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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1911)
w I n i 9 J it r THIRTIETH YEAR ly H I lv CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP Charles L Markwad Buys Star Laundry th3 The Star laundry close of last week became the propert3r of Charles L Mark wad who lately returned from near Westboro Missouri where he has been liv ing and fanning for the past year G W Ludwick amd wife ex pect soon to leave for California to live Mr Markwad lias been a resi dent on a farm an the South Side for many years hence is well known in tliis city and vi cinity The Tribune wishes him success in his new business enter prise Dismissed Without Prejudice On last Thursday afternoon Charlie Edwards was released from custody and the proceedings against liam were dismissed watli out prejudice lie had been Iield in the county jail for seve ral days under suspicion of hav ing been connected with the re cent robbery of the Chicago chop house The authorities finally decided that they did not have in sight enough evidence to con vict Quite Successful The ladies of the Methodist church realized fairly well in the bazaar Saturday in the church basement disposing of practically all their mercliandise during the sale There were a number of hootlis with fancy and useful ar ticles home cooking etc A warm lunch was served also during the day The total receipts were con siderably iin excess of a hundred dollars Postoffice Hours Christmas Day Owing to an unexpected heavy run ofholiday mail and the in ability of carriers to make com plete delivery under such unusual conditions there wall lie no deliv ery by carriers on Christmas day but carriers windows be open for delivery of mail from 8 a m to 1 p m General delivery and stamp windows will be open dur ing the same hours The usual service cm rural routes LON CONE P M The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Car hart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Fresh fruits at Magner s McConnell for drugs For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner Magner sells better groceries than the just as good kind Try him for an order The schools of Red Willow county will receive 231879 from the December state apportion ment recently made It is the proved quality of Mag ners groceries fat accounts for their increasing popularity with the buying public Every patron is a satisfied patron Classified Advertisements FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light house keeping Inquire 216 West B St Phone black FOR RENT About 200 acres irrigated land in Frenchman riv er valley Ideal for beet culture Four miles to railroad A ten room house and other buildings Address R B Sheridan McCook Nebraska WANTED Pupils on the pianc and organ Beginners preferred Terms 50e per lesson Susie Mc Bride Phone black 464 WANTED 3 dozen Plymouth Bock chickens E A Van Camp Phone red 213 18 LOST A watch fob with init ials O G G Finder return to Rev 0 Richerit 212 E 6th A suitable reward will be given 2J WANTED Overall suits to launder and patch at 35c 108 1st street in East McCook Debating League News The Nebraska high school de bating kague organized in 1908 with 30 scliools in the organiza tion will enter the 1912 contest with about 50 schools in the league The addition to the Southwestern- district is Stratton Supt G A Marshall and the an tire list df schools iai this district is Oul bertscn Beaver City Blooming ton Franklin Indianola Mindem Straitton and Trneotn Supt C F White of Trenton is the di rector of the district The district contests the finst series of which must be over by March 1st will be ended by the middle of April By that time the district championship will be decided the winning schools to have the honor of sending repre sentatives to the state champion ship debate at the state univer sity on the evening of high school fete day in May The closed - open shop question has been selected hy the league schools for the 1911 1912 contests Resolved that the de mand for organized labor for the closed shop should receive the support of public opinion This was the question discussed in the central debating league in 1910 when Nebraska won from Wis consin at Lincoln and from Illi nois at Urbana Meeting of Moose Lodge No 419 Loyal Order of Moose held its regular meeting last Thursday evening The fol lowing officers were elected C W Graves past dictator C F Lehn dictator G A Deioy vice dictator S D Hughes prelate three trustees 0 F Lehn S D Hughes and I N Briggs M S Jennings secretary and C A De Loy treasurer There was some talk of organ izing and opening a club room in connection with the Moose lodge Notiicng positive can be done however until the grand dictator is heard from Father Cleary The Tribune wants to again and finally call attention to the fact of the appearance tomorrow nighit in the Temple theatre of Father Cleary under auspices of Citizens Entertainment Course committee Father Cleary is list ed as one of tlie strong men in his line as a platform speaker We believe he will give the peo ple of McCook something of worth and entertainment hope that ihe audience nav be worthy the ability of tlie leUurer Will Issue on Tuesday Next Monday being Christmas day The Monday Evening Trib une will not be printed until the following Tuesday morning The same plan will be adopted for New Year day which comes on tlie following Monday The paper will go to press on- the fol lowing Tuesday morning Adver tisers and others will kindly note these facts and govern- themselves accordingly At the Methodist Church The Cliristmas exercises of the Sunday school will be held on Sunday evening The children have been preparing a program of music recitations etc and wall be assisted by the young peo pies orchestra Instead of giv ing tlie children of the school a -treat it is proposed to take up a collection which will be distribu ted among the needy of the city This Mornings Express brings a lot of changeable silk messaline petticoats just in time for Christrics selling They are being marked at 250 each They are without weight or bulk are pure silk and perfect dreams of beaiuty Think it over and drop in The Thompson D G Co Ut most value for cash only Signet rings for ladies gents or babies 1 to 10 A life time DrcsGiit H P SUTTON CO Jewelers See our display of solid silver and plated table ware All the lalte patterns in the best grades obtainable W guarantee sat isfaction H P SUTTON CO Jewelers Monday Evening Edition DEATH ENDS SUFFERINGS WANT ACRE AGE INCREASED Brakeman J R VanHorn Passes Great Western Sugar Cos 1912 On to His Reward made Mrs VanHorn and will accompany the body Mother VanHorn did not ac company the remains to Kansas City but will go to the north eastern part of this state where she will live She is blind but has been unceasing in her min istralions to her ailing son for some months past Mr VanHorn has been a resi dent of McCook for about 19 years and during that time has been employed in the train ser vice of the Burlington His wife who has been devoted in her care of Mm for so long has the tenderest sympathy of all ii tlrs sorrow and bereave ment For the benefit of all who wisli to take advantage of the rate we will again re- peat the announcement that anv time before January 1 1912 you can renew your subscription or become a new subscriber to the Mc- Cook Semi Weekly Tribune at the rate of One 100 Dollar per year THE TRIBUNE C I I Count that day but lost where in some member of McCooks par adise of folly fails to be grafted by some nervy aind clever scamp irom warn out 1 anything is line of other makes Kodaks and kodak supplies McCONNELL Druggist Snow both east and west of us Ours is in transit Beet Contracts J R VanHorn passed out of A minimum of 5 per ton will life about neon Friday last after be paid and 75 cents per ton addi a long and painful illness dating tional for siloed beets instead of likely to an injury sustained some 50 cents years since while in the line of In addition the company agrees mis cmues as a Jiurlmgton brake- -to pav a bonus of 25 cents ner man For some montlis he has ton if not less than 5000 tons arc oeen more or less helpless ana delivered to them m this territor the end came in the form of a ity which includes all territory blessing to the pain wracked man between Red Willow and Sanborn J R Van Horn was born in 37 cents per ton if not less than Boone county Iowa May 26th 7500 tons are delivered and 50 JOIU xie came to juciuook m cents per ton if not less than 10 1892 Was married to Miss Mary 000 tons are delivered Uaan December 12th 1893 The In other words if this territory wue ana one son besiaes lias delivers mother and one brother survive I 5000 tons the price will be Services were held at the home 525 per ton - - I fTt 1T ot Tnnt TTiAcnf VoitmHnitf t ternoon at 330 oclock conduct ed by Rev L E Lewis of the Methodist church There weire a number of beau- -7 j f i fi i r i uim norai one rings irom ram- would make the price of siloed road men and friends beats 625 per ton 10000 tons The body was taken to Kansas would onlv mean 1000 nnros nit City Missouri Saturday night on 10 tons per acre Last season the No 1 il lrliovn Knwol lin n i TXT a i T 7500 tons the price will be 037 per ton 10000 tons the price will be 550 per ton On a basis of 10000 tons it j nv xw mti ujl u uxrait western naa jnno acres son contracted in this territory but owing to the unheard of season many growers failed to get a stand of beets and a considerable percentage was kept or sold for feed by the growers so that not 50 per cent of the acreage con tracted was delivered to the com pany although they went to the expense of building three new dumps in this territory Lots of middle of the road- ers today Slippery tliis morning out Look Cigars for the gentlemen McCONNELL Druggist fijfj r ii p 1 1 im nurrnmm m ui n ninrmr r1 SUBSCRIBE NOW The Tribune is this issue sent to several hundred persons who are not regular subscribers at this time in the hope that he may secure them for regular readers The price for The Semi Weekly Tribune will remain at 100 per year until Jan uary 1st 1912 Subscribe now and get the 100 price THE PUBLISHER - wim MXJMJiUX ni Z C C 2 I l DAILY MARKET t Delivered frse any place In McCook - Corn chop per 100 3130 i Bran per 100 1 20 - Shorts per 100 133 Wheat per bushel 93 Corn per bushel 05 Oats per bushel 00 Alfalfa per bale 50 Ground alfalfa meal for - en and cow feed per 100 103 McCOOK MILLING CO t Phone 29 Persian Messaline Skirts Just received by express an as sortment of beantiiful soft mes saline petticoats in Persian de signs and colorings at 375 A Christmas item A silk ijlitJcroait needed in McCook just now more ior mother or sister is a urgently than anything else its ver acceptable gift Tlis Thonip the organization of a society foc9on D- G Utmost value for til a salvation of easy marks cash only pi Mitnin i i A white slaver oiMJust simp 1 4 b another grafter is thequestion Jm ThrQ shortivIfc fa a Wg on the public lnp since the x ani 1 iP ot 60 people the halt or i 1 pany ence oi last week woth the so call i 1 1 i Ti course being the baby It is od riilrmd mvotor ed ram oad promoter gaM tQ be magnccntiIv staal Huber handles the Carhart Production and there is a large gloves and caps also and a full I ehor of unusually pretty girls The dae wiill be announced soan Give the lady a casserole Use ful as well an beantiiful McCONNELL Druggist The West B street second hand l store Mr Atkins proprietor has Scarx pins and cuff buttons bean purciiasei w Qhas Graves stone sot or signet for engraving II P SUTTON CO MoConnoll fills nrrirtn TOMORROW NIGHT FATHER CLEARY TEMPLE THEATRE wujCMaP95MBsvai urihttitf McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA MONDAY EVENING DECEMBER 18 1911 SESVV TWJ Jrjv - yi mt 11P srrf sfcKasf J30 v tV - X1 UXTXJXiXt o PERSONAL MENTION I TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION Gus Iloilmes has returned to his home in Orleans Miss Florence Jacobs spent all of last week visiting the Eandel girls on rural 3 Mrs C B Iloag is up from Lndianola guest of her daughter Mrs C B Gray Albert Berry arrived home on Friday morning and will remain over Cliristmas holidays Mrs Patrick Hennessey of Hen ry Illinois has returned home from a recent visit to McCook rel atives Miss Jennie Kubicek arrived from Adana Kansas Friday on a visit to her siser and friends in the old home Walter J Hickling came down from Doane Dundy county last week to spend some time on the farm near McCook Mrs Carl Bates departed Sat urday morning tor Superior Ne braska to be absent until after the first of the year C B Sawyer leaves today for the Beaver Valley country on buaJncEB for a few days to re turn hero end of week Mrs A I Scott come down from Denver on No 0 Fridday evening Mr and Mrs Scott will make McCook their home again Moss Lulu Cameron of Wrav Colorado who has been visiting in Lincoln spent end of week hare visiting friends on her way home to Colorado Mr and Mrs C II Meeker will depart Wednesday for California to be absent two or three montlis visirmg ner tatlier and sister and enjoying the winter season in that salubrious clime Edward II Ranft and bride nee Miss Anna Teressa OappeL departed on 14 for Bluffs Illi nois their home Sunday night iiney have been guests of tlie brides father George Capped of Perry precinct H Boyle returned -Friday morning from Denver leaving lit tie Esther progressing favorably from an operation to one of her ears Mrs Boyle wall remain un til Esther is well enough to re turn home with her Mrs C D Ritchie left on 2 Saturday morning for Lincoln tc spend Ohrostmas holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Robert LeGore Mr Ritchie expects to join the family latter part of the week and be with them over Christmas Mr and Mrs Frank Iluan were summoned to McCook Sun day evening on account of the illness of their daughter Mrs John Rowland Their son Wil lard and wife also went down on AVednesday evenings train Ber keiman News Feb 15 Mr and Mrs John Poll de parted Friday night for Califor nia called by a telegram an nouncing the death of his father George Poll an early resident near McCook The deceased left here about 15 years ago for Belvd dere but for the past 8 years he hnis been making his home in Southern California C B Sawyer arrived in the eitv Fnday morning last from Grctnac res Washington on a vis it in the oity and vicinity of two or lihree weeks Mr Sawyer is in barter health than he was on leav ing here- rnd is well pleased witli the country and fruit business Many warm friends here will be picked to greet him Col James S Jackson of Fort Wayne Michigan arrived in the eilty end of week and will be the guest of liis mother Mrs Jackson at 601 Main avenue unfiil nft Christmas Colonel Jackson is in command of the 25th - infantry regiment Mrs A Galusiha and Mrs J Walker of our city are sfaters of the colonel who is a West Pointer It is an unusual condition to see fthe Republican river over flowing its banks in mid-December without a rain or a snow storm in this vicinity or1 points west of here to explain the fact Such was the condition of the river Friday last however Give the girl a doll We can satisfy her McCONNELL Druggist Games and books for tlie bojrs McCONNELL Druggist nortvumfij Another Movement Projected Looking to a Hospital For years it lias been felt by many that McCook has needed a hospital Time and again move ments hae beven set on foot to mat end only to fail Various reasons may be recounted why these efforts have come short of realization but we shall not here recite them But the rather we shall report the temporary organization of an other effort to bring about that great desideratum a hospital Friday afternoon last a number of ladies and gentlemen of thp city about twenty or more met in the McCook commercial club rooms for the purpose of talking over tliis matter and taking such action as those in attendance thai wise and desirable and practical z Li jiay -was made chair man of the gathering and tlie subject was gone into at some length Favorable remarks -were made by all preqent as the need seems to be generally felt both inside ana outside of medical cir- elcs Dr C L Fahnestoek spoke to the subject as did Father Pat Ion Rev Bayne Senator Cordeal and others After going over the matter at some length it was deemed wise to form a temporary organization Mrs Z L Kay was made presi dent Mrs A M Williams secre tary Mrs F L Schwab treas urer It was decided to meet again in the commercial club rooms next Thursday afternoon at 3 oclock to complete if possible the or ganization which it is fondly hop ed will result in tlie final secur ing of a suitable modern hospit al for -this city CHRISTMAS RUG SALE 200 RUGS FOR 139 Just -received twenty five of our regular 200 velvet rugs which we are going to sell tliis week at 139 They are 27x54 inches in size are as handsome M patterns as could be wished and they are our regular 200 rugs Tliis is part of our Christ mas doins and the benefit Ls yours Other large rugs at 125 and 3C0 Fur rugs at 250 350 and 475 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value for cash only A Special Meeting- McCook lodge No 135 A F A M enjoyed a special and uncommon- session Saturday night Tlie particular occasion was the conferring tipon C II Meeker of tlie master masons degree Avith the inimitable Uncle Bob1 French grand custodian in the cast In the session about one hundred Masons were preseait in cluding visiting bretliren from Omaha Kearney Bartley Benkel man and cither neighboring lodg es Liiht refreshments were af terwards served in the banquet room with the usual post pran diiail utterances For Him Silver military brushes 500 to 750 Solid ebonv military brush cs 250 to 6 H P SUTTON CO Jewolers I wish to inform the public that I shall continue in the dray bus iness The work will be in charg of B C Bowman Thanking all the eld customers for their pat ronage in the past I solicit your work and guarantee satisfaction in the future MRS ELSIE HANNAN Phone Black 229 rsj oigs or aui sons ior every bodyfrom expensive diamonds to plain mannish signest and wee gold bands for babies Diamond rings ys K 1250 to 500 Baby diamond rings 150 H P SUTTON CO Jewelers One of tlie real classy and at tractive window displays of the noiiaay seasonn is that of Mr Sawyer of Perkins Co Souvenir spoons coffee size 50 and 75 cents Other regu lar size tea spoons 1 to 3 Plain or engraved bowl as you want H P SUTTON CO Jewelers j J