The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 11, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1
V THIRTIETH YEAR DAILY MARKET Delivered free any place in McCook Corn chop per 100 123 Bran per 100 120 Shorts per 100 135 Wheat per bushel 9o Corn per bushel 70 Oats per bushel GO Alfalfa per bale 50 Ground alfalfa meal for chick- en and cow feed per 100 103 McCook Milling Company Phone 29 J PINAL NOTICE Water tax for fourth quarter of 1911 is now due and payable under tin public library from 8 to 12 a m and 1 to 6 p in each day until January 20th1912 Agents and tenants give this your attention 1-1-fit DAVID DIAMOND Water Commissioner Library Board Met Vill Install Tomorrow E L Reed secretary C II Jacobs treasurer S L Doan AAarden A McMillen chaplain All kinds of GRAIN and HAY Phone 25 Marshs TEMPLE THEATRE JAN 16 If I Could Live Life Over by Col Bain Dr Rcbt Mclntyre Los Angel es California says Twenty five years ago when a young preach er I heard Geo W Bain That lecture was a golden milestone in my journey of life T measure much of my seecess from that day He shoAved me Iioav avjs dom poetry humor pathos and eloquence could be smelted in the furnace of a fine heart by the fire of a holy purpose and minted into coins of choicest speech to enrich souls for all time Reckoning all the gifts needed for enduring success there is not his superior on the platform today Single admission 50c Seats re served at McConnells Jan 12th for saason ticket holders on Jan 13th for general admissions Tlie Carnegie library board held The New Gensral Hospital its regular session Monday even- The neAv McCook General Hos ing Claims against the library pital Avill open to reeeiv pa Avere duly alloAved and the usual tients Thursday of next AA eek routine business coining before Dr Redd comes to McCook Avell the board Avas disposed of recommended as a physician and The board tho hampered for a gentleman avIio AAill conduct a want of funds hopes to secure some neAv books in the near fu ture first class hospital in keeping AAJLth the needs of MeCook and soutliAvest part of the state The hospital AAill be an open one AAhere outside plnsicians Avill TomorroAv evening January 12 have all the privileges of a hos tile D G M AAill install the pital of their 0ATn Avhere they loAving officers of McCook lodge may bring their patients operate No 137 I O O F themselves or haAe the house L A Fdtch X G physician do the Avcrk as they de There AAill be Acrk in the O E S meeting tomorroAV evening and as full attendance as prac ticable i3 desired Our Bay Rum scap is excellent for AA ashing sore hands Its on ly 10c ai cake 3 for 25c WOODWORTH Druggist Writers of the Middle West Avill be the subject at the meeting of the Research club Aviitli Mrs George Willetts next Monday af ternoon January- 15th Tliis time of year especially a good hat Avaten bottle is often in demand If yours is old or leaky let us sIioav you our neAv and complete line of them every one guaranteed WOODWORTH Druggist Mens Sweaters 39c in The Thompson D G Oos Clearing Sale Sweet -cream iee cream not and cold drinks at our sQcla foun tain all the iiime Druggist Thursday Evening Edition aTYYTTYYTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTYTTTTTTTYTTH ment ot the government in a dam and irrigatnon project for this part of the Republican val ley The feasibility of such a pro jeet Avas questioned by all of the gentlemen on the ground that the land in the Aalley AA as practical ly all oArned by indiAcduals and that the sc vernments experience in handling such enterprises AAhere the land had parsed cut of tlie public OAvnershrp did not en courage the government in furth er undertakings of that sort IIoAvever all Avero ready to coop erate Avith McOcok in any funtlh er efforts that might be made along this line A communication Avas read from the officers of the Good Roads meeting to be held in Lin coln next Tuesday January 16th 1 hiis matter AAas regarded of H E Durham V G sire Dr Raid Avill arrive Mon- fiiieient importance for the elub to day and expects to have the send itAvo delegates to this state pital open for patients on the Goods Roads convention and date mentioned Messrs P Walsh and W B Mills i 1 AAere chosen for this mission To Whom It May Concern bcith of them have given the mat- Avath a fair attendance cf the membership In the absence of the presi dent Dr C L Falmestock Arice president presided Minutesi of previous meeting Avere read and approved F S Wilcox C W McMillan and J L Shirey AAere voted unto the membership of the elub Communications AAere read from Congressman Norris Sena tor Brown and Senator Hitch cock touching the maitter of in teresting the reclamation depart irOStPOned tO Hea Ztn Wft desire tO statf tlhat AVf aW tor rf tw rr iwirlc nnl m The four viaduct cases living quite comfortably in the wall Avefl represent us in thee case mg in county court against the roams back of the store not J mty AVfre continued on account fering 1n tJie least during- the At this juncture the gentlemen o the probably iatal illness ot sevem winter Aveather as yet of the commercial club set aside a relative- of one of the Wllen we find it impossible to their regular course of business eys -for the pLaintaiis As this keep varni we AViu endeaMr to and listened to the presentation nrougnx rue cases in coninci awou ftnd a more desirable location l0f the prospectus of the McCook U1I12 date was lei iii ui ujuilu wui1 rxi Tins for the inforinaaton of those Jcoperartiive Hospital association fixed by agreement ior trial wj1G be inter- appear to deeply ly a Ccmmittee of ladies Feb 27th ested judging from the inquiries sntinsr this association Mrs C Subscriptions Dont forget that Barney er AATill saA e you money on sub- scriptiens neA or reneAval ior any paper or magazine publish ed Get his neAv club catalogue If You Have to rent list them Whittaker Gray They have several applications on file noAV for houses Phone black 283 Of fice in Temple block Ladies Jacket Suits 789 All aaooI and lined A ith s atin in The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale They are union made and there are none ecpial the Carhart over oils jackets and gloves At the main store on the main street Phone 97 Rexall Baby Cough syrup for ithe baby Guaranteed Price 25 cents McCONNELL Druggist You Avill ahvays secure the best market price for your butter esggs and cream at Magner s Phone 14 Take McConnell s Bailsam and stop that cough Price 25 cents Wily pay more Standard cali coes at 5 cents yard at DJubers Everything in drugs nell McConnell fills prescriptions Classified Advertisements FOR RENT Furnished room modern house Inquire 319 1st W Phone red 281 W21tf We have some fresh neAv Pop Corn that Will All Pop i An occasional call might prove a L Fahncsxek Mrs Z L Kay seat eA iaent raet and Mrs C II Ifusted Mrs C C BroAvn and Family Fahnestoek read Mie artcicles pro 323 Main posed to be adopted k th ba js 0f incorporation In bnief it Sheep Lined Coats 289 calls for a corporation 250G0 Aiith great big fur eolilars Were gcck jssued in slnrc of jtfOO dirt cheap at 400 Now 289 each a board of directors to elect AU sizes The J hompson JJ li houses Avith n0 Sale Fur Scarfs 40 Off in The Thompson D G Clearing Sale Cos Coughing Unnecessary AAiien you use McMillen s Cough Remedy 1500 Plush Coats Now 899 In The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale Get our rates on farm loans DOEWART BARGER A McMillen prescription drug gist Brands count for something In canned goods the premiers are the J M and the Advo Iluber s Phone 9 officers and manage lire corpor ation for a maintenance fund to be derived from the sale of hos pOtal tickets AAhich A iill giAe the lioilders hospital service at the rrte cf 100 per month The by laws provide that f500 AAiorth cf shares sihall be oold be fore business is begun AVihieh is hoped to be tlie oasc by Febru ary 1st At present it is propos ed to rent a suitable building cf Aiiieih several are in mind ono eopcishlly aac 11 suited to the pur PC132 When the rtme becomes fi nancially ripe it is heped to be able to sell stock enough to build a modern hospital in eArery detail While no formal approAral AATas moved by the club expressions of members AAere favorable and Messrs C II Boyle Lon Cone and A Gailusha Avere constituted a committee to meet AAiith the as sociation ot its session this after noon and make report of their conclusions at a special mooting of the commercial club to be held on Friday evening Jan u airy 12th I nounced the arrival cf the Guide and Maps of the - Continental Route On motion these guide books Avere placed in charge of J E Warm Beaver Shawls 129 in The Thompson D iG Cos Clearing Sale The Dest brands of canned T fruits and vegetables at Magner s Mens All Wool Underwear 89c in -The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale Avtishing copies at the pnice of 50 cents eacili Messrs C L Fahnestiock J E LudAvick and L W McConnell Avere appointed to have in charge any philanthropic Avork the club might undertake Before adjourning tlie club indulged in another digression and listened to a recital of some o fthe things seen and facts learned by P Walsh during his recent visit to the Isthmus of Panama and the Canal Zone Mr Walsh reluctantly responding to the inAitaition of the claib to dive tinem the benefit 01 his visit Several weeks since Mr WaOsh attended tlie national eomention of bankers in New Orleans At the end of the sessions he join ed an excursion party to the Can al Zone He passed from the At lantic to the Pacific side of the isthmus from Colon to Panama and noted aatMi judgment and in terest the greatest AAoa k noAV be ing undertaken in the AA orld While ithc time Avould not al- Ioav of an exhaustive recital AA hat Mr Walsh offered had the flavor of originality and peirson alily and AAas listened to AA ith interest and close attention NaituraEy his attention Avas closely riveted on the chief points of the masterful undertak ing the Gatun dam and locks Culebra cut Gold hill operations etc but they Avere not confined to these Sanitation that achievement oi the American engineers AA Jiich made possible the successful pro ecution of the Avork AAas touch ed Tipon AAitli admiration and Avonderment the frightful death rate during the French occu pancy and the comparaitiAely slight death rate since the Amer ican efforts Avere initiated Avere proudly contrasted to Uncle Sams credit And he intimated that the use of a certain fish is hoped in future to minimize tllie mosquito plague the fiah cattiing eggs laid by the mosquito Numerous references Avere made by Mr Walsh to the inefficiency oif the French efforts and the marvelous speed and efficiency of the American operations While the Avaste of the French men AAas prodigious The provision made for tlie sheltering feeding clothing en tertainment paying etc of the American European and negro employes Avas referred to Homes clubs baths music dancing pa vilions etc in fact everything for the comfort and avcM being of the Avorkmen in all clin5s Gccd pay and needed elima x changes A ere also mentioned Among the marvels cf the canal are the sea AAalls and the forti fications upon Avhich multiplied millions aire being and liav been expended The locks and the dam are the greatest ever conceived 13 the mind of man The locks are to be operated by the elect rixty de- xiiv ed from the spill Avay cf the dam and light and ponvor for the canal zone AAill be so secured The planning and system and organization of Mr Steven was mentioned as quite ue rf5tion The plan offered seems to belaud Avhilc - exn the only possihle one spelling sue autive AA ork cf Major GotM ir cess cooperation and a small ex- Avorking out the excavation and pense to eaijh one aill the detaiiils in speed meat un- oxpeeted 1 A communication from the The rainfall AAras given at from Oaanpbell Soil Culture Co seek- 120 to 200 inches annually AAhich iing cooperation and assistance of Arciuld provide thru the great the club in the sale of soil culture drainage area of the Chagres laterature and demonstration er sufficient Avater to fill the AViorlc AAras read and no aetiion vast lake and to lift the mam taken moth evsselsi going tlmougih the Til A KPPrPitfirV Of t llP Plllb in- ilnrlr i The modest of Mr Wailsh could not lielp making the average patriotic American more chesty and proud of tl achieve ments of bis government Heavy Flanel Shirts 89c in The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale The genuine Old Muse maple syrup at Hubers Mens Overcoats 399 in The Thompson D G Oos Clearing Sale WrWkt McCOOK RED WTLLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 11 1912 I Important Session of the Club 5 AAAAAA AAAA AAAAJUUkAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAJULA AA A A A A A A A A A A A A AH The- McCook Commercial club Aviick secretary of the club and Avas in regular session Tuesday he will dispose of them to all A JOINT INSTALLATION Knights and Sisters of Pythias In stall Officers There AAas a joint installation of the officers elect of McCook lodge No 42 Knights of Pyth ias and of McCook temnle No 21 Pythian Sisters last evening the events securing a fair attend ance of members1 of both lodge and temple The officers of No 42 installed are as folio aas Earl O Valine P C C D N Cobb C C II II Woolard V C C II P Sutton Jr Prelate George Stroud K of R S Norman Campbell M of F Herbert Watkins M of E George Kearns M of W A T Scott M at A Charles Kelley I G John Gaarde O G The neAv officers of the tem ple are Mrs Walter Stokes P M E C Mrs Charles Barnes M E C Mrs E M Day E S Mrs F M Kimmell E J Mrs Herbert M of R C Mrs Barney Ilofer M of F Mrs R J Gunn Manager Miss Naomi Wootton Protector Miss Lottie Watkins O G A light luncheon folloAAed AAitli a Aviutty dessert ot brief toasts in usual Pythian fashion No Changes in Banks The First National Bank The Citizens National Bank and The McCook National Bank held their annual meetings on Tues day of this A eek but no chang es were made in any of them either in officers or in members of board of directors The usual dividends AAere declared at the end of the vear December 31 1911 For Sale A good second hand number ing machine Cheap McCONNELL Druggist Dont Limp around with corns Ahen you can be cured with McMillen s Corn Remedy Boys Overcoats 119 in The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Heavy Wool Blankets 369 in The Thompson D G Co Clearing Sale Fresh fruits at Magnprs Anything in queens ware ait re duced prices at Iluber s Pancake flour the Advo Aunt Jemima and Ralston brands best the market offers Iluber s Phone 97 Our Cream Lotion for chapped hands or face if tried AAill con vince you of its merits A McMTLLEN Druggist Buy a bottle of Hamptons toil eit cream 25c and get a pretty souvenir plate free WOODWORTII Druggist January 25th the high school orchestra Avill give an enfcerUvn ment in the Central building aud itoroum Admission 10 and 15 oeatis If you want AAihat you Avant in Poultry Foods and Egg Producer Ave handle the best known and best sellers Dr Iless Panacea Pratts Regulator and Egg Pro ducer International and the Big Four Poultry Food Roup Cures and Poultry Tonics also Lice and Mite Killers Noav is the time to use Poultry Foods and Egg Producers and take advantage of the high prices of eggs A McMILLEN Druggist Childrens Sweaters 23c in The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale Nyals Baby Cough syrup is niiade especially for young child ren It does the work and eon- ifcains nothing injurious 25 and ou centsi per bottle WOODWORTH Druegist 4 NUMBER 66 Another Consideration Have you ever considered the possibility of sickness the loss of your job or a hundred kindred misfortunes that might overtake you What are you going to do then Now when you are earning is the time to prepare for such emergencies A few dollars saved regularly each month have an undreamed of value when misfor tune overtakes you If you have not a bank account you can not begin earlier tc save your money and deposit it Avith THE Mccook national BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cash DIRECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna TO MEET THE CHAMPION W Nebraska Checker Play ers Will Meet in McCook The members of the Southwes tern Nebraska Checker Players association have been called to meet in MeCook January 23rd and 24th to meet the champion checker player of America Mr Newell W Banks Mr Banks is on liis way to the Pacific eoast and is making certain toAvns and cities on his journey McCook as fortunate in being one of the points he has decided to make President Ernest Osborn has beer officially adAised that Mr Banks A ould be in our city on these dates hence has called a meet ing of the S W Nebraska asso ciation to greet the champion There Avill be contesls amonir the association membership and all together it is expected to make this meeting the greatest checker event eA er in the history of the association or of this sec tion of Nebraska REMEDIES YOU CAN DEPEND UPON Whenever some minor illness attacks an illness you may deem not serious enough to call a physician you can do no better than use REXALL REMEDIES These preparations are all pre pared upon honor Their reputa tion is at stake and you can rest assured that they make the rem edies as goiod as skill and high grade material AAill produce We refund the money in any case Avliere any of the Rexall Remedies fail to give entire sat isfaction L W McCONNELL Druggist Plush Lap Robes 119 in The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale Try Tribune Avant ads Seal shipt OA sters are sanitarv and best 30 cents pint for fresh ones at Magners Phone 14 Remember Iluber has a large stock of leather and cotton gloves at reasonable prices Cameras and photo supplies LeaAe your films to be develop ed WOODWORTH Druggist Even if it is Avinter Ave can al Avays supply those giving enter tainments AAitli iee cream bricks ace ereatm sweet cream place cards tally cards crepe paper luuch sets napkins etc etc etc Phone 200 C R WOODWORTH Druggist Remember Avlien you buy a bot tie of any remedy bearing the Ny al label it is strictly guaranteed to give satisfaction or your mon ey is refunded The formula of the ingredients is not a secret and- you are welcome to know wlhat each and every bottle con tains Ask for Nyais and yon get something good Eor sale only by The Nyal Btore wuumvuKm urns crisi i