The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 08, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3
M V I iff ft- 11 V f ii i nrw nill mil i ii mwiii y i VI j li XsSJy - - 1 - jtKvV V 1 fill PKFSCTidM X - NpSssA Smokeless J1 p Sv r i ittALw9t Restaurant Creamery Alfalfa Mali Brick Yard A woman often does not notice what a cold day it is so long as she is bustling around the house But when she sits down to her sewing and mending she soon feels chilly It is then she needs a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater Its quick glowing heat warms up a room in next to no time That is the beauty of a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater It if always ready for use you can carry it wherever you please and you light it only when you want it nffcrfection CXI Heater is smokeless and odorless a patented automatic device osures that It is reliable safe and economical burns nine hours on one filing Handsome too drums finished either in blue cnarnel or plain steel with nickel trimmings Dealers everywhere or write for descriptive circular to any ajency of Standard Oil Company lacoroorated xSrxztssS gSH1 tke3 RAILROAD NEWS NOTES Engineer Walter Stokca laid off bizofly end of week Brakeman Y A Jeffries went dawn to Orleans Saturday Brakcman G E lle Quistin went down to Republican Sun day Guy Smith of Iloldrege has been made station cashier at Cur tis Conductor Worth Humphries was a Chicago passenger on Xo 10 Friday Conductor A G King left on Xo 10 Sunday night for Chica go on 0 R T business Friday trains Xo 1 and Xo 3 were double headed on account of the bad weather freezing up the trains 4 Engineer F J Zajicek of Ox ford was up on company business Thursday last returning to his run same night J Conductor and Mrs T E IVtcCarl and children visited over Sunday with Mrs MeCarls par ents at Cambridge Engine 2537 a P 2 has been brought up from Wymore for use on trains 12 and 5 between Mc Cook and Hastings Mrs Sam Pickard and the two children spent part of hol iday vacation in Geneva guests in the home of F B Donisthorpe Mrs Barbara Getman moth er of Adam Getman arrived from Russia Sunday night and will make him a visit of four months On account of the uncommon severity cf the weather Satur day it took two sixteen hour crews to bring one train laid of ice to McCook from IIoHrrgc The Burlington has bought 200 acres of land at Casper Wyo ming and the newspaper talk is that in conjunction with the Northwestern it is proposed to make Casper one of the leading cities in Wyoming Friday afternoon a coal ear being elevated to the ccial chutes got away from the men and plunging down the stee pineline struck a string of empty freight ears on the track at the bottom puttiing two of the ears in de- cided bad order trggqgagagaw BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time Vo G 1130 P V lG 500 A M 2 550 A M I- u lot A- M 14 920 P M 10 a20 P 31 West Depart Mountain Time NTo 1 1220 P y 3 1142 P M 5 arrive S35 p m 13 930 A 11 15 1230 A M 9 C2r A M Imperial Line Mountain Time o 170 arrives 330 P M Vo 175 departs 045 A M Sleeping dining and reclining cbaii cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked ti any point in the United States c Canada For information time tables maps and rickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or Li W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS NOTES Fireman Bert Stevens is oi the sick list T E Lundberry was a llol drege visitor Sunday Orleans closing days of last week C X Xeubauer was up from Agent G A Bash of Oxford was a headquarters visitor Sun day Trainmaster J E Johnson spent Sunday in Lincoln- with his family Fireman Andy Cox has laid off for a few days and is visit ing in Denver Brakcman C 0 Woods has reported for duty after a couple weeks lay off Brakeman H Laytiou and P F Walgamot have been trans ferred to McCook goiiing on duty today Xo 1 was run as a double Header Sunday on account o5 the severe weather Both 13 and 9 were somewhat late Five train crews and three engines were used Saturday in getting a train load of ice into this port from Iloldrege Everything in drugs L W MeCONNELL Druggist Tribune advertisers get results Grocery Store General Store Livery Stable Grain Elevator Sn5 Man0pportunitySuccess There are splendid openings in the Big Horn Basin for the following Bank Hotel Drug Store Laundry If your presenr business is not as successful and profitable as it should be why not investigate You can secure particulars about any one of these opportunities at a total cost of i cent The chan ces of it being worth several thousand dollars to you are all in your favor Drop your postal in thebox today D CLEM DEAVER Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam Street - OMAHA NEB ii grange MOVEMENT Twenty one Organized in Nebras ka Within Last Year NEED OF SUCH ORGANIZATION By E A Burnett University of Ne braska The grange movement which has been strong for many years in the eastern and middle states is gaining a foothold in Nebraska where twenty one granges have been organized with in the last year At a recent meeting of the State Grange the Hon J D Ream of Broken Bow Neb was elect ed master of the State Grange The grange is a farmers organiza tion national in its character with county state and national organiza tions The membership consists main ly of farmers and farmers wives with members of their families over four teen years of age The purr ose of the grange is to fur nish a social center where men and women may meet together and discuss those questions which are cf personal or community interest The need of such an organization has been apparent for many years Farmers have had little opportunity to meet in a social way to study questions which relate to their busi ness interests and the enjoyment and cemfort of their families Terhaps he largest benefit which comes from the organization of a grange comes to the farm women and ihe children who are more isolated than the men having less opportunity to meet each other in their daily occu pations The women find the grange a place where they can study ques tions pertaining to the health of thsir families to household management where they can learn of good and help ful books and where they are stimu lated to a deeper study of the prob lems of country living The young people find in the grange an opportu nity for social life which is not found on the isolated farm They are in duced to a study of current clay prob lems by hearing these things discussed by the older members They help in the program by leadings recitations songs etc Men who have never be fore addressed public audiences or taken part in public debate learn to do so among their friends and neigh bors in tl e grange and greatly in crease thir efficiency and their use fulness in tho community through the confidence and the experience they ac quire in their local grange organiza tion The Increase in land values has made it necessary for the farmer to be more efficient than in pioneer days Farming is a business in which the land is capitalized up to its full earn ing capacity under good management The farmer in these days to be a business success must understand the principles of soil fertility and soil management and must put these prin ciples into practice Few farmers have studied these questions in the schools and they must depend upon their individual experience or upon in formation which they can gain from the outside for the improvement of their farms and the increase of their crop yields The grange offers an op portunity for the study of scientific methods and of the best practical ex perience of the neighborhood The grange lecturer by a systematic pro gram can cover a large range of sub jects in a season and can make the meetings a real school for the mem bers It is freely admitted by farm ing communities that those neighbor hoods which have had local farmers organizations are more progressive mere prosperous and use more ad vanced methods than communities where no such stimulus has been at work One of the greatest problems at the present time is to keep the educated man and woman upon the land con tented with their condition This can only be accomplished where the com munity offers social advantages suffi cient to meet the needs of educated men and women Some form of farm ers organization is necessary to fill this need and the grange throughout a large portion of the United- States hn been able to meet this demand more fully perhaps than any other criii7Pton Especially in the east ern and ccntnl states where the grange has on- beon in existence is its nfluencp upon ag irultural condi tions seen The grange is non sectarian and joes not affiliate itself with any polit ical party It takes its position upon a public question after a full discus sion of the question independent1 of the views of political parties The grange is a secret organization It has a ritual and in many respects is sim ilar to othsr fraternal organizatois After a charter membership has be 1 f St S 2J 1 A encdera Sinensis Has speared in This Country Curiosity From the Orient Said to Have Been Imported by Green house Owners to Destroy Insects Philadelphia Pa The Tenodera Sinensis or Chinese Mantis is in our midst nowadays and the insect ex perts at the Academy of Natural Sci ences on Logan Square have been kept busy recently answering ques tions as to what the queer looking in sects are and where they come from Philadelphia is about the only American city that is the home of the Chinese Mantis About 10 years ago a number of the insects were brought to this city from China on some plants that had been imported by the Median Nurseries in German- town Gradually the mantis spread through Germantown and are now rather abundant north of Market street That they will in time spread throughout the city and suburbs and perhaps in time throughout the coun try seems probable The mantis according to Br Henry Skinner of the Academy of Natural Sciences has no sting but has a rath er large mouth and will bite if an noyed Several weeks ago a woman living in Germantown became terrifien when one of the insects flew against her arm She declared that the bug stung her and that her arm was bad ly swollen for several days Not a day has passed that several persons with the insects in bottles have not come to the Academy to have their pets examined The man- tis lives on smaller insects such as flies mosquitoes and gnats Accord j ing to Dr Skinner the bug is really valuable The eggs of the mantis are laid in autumn and hatch in spring About the last of August the mantis becomes full grown and lives until i l SO L lfuliJI The Chinese Mantis cold weather In size the bugs range from two to six inches long They are very peculiar in appearance and are sometimes called Praying Mantis Soothsayers and the Prophet Bugs It is said the Chinese tell their for tunes from the actions of the insects The name Praying Mantis comes from the fact that the insects hold their two front legs whfch are very short in a praying position and often work them rapidly back and forth The most peculiar parts of the bug are its eyes and long neck The eyes are like miniature shoe buttons on the outside shoots out from the body and forms about one third the length of the bug I ranging from one to two inches The t lormeu it invites uiemucis 10 J 0ld there is to be a suit tor Dieach o omy upon eieuuuii iuu giaiiso - iromiso however inclusive in its objects It aims to secure as members the farmer and his family and those who are es pecially interested in the promotion of a better agriculture in the country Nebraska is in need of just such an organization as the grange and t e An hour before they were to be married the preacher was non tied he was not wanted The couple fell out over a pre nup tlal contract Each is ant their comfortable homes are on oppo site sides of the street Mrs spear j went east when the wedding was de good which has been made in progress clared off and uer lttorne ri1 111S the last year is an indication that j Hei su5t or er and nas nsUeJI der proper guidance it will grow until lnjUnction restraining Faxon irom fiis it beconrjs a powerful stimulus in the j posing of nJs pr0perty Mrs Spearj aeuermeni oi mo social ana estimates the damages to her heart ai ness conditions among our farmers jjq q 4 4T JIM lm i j to buy winter clothing now Mens Womens and Childrens winter wear of all kinds at I to 50 Discount during our clearance sale Dollars Saved by buying here e Real Estate Filings sick kidneys 3Ring sleepless The following real estate filings nights iave been made in the counl clerks office since our last re Jlort Jesse P Well barn et ux to Clark Morrow wd n hf se qr sw qr no qr 5 6 7 8 in 23-3-28 Johm E Sanborn to Chas P Leihn wd 17 in 5 Mc Cook GOO CO Chas F Leslm at ux to Con rad Eckihairdit wd 2 in 4 6th McOaok 330 CO United States to August Ivu lilman part w lif ne qr x hf se qr 15-4-26 Nina Wade Ad to Prank J Ilassler detxl 6 in 6 Mc Ccok 1410 00 GET frOUS MONEY BACS If This Medicine Toes Not Sat isfactorily Benefit You Practising physiicouis making a specialty of Btomaoh troubles are really responsible for the formu la from wih ih Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are mude We have sim ply profited by the experience of experts Our experience with Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets leads us to be lieve tliem to be an excellent rein edy for the relief of acute indi gestion and chronic dyspepsia Their ingredients- are soothing and healing to the inflamed mem branes of the sfcomaoh They aiv rich in pepsin one of the great est digestive aads known to med icine The relief they afford is almost immediate Tiieir use with persistency and regularity for a short time- helps to bring about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets aid to insure healthy appetite aid digestion and promote nutrition As evidence of our sincere faith in Rexall Dyspepsaa Tablets- we ask you to try them at our nisk If they do not give you entire satisfaction we will return you the money you paid us for them vitliout question or formality They come in three sizes prices 15 cents 50 cents and 100 Re nember yen can obtain them of the insects head and in proportion j xnly at our store Pile Rexall io us size are very large me neck 1 T -TO MefJonnell Remember The Tribunes ohone TTT Ml t J mantis can fly has green wings a wiuappiwaawj an item brown glossy back and long feelers ny time protruding from its head All to- gether it is not a friendly looking beast Recently it is said the owners of greenhouses in this country have imported the insects to use in destroy ing insects in their greenhouses AGED LOVERS PART AT ALTAR Kansas Couple Quarrel Over Property Within an Hour of Time for Wedding Lawrence Kan Instead of wedding bells for lames W Faxon sixty nine and Mr L J Speary sixty five years- Many McCook People Deprived cl Needful Sleep by Kidney Troubles There is Little peace or rest fcr the kidney sufferer Night brine I no respite from the days misery 13000 00 i tlie same ol1 backache is ever anh me snaxp twinges wnen turain or twisting the annoying urinary troubles the headaches and nervous ness and all tend to prevent rest or sleep You arise more tired thai when you went to bed To get TveE you must get to the cause the kid neys Sick kidneys cannot get iv el alone Use Doans Kidney Pills the remedy that is so strongly endorsee by your friends and neighbors is ilcCook Could you desire more con vincing proof of merit Mrs Thomas Croughan 421 E Ave McCook Xebr says A men ber cf our family suffered frorr backache caused by disordered kid neys He also had headaches and got up in the morning feeling aE tired out Doans Kidney Pills were finally used and they brought spies did results I have observed tfce good work that roans Kidney PiSs have done in many cases of kidaer trouble and therefore do not hesitate to recommend them For sale by all dealers Price 5 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffala New York sole ageents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans an take no other Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Hubert all the time on Why Be Uncomfortable We have felt shoes to go inside overshoes for 100 German Socks Sheep Lined Shoes maks this weather a pleasure VIERSEN OSBORN Go There First For Groceries The Main Store The Main Street it No Need of Going Elsewhere