The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 8
t I if I llSSpfp 81 I 4 WiM i Siw limy 4 i 73 a i r riiBfiLJiB flaaai -a mr l a szmbl A 5 g1 x XJ7 V l 1 i CnVJSA s Kf 5 l J 2f tJL i r a s r 5 a j ttr - is V i M j The earner you can do your Christmas Shopping the better will be tiie assortment to choose j 6503 vj v A i nt trl - - - 1 - v - I- iu 4 nn in aroxr I on9 Jrm O rIT flP C a r i f One of Our Beautiful I Hand Bags 2 in Velvet or Leather would g make a very acceptable Xmas- liJCii w S - - ishei aiMin weekly at postoffice McCook matter lul liic pnntment ct II in June cJinin to organize KUliUKittP Advei Ii ci result i - jO Orai t master at Blaom ingt confirmed by the senate 2h Clane is publisher oi the Blc firing en paper and is a warm jn - t Congressman Noiris cf th 5 ecty i j from and the more attention can be given to your wants Our stocks in every department are most complete and we earnestly solicit your patronage during the Holiday Season Our Christmas Bazaar In the Millinery Section A Coat Skirt Waist Petticoat or Set of Furs Would Please and Suit HER more acceptable than something to v w 1 cil Our Readytc rer Dip fin il t - ii kU QU LITY 11 LOW KM PvO r FUR SETb FOR CHILDREN At ti i r n i ivr - I i 1 1 1 -D - V 1 UlN 1m - - i r Lrdreti s ara hssjs aracai Loats I e iza i i2 9 I 4 95 Burnett Dolph ct al wd e hf nw qr let 2 in s hf nw qr n hf sw qr 24- 1 2S F D No i C A Phillips superintendent The nxt ntin 1 Republican the Fowler Sunday school re- nonvention av1 b h ld in Chi- moved to the easitern part of the czqq en Tin 1 y -June 18 1912 t ocme months ago This week J F IlilLfOJ lilifl Overnor cf I 1 Xnriflav elirnl tn iliow their t10 Hev ciuirman cf the national appi eeiation of his work sent him decided ooramititr William Hayward l fine tccchers bible Nebraika is the s tfie oommittee mec the T Fowler school has resigned M LS S ic CartrM Big enough for the biggest game Quick enough for the most dangerous game Deals five smashing one ton blows with light ning rapidity or deliberate fire as need may be The only recoil operated rifle that locks the cartridge in the chamber until after Ihe bullet has left the muzzle Built to handle the heaviest ammunition with greatest accuracy and safety ItgmfngtOtlzUMC the perfect shooting combination Send for Descriptive Folder Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Co 299 Broadway New York Citr Is now open where you will find weii displayed a large collection of FANCY NOVELTIES DRAWN WORK PIECES CLUNY SCARFS HAT PIN HOLDERS LAUNDRY BAGS KENSINGTON BAGS PIN CUSHIONS FANCY APRONS HOSE HANDKERCHIEFS FRILLS and TRAVELING SLIPPERS in Fancy Christmas Boxes Frequent and early visits to this section will greatly assist you in settling your Christmas problems QiiV Store is Now On zizlii zz Until Qilzlra Hiai The following real estate filings iave lKvn nuJe 111 tli rHiit lurks office since our last re Clare A Wetmore widew to Barncitt Lumber Co wd b 9 So 10 ft 10 in 27 McCccik I Eunice I Dewsy et al t r Y VA L f UC H K r z GOODS MiLLn5RT LADIES FURISliM6S n r r t rv j nTCrJ IVi LUUf Notes From ilie iilgti ochool QhaaaaAAAAAA J aJlAaAJ -- jperintendents office in the Cen I tral school building Supt Davis i diseuss sd domestic soienee I schools ni dmifi0 import ance -of making it a part of our high szhciCl couise of study The CYrA n Tlnn nnr 4 l r nVviloinl lrw to - rt -- and nAin Afn n nvio are meet complete plans for the beginning of the work The work will begin with the opening of the second semester Judgcing by the interest and en TV - 1 IV 4 JV i 5S8SH oa - UAAAAiAiXAAtAiX The Domestic Science Facxdty to attend the day school Organize 3500 00 On list Friday afternoon a to number of ladies met in the and thLs one is an ambirious boy who tiiiat he is not as far a long in sluGCIwork as he should beand 13 trying to make an extra grade in Hie night school while carrying on Iius regular day school work he students mcluao eleven boys oOOO nn 1 1 1 i 4- j lems irom the stanelpoint ot the rm nd t ven girls Hhey are doing various grades of work ranging from learning the English lan guage to work in the Sth grade anl nWny cations rciariing J rf T P 1 of the the woiing of the plan asked T t t i mi it i auv iiu fcKiv anai in no pain c - 1 and anoAvered The ladies then 4- i sjim 3 w Biierc more Keen af our O rrt Till rtnrtu l 11 iiik miinlil plan as cntlined Airs Dr Fahne l T l T Jr1 uu r i iiii i i ir i ii i r ri i rna - i ii IuOi ItLia JVylllUiXi fll LtUUIl eretarv unt Tnn w Vr ntor wlm lia dcui atock was tlun elected president er vvorks AVith enthusiasm and m ib in Chicago yiiic MoiKing in uie catein paru e or the domestic science taculit sects taat her bovs and girls ot j - - A ciiPnfl i r liOiP lnnn n I I 1- in the state roMirncei 1uesaay - - - - p1 X ti tle night schciol are shnply the wv inror n cm iisivriiw d by the presiident lor this L - - io tj o - - uest nn town rue senooi is open v lvii rftafK the waiter in Thursday afternoon at -JO Avhen 1 rT ti iiivn Liii leatij to linn cue H iv fnH ticm seven to nine at t ho Central in The- Tribune and Miss JUclitii JJutdier teacner ot uu 1 v x bniflin nml enVenc nvn invitprl C3 - - - v to drqp in and inspect the worlc There is still room for others to enroll and the tuition is free to all un the district oif selicol thusiasm displayed by the ladies and their excellent judgment in The Tribinia is issniag sereral selecting for their leader a lady randred extra papers dm ing the wlio was formerly a star student 1re holiday advertising Added m the domestic science depart- lo our alreadv Largest circulation ment of our state university the in Red Willow county makes our success of the plan seems to be advertising most valuable Most assureel Night School Our night school now has an prople in the county read Tribune DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkius Vernice Franklin SBiraTgagG ijraarraagir UjitllfWIlTbZ The enrollment of eighteen All but Observe the date after your one of whom find it impossible name on The Tribune Notch it V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 ESC2323 wAirftfagwawniiituriiTfiftfiyK THE INTERrllSSION re i all kinds MAGAZINES AND UAIUEs Temple Huilding Kancat City Post 5c week MISS McCULLOCH Trained Nurse Phone red 479 804 East Second Street Notice to Land Owners To Joseph B Blair and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointee to locate a road commencing at the center of section 19 on the quar ter sectdon line in East Valley precinct lied Willow county Ne braska running thence south through sections 19 and 30 to within 20 rods of the southline of section 30 thence in a south easterly direction to intersect road running east between sec tions 30 and 31 at a point about 35 rods oast of the southwest cor ner of the southeast quarter of section 30 township 3 range 26 Red Willow county Nebraska has reported m favor of the lo cation thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerks office on or before noon of the 29th day of January A D 1912 or said road will be es tablished without reference there to Dated at McCook this 25th day of November 1911 CHAS SKALIA County Clerk First publication Nov 27 Sts All creditors of the estate of Oscar M Matthews deceased are notified that the County Judge of Red Willow County Nebraska will on July 19th 1912 sit to examine all claims against said estate with a view to their ad justment and allowance The time limited for presentation o claims against said estafte is July 18th 1912 Seal J C MOORE County Judge RITCHIE WOLFF Attorneys First publication Dec 11 8ts All creditors of the estate of Mary A Whitaker deceased are 6554 654S fa I 4PM One of Those Serviceable Umbrellas chosen from our large stock ol blacks and colors would cer tainly please her Consider These Useful Items for Practical Pleasing Presents A lady is always glad to receive Table Linen Napkins Towels Lunch Cloths Bed Spreads or Lace Curtains a Nice Blanket Comforter Bath Robe Kimona Kid Gloves Fircy Cclicr Jibot or Muslin Underwear A Waist Pattern er Goods for a Brass The Attractiveness of our re stocks will ir2ke your Christmas shopping easy affording J an unusual opportunity for selection - ifr vr - - notifieel the County Juetge of lied Willow county Nebraska will or June 26th 1912 sit to examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for presentation cf claims against saiel estate is June 25th 1912 Seal J C MOORE County Judge RITCHIE WOLFF Attorneys First publication Nov 27 8ts Mike Wafeh BEALE21 IM POULTRY EGGS Old Pubfcer Copper and Bras Highest Market Price Paid intjish Newiocatiop uci - stieetin P Walsh biVi u wvtio Notice State of Nebraska Red Wil low County ss To all persons interesteel in the estate of Char les Lichtenberger deceasd Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of December 1911 Mary Lichtenberger filed her pe tition in my office praying that lettei of administration may be granted to her on the goods and chattels nights anel credits of Charles Lichtenberger deceased You are further notified that I have set and appointed the 23d elay of December 1911 at two oclock p m in the County cooir room in the City of McCook in said county and state as the time and place for hearing said petition at which time you and all concerned may appear and contest the same It is further ordered that said patftioner give notice to all par ties interested in said estate of the time and place of said hear ing by causing a copy of this or der to be published in The Mc Cook Tribune a newspaper print ed in said county for three weeks successively previous to the day set for said hearing In testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix ed the seal of the County Court of said County this 6th day of December 1911 Seal J C MOORE County Judge First publication Dec 7 6ts N A i V i il i