The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 08, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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we are not the largest dealer
in the state we sell the best
shoes in the world without
exception such as
A C Nettleton Co N Y
Queen Quality Boston
Pierce Co Ohio
H B Reed Manchester
Therefore when you get
our shoes you get as good as
you can get in New York
You can see them now
Corner Store
201 Main
Sun Dogs and Rainbows
The eastern heavens presented
an uncommon spectacle to Mc
Cook eyes Friday morning with
two brilliant sun dogs and four
rainbows visible at the same time
The vision attracted many eyes
much attention -and numerous
comments none recalling ever
having seon just such an exhibi
tion in the degree this one offer
Water tax for fourth quarter
of 1911 is now due and payable
under the public library from 8
to 12 a m and 1 to 6 p m each
day until January 20th1912 in
clusive Agents and tenants give
this vour attention
Water Commissioner
Great Range Bargains
We now have a few slightly
used ranges and cook stoves all
in first class condition and guar
anteed to give satisfaction
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive ageni
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
If you want what you want in
Poultry Foods and Egg Producer
we handle the best known and
best sellers Dr Hess Panacea
Pratts Regulator and Egg Pro
ducer International and the Big
Four Poultry Food Roup Cures
and Poultry Tonics also Lice and
Mite Killers Now is the time
to use Poultry Foods and Egg
Producers and take advantage
of high prices
A McMILLEN Druggist
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries fat accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
Our Cream Lotion for cliapped
hands or face if tried will con
vince vou of its merits
A McMILLEN Druggist
The purest freshest and best
drugs the world affords are us
ed in McConn ells prescription de
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
black 271 4tf
WANTED Pupils on the pianc
and organ Beginners preferred
Tems 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
FOR RENT Cottage of sev
en rooms and bath room ait 810
W 1st street Inquire of Mrs H
H Tyler Orleans Neb 25 2w
Keen Touch of Jack Frost Be
low Zero Weather Continues
The cold weather which has
crimped all the west country for
the past two Aveeks reached a
climax last Friday night with
a temperature variously given ait
from 18 to 26 below zero in this
neighborhood We are now en
tering the third week of below
zero weather the temperature
reaching zero or below every day
during the past two weeks a
record unusual at least in this
section of state
Doubtless suffering has been
caused to stock and much dis
comfort to human kind in- all
cases where the best of fuel pro
tection and feed and food are not
at hand
Water pipes and drain pipes
have frozen all over the city and
the plumbers were met able to
observe the usual Sunday rest
On the railroad service both
passenger and freight has bean
maintained in part only icr sev
eral days with extreme exertion
and under circumstances of much
discomfort and some suffering to
these employed At times the se
vere temperature and wind have
made it extremely difficult to
keep engines in steam and trains
This Monday morning shows
a slightly higher temperature
but still below zero 2 degrees
but indications pcint to a period
of increasing warmth
Tests of Seed Corn Urged
On the statement of Prof C
W Pugsley of the agricultural ex
tension department of the Uni
versity of Nebraska that Ne
braska seed corn is poorer than
for years Nebraska business men
will use not only their time but
their money in urging on the
farmers the importance of testing
all corn for seed and in locat
ing districts in the state- where
weather conditions were such
that good seed corn in large
quantities was matured
Case Dismissed
The case against James Pontius
of Indcarola on a charge of send
ing obscene matter through the
mails was dismissed by Deputy
United States Attorney Lane yes
terday afternoon Mr Pontius
was chargd with having publish
ed matter of this character in
his newspaper at Indianola lie
was under indictment soma time
aigo on a similar charge at Mc
Coiok Tilus was dismissed Sat
urdays Lincoln Journal
Chicken Raisers Attention
We handle Cyphers and Old
Trusty Incubators and broioders
also chicken supplies Sample i
now ready Let us know year
wants early We sell at factory
Lieut Hubsr Resigns
First Lieutenant Roy L Huber
of company M First regiment N
N G has resigned his offiice on
account of business reasons and
his resignation has been accept
ed by Adjutant General Pheilps
McConnell for drugs
A McMillen Druggist
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Kodaks and kodak supplies
McCONNELL Druggist
Gloves in cotton and in leath
er you will find a good assort
ment at the right prices at Hu
ber s
The value of a prescription de
pends on how it has been filled
McConnell fills prescriptions pro
Few subjects in the realm of
agriculture are receiving more at
tention than the sailo The agri
culture colleges and the newspa
pers are constantly giving publi
city to the matter in iUustraifjion
and print AH who give the sub
ject attention seem to agree that
it is a moat desirable adjunct and
addition to the farmer especial-
Iv if the farmer devotles anrv eon-
Monday Evening Edition
Mr J R Jackson Is a Victim
of Heart Failure
Mr J R Jackson fell to the
ground in the local yard Friday
afternoon about five oclock and
expired almost instantly a vic
tim of heart failure
Mr Jackson lives about two
miles south of the city He had
driven to the city with Mrs Jack
son and then returned home with
the horse and walked back to the
They intended to participate in
the celebration of the birthday of
their son-in-law Mr John W
Shirley and he was walking up
the railroad yard toward the Shir
ley home when overtaken with
the fatal heart trouble
Trainmaster J E Johnson and
a swatchnian on duty in the yard
hastened to the assistance of the
fallen man only to discover that
death had ensued
Dr C L Fahnestock was sum
moned but dearth had placed his
seal on the old gentleman be
fore his arrival
The remains of Mr Jackson
were at once taken to the un
dertaking parlors of the Pade
Furniture and Carpet Co and
prepared for burial and early on
Saturday morning were taken to
the heme of another son-in-law
Mr II L Lcshbaugh awaiting
The arrangements for the fun
eral are being held open until
the arrival of a son from Oali
fornir but in all probability will
be held on Wednesday
An Historical Sketch of South
Vestern Nebraska
The 35th annual meeting of the
Nebraska State Historical society
and the 20th annual meeting of
the Nebraska Territorial Pio
neers association will be held in
Lincoln January 8 910 1912
On Wednesday evening the
10th in Temple theatre at a s s
sion of the hrejonicail soicty Hon
John F Cordoail of our city will
delivr a paper en An Historical
Sketch of Southwestern Nebras
ka a subject upon which
senator has made considerable
study and research which Avill
perforce be of interest and worth
x To Buy Old Ditch
The Frenchman valley irriga
tion district has ben organized
and State Engineer D D Prise
of the state board of irrigation
has been- asked to sanction the
plan outlined He has given his
approval to the organization The
promoters intend to take over
the Culbertson ditch which tak s
waiter fnom the Frenchman riv
er and is one of the oldest irriga
taon projects in the state It has
10000 acres of land under irriga
tion but the ditch has run down
and has been bought by Morgan
J Buckley who is willing to sell
the property Lincoln Journal
The beginnings of baldness
are easily stopped while it may
be difficult to prevent the dis
appearing of the hair
Any diseased condition marked
by dandruff or cither humor or
any relaxed condition indicated
by constantly falling hair should
have attention The best
It restores hair and tone to the
scalp Pnice 50c and 100
L W McCONNELL Druggist
For Rent
One furnished room over the
hardware store and one over the
Electric rtheatre with beta and
light Very desirable
McConnell fills prescriptions
Magner s groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
Meeting of the McCook
Hospital Association
Another meeting of tliei tem
porary organization of the Mc
Cook Co operative Hospital asso
ciation was held at the Commer
cial club rooms Thursday after
noon January 4 That the en
thusiasm and interest in this
project are growing is very evi
dent from the increased at
tendance at each successive meet
In the absence of the tempor
ary president Mrs Z L Kay
Mrs C L Fahnestock was chos
en to preside
The committee on incorpora
tion which was appointed ait a
previous meeting Senator
deal Miss Mary Morrissy and
Mrs Raine made a partial re
Until the articles of incorpor
ation have been accepted but
little more in the way of form
ing a permanent organization can
be done but the committee will
conclude its report at the next
meeting when plans will all as
sume shape
The physicians are encourag
ing every effort to bring to per
fection the ambition and desire
on the part of the women of Mc
Cook to establish here a strict
ly non seetarian up-to-date hos
pitaL and are giving practical sug
gestions covering all departments
that may come under such an as
sociation Almost every physic
ian in the city has put himself
on record as being in harmony
with the undertaking and will
ing to dof a little more than his
share to bring it about
As soon as the articles of in
corporation have been accepted
and the by laws formulated they
will be made public together
with plans for establishing equip
ping and maintaining the institu
In meantime the women who
have this movement at heart are
asking eaieh individual to inter
net his ncrsihbor in its upbunld
Come to the Cmmreial club
rooms at 3 oclock Tkunday af
ternoon Jan 11
Public School Notes
Mr Harry Ellis cf Beaver CYrv
e the now teach 2r of th seventh
grade A and eighth grade B th
grades wihncih Mr Frank M Cl
fer taught for ssveinl w be
fore assuming the dutiencf the
county judgsbip
Miss Milliccnt Slaby io ji0i1 pub
strtuting in the South eHrnl for
Mrs May Dcughrs whr - Vn
delayed down ir Mirrr5 j j
severe woait her but wi cm- rx
seonas pcrarrble to grit tlru
An excellent prcigrsnn ren
dered at the assembly on- last
Friday mcrnins Prrgr ni
Piano duct Susie- Mchde anl
Fern Flit craft
Vocal solo Mabel Jennings
Reading Supt
solo Roswell Svjjvnans
Vocal solo Florence Rcnehush
LaFollette Petition
Olios Ska 11 a circuited n peti
tion end cf week to place the
name cf Senator LaiFoV tite on
the primarv ticket n 1t1 Wil
low county for prer Kt w
in the Aprl Hrfc Tt
ii befrcg rinumfrcrr d n
this community where -
WisrCnsfin scrips hir
many admirers
Furs Are Very Bipt
You can make money tapping
We have full stock of the bes
The next kensington cf Eureka
chapter No 8G 0 E S will be
held at the home of Mr3A M
Williams Wednesday afternoon
Mrs Emerson Hansjonand Mrs A
M Williams bcinglie hestesrcs
of the occasion
The Shakespeare club will meet
Tuesday afternoon with Miss Ed
na Waite for a continuation of
the study of The Merchant of
James Galusha returned Satur
day morning from his Lincoln
Mr and Mrs W O Crane of
Atlanta spent part of last week
here guests of friends
Dr H J Read of Cambridge
was in the city on business of liis
hospital Friday
Miss Lena Rasmussen of Tren
ton spent part of her vacation
last week in McCook visiitng
Miss Ada neskett
Leo Ryan returned Sunday
night on 6 to his work in Oma
ha after spending the holidays
with the home foiks
Marvin Somerville was one of
the ushers at marriage of Miss
Edith Shepherd and Rev Oscar
Reynolds in the Grace Methodist
clrareh Lincoln just before
Frank Stillman The Tribune is
advised intends to move his fam
ily back to McCook from Kansas
and to make his home in the city
nis son-in-law will be in ehargc
of the ranch here
Earl Berger who has been up
west for several days on land
business at Wray Colorado and
other points returned home on
No 10 Saturday night
Miss Carrie Budilong who is ill
at the home of her sister in De
troit Michigan The Tribune is
pleased to learn is improving sat
Rev R T Baync was called to
Omaha last Thursday night on a
mission connected with the board
of censorship of moving picture
films He returned home Sat
urday night
Mrs Hattie Allison departed
Sunday night for Wichita Kan
sas to be absent several months
on a visit ito relatives She has
a son in school there and sever
al cither relatives live in that
Claude Cramer who is in
charge of the DeGroff store at
Wray Colorado was married at
Superior during the holidays
and the newspaper account states
that they -wall make their home
in Wray
Mr and Mrs John Pah who
were called to California a few 1
week GJnce by the death of his
father Goorge Pch an old time
resident of this section of Red
Willow cicunty arrived hoine on
the coast to coast train No 10
Saturday night
C B Sawyer who has beon vis
iting lucre and in the Beaver val
ley for the past few weeks took
his departure Sunday for his
home in Green acres Washington
stopping briefly in Spokane
where his daughter Mrs Thomas
Tucker makes her home Mr
Saiwyer disposed of his farm in
the Beaver ecu n try during Irs
Rov B L Webber
iV im Sunday School Union mis j
sionary was driven home end cf
week by severiitv of tlv weatlh
er He preached in the Methodist
church Sunday morning telling
mm1 very interesting facts from
hrfa field experience n the Sun
day 02I1C10I work in the eight
coumtiica in thn part cf Nebras
ka which constitute his fiield of
Members cd the choir at the
Episcopal church had a pleasant
ooioial g2theTcaig in the reolcry
hot Thursday evening Songs
music- games- and refreshments
helpsd to complete a very happy
Mrs W B Mills was hoot esc
to the Bridge Whist club hat
Friday afternoon Mrs Eliza
beth Walker of Boone Iciwa and
Mrs Simpson Finnell Hamburg
Iowa were out of town guests
and Mrs Frank Real Mrs Frank
Runnells Mrs A Barnetifc and
Mrs E O Valine the city guests
A two course lunch was served
The Thursday Wrtiist club en
joyed the warm hospitality of Mr
and Mrs James G Stokes dose
of last week The usual seven
oclock dinner was served and
cards followed with mnsie and a
hnief light fantastic touch ait con
clusion Guests were Mr and
Mrs F W Bosworth Mr and
Mrs jC J Stokes Mr and Mrs
tasfra Ir Mrs isrmpson
I 11 111 ill I
Delivered free any place in McCook
Corn chop per 100 125
gran per 100 120
Shorts per 100 135
Wheat per bushel 95
Corn per bushel 70
Oats per bushel qq X
X Alfalfa Per bale 50
J Ground alfalfa meal for chick-
en and cow feed per 100 105
McCook Milling Company
Phone 29
City Hospital Project
Interest is growing in the pro
posed city hospital project as at
tested by the increasing attend
ance of citizens at the meetings
held in the commercial club
rooms And the indications are
that the project has taken on
very practical form and plans
It is proposed to regularly in
corporate and articles will W of
fered for adoption together with
oy ianvs at the next meeting It
is contemplated to make this hos
pital organization cooperative anc
associational Stock will bfv snlrl
of small denomination and a hold
ing corporation provided for
Membership fees or dues will be
provided which will afford the
holders hospital attention under
certain restrictions and provis
ions thus making it cooperative
A board of directors will be
chosen from among the stoekhold
rs and the management provid
ed bv this boards action While
all the details have not yet been
made public enough has been
indicated to give one the assur
ance of a successful plan being
chosen for this project
The plans contemplate no large
expense to any one at this time
It is at present nroncsed tn ivmt
a suitahle building Manv of
the beds and rooms will lm fur
nished by donations and gifts
Same applies to needed instru
ments etc So that the matter
of maintenance is the chief con
sideration Tliis is proposed to
be raised by the sale of member
ship tickets in some manner tick
ets entitling the holders to hos
pital service for a term of
months at so much per month
This- cooperative plan semis
to be tne only pmetccal plan at
this time The Tribune hopes the
people of McCook will give the
matter their closest S3rutiny and
attention believing it warrants
the active boosting of the entire
community believing this fe the
opportunity we have been wait
ing for to secure for this city the
needed hospital service and priv
ileges we have so long desired
Remember the next m citing on
Thursday afternoon January 11
at the commercial club rooms
Mr Sitchie Files
The firat one to file in Red Wi
Law county for April primary
election is Chas D Ritchie the
present county attorney who fil
ed for that office subject to de
cision cif the Republican primary
of April coming He filed with
County Clerk Dutcher todav
Freshest fruits at Magner s
Remember the school enter
tainment in the Central building
this evening by the children of
the West building Seiiccil chil
dren 10 cents adults 15 cats
Benefit cf schools
The Womans Wisvorery soci
ety of Congregaticnal church will
meet on next Thursdav aft err on
with Mrs L E Hnford Th
subject will be Uoime Missions
Each member is requested to pre
pare a paper on the subject
Judge E B Perry has retired
from the law firm of Perry
Lambe Butler Judge Perry
has fitted up a suite of rooms
just east of the Cambridge Com
mercial club rooms where he and
Mr V R Schober his court re
porter will be located whan at
Two sales were closed at the
United States land office both
of the land tracts being in the
southwestern part of the state
The first one consisting of eighty
acres was sold to John Mansfield
of Palisade for 150 an acre
The land is loeated in Hayes
county The second tract in
hae eountv wa honccSt