The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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i I
A -
t r
If You Are
thinking of purchasing a
diamond you will do well
to see what we have to
offer Get our prices and
let us post you as to the
facts that make one dia
mond better than another
We carry all grades and
can show you the imperfec
tions and perfections of the
different stones
Get our prices and com
pare them with others and
prove to yourself the claim
we make that we sell as
cheap as you can buy any
Ask someone who has a
diamond purchased from us
They know Terms if de
H P Sutton Co
Another Fellows Sister
A pair of kid gloves is proper
and not too sentimental for the
Christmas gift or a pretty scarf
of silk or a belt pin or jabot
pin or a writing portfolio or a
silk fan or a velvet handbag
or a hat pin with brilliants or
numerous other ornamental or
useful little kickshaws to be
found by a glance through our
stock Ccmc in and glance The
Thompson D G Co Utjiost val
ue for cash only
Just the ipresent for that friend
ji A ou x xv- UU j
will o mnnntr on sub- SMim
MeConneil fills prescriptions
Freshest fruits at Magners
VV2 you can renew your
A Pleasant Duty
If we left you hopelessly grop
ing about in your mind for the
satisfactory solution of what to
get mother and did not speak
right up about Leatherwear
black silk at S9e yard we would
be no friend of j ours Its mast
I acceptable Christmas gift 2 yds
of it makes a waist G yds makes
a dress Its yard wide counts
96 threads soft pliable and
strong richly but softly lustrous
flawless weave fast in dje and
fit for any mother It is beauty
plus utility Come and see The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
uc for cash only
Souvenir Spoons
A large and well selected line
of spoons engraved in the bowl
at 1 all sterling silver and good
weigh is The small coffee souve
nir spoons at 50 and 75 cents
Others up to 3
The Cost of the Priceless
will be the sermon subject at the
Congregational church next Sun
day Good music a short sermon
and a hearty welcome Youd
better come
On Burlington Track
Car load of apples for sale by
Charles II Fisher Such popular
varieties as Jonathans Grimes
Goldens Wine Saps Ben Davis
Black Twigs
Read The Tribune 1 a year
i hsta
hi always a welcome present so
give the ladies
for Chr itOmas
L W McCONNELL Druggist
From now until Christmas Mc-
voudo nut know what to buy fcr Connell s windows will be re
Gold gold bancL and sterling splendent with useful goiit goods
ver 35 cents to o Beautiful gold Vate h thpm for gift suggestions
band thimbles at 125 pace to
engrave initial CkrStlRS
Jury Found For Defendant
The case- of the State of Ne
braska vs Arthur Sears was
tried in Justice of the Peace W
Thursday Evening Edition
p iiic Lommercial Club Mets
There was a regular monthly George Cappel near Perry has a
session of the McCook plant which can elevate 1200 gal
cial club Tuesday evening with Ions per minute But they re
a fair representation of member- port the water sources irregular
ship present Vice President Fall
nestock presided
The committee appointed to
vestigatkm of the matter but did
not recommend the club to take
any specific action for the reason
that their investigation so far as
it went developed too irregular cu
uneven a water supply
In some instances however the
committee found wells and pump
It requires about 27000 ness of the club was also dispos
gallons of water to cover one
acre one inch deep with water
There are several successful
plants in Red Willow county
I B i t xA - r - AAA AAA
i Mrs J R Stansberry and Mrs
C E Cone entertained about thir
ty guests Tuesday afternoon
whist The jmests first assembled
zt the Cone reaxlence and en gag- ts
r c cut for the honors the lat
assisted in the cloak rooms
tor the completion of the scr
B Whittakers court Wednesday ni feature
tpm 4 i n inafif ne oil ii im Card of Thanks Home wore
Investigations made however sat
dsfy the commercial club of the
feasibility of irrigation by pumps
make an offer for the location at wells and engines on a small scal
McCook of the next spring j and they urge that method when
slcn of the Southwest Nebraska evar practicable
Teachers association reported J F Wey bright raised the
success in their quest and announ question of reservoir and im
ced that the dates would be the pounding water from Republican
closing three days of Mairch at river and on motion of F M
which time McCook will do her j Kimmell the club secretary was
prettiest to entertain the expect- requested to take up the matter
ed three or four hundred teach- with Congressman Norris and
ers Senators Brown and Hitchcock
Tin jump irrigation committee to ascertain whether the rcclama
ireported having made some in- tion department of the govern-
ment can be interested in a dam
and reservoir project foir this vi
cinity in Southwestern Nebraska
On account of the lateness of
tihe hour Mr Weybright decided
not to deliver his address An
effort will likely be made latea to
give him an afternoon or evening
ing plants operating successfully j session for this purpose His ad-
one near Trenton for instance dress covers the question of sugai
which pumps from three connect 1 beet culture and will doubtless be
ed wells 470 gallons per minute well worth a hearing
enough to irrigate 2 acres peri The regular
routine of
ed of Reception of a new mem
ber allowance of bills monthly
treasurers report communica
tions etc
T r t
L T7 - TJ O VL -
r i Mio I ir -
iui mi uwhj11 ujl uu jv - iiim 11 viv i 1 lvi ui QIV 10n j iiiijj inisiiiii jjiuo
subscription or become a this the saddest time we have friends last evening in honor of
new subscriber to the Mc- ever known e wish to assure Miss Olive Chandler of Cullcni
Cook Semi Weekly Tribune them alL that Ave shall always Illinois The house decoration
at the rate of One- 100
Dollar per year
V V V V V V V v v V V V V V
Classified Advertisements
Modern furnished room for rent
507 Main ave Phone red 366
FOR SALE A first class pian
with Cecilian piano pla3rcr at a
bargain on terms Inquire of
IS 7 mm Jiiirr r r wB i - n ijjm
action in our fondest memories
Mrs Elsie Ilannan
Anna Ilannan
Christmas Cards
Barney Hofer has the finest
and largest stock of Christmas
post cards and booklets ever
shown in McCook
of musi
Had You Thot
feir a Christmas gift
this office for particulars 9 28tf 1 Very latest selections u copies
t Id--1 no n n mnWM
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
An Appropriate Pres
entA Beautiful
We have them in all sizes and
the ones that are most sure to
please No matter how many a
person may have another is al-
ways acceptable The line rncluci
es some elegant pastels and etch
ings water colors medallions etc
W e also have a nice live of dif
ferent sized picture frames
X W McCONNELL Druggist
jiuv J w jxjj iij1
Opposite Temple Theatre
Note the changes in MeCon
neil s window displays You will
get many suggestions there for
G- W Connety Chiropractic
and Spinologist has removed to
404 West 1st st 7 2w
Get a box of fancy Christmas
candies at
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
All the fresh fruits of the sea
son at Magners
r 1
Father Cleary Lecture
Nest Tuesday evening Decem
ber 17th is the date for the
Father Cleary lecture The Trib
une hopes the reverend gentle
man will be greeted by a large
audience We have every reason
to believe that Father Cleary will
deliver an able lecture Let
those interested in such matters
make a special effort to get out
a good hearing for him Seats
50 cents for this attraction which
is under auspices of the Citizens
Entertainment Course committee
Seats may be reserved at McCon
nells Friday morning at nine
o clock
llvJ II LMJ OtfiLUIUHV L IlMllf iveeuii
early part of lite week was the 7
ber 2 ot
at cord party tendered by Miss Ed- reaving gilt
na VVte and Mr David X Col J1 thus year to
ed in playiiing wheat Mas Frank Man- J People
Real and Mrs V II Salliday Wiiic residence
r - i i t i -
i CI MiiCv5 ter winning At the Cone home Lvciiiiirly handcome
A cnlfMirlrl rlisnlnv nF Hnlo nrs the decorations were Chnistmas
i x - 0 -
I j1 111 11
Subscriptions high grade perfumes each pack- m design ana arracie ueus noi
4 1 Li
Fur in News
The very latest from the wires
is the word that Furs of every
kind are immensely popular ev
erywhere and make highly pre
ferred Christmas presents The
best values locally are to be
found in the 600 sets at The
Thompson D G Cos Other
sots aip to 1500 Childrens sets
from 150 up See us first or
last The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value for cash only
Pythian Sisters Elect Officers
At their regular meeting last
evening the following officers
were chosen Mrs Walter Stok
es P C Mrs C W Barnes C
C Mrs E M Day M E S
Mrs F M Kimmell M E J
Mrs R J Gunn Manager Mrs
Barney Uofer M of F Mrs G
H Watkins M of R S Miss
Naomi Wootton Protector Miss
Lottie Watkins Guard Trustees
to bo chosen later
Will Bestow Gifts
The R3pt t church bible school
members -of the Youn i cv S upon the needy All
s club at
tllL it JtiiiJJ riiuu
pa rr jean rite in
toys eic
jo are invii d
the- donation of
Goods should be brot
some people fail to make a
financial success is not be
cause they do not have thfi
ability to make money but I
uecause tney lack persisten
cy or
You can save if you WILL
Perhaps you have tried to
develop a bank account and
have failed Does that one
failure justify poverty in old
age This bank offers you
all the inducements and fa
cilities possible for a bank
to offer With the ready as
sistance and advice of which
customers of this bank may
avail themselves there is no
reason why YOU should not
accumulate an independent
Start a bank account NOW
Mccook national
P Walsh President
C F Lehj V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Huber Has Hundreds of Pounds
of Sweet Stuff
Before making your purchases
of Christmas candies see what
Huber lias for you to make selec
tions from Literally hundreds
of pounds of it Good stuff too
lie is making specially low prices
for ehurehes and Sunday schools-
Better buy earlv while the
Isortment is complete and the
H1 lloki tjuirOIirklimis stock is full
A clever social event of the
- -
A McMillen Druggist
MeConneil for drugs
Pure Gold flour from winter
Iil wheat at Maimers
riitiitiiiiriiviiii -ill iiunii Ml a
IMirv hrmn v vy i
nnf MmnrQWITlc WfMn
7 riiiI fli t
n wire diWcd in the te cM tnnlay Be j iTSbtolTtar
Ic American Beauty roses in tin noon- all the time
etc red and eftecjt and Easter Irhcs tun
Dont for et that Barney Hof age in a handsome ease cut glass a green in
stopper bottle in a silk lined box throughout Mrs P F dining worn Aii elaborate dinner
till save you money vi lu XX
T T T T 1 1 1 J J I
a o f liink P im ui wimsuiia Tiwscnts nt -- mia tviii ---- - - i - -- uiiiJii wuiata mi
new or renewal lor ib seasonable
scnpticns Vi iv v - i very appropriate and
anv paper or magazine e vcpuunai vuiue
ed Get his new club catalogue J McCONNELL Druggist
It is a pleasure to give a nice
hook of worth for a CliKstmas re
membranee We have a large
line of the best books
A McMILLEN Druggist
You will find them fresh
clean at Magners grocery
imdew d raplay - Santa Claris
uws eou Each one present rows ii i
of games the ladies repaired to cd a okver Little Chistina tenk
the Staiubeny home for din- fildcd with candies and nuts
ner The guests were seated ajt Mrs Leroy Kleven Avon the card
before a jury of six who found autumn leaves on one side and Victoria British
tor the defendant bears Had mioatinns nn tliP i avRrse nrrl Tills Trrrv Kleven Dr and i
1 iir 1 in --
ithe rate we will again re- gjto express our sincere thanks to ing
i AK
- 1
in rci ana gret n warn cf ilD3 Mande Burgess birtii
avisIi to take advantagt of W e desire in this simple way the Christinas effect uay annvtiDiy the Altar Graiiki
X peat the announcement that all the dear kind triends who as-
anv time before Januarv 1 siated us- and offered us words Mrs George Kcarns entertain-
oldf comfort and consolation at
n -- 11 1
cit Tiii3 jup jsecipaii cmircn a
iinpriic party in honor of the
evert rTcanrotlv ri fc n m tne
sp OII 1
W I 1
by a prolan
d a company of young lady lar rJkil cempanv paid tkir re-
I 1 lrv
en lcit sitrct wet armeil
Santa Claus is Here
Ujur brushes
are good presents
Diamond s Slice Store has a and we have hhi rood kind
euiuiug luiiruugn a snow storm aii
tributing fancy house slippers
an 1 shore of all sorts
large tables at which mirrors has lis of the evening Mrs G L jj You Have
kets of fruits cite were the op Bum the conaolation Ta ilSLs t0 rent iist them with
The place cards had crnotta vrere Miss jLuIu MCiore cl Viiittaker Griv Thev lnve
Columbia Mr several annlications on file now
JI Ill OO re
been acting as a police odfieer Mrs -- a Russell i Miss Alice Mrs W E McDiviitt Dr 11 in Tlrl boei
T 11 1 i IT
j ana collecting uog rax xie at Mclienna and mss Grace Mrs K J Gunn Miss Elizabeth
j charged with embezzling money bright assisted Miss Elsie BciKcher lAiiiss Bernice Rector
while so acting The state tnotbell and 7yIlia5 Jjeili Bennell sang Mr D J OBrien and Senator J
they had a good ease but the anrl ia i duiinir the afternoon F Corfir1
I jury cf peers decided otherwise at bih vnz The gener he air-
r i decorations Stansberr
1 Zi Ij i 1 -v-a n
cherish eveiy loving thought and were all suggestive of the Christ- tDn their endeavois Dm
unr the
mas season A Christmas hex ovrns refreshments were serv
ApnvvuTr ni
Apples Apples
A ear load on sale on Burling
ton tv vk Includ ng Jonathan
Csiruc Golden Wine Saiis Bin
Lj Tliuraaay hivng th oEInek Twif s etc
Our new stock of the best sol
id 16133- gacid Unlet s its
nit5 red railiitaiy brushes
juiit been received Comb
brijji ard minor sols 4 to 750
vAs 0ZO to G
i 1 j nee wnerewirn tc ary nriBiiis S20U to shb
had been prepared by the host- aKiivni d by minic and aongv At the an eeial meotcng cif Mc
ess from which presents were i wen withCc ledge A F A M So
giv an to the gueatB the gifte be- 1 traveling grip as a token cf re- nrdcy evening the M M dogrc
fhg especially appropriate to the opCCt ard snccre regurcs fronrwnLl be conferred Grand Cu
neocb cf the recipients and ere- fforz prcoont All lwd a goodeisn Robert French will he
atiivc ci no little merramenr ii nm an rCrurneti 10me delaghte
three course luncheon was Vv ith tlwir eeninffs entertain-
Mrs D E Bard entertained On Mcndcy evening Mis C C
the Helping Hand dub yesterday Brown was successfully surprw
at the Bard farm home about ca y a party of friendn in ii r
twenty being present A two j0r of hor brtlidav The Mandc
course luncheon was served Mrs Jin club furnished music duaii
T B Campbell and Mrs A 11 J the evenng and two- contnTis -
Mehaffey were guests of the club vertsing ad muscal afforded
at this meeting The next gather mufi anjejment after xAvch
ing will be held during Christmas twe course lunehcen w svvcA
holidays at the home of Mrs Flit
craft at which time the gentle- The McCook Sfmi Wlly Tril
men wall he entertained une Tt is sfclfifl a
The Tribune is this issue sent to several hundred persons
who are not regular subscribers at this time in the hope that
he may secure them for regular readers The price for The
SenrKWeekly Tribune will remain at 100 per year until Jan
uary lst 1912 Subscribe now and get the 100 price
J MeConneil has a full line of
i giL tliat are sura to please and
j at prices that suit the pocket
ibock Yea shcukl sae his holiday
1 display
Congregational Subjects for
Sunday Morning Prayer
Evening The Ccst of the Price
Better join The Semi Weekly
Tribune now Give yourself a
Christmas or New Year gift 1
Give Liggett s Chocolates
McCONNELL Druggist
McMillen has small boxes of
high grade cigars especially for
If you want THE NEWS read
j The Tribune
vvuu ji uSSai
Candies and nuts for holidays
at Magners Special loav prices
on quantities and for churches
and Sunday schools
Get our fig-
Si Margaret Episcopal Guild
will hold a bazaar Monday after
noon Dec 18th in Armory hall
and a dance in the evening in
the same hall
Our Chiistmas goods are all of
such elia raetor as ito give lasting
t i2itofilnfcOTi to
For sflilcirj 1 - fn nmanuav
L V MeCOXNELL Druggist
An early attraction at the
I Temple Theatre is the big 60
paopie success now its tlurtl
year known as TheNewlv
Wed3 and Their Baiby This
will be the fii st really big musi
cal shew of the aaaaon to visit
us and will doubtless attract a
packed house Th date will lie
announced scon
I V v O t t Z I C v C Z v i r r c
relivercd ir e anv p ace id McCcok -
Cirn chop prr 1 0 SlJO
Bivn icr 100 1 20 V
- Shorts pr ICO 135
cat j bubel 95
1 Corn lii i i l 70
- 0ns pr lnll GO
AlfitHu er Iriif 50
X Gniiiiiii al fulfil nit il fort
en rnl cow f ed pt r IfO 105
Ilicn 29
Only 8 More Days to
before Christmas Dont delay
Start shopping tomorrow before
everything as gone you have on
your list and it is too late to
make a special order
Selections are easy now and
you can shop in comparative com
fort We have notMng to offer
that would hot be appreciated as
a gift and every item is priced
to increase your savings
L W McCONNELL Druggist