
McCook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in office
McCook Nebraska
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCook
Jewelers Ooticlans
Eyes tested and fitted Fine re
pairing McCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods ol Quality
Main avenue McCook Nebro
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co Of
fice in Postoffice building Mc
Cook Nebraska
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 305 2nd st East Phone
black 252
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
Heating PlumbiDg
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
If your children are subject to at
tacks of oroup watch for the first
symptom hoarseness Give
berlains Cough Remedy as soon as
the child becomes hoarse and the at
tack may be warded off For sale by
all dealers