The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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Directions for Shipping Christmaj
Presents by Express
Patrons of Express companies
who contemplate sending present
for Christmas should have them
in Hie hands of the company not
later than the 18th of December
There is nothing quite so disap
pointing to the donor as the de
lay of a present after Christmas
day It takes away the sweet
sentiment embodied in these gifts
and very greatly disappoints the
receiver Express companies are
furnishing patrons with labels
reading Do Not Open Until
Christmas which may be pasted
upon your packages Use wooder
boxes for packing when possible
This reduces the risk of loss and
prevents damage
Write the address plainly with
ink or crayon giving street num
ber and county Write your name
and address on the package fol
lowing the prefix from giving
your street and number and also
enclose in tthe package one of
your cards
Do not enclose mone3r or jew
elry in packages of merchandise
Such articles should be sent in
a separate package through the
money department
Insist upon a receipt and
liave the value of your package
placed thereon
Mark the package Paid if
so intended
Write the word Pisliable
on your package if it contains
matter of a perishable nature
The Library Board
The public library board was ir
regular session Monday evening
Mrs II P Sutton Messrs Part-
ton McKay Suess Kimmell and
Goldsmith being present Con
tract was let for magaines news-
papers and periodicals for
ing year Current bills were al-
lowed and the routine business of
the board disposed of
The December school apportion
ment amounts to 25247247 a
few thousand less than Last De
With the Coming of Middle Age
there is a letting down in the phy
sical forces often shown in annoying
and painful kidney and bladder ail
ments and urinary irregularities-
Foley Kidney Pills are a splendid
regulating and strengthening med
icine at such a time Try them A
Xh -
It -
- EJi A
Holiday Gifts Made of Ribbons
Nothing more elegant could be cho
sen for Christmas gifts than the lovely
dress accessories shown here made
of ribbons From the plain neat cra
vat bow of velvet ribbon to the long
fringed sash of satin they represent a
fashionable selection and a long range
as to prices
The sash is made on a covered
foundation of canvas The buckle is
of rat tail braid and both sash ends
are finished with fringe
Gold gauze and light colored satin
ribbons are used for the hair bands
decorated with ribbon flowers in dain
ty colors Silk or velvet maiden hair
fern is used with them and rhinestone
dewdrops add a sparkling finishing
A shirred band of narrow satin rib
If you are troubled with chronic
constipation the mild and gentle ef
fect of Chamberlains Tablets makes
them especially suited to your case
For sale by all druggists
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magners
- -ft-- 3 o - iV fiy C
rtV i
r a
Nothing pleases everybody alike so much as a
Good Pocket Knife
See our Special Display of
Robeson Shur Edge Knives
The Standard of America
Made from the rarest quality of Sheffield Steel
Forged by Special Hand Process
Open easily but close with a lively snap
Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
A Christmas Box with every Holiday Purchase
McCook Hardware Co
bon is finished with rosettes of knot
ted loops It is intended for a littlt
girl and is made of light pink satir
ribbon shirred over narrow elastic
Two neck pieces are shown with
small pendant ribbon flowers These
are made in all colors One consists
of a cluster of loops of baby velvet
ribbon having ends finished with pen
dent flowers The other is a small
bow of wider velvet with three pen
dant flowers
Roses made of satin ribbon are
spangled with rhinestone dewdrops
and mounted with millinery foliage
They are intended for the hair or cor
sage and are often used in other ways
instead of the natural rose They ar
scented with rose perfume
Foley Kidney PNIs
Tonic in action- quick in results
Wall cure any case of kidney or
bladder disorder not beyond the
reach of medicine No need to say
Tribune advertisers get results
m wSfek
A v iVws
itii ilz i v- z3Zls ZL f y
W tt
j r - V J1
Adventist Services at 11 a m
and 8 p m Saturday and at 8
p m Sunday
Christian Science Subject for
Christian Sundav school at
LIO a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m 11 M Mitchell mi
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 0 R Riehert
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday ami iridi
ev jnings New Though SjuiKia
iiihi ol tiiree oclctk i SmiIsj
itteinour 12J L le l
Baptist Sermons r i 11 a m
jnd 8 p m Bible syiuU at i
JluisJan Endeavor at i p n
aearty welcome to all wio vi-
to worship wth us D L Mc
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Church
330 a m low mass and s rnior
1030 a m high mass and sur
non 230 p m Sundry school
300 evening services Ilev Vm
Pattm 0 M I paster
Episiopal 8 a m Iloiy Cion
nunicn 10 a m Sunday rrchcol
11 a m Litany and sermon 4
P ni evening prayer and ad
lress 5 p m childrens re
Learsil Jlonday Bazaar by Al-
GuiJd in Armory afternoon
ind evening Wednesday 7 3C
p m Sunday school Christmas
prcgnrm to Avhich parents and
criends are especially
Cured In Her Own Heme Town
Karncy Neb Mrs Beile Harlan
1318 rih Ave tells the v a- for hcrr
isllow townsmen to be cured cf their
cidincy and bladder aiments as she
was cured I had a severe attack
of Id foe y trouble whe r I heard of
Boley KLdmey Pills and took them
had a severe pain across my back
asd felt miserable and all played out
but after taking Foleys Kidney Pills
the pain left my back and I felt great
and more full -of
ly -improved once Jif
Today I am glad to say I am free
from kidney trouble and gladly rec
ommend Foley Kidney Bills to all
wo suffer as they cured me A
2 U
is Comin
We Are All Ready For Christmas
Now is the time and this is the opportunity for
Economical Satisfactory Christmas Buying
Nobody can afford to miss the chance of seeing our
Fine Display of Presents
which in quality variety beauty and good taste has
never been excelled in Western Nebraska
What Shall I Buy
can be easily solved when you see our immense line of
Handsome Gifts for Everyone
including Toys Dolls Carts Wagons Toy Furniture Toy
Dishes Books Games Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Dresser
Sets Brass Goods Photography Goods Cameras Sporting
Goods Fancy Stationery Booklets Tags Seals Postals Pictures
framed and unframed Fine Cigars and Confectionery in Xmas
boxes and hundreds of other things all NICE AND USEFUL
and especially intended for gift purposes Our very reasonable
prices will delight you and you can be assured of every courtesy
and best attention
jGIS t
A Statement of Facts Backed by
a Strong Guarantee
We guarantee immediate and
positive relief to all suffer
ers from constipation In every
case where our remedy fails to
do tlris we wall re turn the money
paid to us for it Thats a frank
statement of facts and Ave want
you to substamtiaite them at our
Rexall Orderlies are eaten just
like candy are particularly
prompt and agreeable in action
may be taken at any time day
r do not cnuo diarrhoea
excessive loose-
- v griping
ol effects
i vA liav a very muld but pos-
urcn the organs with
viiLh thijy ccme in cantaet
P ccntly acting as- a regulative
I up co the relaxed muscular
i cort of the bcwel thus-
ing weakness and aiding to
stcre the bowels to more vigorous
ard healthy activity
Ilxal Oiderlies are uniuirpacj
sablo and ideal for the- use of
childreai old pecple and delicate
porscc We cannet too high
ly recommend them to all suffer
ers from any foirm of constipa
tion and its attendant evcis rRz
is why we back our faith in them
with cur promise of money back
if they do not give- entire satri
faetiion Three sizes 12 tablets
10 cents 36 tablets- 25 ceints and
SO tablets 50 cents Rememhsea
you can obtain Rexall Remedies
cmlv at our store The Rexall
Store L W McOcniiell
JIU 1 11 1 ii-
Commercial Hotel Bldg
An Alarm At Night
that strikes terror to the entire
household is the loud hoarse and me
tallic cough of croup No mistaking
at and fortunate then the lucky par
ents who keep Foleys Honey and
Tar Compound on hand H W Cas
selman Canton- N Y says It is
worth its weight in gold Our little
children are troubled with croup and
hoarseness and all we give them is
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound I
always have a bottle of it in the
house A McMillen
Subscribe for the Semi Weekly
Tribune 100 per year
i vi ill
Thats All
Phone 5
I Stit we van meet yuur
fpry iiiod in these
lines from our hirtje
oini etnlete stocks
111 ill grades
t its
Barnctt Lumber Co S
Otir pictures of men look like men They
show the force energy character of the sitter
They are portraits that really tell something of
the men portrayed
Telephone Black 428 for a Sitting now
The Ellingson Studio Co
307 Main Street