The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 18, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 5

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I lor he aiciiy Qooa ceos
Engiue2S2G is just out of
the Ilavelock sliops
G E Halm went up to Den
ver Saturday to Aisit ior a few
P E Wliitney and family left
Saturday morning for Iowa o
The Tribune hears it stated
that Vet spells it Vetteisan
now And takes his straight
Engine 2S09 pulled train 70
east on Saturday She goes to
Ilavelock for general repairs
AW J Bagan wont up c n Xo
13 Saturday to Benketlman to
be near Ids sister who is very ill
Airs Wall llegenberger and
children were Hastings pass cm
gers en Xo 10 Friday evening
Air and Airs E G Briggs
went down to Lincoln on Xo 2
Friday to be gone a couple of
L Lawritson agent at Tren
ton is improving from his illness
and expects soon to resume his
station duties again
Air and Airs Clyde Scott will
leave on Wednesday morning for
Bum Oak Kansas to spend the
liolidays with his parents
Airs A C AViehe went up
to Denver Saturday on a visit
of two or three days duration
her son ATiF accompanying her
Fred J Bolshaw formerly
yardmasteT at Lincoln has been
appointed general yardniaster at
Sheridan AYyomimg beginning
December 14th
H Al Fiiiity went down to Lin
coin Friday night in answer to
news of the serious illness of Airs
m T-T- wn
r - rT y rTrv i v - ia i r i
gxram hgdoox cn
i v
j Cliffoid Yrccilird depails to
dav ior New Eexieo wliere lie
ii - 41 il cm
viii aganii miLLi im iiuuuuu
Miss Geitiude Icairissey arriv
ed hojue clcse cf last weelc to
spemd the holiday vacatioai vitili
the Iitmeiolks and fa iends She
is attending school in Galssburg
late luibDanci lelt on iu xnuay
night fci iier home in Galesburg
was of his first pair of red top
Airs R B AViLson widow ofi
one of the victims of the lndian
ola wreck was in AlcOook her
former home latter part of hist
week on business connected with
tho estate of her late husband
jus Budig and his force of
electricians imv working overtime
now putting electric headlights
on all passenger and freight en
gines to be used on the Orleans
St Francis and Republican Oity
Oberliu branches The Kansas
law requires all engines must
be equipped with either electric
the first of
or gas headlights by
the year
The city police have been re
quested to cooperate with the
Burlington police at this place in
ridding the depot at this place of
loafers both male and female
Boys and girls and some older
grown have made the depot and
platform a resort and loafing
place It is now determined to
break up the habit and arrests
f j I Only a Few Days More
rr Y Xb i ciinstnias
ifcTh HE little folks of all the
world do not keep Christmas
as the children of this coun
try do In fact each land has its own
peculiar ways an our people being
drawn originally from almost every
clime have introduced into our cele
bration of the day a bit of the Christ
mas features brought from mother
jcintries We the Dutch Santa
Glaus the German Christmas tree the
English plum puCuing and carols and
our own peculiarly lavish gift mak
The boys and girls of far distant
countries are spending the day in such
different ways that it may prove of in
terest to young and old to hear some
tmng of the distinctive Christmas cus
Pii Pinan A A Griffsbv went Mrs J P Wade who has been g
1mm in Tinfnln TViflav on Xo lure for a few toIis on business i
- - 5 I i 1
10 for a few days visit connecvu mm me eawuv oi n i
HE English Christmas is not
unlike ours save that we do
not have their pretty cus
tom of bringing in the yule In al
most every family in England the boys i
and girls gather about the burning
log on Christmas eve to sing carols
and tell Christmas legends Often the
children who live in the country as
sist at the dragging in of the huge
An English child would not feel it
was Christmas if there was not a bit
of mistletoe hanging in the hall under
which the unwary are kissed soundly
Little and big cat the rich and blazing
plum pudding and all join in the sing
ing of Christmas carols and church
HRISTMAS in Holland is the
gala day of the year for the
children They have a pretty
custom of ushering it in Just at
midnight on Christmas eve the men
Engine 1124 on the Imperial i and boys dressed in fancy costume
branch has been equipped with march through the streets in long pro
an electric headlight and Barney j cession holding aloft a brilliantly
t - c oo vimw1 nf liov ho i lighted star as they chant the Gloria
Finity who has been in Lincoln and fines will follow df the
to receive treatment rice is continued
in Excelsis The little girls clad in
white stand at the windows and bow
to the star as it passes
ERHAPS the finest Christ
mas of all if not the most
lavish is spent by the chil
dren of Germany It combines tne
Christ child which we Americans are
prone to forget and Santa Glaus
Tbe whole day is full of cheer fam
ilies feast and go to church pres
ents are simple but in every home is
a blazing tree hung with cakes color
ed candles and gifts It is a pretty
sight to see the children march In to
see their tree singing as they go O
Tannen Baum O Fir Tree to the
air of Maryland My Maryland
In many German towns just as the
bells ring to usher in Christmas
every window in every house is quick
ly lighted Then the children are up
bright and early even the tiny babies
to go to six oclock church Often each
child bears a candle to illuminate the
The German Kriss Kingle has one
horrid habit that our jolly old St Nick
vould scorn He generally leaves in
the stockings a bunch of switches in
case they should be needed before his
next call
HE Servian children have a
strange custom On Christ
mas Eve the father of the
family goes to tho wood and cuts a
straight young oak which he drags
into the room where the family awaits
him saying as he does so Good even
ing and a merry Christmas
Then the children shout back May
God grant both to thee and mayst thou
have riches and honor
With this they shower their father i presents
it is greeted with pistol
HE French children rarely
have a tree Sometimes they
hang up slippers to be filled
of stockings and there is
great chanting of Noel Noel the
Christmas song
Like the Scandinavian children lit
tle French boys and girls never forget
the birds but instead of placing
sheaves of grain on long poles theyi
are hung along the eaves of the
HE children of Belgium on
Christmas Eve are dressed
in gay colors and form a pro-
cession which marches through the J
streets led by an orchestra and sing i
ing carols Each child holds aloft eith J
er a Christchild in a manger or a
their children how would they like to
live in Russia whre work is often
suspended for a fortnight while all the
people keep holiday
Even the poorest peasant has a treei
and it is harvest time for beggars for
no one will refuse him anything
In some of the country districts the
boys dress as animals and led by oth
er boys as keepers march through the
streets headed by a band of boys mak
ing dreadful music with harsh sound
ng instruments These processions go
from door to door pound until they are
admitted and all given food and drink
md two small pieces of money
All over Scandinavia a week is given
to merrymaking Every one goes to six
d clock church on the dark Christmas
morning and in the evening every
iome in the land is illuminated They
have wonderful trees around which
grown people and children danco and
jing The Scandinavian child is very
good to the poor on Christmas and
takes gifts and food to poor families
with corn and the tree is thrown on i Man and Old Woman play the fool
tho fire to burn until Christmas morn j I and Four Singers who carol out the
ing wnen
Bulgarian Kolcda
In Bulgaria Koleda as Christians
s called is marked with many quaint
eremonies One is called Koledars
the name given to a band of hoys
mostly who go about proclaiming that
he season of fasting is over and her
alding a reign of feasting and merri
ment Each Koleda party numbers
seven the Old Man the Old Woman
the Crumb Picker who collects the
and money while the Old
Christmas songs The attire of the
Koledars is most grotesque and their
arocession is joined by a huge crowd
jf townspeople who take a great de
light in the antics of the jesters
Huber Has Hundreds of Pounds
of Sweet Stuff
Before making your purchases
of Christmas candies see what
Huber lias for you to make selec
tions from Literally hundreds
of pounds of it Good stuff too
He is making specially low prices
for churches and Sunday schools
Better buy early while the as
sortment ds complete and the
stock is full
Get your Semi AYeekly McCook
Tribune before January 1st for
next year at 100 the year
r tMjgrWrxjj8g yI
E Dare Ivenyon formerly on
G and 1 is now flagging on ATcs
1 9 and 10
It is feared that another op
eration will be required on AV M
Gardners little baby
AV II Holt now in service
at Iloldrege spent part of the
day in McCook Sunday
The old iee houses- are being
placed in readiness to receive the
aiew crop now in uie majsuig
Olvnistmas with Mr and Mrs L
J Kates
Miss Marcella Ryan is spend
ing a few days visiting the
brothers in Omaiha amd Miss
Jesephine Stewart is substituting
for her
Our holiday stock is larger than ever before and now is the time for Economical
and Satisfactory Christmas buying Nobody can afford
to miss the chance of seeing our
f Prspnt
n a ii sssysLM s
which in quality variety beauty and good taste has never been excelled in West
ern Nebraska Our prices on everything are the lowest and
adjusted to meet the hard time proposition
What Shall I Buy
can be easily solved when you see our immense line of
Handsome Gifts for Everyone
including Toys Dolls Carts Wagons Toy Furniture Toy
Dishes Books Games Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Dresser
Sets Brass Goods Photography Goods Cameras Sporting
Goods Fancy Stationery Booklets Tags Seals Postals Pictures
framed and unframed Fine Cigars and Confectionery in Xmas
boxes and hundreds of other things all NICE AND USEFUL
and especially intended for gift purposes Our very reasonable
prices will delight you and you can be assured of every courtesy
and best attention
j -3 i4 test Y A
MERICAN mothers find one
day of Christmas merrymak
er 7 ine distracting enough for
Adventist Services at 11 a m
and 8 p m Saturday and at S
p m Sunday
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m H 31 Mitchell mil
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
Dispatchea Harry D Stewart I morning at 1030 oclock and
- - -- i m i f i i r iiTiniiaTr
is in Chicago tor a tew clays go-
ju u it Jtuciieric
ins in on No 10 Sunday night
The- tin roof is now being
placed on the big new ice house
in the yard east of the depot
Arthur Scott and bride arriv
ed in the city close of last week
Congratulations and best wishes
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
evenings New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 AY D street
C1101 anS Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
U iliell iEJ Sp m Bible sehool at 10
uay uiui jjjjig xuu jjiuWx r l Christian Endeavor at 7 P m A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to worship with us D L Mc
Bride minister
Catholic St Patrick s Church
8 30 a m low mass and sermon
10 30 a m high mass and ser-
The Wymorc division superm mon 2 30 p m Sunday sehool
teudents car was attached to 5 800 evening services Rev AVm
Thursdav night and he went on- Patton 0 M I pastor
14 to AVymore Supt Fiynns car
was also in the train I The Tribune 100 the year
Bert Collins of the Denver If you are troubled with chronic
ticket office was in- the city Sun- constipation the mild and gentle ef
day morning between trains 2 feet of Chamberlains Tablets makes
them especially suited to your case
and 13 lie was formerly
ploved in the local office F r e by all druggists
Fancy Calendars
These are the finest imported and domestic calendars
the most beautiful specimens of the lithographers art you
have ever seen Large assortment io to 50c Think of
these for some lady
The Sale of games increases yearly Instructive and
amusing games are part of the equipment of every modern
home It is such agencies that make home attractive for
both old and young Some new things this year that you
ought to be interested in Games from 5c to 250 Any
thing you want in games