The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 28, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Delivered free any place in McCooli
Corn chop per 100 130
Bran per 100 120
Shorts per 100 135
Wheat per bushel 95
Corn per bushel 70
Oats per bushel GO
Alfalfa per bale 50
Ground alfalfa meal for chick- j
en and cow feed per 100 103
Phone 29
Ai A
T T i
Minnie Bell McAuley was bor
at Viroqua Wis Sept 11 1873
and in 1SS6 she moved with her
parents to Imperial where she
spent several years teaching On
March 29 1895 was married to
Howard M Finity of McCook Ne
braska where she lias since made
her home Mrs Finityhas been
active both in church and tem
perance work Was a member of
First M E church McCook was
superintendent of Junior League
for several years was county
president of the W C T U for
two years The last few years
she retired from active work on
account of poor health She went
to Lincoln two weeks before her
death to get relief for her- heart
in a lower altitude She said she
was in the Lords hands and was
ready for the call On Friday
morniing at 9 15 December 22nd
1911 the call came
Funeral services were held in
the parlors of Brow Doyiles on
Saturday afternoon December 23
Rev Prescott preached the ser
mon The body was laid by tho
side of Mr Finitys sister in Wy
uka cemetery at Lincoln Neb
Mrs Finity leaves a husband
one son and one daughter am
aged mother two brothels and
two sisters
Card of Thanks
We are thankful and do appre
ciate the kindness and sympathy
showed us in the sickness and
death of our wife and mother
Howard M Finity and Children
The Hospital Meeting
The Tribune wants to direct at
tention to the next meeting of
those intrcested in procuring a
hospital for McCook It will be
held in the McCook Commercial
club rooms Thursday afternoon
January 4th 1912 at 3 oclock
It is expected to organize per
manently at this meeting elect
permanent officers adopt by Jaws
and pass upon submitted articles
of incorporation It is desired
and hoped that there will be a
Large attendance of interested
people at this meeting
Jeff and Mutt
One of the real and lively di
versions of the Christmas tide
was the Jeff and Mutt mill in
oxii of the city pool hails early
in the merry days of the week
Odd Fellows Attention
There wall be work in the sec
ond and third degrees on Friday
evening December 29 You are
invited to be present By order
of N G
Dont forget that Barney Hof
er will save you money on sub
scriptions new or renewal for
any paper or magazine publish
ed Get Jiis new club catalogue
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
You will find them fresh and
clean at Magners grocery
Pure Gold flour from winter
wheat at Magners
Classified Advertisements
FOR KENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319- 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
IWANTED Home for boy go
ing to school Will work for
-board and pay a little Phone
red 414 28
LOST A wallet - containing
quite a sum of money A libera
reward will be paid at this of
iiee for its return here
Lovey Dovey and Snookums Ir
Town Soon
That delightful 60 people mu
sical play The Newly weds and
Their Baby will be seen here at
the Temple theatre Wednesday
January 3d It is a happy com
binailion of clean cut clever com
edy caethy tuneful music and
novel attractive dancing numbers
The cast tliis season is practically
same as seen in New York and
Chicago during its record break
ing runs numbering such notable
musical comedy favorites as Vir
ginia Braun James E Rosen Led
Hayes D L Don Beatrice Flint
Eulalie Young Ralph Bevan W
A Orlamond Frank Christis anc
John J Dalston The chorus num
bors thirty six shapely girls who
sing dance and wear gorgeous
costumes equally well The New
lyweds and Their Baby has a
clever and consistent plot If the
musical numbers sixteen in all
were eliminated and it was play
ed as a straight comedy it would
still make an acceptable happy
theatrical offering The musical
and dancing numbers constitute
however its chief charms
The seat sale for the splendid
attraction opens Saturday De
cember v30th
Increased 537 Per Cent
Some attention has been drawn
by Nebraska dailies to the grow
ing population of Nebraska cit
ies and towns over its agricultur
al community increase over 43
per cent of Nebraskans now re
side in cities and towns altho
this is distinetivley agricultural
si ale Other Nebraska cities and
towns have been mentioned but
the writers have so far over
looked McCook as an example of
city growth And this opens tlie
way for us to modestly mention
the fact that in past ten years
McCook s population has increas
ed 037 per cent an accomplish
ment not equalled by any other
Nebraska town or city of its
Nitia Sita
On Tuesday evening at the C
J Ryan residence the Nitia Sita
card club held one of its meat
meemorable sessions with an un
usual number of guests About
thirty young people entertanned
themslvees at cards assisted in a
very acceptable musical program
and were served a dainty two
course lunch Scoring at the
different tables was close so that
the prizes had to be cut for In
the cut for the ladies prize Misjs
Aimee Harris was the fortunate
one while the mens prize was sr
cured by Arthur Colfer with his
usual luck Out of town guests
were Mrs Dunbar nee Zella Os
born Miss Aimee Harris of Den
ver Will Miesen and Ray and
Leo Ryan home from Omaha
Destroyed by Fire
The large sod house on the
Hamilton Bros ice house proper
ty on the South Side was destroy
ed by fire Wednesday night The
house was occupied by John Bart
iett and family They had been
away and returned home that
night After building a fire in
the stove they went to a neigh
bors to visit briefly until the
house became warm Not long
after they reached the neighbors
Mrs Bartlett happened to look
toward home and discovered
the same to ibe all ablaze The
sod house and contents were en
tirely destroyed
A McMillen prescription drug
All the fresh fruits of the sea
son at Magners
The three score dolls given as
Christmas gifts by the Knights
of Pythias were dressed by Mist
Allie J Peck without money and
without price a fine and unsel
fish Christmas act
Dr R J Read of Cambridge
expects to move to McCook and
locate his hospital here about
January 15 We understand h
has rented the dwelling house on
west 1st street opposite the Bap
tist parsonage
Thursday Evening Edition
1X11 J Uir
H lie
d tread softly and spealUow
rr I Tazzir
A U4W wi jr
Qldfear v
He frothd his bumpers
A jollier year we shall
But tho his eyes are w
And tho his foes speaK
He was a friend to me
rsr i li i
u ysi noe
r r Vi 7x2ovo rc
Old vear vou shall not
-did-so laugh and c
Ive half a mind to diew
Old year
He was -full of joK
But alUnis merrv
To see him die acre
His son and heir
But hell be dead
D5jci -
Every one
The nteht
lee aeep nes uie winter sno n
And the winter winds are wearily sighing
oil ye the church itells sad and
VOldyear you shffindtdieif j Ijt
- yy T -
j r r y
oz r
stim heaoth not
Holhardrhe breathes Over the snow
VJl rT VW ITTQ a nrVTTQ - 0 J II
He gave me a ir4end and a true true love
An the New Year wMtaKe em away
Old year you must not go
J So long as ypuTs e been with us
Such joy asf yojCQ
vjia year y
ve seepE3
H6theriin jLih II
aQk cfct M3
diUlirtJ JLk
ifju inusen kA j J
1 lyr JA
4 andjest il
auirJs are oer Ill M ifK
iss the waste i I
doth ndetoost riaste r J
It his own tk
is starrv arid cold mv
Anq tihe New Year blithe and bold my
eqmesj uptotaie hij dW Va
rSearjust now the crowing cocK
The shadojvs fiicKer to and fro
The IcricKeti chirps the light burns lowr
Tio near1v riArelve oclocK
hands before you die
pld year well dearly rue forjpu
we can do lor yo
before vou die h
isrjLi 7 r
TiTa Var Qham arf7PfVVTTrv
Au rtaxjLi - isrrl
I r S J l
i A
oioseupnis eyes ue up
epromj3he corpse and
Thaiandfetn there alon
Theres a new fo
r - r
a newfac
A new face at
Week of Prayer
Union services Avill be held as
folloavs Monday and Tuesday I
nights at the Congregational
chureh leader pastor of the
Baptist church Wednesday and
Thursday nights at the Methodist
church leader pastor of Congre j
gational church Friday and Sat
nraay nignxs at tne Jiapxasx
church leader pastor of Meth
odist church The subjects will
be as follows The Ceaseless Ad
vance of the Kingdom The
Church of Jesus Christ The Mis
sion of the Church in Foreign
Fields The Mission of Church
in Home Fields The Interests
of Home and School Personal
Faithfulness These services wall
be for all people and we trust
that every one who can will at
tend and help to make them pro
fitable that the year may be one
of great profit to us and we to
the world
D L McBride
R T Baytne
L E Lewis
Delay Dangerous
for cough or cold To delay
tneafenent is to delay recovery
McMillen s Jjaxaitive Cold Tab
lets wall give good results for
cold or cough
f Ahin8S
t mm m
V If 1
vm s
vo n
Tf I
f r I V L
y rmr
Lb IL sK Wsk
one aocr r
ot on theilopr nw
eVat thdoorJiny friend
Champion Checker Player
Newell W Banks the cliam
pion checker player of America
has started out on a western
tour to cover several states and
many cities and towns This it
inerary cf Mr Banks will bring
him to McCook on or about Jan
uary 23rd at which time Ernest
Osborn of our city president of
Southwestern Nebraska Check
er Players association hopes to
have a meeting and contest
among the members of the asso
ciation in tliis city Mr Banks
Nebraska iitnerary embraces Lin
coin Jan 10 11 Omaha Jan 12-13-14
Central City Jan 15th
Grand Island Jan 16th Hast
ings Jan 17 18 Kearney Jan
19-20-21 Holdrege Jan 22 Mc
Gojok Jan 23 Thence he goes
on west and his first exhibition
wall be in Denver Jan 24th to
t Coughing Unnecessary
when you use McMillen s Cough
Dont Limp
around with corns when you can
be cured with McMillen s Corn
Freshest fruits at Magners
vnotsee the dawn ofaa 1 -
J A Bruce is at home during
Christinas week
Albert Berry has departed for
Iris work at Fargo N D
C A Leach spent the week in
Lincoln- guest of his parents
J P Crouse went down to
Lincoln on business last night
Miss Edith Ford is with the
homefolks during Hie holidays
Mass Anna Ford of Denver is
visiting Dr and Mrs R J Gunn
Ray Ryan returned on No 6
Wednesday night to his work in
A Galusha Sr went down to
Grand Island Tuesday on A 0
U W business
Miss Theoda Fox of Lincoln is
visiting her friend Miss Paittie
Galusha this week
Wall Morris returned to school
in Omaha Tuesday after spend
ing Christmas at home
Mrs Will Lyon came down on
No 10 Wednesday from Pueb
lo to visit under the parental
Ralph Bosworth is down from
Denver visiting his sister Mrs R
J Gunn over the holiday vaca
Mrs Carl Bates who has been
visiting in Superior Nebraska
for a week or two arrived home
last night
Dr R H Gatewood spent the
day Christmas with his parents
at Lebanon returning ot his
work here yesterday
Mr and Mrs Walter Sayers
are here from Des Moines Iowa
to be guests of her mother Mrs
Augusta Anton for a month
Mrs Fred S Harris and Miss
Aimee leave today for tliedr home
in Denver after a visit to Mrs
Harris father Joseph Alenard
E E Magee who has been
spending part of the Christmas
tide- Avith the children in our city
departed for has home in Aurora
tills morning
Miss Ruby Fitzgerald came
down on No 10 Wednesday and
as visiting with her parents She
will begin work soon as stenog
rapher in the master mechanics
C D Ritchie arrived home last
night from his Lincoln visit with
his wife at the home of her par
ents Mr and Mis R M LeGore
Mrs Ritchie will remain a little
Mrs J P Nies is enjoying a
vasit from her sister Mrs J E
Lovell of Bedford Iowa former
ly engaged in business here and
well known to many Tribune
Goilonel James B Jackson who
has been visiiting his mother Mrs
Pattfo Jackson of our city for
the rwt week or two departed
on Wednesday for his post near
S piattle Washington
Mr ami Mrs A J Heinlein
arrived from North Loup Ne
braska Tuesday night and are
visiting his mother Mrs Margu
eritita Heinlein and other rela
t ives for a week or two
Miss Carrie Budlong formerly
a beloved teacher in the McCook
public schools is now cry ill in
Detroit Michigan at the home
of her sister This will be news
sincerely regretted by her many
friends and admirers bene all of
whom will hope as sincerely for
her recovery
Miss Pattie Galusha entertain
er a party of young people Wed
nesday night at a dancing party
The boys of Miss Slabys class
and the girls of Miss Thursbys
class were present about 25 in
total Miss Edna- Waite and M
Fred V Archer assisted Light
refreshments were served
Mr and Mrs William Ham
mell have been enjoying a re
union of their family this week
Among those present were Jesse
llammell and Mr and Mrs Geo
Bonger of Denver Mrs Cum
nuings of Bronsoni Kansas Bert
Hammell and Mrs Ira Dye of
Curtis and Orville Hammell
C K Dutcher county clerk
elect is learning the ropes at the
county clerks office He return
ito Indianolas tomorrow and will
ship the household goods here on
Monday next E S Dutcher his
deputy is also here and will re
main studying the new work up
on wMeh they will enter next
Thursday January 4th The lafc
ters family is at BaMey aiad
will not move here at present
New Year
At the end of 191 1 are
you better off finanrJallv
than a year ago If you are
I not are you going to be
better off at the end of 1912
nave you ever stopped to
consider how foolish it is to
work hard year after year
and then
just come out
Let your New Year reso
lution be to cut out some of
the useless expenditures and
to save a stipulated sum
each month And thn Aa
J posit it with this good bank
iui iaie Keeping
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Prea
C J OBkiek Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Mrs J M Blanehard is vis
iting m Denver
County Commissioner Souh
roue is in the city today
Mrs T A iri
tv was a
Denver passenger Wednesday
Mrs T 7 Yr 1 - -
J uauffii ana cmia
ren went nr tn tv ttt t
1 M -Smith of Haigler is spend
ing the holidays with his daugh
ter Mrs Walker
Moss Milheent Slaby and Hel
en boMiday were Denver passen
gers on No 13 Thursday
Rev I T Rn vrrio rtP T n
gregational church spent pant of
Uirastmas week with Farnam
Iriends returning lwme iast
P1 and Mrs B R Reea
spent Christmas with her par
ents in Lincoln Dr Reed re
tairned Wednesday morning but
his wife will visit in Lincoln- for
some time
Mrs J A Wilcox and Mrs C
R Wcicdworth were Lincoln pas
sengers on No 10 Tuesday and
will visit for a couple weeks with
Mrs Smith a relative and with
Mrs Bigelow who formerly lived
Sniith Balcom
Wednesday afternoon at three
oclock Mr Claude S Smith of
Gallup N M and Miss Mabel V
Balocm of Holbrook Nebraska
were united in marriage at thc
Methodist parsonage Rev L E
Lewis officiating They depart
ed on 3 Wednesday night for
their future home in New Mexico
Roe Blanchard
Mr Harry Roe of Bagdad
Florida and Miss Minnie Claire
Blanehard of our city were mar
ried at the residence of J M
Blanehard in our city this high
noon Rev R T Bayne of the
Congregational church perform
ing the ceremony
Masonic Service
MeCojck Masons have accepted
an invitation to attend church in
a body at the Congregational
church next Sunday evening Sei
and music appropriate to
the occasion
Below Zero
The temperature this week lias
touched the below zero mark
between 5 and 10 degrees
A McMillen Druggist
The B of R T announce a
dance in the Armory for New
Tear night
A patriot may be known by his
worlcs lie keens the snow off his
sidewalk You may catalogue the
otner teilow yourself gentle
The Lincoln Journal states
that The Red Cloud church has
extended a call to Rev J J
Bayne Mr Bavne is a son of
Rev J S Bayne of Kearney
And a brother of Rev R X
Bayne of our cit