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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1911)
Vi L rqwjyww u u x wimiMmm tJJU liUIIMU01IZI Tfi McSoofc THMtie 3egggragg ESTABLISHED 1882 F M KIMMELL Editor Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County Entered at ter Published postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat Tuesdays aud Thursdays For a Second Term Chester II Aldrieh has filed as candidate for a second term in the office of governor This does not debar any other republican from seeking the same honor Tin der the new system of direct nom inatons and popular government now in force any citizen of char acter and reputation lias a right to ask for the same honor The traditions of the party however make it extremely unlikely that any candidate will appear to con tset for the place By common consent a governor who has filled the office with credit for two years as entitled to become a can didate of his party for a re-election An examination of the record of Goveanor Aldrieh reveals many reasons for giving him the customary honor Beginning his term in a period of passion en gendered by the unfortunate liq uor campaign he has proven him self a sane and constructive lead er lie has seen to the enforce ment of the law and the efficient and economical administration of the state institutions He has shown courage in all his1 work and especiall3r in has vetoes of hasty and partisan acts of the leg islaiture Has administration has had a distinct influence in elevat ing the tone of Nebraska public affairs Its courage decency and general good report haive been such as toi help the canse of the party to which the governor he longs as was shown by the re sults of the November election At the present time he is de voting more of his attention to the affairs of his office than to polities but any political influ ence he does exert is toward con structive Farther than destructive action If no otliier candidates appear and Governor Aldrieh is made the candidate by default as he doubt less willbe the party will be in a good position to conduct an other winning campaign during tlit coming year Lincoln Jour nal YT7TTTTYYTTTTVYTVTTTTTTTVTTVTTTTTTTryTTTTTVyYVTYYTC I Retire Large Block of Bonds I Last Friday Mayor McAdams the taxpayers of the city and the -city council retired 15- When the new bonds are sold 000 of the water works bonds it is honed that arrangements car du thus reducing the interest be anade to retire annually about ter count of the city in that depart- 2500 worth of bonds without ment 7500 per month a saving providing for a sinking fund the taxpayers of the city will of paying the ibonds out of the wat couree keenly appreciate er department earnings This twill The mayor informs us that the cibviaite the necessity of piling up old water works company people money ini a sinking fund and it have kindly consented to allow I wall only be necessary to provide the city to refund the present for the payment of the interest bonds which draw 6 per cent in- j by taxation terest and that the city will then i When these plans are worked sell new bonds at a reduced rate out a large saving will be made 5 per cent or lower which will to ilhe tax payers of McCook in make another large saving t the water works department Organized Agriculture The meetings of Organized Ag riculture begin at the University Farm Lincoln January 15 1912 Tuesday January 16 will be devoted especially to horses Wed nesday to swine and Thursday and Friday to cattle and silos The Horticultural and Dairymen meetings continue for three days The reception at the governors mansion as to be held on Tuesday evening with full programs of music and speakers of national reputation at the University Tem ple on Wednesday and Thursday evenings The nineteen bodies of Organized Agriculture will meet here and hold their annual meet ings at wliich general business is transacted and officers elected Every progressive farmer in oui county should attend and secure all up-to-date ideas possible for th e benefit of our community A PARODY Breathes there the man with soul so dead Who never to lrimself hatli said My trade of late is getting bad Ill try another little ad If such there be go mark him well For him no bank account shall swell No angels watch the golden stair To welcome home the millionaire The man who never asks for trade By local line or ad displayed Cares more for rest than a orldly gain And patronage but gives him pain Tread lightly friends let no rude sound Disturb his solitude profourid Here let him live in calm repose Unsought except by men he owes And when die dies go plant liim deep That naught may break his dreamless sleep Where no rude clamor ma dispel The quiet that he loved so well And when the world may know its loss Place on his grave a wreath of moss And on a stone above Here lies A chump who wouldns advertise 1 ir wnainMfcMiNiMmifty 1 T I jT I I K I V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National iank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkius Vernice Franklin daitec June 15th 190S and di recting public notice to be giv en of such intention all in ac cordance with sections 11279 11282 of Ooibbeys Annotated statutes of Nebraska for 1911 and repeal all resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith Whereas the City of McOook Red Willow County Nebraska bj and through its duly authorized officers did on the fifteenth day of June 190S pursuant to auth ority granted by chapter li of the Compiled Statutes of the State of Nobratska for the year 1907 by an ordinance of the City of McCook passed by said Coun cil and approved bj the Mayor 0f said coity May 25th 1908 and numbered 142 of the ordinances of said city and by a vote of twe jLiirds cif the legal votes of said City of McCook Nebraska cast for and against the proposition at an election duly held for that purpose in said city April 7th 1908 issue eighty five thousand dollars in bonds known and des ignated as Water Bonds in denominations of five thousand dollars each numbered one to sev enteen inclusive numbers four teen to seventeen inclusive of which a total of twenty thous and doiLlais have been sold to the State of Nebraska at a price equivalent to five per cent inter est per annum to the expiration of optional period to Avit June 15th 1913 and three of the re maining tliarteen of wMch a to tal of fifteen thousand dollars have been paid with available funds of said city in accordance wiihh a resolution passed and ap proved December 21st 1911 and all of which seventeen bonds have been duly registered by the Auditor of the State of Nebras ka as hy liw provided and being June 15th 192S payable af five years from datr situ drawung -interest at the rate of six per cent per annum payahlo semi annually as evidenced by forty interest bearing coupons at tached to aeh bond and Whereas in additinn tn saiid twenty thousand dollars and after said payment of fifteen thousand dollars there remains unpaid of saiid Water Bonds so issued fifty thousand dollars and said city is authorized by law to take up and pay off said bonds when t ever the same can be accomplish ed Iby lawful means by tine issuq and sale or the issue and ex change therefor of the bonds of said city such refunding bondsj not to exceed the amount lawfully owing and unpaid upon the bond or bonds so sought to be taken U and paid and bearing interest at arate and amount per annum not greater than that of the bonds so sought to be taken up and paid and said outstanding un paid water bonds in the aggre gate amount of fifty thousand dollars may to the advantage of said city be taken up and paid wnth funds obtained by the issuq and sale of said refunding bonds of saad caty or by the exchange therefor of said refunding bonds of said city hereinafter describ ed and set forth and Whereas the City Council of said city has found and declared and it hereby finds and deefoires that the best interests of the city demand that said Water Bonds in the aggregate amount of fifty thousand dollars should be re funded by being taken up and paid with funds obtained from the sale tof said refunding bonds or be taken up and paid by the exchange therefor of said refund ing bonds and Whereas there are no funds collected in any fund levied for tire purpose of paying said Wat er Bonds in the aggregate sum of fifty thousand dollars or in any other fund of said city with which said Water Bonds in the aggregate sum of fifty thousand dollars can be paid nor arfe there any sufmeaent levies made or in process of collection out of which said ten Water Bonds may be paid and cancelled Therefore it is Eesolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook Red Willow County Ne braska That said city by and through its Mayor Council and Clerk is sue one- hundred coupon bonds of five hundred dollars each num bered from one to one hundred which bonds shall be known as the Refunding McCook City Water Bonds in the sum of fif ty thousand dollars dated Janu ary 15th 1912 bearing interest ait the rate of five per cent inter esif rtpv Jinnum mnvahlA battm jit jnuaily -on the 15th day of July wit the fifteen ifw mvMnwK7mwitw er bonds of said city beardng gregate sum of 2500 shall be ab solutely due and payable on the IStih day of January 1913 and cine itwentiietdi of said bonds to wiit five of said bonds in the or der of their regular uonseeutive numbers and in the aggregate amount of 2500 shall be absolute A Resolution declaring the and the 15th day of January in THE BEST PROOF tion of the Mayor and Council each year and evidenced by of the City of McCook pons aitibaclrcd to said bonds One McCock Citizens Cannot Doubt it ka to refund Fifty lUiaiisand twentieth of saiid bonds number- iCns Kidney Pills were used juonars oi tne outscanarng wax eu una do inclusive in ug they cured The story was told to McCook res idents Time has strengthened the evidence Has proven the cure permanent The testimony is home tesimony Ehe proof convincing t can be investigated by McCook sidents Mrs A M Wilson 204 E Second ot McCook Neb says My back ly due and payable on the 15th bothered me for years and there was day of January of each and a dull ache across my kidneys and ery year thereafter until and in- 3 P3 in my back became cLudmg ft U when ft ffivefe LESS S bonds numbered ninety six to ona spells I could not stoop and there hundred inclusive shall beeomie were many other disagreeable auscmiteiy due and payaoie to-1-10 Me cuiupjiuni present un th day of January w 1932 said bonds and interest and J them to be just what I needed This the coupon thereto attached to j remedy strengthened my back and be payable at the banking house kidneys and before long effected a of Kountze Brothers in the city ioif New York IT S A and with proceeds realized from sale of saiid refunding bonds take up and than par and that the proper ta levying authorities of the City cif McCook and Red Willow coud ty Nebraska be and hereby are authorized and directed to levy and collect annually a general tax in such amounts as will be lufficient for the payment of the principal and interest of said refunding bonds until fully paid in the same manner as ollher municipal taxes are levied and collected on all the taxable prop erty now within or that may in the future be within the corpor ate limits of the City of McCook Red Wallow County Nebraska such fund to be known as the Refunding Water Bond Fund and to be used for no other pur pose than the payment of the principal and interest of said Refunding McCook City Wat er Bonds Said bonds so issu ed shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk of said city and the seal of said oilty shall be affixed thereto Wherefore it is ordered that any tax pajci of said city may file objections to the validity of mds or the proposed ae 1 m relating to the said rerun d n on or before Saturday even ing January 13th 1912 at six oclock p m standard central time in the office of the City Clerk of said city in the regu lar place of meeting of said City Council to wit in the Water Commissioners office in the base ment of the library building on the west half of block ten in the original town now city of Mc Cook Nebraska If no objec tions are filed at that time the City Council of said city will at eight oclock p m standard cen tral time on Saturday January 13th 1912 a said regular meet ing place of said Council order the refunding bonds heretofore described to he issued in accord ance with and by virtue of the powers granted by sections 8865 11279 11280 11281 and 11282 of Cobbeys Annotated Statutes of Nebraska for 1911 and it is fur ther ordered that said City Clerk is hereby directed to give public notice of this action and of the date on wliich and the place where any tax payer of said city may file objections to such pro posed action by publishing a copy of rtJhis resolution for two weeks in the McOook Tribune and the McCook Republican two legal newspapers printed and of general circulation in said city and by posting up a copy of said resolution on the door of said building in which such corporate authorities hold their stated meet ings Any and all rqsolutions and parts of resolutions in con flict herewith are hereby repeal ed Passed by the City Council of the City of McCook Nebraska this 22nd day of December 1911 and approved by the Mayor on the same date JAIIES McADAMS Mayor Attest L C Stoll City Clerk City Seal First publication Dee 25 1911 Real Estate Pilings United States to Apollos Far- rett pat nw qr sw qr 3 n hf se qr sw qr se qr 4-1-26 G- W Probasco vs Roy Mann Liem 1 eolt 15 00 John H Waiters single to Pet er Nelson vrd se qr 33 4r 29 3200 00 Ava D Andrus single to Rob ert S Sanders wd 1 5 int s hf no qr 21-1-28 450 00 Tribune advertisers get results tuiupieie cure- Statement given June 2G 1907 Re Endorsement On June 21 1910 Mrs Wilson said I am pleased to verify the state- forlment 1 for publication in 1907 pay off or make an exchange say fanjne Ptl This remedy is beneficial for kidney Water Bonds in the aggregate complaint cum of fifty thousand dollars For sale by all dealers Price 50 and in no went shall saad re- cents Co Buffalo funding bonds be sold fm lows New York- EOle agecnts for the Unit- Remember the take no other name Doans and Hows This We offer One Puudied Dollars for any ea r ciittaih that can not be cureci Ly Halls Catarrh Cure F J Cheney k Co Toledo O Vve the undersigned have knowji F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation Cured In Her Own Home Town Kearney Neb Mrs Belle Harlan 131S Sth Ave tells the way for her fellow townsmen to be cured of their kidney and bladder ailments as she was cured I had a severe attack of kidney trouble when I heard of Foley Kidney Pills and took them I had a severe pain across my back ard felt miserable and alL played out but after taking Foleys Kidney Pills the pain left my back and I felt great ly improved and once more full of lif Today I am glad to say I am free from kidney trouble and gladly rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills to all who suffer as they cured me A McMillen Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Ilubers all the time fwfcifirmVJTii Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 rlSXSmSraiWAZX THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week miss Mcculloch Trained Nurse Phone red 479 804 East Second Street Osborn Burton DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South of DeGroffs Phone No 13 r 2 THEYRE ALL ALIKE Ask any man past fifty years of age and he will tell you of some time in his life when he was sailing high Things were coming his way There are few exceptions Why is he poor now Well there are va rious reasons One thing is sure It is not because he placed his money in a sound bank and checked it out only when safe investments were se cured There are more ways to lose monej than to make it If you are making any money no matter how small the amount start the saving habit by open ing a jank account The First National Bank of McCook Neb COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday J J J J h Fire and Wind Insurance Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location n3t acrcss 1nCftYr street in P Waleh buUdlag l llVAJUK For Sale For Cash or Bankable Note Several Red Polled Bulls Jos Dack McCook Nebr Phone Ash 3853 McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Vork Blacksmlthlng Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 210 1st st W -- Phone red 450 BULLARD LUMBER Co SELLS THE BEST Lite and Coal PHONE NO 1 v - Written in First Class Companies X I C J RYAN I U X- C 5 c White Line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 63 residence red 456 L l V v t J 11