The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 28, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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1 1 lT1TTiri fT ry jj mm jrroM
East Depart Central Time
xtv R lldUi u
500 A M
550 A M
635 A M
- yf
io o pr-
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1
1142 P M
5 arrive S35 p m
930 A M
n 62o A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
arrives ou r jii
No 176
C45 A M
No 175 departs
oirr fiiniTu smd reclining cnair
cars seats free on through tram
Tickets sold and baggage checked tc
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and ticivcts call on or write P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
General Passenger
or L W
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Bruce Campbell left for Wal
lace Nebraska this morning af
ter spending a few days with the
horn folks during uiuuu
Mr Charlie and Mass Gert
rud Milligan are spending
Christmas week visiting with Red
Cloud friends
Clarence Stokes returned on
Wednesday from his visit at Al
bion where he and Mrs Stokes
spent Christmas -with her parents
No 5 did noli reacn jicuu
Tuesday night until about eleven
oclock result of drifting snow
11 trains both east and west
were late Tuesday night and
Wednesday morning
M II Griggs and lamiiy re
turned on 13 Wednesday from
Mviniiuv Snrins Ark where
thev have been visiting relatives
of Mrs Griggs They report an
over abundance of rain there
Eight cars on No 77 were
derailed at Parks Tuesday night
by the dropping of a brake beam
it is supposed and traffic was
delayed several nours ior uiaiL
reason and on account of the
drifting snow
The engine on the Imperial
branch train got off the- track
Tuesday while switching on ac
count of the snow and another
engine liad to be sent up to Im
perial to pull the derailed en
gine back onto the track again
It was between 11 and 12 oclock
ait night before the train arrived
at McCook on the return trip
t mi 1 io vnKlfvmJ
friends in Oxford
Mrs A F lliverton spent
Christmas in Wray Colo
A 13 Uanshaw visiting
his folks in Eaton Indiana -
E 0 Scott spent Christmas
with liis mother in Lincoln
Gene Smith spent Christmas
with his Bed Cloud parens
Brakeman E 1j suiuvan was
a Denver pilgrim Wednesday
Brakeman E Neubauer was
a Iloldrege visitor Wednesday
Brakeman M E Moedo was
up from lied Cloud Wednesday
Brakeman J F Richardson
was up from Oxford Wednesday
Agent A W Yetter of
visitor Wed
ree was a
Brakeman C J Strauser and
wife came up from Republican
W R Howard night ticket
agent wmt up to Denver on No
13 Wednesday
Brakeman T J Clark is stall
on the sick list alter reporting
once for duty
The high line Iloldrege to
Cheyenne has been snow hound
part of the week
rnnrlnptnr C E Evan and
son siuEit Christmas with Mrs
Ryan and relatives at limw
Fireman C II Ilusted al
I vxllnn lln linllflnV
wne arc r uuuio -v
i v eek with his folks in Denver
Conductor and Mrs 1 E con
verse leave tomorrow for Ilend
ley to be absent over Now Year
at his home
Engineer Roy Frcmdi is
spending a few days with the pa
rents at Harvard Nebraska go
ing down on 10 last night
Trainmaster JEJohnson spent
fMnhii with Mrs Johnson in
Lincoln On Sunday he visited
Omaha and Plattsmouth briefly
Engineer R E Frnech who
has been running out of here for
nio im Inid off and gone
ito Orleans to bring the family Tip
to McCook
Bruce Berry is the victim
of an attack of nerves as the re
sult of too much telephone while
he was subbing for Stokes in the
trainmasters office
Fireman II C Jeffries Mrs
R W Hiler and baby of Denver
E S Jeffries and wife of Ilold
rege and W A Jeiiraes oi Mc
Cook gathered at the home of
their mother Mrs II E Durham
for a merry Christmas dinner
Sermons appropriate -to New
Year at the Baptist church next
Adventist Services at 11 a m
and S p m Saturday and at S
p m Sunday
PimiQtinm Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a in
and 8 p m 11 M lUitcucii uui
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 O R Richert
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
evenings New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Rnntict Swmons at 11 a m
I conn a i
Mens High Cut Lace
Boots Worth 350
400 and 450
fit m BK BH flBBBi r bV BBm BBB
BrrBn BbI I Bf F A BB7 BB flW
E D Perkins Co
Phone 18
McCook Neb
Mill IUJW rf
and S p m scnoui ui ja
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to worship with us D L Mc
Bride minister
Con relational Morning sul
ject The Hand of God in Amer
ican History Evening Specaal
Masonic and New Year service
McCaok ledge No 135 attend
ing in a body
Catholic St Patricks Church
S 30 a m low mass and sermon
10 30 a m high mass and ser
mon 2 30 p m Sunday school
8 00 evening services Rev Wm
Patton O M I pastor
Conductor C E Ryan went
down to Hastings Wednesday on
No 10
Conductor II W Wyman and
wife returned Tuesday from a
visit to his parents in Chicago
Drink Wedding Breakfast
coffee and be happy At
jers only
The best brands of canned
o ni ofrtrihlps fit Arnfrners
llU w - 0-
I ULU13 v3w
i Subscribe for the Semi Weekly
Tribune 1UU per year
If you want THE NEWS read
i The Tribune
Tr iTPRMAT CnA in whom
W is the hope of all our
years remember us in Thy
mercy also in this new year of
our Lord Reveal Thy glory
in the experience of its joys ana
sorrows Forestall its tears with
the abiding comfort of Thy
presence Make us strong
rightly to measure all our gains
and to endure with patience
every loss Thy love allows
Show us Thy meaning in the
gifts and opportunities of each
new day Assure us of Thy
help in labor Thy delight in
our joys Quicken our minds
to clear vision and our hearts to
cheerful content Provide for
our bodies such vigor as shall
be needful for our allotted work
We leave to Thee the mystery
of the years events assured that
Thou wilt guide our way With
hold from us all gifts which
would prevent Thy purpose for
our growth in wisdom and in
service Only deny us net Thy
self Thy Spirit to instruct our
hearts Thy work to share Thy
peace to still our restlessness Thy
presence to resolve our doubts
In the sifting of temptation grant
that our faith fail net and when
our years are ended bring us to
Thyself through Jesus Christ
our Lord Amen
earlv heathen ages The French ce
rive their term for New Year pres
nt frnm the Latin word Strenia
the Romans
the name of a goddess
mans venerated as the patroness of
gifts There was a grove in Rome
dedicated to this goddess where it was
customary to get fresh twigs to give
as presents to friends and relatives on
New Years day During the sway of
tho omtierors Roman subjects made
New Years gifts to their sovereign
Augustus received such quantities or
these that he had gold and silver
statues made of them Tiberius did
away with the usage because he con
ciiormi it tnn troublesome to express
thanks for the gifts Caligula on the
contrary reintroduced the custom and
even made up for his predecessors re
ficni tn receive nresents by requir
ing those that had been offered to him
to bo given to himself as arrearagas
The custom of making New Years
gifts notwithstanding attempts to sup
press it was continued after Europe
had become Christian For a time pres
ent making was transferred to easier
but later it was again associated with
the first day of January
The passing of years is like the
coming of dawn slow silent inevit
able The most eager cannot hasten
the quiet irresistible movement ana
the most reluctant cannot forbid Some
gifts the years bring which we would
fain decline age sorrow disappoint
ment Some treasures they take which
we would keep forever youth beauty
innocence But there are more prec
ious treasures which time cannot
supply and the years cannot remove
friendship patience faith and love
Herbert L Willett
jl Happy New Year
1 JiiliSlliiv m
KHjr 1 UEW JBB i
Tust at the turn of midnight
When the children are fast asleep
The tired Old Year slips out by himself
3Iad of a chance to be laid on the shelf
And the Mew Year takes a dcgd
The Way Its Done
rwtnr I want you to look after my
office while Im on vacation
But Ive just graduated doctor
Have had no experience
Thats all right my boy My prac
tice Is strictly fashionable Tell thej
men to play golf and ship the ladjl
patients off to Europe
Expensive Instruction
wToTflnno Bald the ready made
philosopher is he best teacher
Yes flplied the man who has had
troubles -with Wall street but youre1
liable to go broKgpaying me urou
A Resolution declaring the inten
tion nf tlm Mavor and Council
Origin of New Year Gifts
Like the customs of Christmas
-which in their origin are a curious
mixture of poetry and symbolism and
of superstition those that belong to
the observance of New Years day are
also relics of ideas that date from
of the City of McCook Nebras
ka to refund Fifty Thousand
Dollars of the out stamding wat
er bonds of said city bearing
date June loth 190S and di
recting public notice to be giv
en ci such inteinticu all in ac
cordance with sections 11279
112S2 of Cabbeys Annatatea
statutes of Nebraska for 1911
and repeat all resolutions anci
parts of resolutions in conflict
Whereas the City of McCook
Red Wallow County Nebraska bj
and tiircugn its amy autiiorizeu
officers did on the fifteenth day
of June 1908 pursuant to auth
ority granted by chapter 11 of
tin Crmuvilpd Statutes of the
State of Nebraska for the year
iyu oy iai orciiuuiice ox mu nv
of McCcck passed by said Coun
cil and approved by the Mayor
of said city May 25th 190S and
numbered l 2 of the ordinances
of said city and by a vote ot tw
thirds of the legal votes of said
City of McCook Nebraska cast
for and against the proposition
- C an eieyuon amy neia ior tiiab
H purpose in soiid city April 7th
i lDOd issue yighty five thousand
cioilais in bonds known and des
1 igmrted as Wator Bonds in
denominations of fiive thousand
dollars each numbered caie to sev
enteen inclusiAe numbers four
teen to seventeen inclusive of
which a tidal of twenty thous
and dollars have been sold to
the Staite of Nebraska at a prcc
eouivalont to five ner cent inter-
est per annum to the expiration
lloth 1913 and three of the re
maining tdurteen of which a to
tal cf fifteen thousand dollars
have been paid with available
funds of said city in accordance
witih a resolution passed and ap
proved December 21st 1911 and
i an ot which seventeen ooncts
have been duly registered by the
oj ine oraie oi
ka as Ijy law provided and being
due June loth 192S payable af
ter five years from date and
idrawung interest ait the rate ot
I six per cent per annum payable
j semi annually as- evidenced by
fortj interest bearing coupons ait
jtached to each bond and
Willfipin in iiflflitinn in c jiiirl
tAVPnt fliancnmfl f1nllnic nntl Ynv
said payment ot iiiteen thousand
dollars there remains unpaid of
srnirl WVitm Tnnrlc crk icicnrl
Hifty thousand dollars and said
city is authorized by hnv to take
up amd pay off said bonds wliem
aver the same can be accomplish
ed iby lawful means by the issucj
miiri si c tiio iiif nnn fix-
change therefor of the bonds of
saiid city such refunding bonds
mot to exceed the amount lawfully
owing and unpaid upon tiiie oonu
or bonds so sougiic to oe taKen u
nrifl Dfiid and bearinir interest at
i j -
a rate and amount per annum not
rreater than that of the bonds
so sought to be taken up andj
paid and said outstanding un
paid water bonds in the
rrntr JimmiTlt nt tilttV tUOUSaUd
Inilsivo mnv to the advantage of
said city be taken up and paid
- 1 11 lrmr
Wltili iunos ooumueu uy tu ioouc
and sale of said refunding bonds
of said city or by the exchange
therefor of said refunding bonds
of said city hereinafter describ
ed and sat torth and
wimrofls ilirf Oitv Council of
said city has found and declared
and it hereby finds and deeiairey
that the best interests of the city
demand that said Water Bonds
n r tiio i forrpcTntft amount of fifty
thousand dollars should be re
funded by beang taken up and
paid with funds obtained from
the sale wf said refunding bonds
or be taken up and paid by the
exchange therefor of said refund-
inn- bonds and
Whereas there are no tunas
collected iu any fund levied for
the purpose of paying said Wat
er Bonds in the aggregate sum
of fifty thousand dollars or in
any other fund of said city with
which sand Waiter lonas mn me
aggregate sum of fifty thousand
dollars can be paid nor are there
on- c riffn lAvifts made or in
process of collection out of which
said ten Waiter Bonds may be
paid and cancelled
Therefore it is Kesolved by tne
Mayor and Council of the City of
McCook Red Willow County Ne
That said city by and through
ir rorc m flminml and Clerk is
sue one hundred coupon bonds of
five hundred dollars eaeu num
bered from one to one hundred
which boiids shall be known as
the Refunding McCook City
Waiter Bonds in the sum of
r Vinncn nd dollars dated Janu
ary 15th 1912 bearing interest
at the rate o live per cent nic
est per annum payable sema an
nually on the 15th day of July
and the 15th day of January in
each year and evidenced by cou
pons atttachsdto said bonds One
twentieth of said bonds number
ed crae to five inclusive in the ag
gregate sum oi 2500 shall be ab
solutely due and payable on the
15th day of January 1913 and
oaie itwntieth of said bonds to
wit five of said bonds in the or
der of their regular consecutive
numbers and in tne aggregate
amount of 2500 shall be absolute
ly due and payable on the 15th
day cf January of each and ev
ery year thereafter until and
th date when the five
bonds numbered nineity six to on
hundred inclusive shall become
absolutely due and payable to
witthe fifteenth day of January
1932 said bonds and interest and
the coupons thereto attaelic d to
be payable at the banking house
of Koiuiitzf Brothers in the city
cf Xlw York I S A and with
ri nnfic vitalized from sale of
said refunding bonds take up and
pay off or make an exenange iui
- fiid outstanding unpaid
Water Bonds in the aggregate
3iim of fifty thousand dollars
iui in no ent shall said
tiw Io sold for lesu
n -rd that the proper ta
jrrrr jT iiilioiitiics of the City
F and Red Willow cour
ty Nebraslia be and hereby are
8iitlKizud and directea to ie
and collect annually a general
tutx in such amounts as will be
sufficient for the payment of the
principal and interest of said
refunding bends until fully paid
in the same manner as other
municipal taxes are levied and
collected on all the taxaoie
erty now within or that may m
the future be within the corpor
ate limit of the City cf McCook
Red Willow County Nebraska
such fund too be known as the
Refunding Water Bond Fund
and to Ibe used for no other pur
pose than the payment of the
principal and interest of said
Refunding McLooiv uiry wat
er Bonds Said bonds so issu
ed shall he signed by the Mayor
and attt sited V the City- Clerk
of said city and the seal of said
oitv shall be affixed thereto
Wherefore it is ordered that
nnv tax payer of said city may
file objections to the validity of
said bends or the proposed ac-
ilion relating to tne said
cm nv before Saturday even
ing January 13th 1912 at six
oclock p in standard central
time in the office of the City
Clerk of said eity in the regu
lar place of meeting of said City
Council to wit in the Water
Commissioners office in the base
ment of the library building on
the west half ot bloeic ten in tne
original town now eity of Mc
Cook Nebraska If no objec
tions are filed at that time tin
rav Cmineil of said eitv will at
eight oclock p m standard cen
tral tame on Saturday January
13th 1912 at said regular meet
ing place of said Council order
the refunding bonds heretofore
described to be issued in aceord
nnio iniitili and bv virtue of the
powers granted by sections 8865
11279 112SU lizsi and juuio ol
Cobbevs Annotated Statutes of
Nebraska for 1911 and it is fur
ther ordered that said City Clerk
is hereby directed to give public
nn a nf this action and of the
date on which and the place
where any tax payer ot saia eiuy
may file objections to such pro
posed action by publishing a
copy of this resolution for two
weeks in the McCook Tribune
I10 luvnnnk Reoublacan two
legal newspapers printed andof
general eireuiataon m sauw ujr
and by posting up a copy of said
resolution on the door of saad
building in which such corporate
ntimwtiK lmld their stated meet
ings Any and all resolutions
and parts of resolumons in con
flict herewith are hereby repeal
-phenyl hv flip Citv Council of
the City of McCook Nebraska
this 22nd day ot ueeemDer i
and approved by the Mayor on
the same date
L C Stoll City Clerk
City Seal
First publication uec zo xvxx
Drew Furniture and Carpet CoA
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 271
Most for your money
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will quote you prices Satisfaction
- r
Want ads 5 cents pel