The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 28, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2
ll Par J mmmugmmvma fflV nJl W1 WW K S fifeS unary Advance Sale of Sprini Health is often endangered by unsanitary cooking utensils Physicians have found that cancer is caused by enamel ware chipping off and irritating the stomach If you have children or invalids in the family beware of cheap cooking utensils that crack scale peel off tarnish and rust Disease germs lurk in the worn places and there is further danger of tainting the food Health is too precious to take risks with it Be safe Use i9J which are guaranteed for 1 5 years constant service and will never spoil food nor endanger health This new ware is featherweight beautiful easy to clean does not tarnish nor rust The slight extra cost is more than made up by long service and absolute safety Look For Tirade mark on Every Piece Vt 1 f 1 T 1 1 T Til I he Maltese cross wiin me woras rure Illinois 1892 Aluminum the original insures that you get the genuine There are imitations so be sure this trade mark is on every piece For SaleBv 75c and 300 per yard Pure Linen Torchon The event ATU is the one great and important sale of the year you should not miss 0 Cfe member the dates P L 11 Marriage Licenses Claude S Smith 26 of Gallup X M and Mabel V Balcom 23 of Holbrook Nebraska Will H Notknagel 23 and Mary Helen Weilandt 18 both 9 n Lace Curtains and Cur tain Nets Sk 5 - xooCDEr Goods xS MO tf ggaigzBmffl3mBmmm8m of McCook Harry Roe 37 of Bagdad Flo ida and Minnie Claire Blanchard 25 of McCook Frank H Hammell 27 of Cur tis Nebraska and Pearle A Rog ers 26 of McCook Nebraska ifcdcKauaa W 1 rmmm ai Jiiii b wS iMBBB m T ih r F M KIMMELL a nxr fiff a SKIRTS 25c 49c 69c and up FJnee lengths and skirt lengths J pfep Publisher Largest Circulation in Red WiilowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Ne braska as second class matter Pub lished semi weekly The Tribune pauses to wish its readers and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year l j Its the sign of the Dollar Mark that is getting the Ameri can goat and embarrassing and disconcerting the Cross1 before whose gleaming banner the Ro man eagle and the Turkish cres cent melted away Hon Olias Skalla of McCook with his fine record as county clerk and an enviable reputation for staunch character and sound political views Hebron Journal - - The Tribune is not one of those Republicans who is over easily convinced the Republi can party has entirely outgrown its usefulness No1 have we learned to despise the ladder by which we have ascended Poli cies and leaders untrue to the best interests of the people may well be discarded but we may well pause and consider before we crucify the party which for a half century has brilliantly led in the development of Ameraca on a cross of vaunting ambition A -rich man- is not necessarily dishonest because he is wealth but in these days of sharp prac tice of privilege graft and re bate it may properly be a matter of inquiry as to how ha anuasseH Ms great possessions however and justice need suffer no rude shock if the people just the common you and I should show some concern as to the manner ia which great wealth is used spent whejther in channels of public good or in arrogance and selffishpVXury The same moral yarqr may oe not inapitay business It is nbit of beanj Si TEEMS OF COURT For 1912 Fourteenth Judicial District of Nebraska Judge E B Perry has desig nated the following dales for court an this district for the en suing year Ohase April 29 jury Nor 25 jury Dundy March 18 jury May 23 equity Oct 28 jury Frontier April 1 jury June 3 equity Oat 14 jury Furnas Feb 19 jury May 13 equity Nov 11 jury Gosper Feb 13 jury May 27 equity Dec 9 jury Hayes April 15 jury Oct 7 jury Hitchcock May zU eqmtySept 23 jury Pnrlniiris Anvil 99 iiw ro9 Tn lnnlrincr tlio jr V 0 jury arena there seems to be no better sr Willow Jan 29 jury Maj material for state auditor than equity Sept 9 jury NORRIS LAMENTS POWER OF FEDERAL BRIGADE Washington D C Dee 20 Declaring that the United States postoffice department is the greatest political machine in the country Representative Norms of Nebraska a republican insurgent on a public address here last night predicted that government positions eventually would be taken out of politics In Alabama Mr Norris said in describing what he said were existing conditions the republi can staite central committee is composed of forty six members and forty three of this number are federal officeholders Oma ha World Herald s ADDITIONAL RADLROAD Rex Bagley went up to Den ver Tuesday Lester Carmoney went down to Red Oloud Tuesday 0 D Chilton and wife were Chicago passengers Tuesday Conductor Herman Hegenber ger spent Christmas with the family Brakeman G- C Childers has been transferred from the Repub lican branch to McCook Hugh Kelly and wife return ed on No 9 Wednesday after spending 2aistm4s with his moth m mpi Ji forward to by all the ladies in McCook we announce R fi DRAWERS 25c 39c 49c 69c and up Both open and closed This is your golden opportunity to lay in your supply of undermuslins for the year and 6 Two Days Only Friday and Saturday ed S As ens and m s m fi BF M imfmvi jfHTrrruvfuiWiifHLiLrHWM i n - - On T HP hi It is unnecessary lo waste words and space in explaining and enumerating the wonderful bargains we offer during this sale for those who take advantage of this great opportunity every year at this time will only look for the above announcement and then REMEMBER THE DATE and be one of the FUST ONES on hand the FIRST MORNING of the FIRST DAY FRIDAY JANUARY 5 To those who may not have been present at BARGAIN GIVING EVENT past yearset us merely say COME and you will find the most attractive values ever seen in CORSET COVERS 15c 19c 25c 39c and up Both lace and embroidery MUSLIN GOWNS 39c 49c 59c 69c and up Slip overs and high neck nm iKuARMEN Fjp -v PRINCESS SLIPS Combination and Two Piece Suits 98c 119 139 and up Be one of the first and secure the cream of the bargains J2Z3E3JimSSES3mSSK13EraElES8SS2S5 Table LIn is iiS2S3S33K e otreets Vint er you have seen a lot of good look ing overcoats that have kept men comfortable in the worst weather They came from our store and are Hart Schaffner Marx Coats They are the famous converti ble collar overcoats made storm proof hy merely turning up the collar We have them in all pri ces and colors AGalusha Son HTolgf Schaffner Marx Clothes S i i v