The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 6

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Your v
To obtain Desirable Gifts at
should not be overlooked
It will be a pleasure to show you
our large line of Gift Books of last
ting worth Juvenile and popular
copyright books Bibles beautiful
toilet cases manicure sets collar
and cuff boxes traveling sets novel
ties large hand mirrorsfshaving sets
tie racks postal albums hand painted
china brass goods hand bags pape
teries fountain pens safety razors
pictures box candy dolls and doll
sundries go carts shoo flys toys
etc etc
INDIANOLA bers still wifth them
Alice and Richard Townley Tlu Methodist church have
spent Saturday Sunday in Me- their evergreen tree on hand for
Cook with their sister Mrs Ah- a Christmas tree
Floyd Short went up to Mc
Cook Saturday for a visit with
iiis aunt Mrs Will Short
Will Plourd is now the owner of
in auto
Mrs PI curd Sr who has heen
very sk k is somewhat improved
it this writing
Joe Harrison is back from Chi
cago with his cattle While- there
he sold a number of the herd
The teachers asuociaitaon Satur
day afternoon wis well attended
And a pleasant tim spent
Tho L d - A of th
Congregitr onal chnu h held th Jr
annual meeting Thursday
7th eeting Mr C If Rus
sell pmdirt icr th four yaws
This completes the 25th year of
th 3e3y with fcrr charter men
Tlir Misses Joy Verson Nellie
Gilmore and May Woods cousins
and friends of the McCols were
over Sunday visitors with them
Leroy Jones took No 13 on
Tuesday morning for Wasliington
called theire by the serious illness
of his father
There will be a dance in the
Eagle hall next Thursday even
ing under auspices of -the F 0
E Tickets 75 cents Good mu
sic Evervbodv invited
Money to Loan on Farms
0 St ciotiiinji
3Vs ri
I lit- Trbuni 1111 tt veal
Rk Bmfly Greeting
YiY iK srri LA wj fvrvU1 fiN Kss2sfK
Distance need not prevent family visits For your bene
fit Bell Telephone service has linked together the entire na
tion by meansof twelve million miles of wire reaching 50
000 American cities
Every Bell Telephone is connected with six
million other telephones From your tele
phone you can reach friends nearly everywhere
Nebraska TelephonelCo
Christmas Joy Is AH
Year Joy When the
Gift Is a Kodak
The kodak gives the opportun
ity for making the most inter
esting of all stories a picitur e
story And the day to begin
that story is the home day
Christmas Here is a
Kodak Suggestion
No 1 Folding Pocket
Kodak Price 1000
mVr JillI 1 ilTK
V v y Jlr tr
ft QhnmVpt
ERHAPS first of all
hope is needed at
Christmas time and in
Christmas shopping For
this season which tradi
tion has builded up as
the gladdest merriest
time of all the year in
reality for the majority
is an anxious overbur
dened dreaded period In modern
life the gift load has increased along
with other complexities has become
in the majority of cases almost too
weighty to be borne hanging heavy
on the consciousness from midsum
mer to December 25th Desperation
drives us to seek solution of the pain
ful riddle and at least a glimmering
of light seems to come our way In
desperation we resolve seeing no
other help in this so urgent need to
use a little new thought mental heal
ing or whatever you call it that is
supposed to make hard things easy
And this glimmering of light we
would have penetrate the darkness of
others Hence these lines
Suppose you have a list of half a
hundred expecting from you In
1 which case we make bold to advise
j dont knit your brows over the dis
I jointed combination of your flat purse
j and their expectations and give It all
1 up as hopeless or at least bungling
just put on a new thought or mental
healing expression and hope Declare
to yourself I am not coins to
worry come what rny for the Pre
timo in thpsp mnnv lUstrmisrht vpnrs
Im going to make a stagger at en- ih
joying Christmas every bit of it the
survey of that army of expectants
the survey of resources the study o4
fifty diverse tastes and wants the
heroic endeavor to minister to thes
wants with purse lean as shrunk
shanks of Shakespeare Just force
a smile mental healing or new
thought and drive ahead Inwardly
affirm and outwardly express Alls
well alls coming out right then go
on down town for the test
But so the smile will not rub of i
the inward and outward serenity bs j
not roughened we beg you go early
it is most dangenus to put the
strongest resolution sturdiest effort
on trial in the maelstrom of after 1
luncheon Christmas shopping The
mad mob that at this time surges
f through aisles jostles and tramples
in elevators bangs heavy doors on
weak ones struggling in the rear this
mad mob might prove a successful
serpent in that paradise of serenity
enveloping you
If you are calm and smiling in
making your purchases of course it
may startle the girls behind the
counters cause no little agitation but
theyll recover and youll have them
fairly hypnotized can get out of them
almost anything you will We tried
it yesterday ourselves with marked
success got through a list of much
length in miraculously short order
The shopping proved quite a social
success exchange of courtesies rath
er than mere exchange and barter
and fooling aside really not the dead
ly deadening nerve racking loath
some unholy un Christian fight
Christmas shopping has been with us
wt- oiTiii jre a i jt o rly
p ac a
e ilv thing
- errs- -
- - n JSf
- vy oe r t i iv
- tJf on folk Mat
tyJo KowOays jto tie o c
hat e i I- coruers To soe
1 Tnv H pre servil
v l0 - rn tQ nrt of
- bt -ere are
Vft a few j p e in tts jre of
rr in own of eve v g rtl old
ihpt cn to rt V ng for
With rectangular pictures 2 y4x coa Tccy ana graciuusness are able
inches 12 it as tne reT mmg
3Vj Oapacity expos- fl rofsi
iires without reloading Size ot j mLZZr
lj something offered for sale to be had
-- -
i i i i i
kodak inches
Weights for money And there is no finer
16 ounces Lens Meniscen s Ach thing in this season of strike and ill-
4 inch focus brilliant re- will than the infinite patience and
versible finder
Come in and let us kodak with
L W McOONNELL Druggist
The Peters boys are slowly re
covering from their sickness we
iv 1- glad to learii
Mr and Mrs A Peters visited
the home of Jacob Weseh Sun
A man from the J I Case Co
headquarters was out to see the
Weseli Bros about some threshin
machine business last Monday
Chas A Weseh was at McCook
on business Saturday
John A Hoffman- was a Traier
Knasas visitor Saturday
B W Benjamin has been haul
ing lumber from the Benjamin
ranch the last week
D L Guinn and son Ben were
McCook visitors Monday
Jacob Weseh lost a valuable
horse last week
Paul Hunke called on Weseli
brofthers Saturday on business
heroic calm of the girl behind the
After you have hopefully and smil
ingly made those hopeful purchases
and the purchases have arrived at
your domicile without delay set to
work at doing them up we beg of you
for the success of the experiment
dont wait till the eleventh hour for
the sticking of the Christmas stickers
the tying of the everlasting Christ
mas ribbon the endless addressing
and weighing and stamping There
is nothing so calculated to make you
hate this maddest merriest season of
Dickens fancy as having to hunt
around at the last moment for wrap
ping paper and string and appropriate
boxes and tissue paper and cards and
all the rest of the lumber essential to
getting things off In gift packing
at glad Christmas time numberless
brittle tempers are broken number
less resisting tempers cracked
The ladies of the Methodist
church will hold a bazaar in the
basement of church Saturday De
cember 16th Hot lunoh will be
served any time during the day
Homo eooking a specialty 27 3w
I J1 ar 1 -
Ora the son of Mr and Mrs L
A Bible
Bath Robes
Smoking Jackets
Silk Hose
Knit Ties
Dress Gloves
Jewelry Sets
Collar Bags
Silk Suspenders
Suit Cases
jL JsL s
Home of Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes
is very ack with J ds aDout indigestion and Its
Mr Borchett returned Tuesdav
roni Ids trip to Missouri
Mr and Mrs J L Campbell
and Mr and Mrs Elmer Shep
herd of Osborn visited relatives
dn this- vicinity Tuesday and Wed
The young people met at the
home of Ernest Lytle oneevenin
last iveek to help him celebrate
liis birthday anniversary A gen
eral good time was reported
Guy Doyle is here from the Big
ITorn Basin visiting relatives
J K Gordon threshed his al-
Mia th latter part of last week
j - i T i
juirii idling iier sisier mis II-
Mrs J L Campbell and daugh
tor Mrs Elmer Shepherd Mrs A
T Wilson and daughter Minnie
and Mrs L S Pouch met with
Mrs T M Campbell Thursday of
last week and made two new
comforts for Grandpa Campbell
Subject for Ep worth League
lesson- Sunday evening A Well
Spent Tii and Its Close Ixom
147 8 II Tim 4G 8 Num 23 10
Walter Modirell leader
Real Estate Filings
A Fisher to Nanev
- Tffgi -
tpXtrvtuaa ytiiM B
Parry wd sw qr of 8 av
hf of e- hi of 8 w hf of
17 all in 3 29 24000 00
Joseph R Stansberry et ux
to J R McCarl wd n 47
ft of let 1 block 4 7th
McCook 225 00
Joseph R Stansberry et ux
to J R McCarl wd 1 in
3 3 in 4 2 in 8 all 7th
McCook 10 and 11 in 11
2nd MeCook 1350 00
Co Treasurer to Jeanette ITu
beir tax deed s hf lot 1
in block 6 West Mc
You will find that druggists every
where speak well of Chamberlains
Cough Remedy They know from
long experience in the sale of it
that in cases of coughs andcolds it
can always be depended upon and
that it is pleasant and safe to take
For sale by all druggists
Try a Tribune want ad
watch results
Relief That Should Interest You
Although Indigestion and Dys
Piepsia are so prevalent most
peiople do not thoroughly under
stand their cause and cure The e
is no reason why most people
should not eat anything they de
sireif they will only chew it
carefully and thoroughly Many
actually starve themselves into
sickness fear of eating
every good tasting good looking
amd good smelling food because
it does not agree with them
The best tiling to do is to fit
-It Jl
Vine rWfYfl Tlwfc 1 l UlJ5Sl Ml ximju
- wmj u iiuo
are so confident of this
i H1
o4 tw i IV i i i i m xaci urni we guarantee ana
iinise to supplv the medicme tree
last week to her home m Brown L c11 - T
riiu ot all cost to every one who- wilL
use it who is not perfectly sat
isfied with the results which it
produces We exact no promises
and put no one under any obliga
tion whatever Surely nothing
could be fairer We are located
right here and cm- reputation
should be sufficient assurance of
the genuineness of our offer
We want every cine troubled
with Indigestion or Dyspepsia
in any form to come to our store
and buy a hox of Rexall Dyspep
sia Tablets Take them home
and give them a reascnahle trial
according to directions Then if
not satisfied come to us and get
your money back They are exy
pleasant to take they aid to
soothe the irritable -stomach to
strengthen and invigorate the di
gestive organs and rto promote a
healthy and natural bowel action
thus leading to perfect and healtl
ful digestion and assimilation
A 25c package of Eexall Dys
pepsia Tablets furnishes 15 days
treatment In ordinary eases this
is sufficient to produce a cure In
more chronic cases a longer treat
ment fis of course necessary land
depends upon the severity of the
trouble For such eases we have
two larger sizes which sell for
50c and 100 Eemember you
can obtain- Rexall Remedies in
this community only at our store
The Eexall Store L W Mc
Gloves in cotton and in leath
er you will find a good assort
ment at the right prices at Hu