The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 25, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Corner Store
we are not the largest dealer
in the state we sell the best
shoes in the world without
exception such as
A C Nettleton Co N Y
Queen Quality Boston
Pierce Co Ohio
H B Reed Manchester
Therefore when you get
our shoes you get as good as
you can get in New York
You can see them now
201 Alain
R A M Install Officers
The new officers of King Cy
rus chapter R A M were duly
installed Thursday evening Dr
Z L Kay being the installing of
ficer of the occasion The new
officers are S S Garvey II
P J E Molund K F A Mun
den S Geo WilLetts Jr T W
B Whittaker R
With this installation C B
Gray retired from the head of
the chapter having served in all
five years in the capacity of H P
In recognition of his faitlrful ser
vices the companions of the chap
ter presented him with a hand
some Morris chair as a token o f
their f riendsliip and appreciation
f his fidelity and excellent work
as their presdding officer for
of something amiss in throat or
lungs Colds mean a tearing
down an attack on vitality A
remedy to cure properly must not
drug away the cough It must
search out and remove the real
trouble Then the cure is a righit
is first of all harmless It re
lieves quick becaus ite acts na
tures way It cures eouglis thor
oughly so no weakness remains
to cause trouble later Notice
how well you feel after you are
cured by it Price 25 cents
xThe Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Iluber is the exclusive agenl
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries tat accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
black 271 4 tf
FOR RENT About 200 acres
irrigated land in Frenchman vriv
er valley Ideal for beet culture
Four miles to railroad A ten
room house aik other buildings
Address R B Sheridan McCook
N ebraska
WANTED Pupils on the pian
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
FOR RENT Ooittage of sev
en rooms and bath room at 810
W 1st street Inquire of Mrs H
M Tyler Orleans JNeb25 2w
LOST A watch fob -with init
ials O C a Finder return to
Rev 0 Richer 212 E Gthr A
suitable reward will be given 21
r - r fn
They are making unusually
pretty and effective combinations
of materials this season in the
smart waists and dresses that are
in vogue and there are striking
color combinations as well so thai
talcing the dress illustrated here
as an especially good eaxmple of
a stylish type of dress and ap
plying it to some oi the new
js TJ
I- -
if 111
t L Mkk
C5E9 6335
fancies in Uie ehoise of combining
materials one can readily work
out an endless series of charm
ing conceits in material and in
One fancy is to have the neat
four gored skirt and the upper
section of the Avaiist made of chif
fon broadcloth in chamois color
with the deep collar which may
be in either sailor or pointed out
line in black fashioned of wood
brown velvet Along the edge of
the collar a piping of apricot sat
in or silk brightens- filie brown
and the middle section of the
sleeve may also be of tlie apri
cot while the third is of brown
velvet piped like the collar Un
der tliis blouse is a fitted guimpe
faced at yoke and sleeves with
point d sprit the apricot piping
is effective also- on the closing
edge and waistline of the skirt
and the buttons should he of
brown velvet
Christmas Diier1 at John Jrs
Mr and Mrs John Wentz Sr
eame up from Ilolbrook Satur
day night on No 5 to eat their
Christmas turkey with their son
John Jr Mr and Mrs Frank
Osborn of Edison came up Satur
day night on 5 to visit their son
Ei nest Mr and Mrs II W Per
kins came down from Akron Col
orado to visit McCook relatives
during Christmas They all en
joyed their Christmas turkey witl
John Wentz Jr and wife
Geo II Nielson of Sturgis So
Dak and Miss Georgia Dunn of
Freedom Neb were married at
the Baptist parsonage Saturday
evening December 23 and left oi
No 6 for Sturgis where Mr Niel
son us superintendent of the city
MeConnell for drugs
Fresh fruits at Magner s
MeConnell fills prescriptions
Everything in drugs MeCon
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Observe the date after your
name on The Tribune Notch it
Candies and nuts for holidays
at Magner s Special low prices
on quantities and for churches
and Sunday schools Get our fig
There is no grease stickiness
or any other1 disagreeaible feature
It is concentrated healing One
bottle wiE cure a thousand chaps
jrice 25 cents-
Monday Evening Edition
Merry Christmas in McCook
McCook s Christmas was of a
rarely typical nature that we
have the opportunity of enjoying
bviit liw times in a whole life
tiime A foot of snow fairly
mild temperature for the presence
cif so large a body of snow no
wind and a jrentl efall of the
baaautiiful continuing throughout
the day Ilence everybody was
happy and hopeful and that
means much in life
While prosperity is not over
whelming us there is much to be
grateful for for what we have
and what we have not Little
real need and much comfort Al
together from a material and spii
iliual point of view the Christmas
of 1911 will be remembered with
There were the usaial Christmas
celebrations by Sunday schools of
the eity besides the social events
of a more personal nature
K of P Christmas
The usual K of P Christmas
entertainment of needy eliildren
of tlie city occurred on Christmas
evening in the hall
The children were treated to a
bountiful dinner in the banquet
noil ana arterwaras ttnere was a
gram tor tlie little ones besides
This has grewn to be one of the
Features of Mc Cooks holiday aaa
son nd is moai commendable
iln object being to make happy
and to assist thrt less fortunate
in 1his worlds goods at a time
when the lack is perhaps most
felt the gladsome Christmas time
when every one feels the tugging
at the heeart strings to help the
worthy and needy
J E Morrissey was the real
tiling as Santa
Over 60 children enjoyed the
bounty of the Knights
The Christmas services held on
Wednesday evening in St Alban
were rendered before a very ap
preciative audience Th childish
charm of tlie little performers
added zest to the Christmas spir
it Preceding the program the
rector spoke on tlie significance
of Ohrisbmas the beautiful old
story of that wonderful night at
Bethlehem A very prettily deco
rated Christmas tree with re
membrances for every one was th
closing feature of a joyous occas
The Baptist Sunday school
held its Christmas services Sat
urday evening before a good audi
enee Rev MeBride gave a little
Christmas talk radiating his us
ual buoyant spirit A collection
was taken for the needy and
donations amounted to between
25 and 30 There were a num
ber of enjoyable recitations and
distributrxn of presents etc of songs and Santa Claus emerged
a substantial sort and otherwise tram tlie tire place on the stage
in a bountiful measure There to tlie particular delight of the
was the usual entertaining pro- lattle folks The Santa Clans
house and fireplace reflect much
credit en their architects All
then pre 3niL were infused wrth
the rcsy spirit of Christmas
At the Methodist church Sun
day might was devoted to the
Sunday sehool exercises which
were of a highly enjoyable and
I Install High Class Boiler I
The work of installing the new
100 horse power boiler at mun
icipal water plant is about finish
ed The work has been in pro
gress for the past week or so and
its near completion is a source of
satisfaction and relief to Mayor
MeAdams and the council Tliis
new boiler is of the highest qual
ity high pressure type a much
used in the plant in the past As
the two old boilers- have served
their time and are ready to go
on the retired list the water dc
partment will feel relieved when
the new one is in service The
disposition of the administration
i to buy good machinery r
materials when replaeemenits and
renewals are needed on the the
ory that in the end economy
better boiler that has ever been cubserved
mfj jT Wct
Any one breaking the seal or in any way tampering
with moving or adding more lights to an electric meter or
having it done is liable to a fine of not less than 5000 or
more than 10000 for tlie first offense This is only a
small part of the privileges you cant take with electric met
ers and is a Nebraska law passed less than a year ago The
McCook Electric Co employs p eople to look after and move its
meters when necessary and you may find it cheaper to call
itiliiam than tc bother with it yourself
Very respectfully yours
The Project for a Hospital for
McCook is New Well Under Way
The sscond meeting of those in
teicated in the promotion of a
hospital project for McCook was
hald in the McCook Commercial
rooms Thursday afternoon Mrs
Z L Kay temporary chairman
of the organization effected at
the first meeting called the meet
ing to order and asked for ex
pressions from those present as
to the course desired to be pur
sued in tlie matter
Dr C L Fahnestock suggested
that articles of incorporation be
drawn up and that by laws be
formulated both committees to
be ready to -report at the next
session This idea became a mo
tion and was carried
The idea was expressed that
it was not tlie present purpose to
build a structure for the hospital
but that some suitable building
should be rented for the purpose
and equipped for hospital uses
The committee on inicorporatioT
named is J F Cordeal Miss
Mary Morrissy Mrs W M
The by laws committee as Dr
and Mrs E D Perkins
Mrs C L Fahnestock offered
a motion to the effect that tlie
project be presented to the atten
tion cif the city council the com-
meiedal club and tlie county com
missioners and the suggestion was
It was the suggestion of Dr Z
L Kay that in the soliciting of
funds the city be divided into
twe sides with a chairman for
each section thus securing seme
cmulatictn in the contest
Mrs J F Jeirmberg was made
chairman of tlie west section of
the eity Mrs C C Liehtenberg
er of the east side
Dr R R Reed Dr C L Fah
nestcck Dr Z L Kay and Dr W
E McDivitt were constituted a
consulting committee for the two
The meeting then adjournd te
January 4 1912 at three ocloek
in the afternoon in the commer
cial club rcioanSj and at this
tmne it jis expected that the by
laws mill be presented for adop
tion and that a set of perman
C L Fahnestoclr Dr R R Reed ent officers can be elected
creditable character singing reci
tations instrumental music etc
of an excellence which marks an
epoch in the history of the school
The edifice was crowded to over
flowing and a more delighted
audience seldom fills that build
ing Christmas bells holly ever
green in various forms afforded
appropriate decorative detail An
offering of 25 was taken up for
the needy of the city
Orchestra Selection
Processional Choir The Her
ald Angels
Invocation Rev Lewis
Responsive Reading Superin
tendent and School
Song Choir Christmas
Recitation Mildred Rosander
Song The Primaries
Recitation Kenneth Frederick
Recitation Lester Frederickson
Class Exercise Eight little girls
Class bong Always the Best
Wand Drill Twelve little girls
Recitation Cyril Viersen
Song Choir O Savior King
Class Exercise Seven boys
Solo Masry Brooks
Recitation Gladys Kent
Recitation Gladys Biggs
Song Choir What Would Yo
Have Done
Recitation Glen Clark
Recitation Marie Howell
Trio Merle Rosebush Jose
phine MeClure Virgie Bruce
Wreath Drill Twelve boys
and girls
Free Will Offering for
Song Choar All Hail
Orchestra Selection
Distribution of treat for
Sunday school
The Sunday school of the Chris
tian church held its Christmas iex
ercfees Saturday night The I
church was very nicely decorat
ed in the Yuletide colors in fes
toons bells fluffy cotton snow
flakes ini the air and a fire place
t the front of the room whence
Sara Clans made his grand ent
ry Keeitations ctralogue songs
and distribution of presents fill
ed the evening
The primary department of the
Congregational church celebrated
Christmas on Saturday afternoon
from 3 to 6 with games and re
freshments finishing with nuts
and candy from the Christmas
tree On Saturday evening the
young peoples classes met in- the
church Each brought a present
for some one else Games re
freshments and the distribution
cf th gifts from the tree mad
it a long to be remembered
vnmQf On Sunday evening
Rev R T Bayne rave an illust
mted lecture on The Place of
OlirHstraas in Art Mrs C W
Britf rendered a solo with her
Tails 1 ciharm
Teahers Away on Vacation
Mt of thr teacher corps have
toiip 1o tiiiir respective homes to
vtjkI iio Christmas and New
War vacation Miss Rjan to
Ilvelrcl Mtiep Kautz to Ponca
Mice Biiilev to Linoolnu Miss
to Crawford Miss Dunlap
to Gillipsipv Miss Wante to Ex
eter Miie Caffrev to Orleans
Misn Thursby Miss Thorndyke
Mrn IlcHister Mr Archer are
snendiTg the- vacation peroad dn
the eity
A First Cousin
Tihe Yankee Doodle Boy wa
nn pit tbn Temple Christmas
inghit before a large aiuddence
The Yankee is a doodle of the
Pumkin ILusker vrdeiaty with
a ocmedy all farce and a trage
dy all comedy and a vocalization
ajll too husky But they played
before a -good natured Christmas
tide audience and were forgiven
McCook theatre lovers are soon
to have the pleasure of seeing one
cif the biggest and -best musical
plays on tlie road namely The
Newlyweds and Their Baby
Tliis is a company of sixty people
It lias met with enormous success
everywhere and as this class of
shows have been scarce in Mc
Cook season a packed hiouse
will likely greet them
Try Tribune want ads
j Delivered free any place in McCook
Corn chop per 100 130
i Bran per 100 120
Shorts per igo 135 v
X Wheat per bushel 95
f Corn per bushel 70
Oats per bushel 60 X
X Alfalfa per bale 50
Ground alfalfa meal for chick-
en and cow feed per 100 105 X
X Phone 29
Sermons appropriate to New
Year at the Baptist church next
German Evangelical Lutheran
Communion services on Wednes
day evening December 27th at
730 otelock O R Puichert pas
McCook Wants
Lower Rates
The city of McCook has filed a
complaint with the railway com
mission alleging that the Nebras
ka Telephone Company charge
unreasonable rates in that city
The rates complained of ure as
follows Party line 150 indiv
idual 2 business 3 business
party line 275 The city alleges
that these rates are 33 1 3 per
cent too high and asks tlie com
mission to fix reasonable rates
and to reduce county toll rates
Lincoln Journal
Musical Recital
The pupils cf Mrs W B Mills
gave a reeatal last Friday after
noon at which the young folks
gave a fine account of themselv
es The program consisted of
Piano duet Eva Woods and
Mary Spencer
Piano solo Ethel Huber
Piano solo Jessie Stewart
Piano duet Helen Solliday and
M3rle Chambers
Piano solo Cyril Viersen
Piano solo Marjory Inglis
Piano duet Esther Amen and
Mrs Mills
Piano solo Laura Moors
Piano solo Martha Rodgers
Piano duet Mabel Anton and
Mrs Mills
Piano solo Mabel Jennings
Besides Mrs Vahue and Mrs
Vflihue played several selections
for the younsr ffuests
Refreslunents were served
Mrs Vahue assisted Mrs Mills
Mrs H M Finity Dead
Mrs DT M Finity died in Lin
coln last Friday morning She
has been in a hospital there for a
fow weeks receiving treatment
but without avail Funeral ser
vices were held in Lincoln Sat
urday and interment was made
in Wyuka cemetery that same
iy Mr Finity was with her
at the last and the eliildren from
b re attended the funeral of their
mother on Saturday The de
parted for manv years lived in
McCook and was MgMy esteem
ed by a large circle of friends
who join The Tribune in sincer
est sympathy for the husband
and the children
Sent to Reform School
May Patterson a young girl
cteiiming to have come from Ster
ling Colorado was arrested last
Wdenenday nnht for disorderly
ccraduct en Main avenue She was
tris d before the juvenile court on
Thursday afternoon and sentenc
ed to the reform school for girls
at Geneva wliither she has been
taken for hoped for ref ormataon
Kodaks and kodak supplies
McCONNELL Druggist
j For the benefit of all who
wish to take advantage of
the rate we will again re-
peat the announcement that
anv time before January 1
1912 you can renew your
subscription or become a
new subscriber to the Mc-
Cook Semi Weekly Tribune
at the rate of One 100
t Dollar per year