The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 15, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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n h
AtoW wywf yj iwniww g nyy wHyi
Laoi Friday Avas tlu 24th anni
Aersary of the great blizzard of
January 12th 1888 which Avas
only equalled in death and dam
age by that of 1873
The great Equitable fire in
NeAV York city Avas started by
a discarded match carelessly
ln -- n OTiinl nT A r A 4lnl
until they had fought Avith the
flames for a half hour themseh
s contributed to the destruction
of the great building
The Lincoln Star concludes
that the fact that GoAernor Aid
rich is to haAre opposition in his
roil- Tnnmmn o irm ip -on in
nreak into tlie OA ernor s man
sion And they Arill have a large
undertaking GoAernor Aldrich
richly deserAes another term
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
is a reliable family medicine Give
it to your children and take it your
self when you feel a cold coming on
It checks and cures coughs and colds
and croup and prevents bronchitis
and pneumonia A McMillen
a -
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postofflce McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
I Are With the Congressman
Since the introduction of Con- ally compel n president to con
gressman Nor ris civil service ex- suit to a large extent the
tension solution iit has been dis wnfBd wishes of seniors in
making nominations wlucli the
covered that President laft and
spnate mugt approvc To toke
Postmaster general llitciicocic postmasters from exempt class
are holih in favor of and -have and give them indefinite terms
advocated this same course The
Nev York Tribune discusses the
case in language below
11 l Il Id f UVWIKt
Paft has gone much further than
any other president in urging
congress to take the pestoffice
imt of politics In- establishing a
tenure based on competency and
under the protection of the merit
system would strip the senate of
a perquisite- which it especially
pnizes No federal office holder
Norris of Nebraska a leading I is in a better position to do party
Avestern insurgent thinks that he
is making capital against Presi
dent Taft by introducing a bill
to put all postmisteis and postal
employes under the aegis of the
civil service regulations he is
Avork tnan tlie postmaster ot a
town or city witli his facilities
for reaching and influencing vot
ers The service was once a vast
political machine and has erased
to be so onlv because of the
Yesiouslv mistaken for President j steady pressure of public
ran ana increasing aisincuna
ticn of administrations to permit
posit masters to be active in poli
President Tait believes that
good behavior The president licient and economical admmis
Avould be heartily glad to t ration is a far safer reliance
er his present poAver to nominate than patronage in seeking populai
postmasters for fixed terms but support and he Avould be delight
congress has turned a cold pd to free himself of the annoy
der to his suggestions because ana and drudgery involved in
representatives and senators hate continually filling vacancies in
to surrender the influence Avhich pest offices marshalships eollect
they noAV exert in the selection of orships and surveyorships merely
postmasters in their states or because the four year terms of
tricts the incumbents expire Instead
The right to confirm of resenting Mr Taft would Avel
tial appointees is one most come the passage of some such
ously guarded by the senate and measure is Mr Norris has intro
the traditions of politics dueed
1 hen bv announce mv
daey for Count Attorney sub
ject to d cisicn of It pri
Advenitesi delegates from nine
states will maet in convention in
Lincoln Janiuary 1G iio 31
He Declined
Omaha Jan 11 Rober
eil manager of a larn
ed to get to the hay
th har iL
drcation that the governor has
uarn dux you
not been satisfying eArerybodAr
Maybe But the
some felloAv
Maki Avenue
store here receaved a tjlegram
lst night from Postmaster Grn
ril Ilitclr eck and Tiiitcd States
Senator Brown rf M braska of
fering him the appointment as
postmaster of Omha Mr Cow
ell replied that it would im
pcireble 1cr him to accept
He ol h iind le donJa v U
nre on part of employes to re-
port the fire to the authorities
In the Hospital Since
Montie Walker sprung this
one on Marion and Mnggs the
other day and he has been in the
family hospital ever since
Dobson Heres a problem
for yon old man A donkey Avas
tied to a rcpe six feet long eigh
teen feot there Avas a bun-
IIoav did he
manage it
Sharp Oh Ive heard that
one before You Avant me to say
I give -it up and youll say So
did the other donkey
Dobson Not at all
Sharp Then Iioav did he do
Dobson -lust Avalked up to
said it AAas
likelihood is that a rope on y sixfeet long
So he But
AA as you
s simply want to
tilnner th r0Pe wasn l tlcd t0 anr
Foley Kidney Pills
always give satisfaction because they
always do the Avork J T Shelnut
Bremen Ga says I have used Fo
ley Kidney Pills Avith great satisfac
tion and found more relief from their
use than from any other kidney med
icine and Ive tried almost all kinds
I can cheerfully recommend their
to all sufferers for kidney and blad
der trouble A McMillen
fiagners Grocery
Two Sections of Bill
Congressman Norris bill plac
ing postmasters etc upon the
civil service list is attracting
large attention We give tAVO o
the important sections of the
proposed measure
That on and after the first day
of July 1912 the following po
sitions in the postoffice depart
ment shall be included in the
competitive classified service to
Avfit First assistant postmaster
general second assistant postmast
ter generai third assistant post
master general foiurth assistant
postmaster general postmasters
in mil postoffaces of the first sec
ond and third class and after
the said ifirst day of July 1912
vacansies in any of said positions
shall be filled by piromobion or
transfer under such rules and
regulations as the ciAril service
commission shall prescribe Such
rules and regulations shall pro
Aride for the transfer cr employ
es in the railway mail service to
and from positions in postoiffices
and the transfer of postmaster
assistant postmaster and clerks
from one postoffice to another
and to and from the postoffice
department in Washington Pro
vided that no postmastcir
postmaster or other employe
of any postoffice shall Aviithout
his consent be transferred from
the postoffice located in the city
or toAvn of his residence
It shall be unlawful for any
employe of the poafcof fiee depart
ment to be chairman -or a mem
ber of any political committee or
to have control or management
of any political campaign or for
any postmaster of the first or
second class1 AArhile holding such
position to engage in the native
management or control of any
business trade or profession that
in any Avay interferes Avit h the
full and proper performance of
hits official duties Any employe
the provisions of this
section shall be removed from
If yon Avant Avtliat 3rion Avant in
Paltry Foods and Egg Producer
- handle the best known and
beet sellers Dr Hess Panacea
Prntts Peculator and lisrg Pro
ducer International and the Big
ard Poultry Tonr
Mite Killeis Nov- z tlr ir
to use Poultry Fc cds and E
Pnrduceis and tab- advanln
of the high prices of eggs
A McMlLLEN Druggist
CcoI Citircro Should Read
This Advice
Kidney trcuhlc
often fatal
Bont experiment
new and untried
Use a totted and
is dangerous and
with something
proven kidney
Begin with Doans Kidney Pills
Used in kidney troubles 75 years
Doans have cured thousands
Are recommended here and every
The following statement forms con
vincing proof
J H Millen of Oberlin Kans
says Doans Kidney Pills did so
much for me that I strongly recom
mend them I had severe attacks
of kidney complaint and had to get
up often at nig ht to pass the kid
ney secretions My back was very
painful and it was all I could do
to get around When someone ad
vised me to try Doans Kidney Pills
I immediately procured a box and it
was not long before they cured me
I am today enjoying good health
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milbum Co Buffalo
New York sole ageents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Remember The Tribunes phone
is 19 We Avill appreciate an item
any time
Do not allow your Kioney and blad
der trouble to develop beyond tlie
reach of medicine Take Foley Kid
ney PEls They give quick results
and stop irregularities with surpris
ing promptness A McMillen
Why Be
We have felt shoes to
go inside overshoes for
German Socks
Sheep Lined Shoes
make this weather a
Grace C Strachan Leader of
Movement for Equal Pay In
New York
New York Grace C Strachan iq
considerable of a heroine among the
14000 women who teach in the schools
of New York She is president of the
Interborough Association of Women
Teachers and was a leading advocate
in the long struggle which resulted in
equal pay for teachers regardless of
In New York as elsewhere in Amer
ican cities women predominate in the
teaching force but until lately what
men were employed received larger
salaries The women believed they
should receive the same remuneration
vn t Ofc II
aB men doing similar work and finally
they won out But the victory has not
been altogether without Its drawbacks
Heretofore because of the difference
in salaries demanded the tendency
has been to exclude the men in favor
of the women wherever possible
Now however the salaries being
equal the women find themselves dif
ferentiated against whenever men
teachers are procurable The number
of the latter however is limited and
not very many women find themselves
excluded from the better positions
j Out of the campaign for the passage
1 of the equl ry bill have grown many
charges of the corrupt use of money
At the hearing held in New York
Four Poiilt A Food llmm Cures iliss Strachan stated that the woen
nTCio Lice and had spent 100000 to bring about the
r fv0 py v- Mies
btrc a denies thit any of this money
vs J to hfiucrcc legislation Most
cf t out to lawyer Cn the other
i hand Owen Behcn has been charged
j before the grievance department of the
J Bar association with having raised a
corruptien fund to further legislation
for the men teachers
Old House Ncsr San Antonio Treas
ured as a Memorial to the Tcxa3
San Antonio Tex Davy Crocketts
old home in Texas in the vicinity of
San Antonio is treasured as a memo
rial to the Lone Star hero whose ad
venturous career in the early days of
the west is filled with many thrilling
As one of the defenders of the Al
amo he has won fame as a martyr to
liberty He was one of the six sur
vivors who surrendered to the Mex
ican general Santa Anna and was shot
after the surrender by Santa Annas
orders Crocketts career has fur
nished the theme for many a thrill
ing tale of the frontier
He was born in Tennessee in 17SG
and his youth was spent in hunting
and pioneer work in the western part
of that state He was elected to con-
Davy Crocketts Home
gress from that state in 1S2G but his
opposition to certain of Jacksons
measures resulted in his defeat in 1830
He joined the Texans in the struggle
for independence from Mexico in 1836
and was one of the famous 140 who de
fended the Alamo at the cost of their
Plucky Pennsylvania Young Woman
Beats Bold Purse Grabber Till
He Runs Away
Altoona Pa Instead of screaming
and then fainting when she was held
up by a bold highwayman while on
her way home with half a months pay
In her purse Miss Margaret Dixon a
pretty auditor in a shoe store cour i
ageously repelled the insolent fellow
She was carrying a closed umbrella
and when the footpad attempted to
wrest her handbag from her grasp she
bravely began beating him over the
The attack took him by surprise
and he was on the run before he knew
It and there was not a single pedes
rjian in sight
The Danger of La Grippe
is its fatal tendency to pneumonia
To cure your la grippe coughs take
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound R
E Fisher AVashington Kas says I
Avas troubled with a severe attack of
la grippe that threatened pneumonia
A friend advised Foleys Honey aad
Tar Compound and I got relief after
lakinir the first few dnsps T tir
three bottles and my la grippe was
cured Get the genuinein the yel
low package A McMillen
Here is a remedy tliat AVlll cure
your cold Why waste time and mon
ey experimenting when you can get a
preparation that has won world Avide
reputation by its cures of this dis
eases and can always be depended up
on It is known everywhere as
Chamberlains Cough and is
a medicine of real merit For sale bj
all dealers
When you want a reliable medicine i
for a cough or cold take Chamber-
Iains Cough Remedy It can alwas I
be depended upon and is pleasant and
safe to take For sale by all dealers i
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
Cures inn Every Case
Mr Jas McCaffery Mgr of the
Schlitz Hotel Omaha Neb recom
mends Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound because it cures in every case
I haAe used it myself and I have
recommended it to many others who
have since tald me of its great cura
tive power in diseases of the thnrnt
and lungs For all coughs and colds
it is speedily effective A McMHIen
Mrs A R Tabor of Crider rIo
had been troublde with sick head
ache for about five years when she
began taking Chamberlains Tablets
She has taken two bottles of them
and they have cured her Sick head
ache is caused by a disordered stom
ach for which these tablets are es
pecially intended Try them get well
and stay well Sold by all druggists
Persons troubled with partial par i
al3sis are often A ery much benefit 1
ted by massaging the affected parts j
thoroughly when applying Chamber 1
Iains Liniment This liniment also
relieves rheumatic
by all druggists
pains For sale j
Charles Durham of Lovington 111
has succeeded in finding a positive
cure for bed Avetting My little be
wet the bed eAery night clear thro
on the floor I tried several kinds of
kidney medicine and Avas in the drug
store looking for something differ
ent to help him Avhen I heard of Fol
eys Kidney Pills After he had tak
en them two days we could see a
charge end when he had taken tvc
thirds cf a bottle he was cured That
is abevt six weeks ago
not wet in bed since A
and he has
1912 Jidition
In thi compact volume cl valmble and nei
tstlng lafonrntion a co nplcte iip to ilite
la Itself ton mil find accnnte of tbe
special ses iinni nf Consrevs the elation leasti
5tautics aaj comianso iv recirocitv the 1tnuaii
Canal markets trors uicret e n I rt e f af
product rost of linns anal hci
anil iia ters explor
ations and irnoration3 of 1911 m s inmat3 1
disagreement and other crca on i vent
itroUh of the Totted State nfula
tion and wealth of countries state an 1 m nicl
pahties Conressioril record sportirs re id
current weights and meaire writhe- foreats
jniversities and sciopl rel jrious
commcrc ralroad Mppins cm- at
nations a mies ind navies of the world lanAiaj
monev taxes lnsu ance political parties secret
societies clnbs births divorce1
jnd 1 j
deaths i oman iiffrase nil
1OO0O Other IactB and riBures fp to Hate
of every da interest and value to eve ybody
No merchant farmer laborer business maa
nouscwife or business woman school boy or school
girl should be without a copv of the valuable 1912
reference volume cf useful information Intt
JCc West of liuffalo and Pittsburgh 30c By
oDc Address ne -en iorK 11010 w
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 271
Most for your money
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch snd description may
nucUly osccrtulii our opinion freo whether an
inrnntlnn In nrohnblr nntentnble Communicn
tioiiBntrlctlyconUdcntlal HANDBOOK on Patents
scut free Oldest agency for securing patents
Iatents tauen tnroucn juunn s
special notice v Ithout charge in the
Scientific jTmerican
A handsomely Illustrated weekly I arcest cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms J3 n
year four mouths L Bold by all newsdealers
MUNH Co3BBfoad New York
Branca Omco 626 F BL Washington D C
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Osborn Burton
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGrofPs
Phone No 13
miss Mcculloch
Trained Nurse
Fhone red 479
804 East Second Street
3 J r JL
We now hatdlo the best
grades of Colo and Ppnna
coals in connection with
ourprnin busines
Give us a trial order
Phone 2G2
Real Easterday
Ask any man past fifty years
of age and he will tell you of
some time in his life when he
was sailing high Things were
coming his way There are
few exceptions Why is lie
poor now Well there are va
rious reasons One thing is
sure It is not because he
placed his money in a sound
bank and checked it out only
when safe inA estments were se
cured There are more ways to
lose money than to make it If
you are making any money mo
matter how small the amount
start the saving habit by open
ing a jank account
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
J J J - J J Jt imJ h
Fire and Wind
Written in First Class
J I I X 2 J I I I5 35 553
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456
Mike Walsh
Old Rubler Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location nat acrcis InCjnlr
street in P Wtdeh building l
Uer and Coal