The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 08, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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ji ytts Aj1iejjaP
r 1 T nHlTl HTrV JgJ
All Dry Goods
At 20 per cent Discount
This is your golden opportunity to buy and save money
flagners Grocery
Main Avenue
BHBIJB J luawHLiML it iim am a ff1
WlftVU I
V l
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays aud Thursdays
Claims P c 0 a DeDt Bm Machine 3
Washington Jan 4 Spec- comes into political control and
ial Asserting that the he goes into the sendee knowing
iice department has become a tluit his position is going to be
huge political machine Congress- temporary li tins bill becomes
man Xorris introduced a bill in a law the postolficc department
the he use today to place every instead of being a huge poMtrJcil
1iioAv of that department ex- niTcilrine as it always has been
et jt the postmaster general un- vcaild become a great govern-
d 1 thi competitive classified ser- ment business institution
vice The bill applies to first The bill provides for the
faeeond third fourth assistant lion of salaries of postmasters
panaslfrs general and should Tn VrQSSn saiary
- - ce uls 2000 the maximum sailarv
pur tliese high oltcals unoer the GmA T JMwrrwnJfl
i i stTve It provides a dnction would make an annual
i Iaitd scale of fixed salaries saving n tihe postoffice depart
lc - tiu various pcr toiffiees and mant cf nearly 1000000 and
caic would decrease many ol thr reduction would as a rule
tl marj3 now btOng paid I believe be welcomed by the
rnd r present conditions men wIicsl salaries will be
1 Ir Xorris teday men are ed because it would give them a
aipntcd postmasters for permanent tenure of office and
an political reasons and to pay an opportunity of promotion on
political debts Regardless of their own mei t to a pcsraible
efficiency or ability of the ary of 6000
postmaster he knows that he will Mr No mis said he had reason
be put cnt of office as sroion as to believe that his- bill would be
the opposite party or perliaps passed by the present congress
another faction of his own party Lincoln Journal
A LaFollette club lias been or
ganized in Iloldrege with aanem
bersldp of about fifty
Iloldrege has added to itsi pub
lie school course n department of
agriculture J G McMillan of
Ames College Iowa dn charge
Wouldnt it be a good thing
to start a campaign against ac
ute indigestion lie seems to
be gathering an over much har
Louis D Brandeis the lawyer
expert makes the bold claim that
trusts are inefficient and only
snicceed when the trust has con
trolled prices or enjoyed special
Wlien you want a reliable medicine
for a cough or cold take Chamber
lains Cough Remedy It can always
be depended upon and is pleasant and
safe to take For sale by all dealers
Te signs of tilie times have
for seme time pointed in the
I hereby announce my recbion 0pRepreseaitative Norris
dacy tor County Attorney sub i
leet to decision of Republican pril11 PLin all postal employes
and ofioeikils including nostmas
ters under civil service condi
tions Thes has already happen
ed to assistant postmasters who
until a year or so ago were po
litical appointees The idea of
sulxsidizing a party in- power out
of the public treasury has be
come distasteful to- probably the
vast majority iof people and this
is wih at we do ivhen we pay po
litical debts in pcistmasterahips so
highly paid or so little burdened
with work that the job is worth
much political service to get
What this costs can be seen by a
glance at the difference between
a poiitncal postmasters salary
and the pay of men wiho do equa
y responsible work in tihe rail
way mail service for instance
under civil service Lincoln
W A Prince of Grand Island
has filed for congressman in the
Fifth district and will contest
with State Auditor Silas Barton
for the Republican nomination at
the April primary
jtf tSU rfftfe4
iiuiJ iwililffEfl
w lrTrJIVP
SirriM m
4 if
A number of young people
gave Lester and Nolle Lord a
surprise at their home Tuesday
nigh I Everyone seemed to en
joy themselves1
W Jt Burbridge came in Mon
day for a visit with relatives
Miss Minnie Kirtse of
ville came up Wednesday for a
before starting to teacih again
t i m r ttt
with his uncle Web
Filod Reveler of Ilcndley i r
up Thursday-
OrviUe Georg passed tlirrigi
here Fir day on hs way to At
wcicd Kansas after a Jsit wjth
his mother at McCook
The young folks held a sur
prise party on Lydia Lehn Fri
day night They all seamed to
have a nice time
For 1912 Fourteenth Judicial
District of Nebraska
Judge E B Perry lias desig
nated the following dates for
court in this district for the en
suing year
Ohase April 29 jury Nov 25
Dundy March 18 jury May
23 equity Oct 28 jury
Frontier April 1 jury June
3 equity Oct 14 jury
Furnas Feb 19 jury May 13
equity Nov 11 jury
Gosper Feb 13 jury May 27
equity Dec 9 jury
Ilayes April 15 jury Oct 7
Hitchcock March 4 jury May
20 equity Sept 23 jury
Perkins April 22 jury Dec 2
Red Willow Jan 29 jury May
6 equity Sept 9 jury
Washington Jan 6 New
Mexico the forty seventh state
to enter the union ceased to be
a territory at 135 today when
President Taft signed the proc
lamation of statehood
The Danger of La Grippe
is its fatal tendency to pneumonia
To cure your la grippe coughs take
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound n
vtin V webn
S l1rLltPflU fi SssPg
land F
at oclock on Fridavs
Jfe yi
Dry Goods Millinery Ladies Furnishin6s
Domestic Science Meeting-
The faculty of the domestic
science department nut
da3r afternoon at 3 oclock in the
high se h col auditorium The
mi uiu iia ix kj yiuiy 0r myKiK r for this vsvdz as fol
gave a New oar party at tMirWS -
A Mrs MaDivitt and
home Monday nighit
Leonard Rogers visited
M M Young home from
day night till Tuesday ncion
Lena Thompson gave a party
to a number of the young folks
on Thursday night and a general
good time was reported
Lester Lord departed Friday
night for Omaha to rei nune his
work again ucith P G
Mr and Mrs Floyd Rcmler
are the prcud parents of a baby
boy born January 4 1912
Miss Fav Xadnn left Tursday
for Franklin after the bciliidays
to take up her Avork at the acad
Miss Edna Ilenton returned to
her heme Saturday after a few
weeks viit at Ragan Neb
N J Bradley and family left
Wednesday for tlirir nw liome
at Niagara Oregon
Clifford Pm th of Wosonville
came up V dmr ivr v f
Mis C W Kelky at Mrs Mc-
t 41
lMV JDivitt s 1st B Mre A C Wiehe
j aescnoeu it is a double neaa locomo
IE Fishe Washington Kas says I tive wItu one boier and therefore ua
was irouoiea wun a severe attacK ot
Ja grippe that threatened pneumonia
A friend advised Foleys Honey and
Tar Compound and I got relief after
talcing the first few doses I took
three bottles and my la grippe was
cured Get the genumem the yel
low package A McMillen
Here is a remedy that will cure
your cold Why waste time and mon
ey experimenting when you can get a
preparation that has won world wide
reputation by its cures of this dis
eases and can always he depended up
on It is known everywhere as
Chamberlains Cough Remedy and is
a medicine of real merit For sale bj
all dealers
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
is a reliable family medicine Give
it to your children and take it your
self when you feel a cold coming on
It checks and cures coughs and colds
and croup and prevents bronchitis
and pneumonia A McMillen
der the control of one engine crew
It provides almost twice as much
tractive power as the consolidation en
gine and is more economical because
the live steam from the boiler is sup
plied to only two cylinders and used
expansively in the other two
Mrs A R Tabor of Crider Mo
had been troublde with sick head
ache for about five yeara when she
began talcing Chamberlains Tablets
She has taken two bottles of them
and they have cured her Sick head
ache is caused by a disordered stom
ach for which these tablets are es
pecially intended Try them get well
and stay well Sold Iby all druggists
Persons troubled with partial par
alysis are often very much benefit
ted by massaging the affected parts
thoroughly when applying Chamber
lains Liniment This liniment also
relieves rheumatic pains For sale
by au uruggists
Bad nabii
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
Cures inn Every Case
Mr Jas McCaffery Mgr of the
Schlitz Hptel Omaha Neb recom
mends Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound because it cures in every case
I have used it myself and I have
recommended it to many others who
have since tald me of its great cura
tive power in diseases of the throat
and lungs For all coughs and colds
it is speedily effective A McMillen
Novel Railway Engine
A type of railroad locomotive de
vised years ago by Mallet the great
French inventor but which has been
up to the present time beyond the
needs of the transportation companies
for power Is now being experimented
with by the experts of the New York
Central lines on the steep grades of
their Pennsylvania division Briefly
hiiwiw wn jniiiii ijjiiiotii j Ajitmiw rif
All Ready to Wear
25 per cent to 50 per cent cheaper this week
Buy that coat suit dress waist or set of furs now
1912 lidition
In thi compart volume nf rzlrabls and tnsei
estlns information a complete up-to-fl ite librars
in itself you mil find accurate particulars of the
special essiotn of Congress lie election cense
cfnfl P l0 t nrm ni w j An nvnA4 t fr It 4 Pini MT
v Ot tllC COming Semester Was Canal markets crop increase in pnees of staple
dlSSTMlc SPrl lv fcUpr LIV1a nvti JL1S P31 cost of lirins aenal acbiercmeaU
recorU am abvsttISt scentific lisroveneo
C L Faillll eStCck llCfilidient and aIas and mnoTations of 1011 wars international
siSKfsa worn sunsurnvA for tin -- - - -
iwiilt lwi crcrnv AT re VV Q I growxii ol the United state incrcains
blL Wlltll liei SrTCl UIS U O-
m Fifty pupils have V- ml wealth of countries State and
Yat 1S ii i i palities Congrcssioml record iportins records
- lStCled TOr tllC CGlirse and Have currency weights and measure weather forecasts
ICt Kennceker Went ttO l OT1 lrl - universities and school relwoiu oinfs
KICC1 11H0 PI e ClaSaC
Cii in Imc linrn Inn rie commcrcl railroad shippins Ccbis of
r r
tl LU tO IMS llCme la3i OMv
fnH mnlr l
1WS 1W nations nd mM of hP woId banking
Instiuctoi j
sewing and place
aionej taTes insurance political parties secret
societies club births marnases Qirorces and
deaths woman iiffrase
10000 Otlier Tacts and risrures Lp to Date
of erery day interest and value to everybody
No merchant farmer laborer business man
housewife or buiness woman school boy or school
girl should be withuut a copv of the valuable 1912
W ir inn 11 A Tic- Arii reference volume of useful information Price
ji iviniiuii i 111 nine 5c West of Buffalo and Pittsburgh 30c By
1st C MjISSCS LllUra ailll ai Address The Xew York World New
Maude McMillen at thdr homejj
2nd M rs A X Lineburg and
Mrs II A Beale at Mrs Line- Charles Durham of Lovington 111
burgs and 3rd Mrs J R has succeeded in finding a positive
cure for bed y ttle boy
iieux uui Mi L J R uonc -it
wet the bed WTy night clear thro
Mrs btsinsborry s Lhcse meet- on the flocr I tried several kinds of
ings to be held at 2 oclcek on kidney medicine and was in the drug
Saturday afternoon After this Etore looking for something differ
Aveek mnfings will be held 1 hbJf X F
o ixuncj ruis ill el lit iiciu tuii
cn them two days we could see a
change and when lie had taken two-
thirds of a bottle he was cured That i
about six weeks ago and he has
not wet in bed since A- McMillen
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210 1st st W -- Phone red 450
Osborn Burton
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGrofPs
Phone No 13
miss Mcculloch
Trained Nurse
is better than SWEARING AT a bae Phone red 479
business For example if you an
804 East Second Street
using chesp looking stationery now ii
the time to swear off on it
Begin the year right hy
telling us to print seme
handsome Letter Heads
Billheads Statements
etc for you
They will BE cheap but they wonM
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 273
Most for your money
Thats All
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly conUdentlol HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securmgpatents
Patents taUcn through Munn Co receive
special notice without charge in the
cieiHific American
A handsomely illustrated weekly J nrcest cir
culation of any eclentlflc Journal Terms 3 n
year four months H Bold by all newsdealers
MUNN Co3B1Boadwa New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Ask any man past fifty years
of age and he will tell you of
some time in his life when he
was sailing high Things were
coming his way There are
few exceptions Why is he
poor now Well there are va
rious reasons One thing is
sure It is not because he
placed his money in a sound
bank and checked it out only
when safe investments were se
cured There are more ways to
lose money than to make it If
you are making any money no
matter how small the amount
start the saving habit by open
ing a ank account
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Fire and Wind
Written in First Class
White Line Transfer
Elmer HawMns
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office G8
residence red 456
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location rut acre is lfrVrlr
streetln P Walsh buldlog 1 lCvOUK
Br ami Coa
f U