The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 18, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 7

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1 -
1 The
You Will Want This
This year during its December
Bargain Offer The State Journal
will accept 3 in payment for
The Daily Journal -without Sun
day for the Avhole year of 1912
and as a further inducement will
also include a years subscription
to the Independent Farmer a
weekly farm and stock paper
and Poultry Topics a beautifully
printed monthly poultry and
home magazine All three pa
pers from now until January 1
1913 for tills cut price of onlyj
i3 Including the hig Sunday I
State Journal the special price
will be 4 The Journal is the
most independent newspaper in
- i j --
Enough for everybody and at most
livable prices Fresh and clean crisp
and irrestible
Candies nuts fruits etc You can
secure special prices for Sunday schools
and churches and in quantities
And everything is of the Magner
quality Come early There is advan
tage in buying from a full stock
the state prints more state news
than any other paper maintains
a strong Washington bureau and
uses the full associated press re
ports It is unusually clean ex
cluding all liquor and nasty med
ical ads and is edited for Nebras
ka homes In these stirring time
if you want a newspaper that
does things you ought to read
The State Journal and if you
will send in now you will receive
the paper the balance of the
year free This cut price offer
is not good after December 2S
Send your money to The State
Journal Lincoln Neb
Try a Tribune want ad and
watch results
F P Mo
On Our SpecaaB Pries Offer
To introduce and create demand for a strictly first grads Coffee
before placing it generally in Nebraska with local retail dealers we
offer a trial order to farmers and others at a price that will please
yon as much as the Coffee
is of special blend of fine flavor and has become deservedly pop
ular among all who appreciate carefully selected blended and prop
erly roasted Coffee
As but a limited amount of this high quality Coffee can be dis
tributed for advertising purposes please write promptly for our
advertising price that you may receive your share of this offer
F Fo H Coffee BBepartmeni
VIT T w fina here the largest and best stock
t in the city and at a very reasonable
price We carry a complete line of
candies nuts fruits and of everything
good to eat for theholiday trade Come
here first It will save you the trouble
and time of going elsewhere Its the
Main Store on Main Street
Made gf
Dainty Holiday Gifts That Are
Easily Made and Inexpensive
Copyright Wctern Newspaper Union
In casting about for gifts that are
inexpensive but attractive and worth
while nothing will be found more sat
isfying than handkerchiefs They are
made in the greatest variety in size
decoration quality and style Manu
facturers design them for many usesi
and consider the needs of those who
convert them into accessories of dress
and furnishings Any number of the
personal belongings of women and
children are easily made from them
and what with the real beauty of the
handkerchiefs and the hand work in
volved these little gifts embody the
essentials of tasteful Christmas gifts
no matter how small the cost
Handkerchiefs for fancy work and
dress accessories may be bought for
less money than other equally attrac
tive articles They will cost from five
to fifty cents each The average for1
pretty daintily finished linen ones will
be in the neighborhood of twenty
cents good designs may be had for
fifteen cents showing printed borders
and a quarter will buy a good grade of
linen with some embroidery Narrow
hemstitched edges or small embroi
dered scallops are decorative figuring
in the designs in neckwear and other
accessories made from handkerchiefs
Mi -
Turn Over Collar and Jabot
Val of Clunj lace aid narrow ribbons
are used with them Lace edged hand
kerchiefs are inexpensive and are es
pecially adapted to making the neck
wear fashionable at present
A turn over collar and jabot is
shown here made of a sheer lawn
handkerchief edged with a narrow
Cluny insertion and a Val lace edging
It is very simply constructed
Cut off from one side of a lace edged
handkerchief a strip three inches wide
and divide this strip into two equal
parts Make a straight band of mull
three inches wide and of the required
length and hem it all round with a
quarter inch hem Sew to one edge
of this strip the two short lace edged
strips cut from the handkerchief turn
ing the corners to the middle of the
strip Allow the lace edges to over
lap at this point Turn in all raw
edges and hem down Lay the re
mainder of the handkerchief in small
side plaits forming a jabot and sew
to the lower edge of the neck band at
the center
To make a plain turn over collar
and cuffs select a sheer dainty hand
A Pretty Bib
kerchief with narrow hemstitched hem
and a little embroidery Use a three
inch strip from one side sewed to a
straight band of mull for the collar
Two remaining edges will make the
cuffs They should be cut a half inch
wider than the collar to allow for
turning over the sleeve Finish the
raw end of each cuff with a narrow
hand sewed hem
For a jabot select a lace edged or
embroidered handkerchief in sheer
lawn of linen or cotton Cut the hand
kerchief in two pieces on a diagonal
line extending from a point three
inches in from one corner to a point
three inches in from the opposite cor
ner Sew one or both of these pieces
in a scant ruffle to a straight band of
insertion or fine embroidery with
their widest portions at the top of
this strip Hem the ends of the strip
Beading may be used instead of inser
tion or ribbon 1 inches wide laid
In fine plaits as shown in the net and
lace jabot pictured here
A dainty bib is shown made of the
corners of a childs sheer linen hand
kerchief A narrow hemstitched
der is edged with fine Val lace Tho
little spray of fine embroidery in tho
corner sets it off
Pretty baby bonnets are made of
hemstitched sheer lawn handkerchiefs
Dhoose a moderately large size and
run a few narrow tucks along one
le Cut the front from a paper pat-
n which may be bought at any dry
ods store The back is a little circle
r a medallion of embroidery The re
gaining edges of the handkerchief
will furnish a finish for the tie ends
Aprons are easily made The sim
plest is shown here with one corner
cut away for the waist line This cor
ner is used to make the pocket Sew
ing aprons are made of larger hand
kerchiefs gathered to a waist band
The bottom is turned up and stitched
- y t Ti v v ViM vi jfc
Dainty Baby Bonnet
down to form three pockets for
thread scissors etc
One large handkerchief will make a
pair of oversleeves for office wear
Double a mans handkerchief twice
end cut the sleeves by the lower part
of a coat sleeve pattern The cor
ners left are to be cut off and sewed
to the oversleeves to form the cuffs
One large handkerchief will make
two hair receivers Cut the handker
chief into two equal pieces Fold
down the hem corner of one of the
stiips and sew the hemmed and raw
edges together turning in the raw
edge This forms the front of the
bag Fold the remaining portion up
and back this forms the bag and top
Finish with a band of wide beading
across the top of the bag Run rib
bon in this and trim with the ribbon
Dresser scarfs pillow shams and
table covers are made by setting small
1 Rf f XWBM
A Simple Apron
handkerchiefs together with lace in
sertion They may be edgedjvith lace
Handkerchief cases are made by
folding three corners of a fancy hand
kerchief to the center and tacking
them together Sew a small pearl but
ton here Place a little loop covered
with a bow pf baby ribbon on the oth
er corner
Laundry bags are pretty made of
two handkerchiefs cat stitched to
gether on three sides A tape casing
is sewed inside the top and baby rib
bon run in this closes the bag and
serves to hang it also
Many pretty caps are made from
handkerchiefs Dusting caps are made
by sewing a tape casing to large
printed cotton handkerchiefs mens
and running in an elastic The cor
ners are turned up and tacked to
place Breakfast caps are lace trimmed
and decorated with ribbon bows
The pretty little gifts will cost all
told from fifteen to fifty cents each
some less and others a little more
Oversleeves for Office Wear
Those on which lace and ribbon are
used in quantities are still inexpensive
as compared with equally good gifts
of other kinds
Home Made Gift Suggestions
White felt padding for tea table
cloths cut in the required size and
neatly bordered with white tape
Bureau and pincushion covers of
bright cretonne edged with a coarse
white curtain lace
Kitchen bags of brown crash with
bright tapes for the old bits of damask
used for polishing glass
Fancy baskets of sweet grass with
cretonne linings for holding keys
Some Novel Ways That Will Please
the Recipients and Add to the
Should one wish something more
original than Christmas gifts
wardly thrust into ones hands by the
giver should the time honored stock
ing pall here are several new ways
that may cause excitement in present
Some member of the family or one
of the maids can enter the breakfast
room where the table is prettily dec
orated with greens but no gifts are
displayed She should be heavily veil
ed dressed in a long rain coat and
carry two or three cotton umbrellas
Her appearance will excite surprise
particularly if the sun shines She will
insist that it is going to rain and try
to get her umbrellas raised
Some of the children will offer to
assist and from the umbrella will fall
the packages gaily tied and clearly
addressed Anything that may suffer
from a tumble should be tied to the
In one household the large family
has decided that each person shall
bunt up some novel way of gift pre
sentation No one will know what the
Dther has selected but the element ot
surprise will be emphasized
A mother who wishes to avoid con
fusion at the breakfast table has de
cided that no presentation should be
mide then The family will be asked
to put their various presents in a cer
tain room on Christmas eve All are
rrv tied and addressed No one but
mother knows what is to become of
At close of breakfast the next morn
ing Christmas the door bell rings
and a maid brings in an immediate de
livery letter This is gaily decorated
with the seasons stamps and seals
When opened it is found to be a
letter from Santa Claus saying his
pack was too heavy so he has for
warded by express all his gifts In a
few minutes a huge box is delivered
In the kitchen which when opened is
round to contain packages addressed
to each one
Another easier way is to pass a
ray covered with a number of small
keys with red ribbon and a Christmas
tag attached On the tag is written
he childs name and the information
iiat somewhere in the house is con
cealed a bag the key will open
Then begins a hunt into all sorts o
places to find great
Dags of turkey red muslin draped
tvith greens and fastened at the top
tvith a padlock Each bag holds the
ifts for one member of the family
Stockings For Christmas Only
The Christmas stocking as generally
known is one taken from the bureau
supply for daily wear In certain parts
of the country however the Christ
mas stocking is never in use except to
be hung from tho chimney with
are The New England stocking of
this kind is usually long in the leg
md knitted from woolen yarn There
ire stockings on Cape Cod which havo
been used by four generations of chil
dren Once emptied of their treasure
Dn Christmas morning they are rolled
jp and marked and laid away for the
lext years festivities
Cured In Her Own Home Town
Kearney Neb Mrs Belle Harlan I
131S Sth Ave tells the way for her
fellow townsmen to be cured of their
kidney and bladder ailments as she
was cured I had a severe attack
of kidney trouble when I heard of
Foley Kidney Pills and took them
I had a severe pain across my back
and felt miserable and all played out
but after taking Foleys Kidney Pills j
the pain left my back and I felt great
ly improved and once more full of lif
Today I am glad to say I am free j
from kidney trouble and gladly rec i
ommend Foley Kidney Pills to all
who suffer as they cured me A
Foley Kidney Pills
Tonic in action quick in results
Wall cure any case of kidney or
bladder disorder not beyond the
reach of medicine No need to say
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magner s
Snhsfvrihp for thft Semi Weeklv
rmkttfs Pl
5T i IESBsiNsfc
n m 1 v i i y J
- f - s4
t sTLx
X r -- t ST6
Hglitcc vih the vki I
Ay suits of aiumet Coring s
f r
i jJ w A w UU w uw -
pf ro fiat heavy sojy biscuit
jH cJe cr pastry
Just the lightest daintiest most
jj jjJ
g uniformly raised and most deli- jjw
X cicus food you ever ate EB
fi ncceiifedliicicstreuardWsrlds J
sk Pure FootS Exposition J
Chic3o I90T s4rw
Huts and Fruits
Iluber makes a specialty of
nuts and fruits for the Christ
mas trade lie carries for your
inspection and purchase a full
and complete stock of the best
and freshest the market affords
Just look in at the Main store on
Main street for the proof of this
An Alarm At Night
that strikes terror to the entire
household is the loud hoarse and me
tallic cough of croup No mistaking
it and fortunate then the lucky par
ents who keep Foleys Honey and
Tar Compound on hand H W Cas
selman Canton N Y says It is
Avortli its- weight in gold Our little
children are troubled with croup and
hoarseness and all we give them is
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound I
always have a bottle of it in the
house A McJIillen
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
mi 41 r BsqJjWfeAiBWft
When Things Go Wrong
When things go wrong about the house
The bread forgets to rise
And little Minnie tears her dress
And all the babies cry
Oh dont sit down and mope and sigh
And fret and worry so
But dress the kidlets and yourself
And see The Electric Picture Show
When all the World looks blue to you
And you begin to fag
Your head to ache your heart to break
And appetite to flag
Just lock the door and leave your cares
Behind you as you go
And spend an hour of solid joy
Seeing the Electric Moving Picture Show
116 Main Ave
E E DeLonjr Prop