E3 X- h n ii ri m i fl a VI i 59 I fc V t I i PT ivj J r f ft X5 n if I fl j m VII wT I III SI t I s j J8L M I During December During the month of December everything in our store will be sold at a discount of 20 per cent Including our large and Superb Stock of HOLIDAY CHINA and remember we have everything in both Domestic and Imported Decorated and Hand Painted Chinaware embracing American and English Dinner Sets SALAD BOWLS CUPS and SAUCERS OR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over Mc Com eUs drug store Phones Of fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GQNN Dentist jPbone 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walrf building McCook DR J A GOLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice building Mc CooS Neb R it GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163i OIfiQe Bopm 4 Masonic temple McCook Neb DR EARL O 7AHUE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams store Mo- Gook Neb BERRY SETS FANCY PLATES Hand Painted Japanese Ware Besides these beautiful and useful things es pecially fit for Christmas Gifts this discount applies also to everything in our large Line of Furniture House Furnishings Dont Fail to call at our store on West B street and prove the truth of our offer DREW FURNITURE and CARPET CO The Leaders in Low Prices PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Your combings made into switches and puffa MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 JENNLXGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 23 Estimate furnished fpeeBasemep Fostoffice oniMing MRS HATTIS ALLISON NURSE Phone Red 116 203 East Fourth Street ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 163 residence -217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple building McCook Neb C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary In office McCook Nebraska 1AMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial barn McCooi Nebraska L C STOTh CO Jewelers Opticians Eyes tested and fitted Pine re pairing McCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue McCook NebrB JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and oi McCook Water Works Co Office in Postoffice building McCook Neb A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 305 2nd st East Phone black 252 Heating Plumbing MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on r short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs Lavatories- Sinks and other plumbing mater- ial including a good- line of lawnfhoseand sprinklers I Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr A SIMPLE FROCK WITH NEW PANEL - WW raaieis in every town seem tft have caught the popular fSiky and here is one entirely neivncr original in shaping which posses ses the added advantage of being especially good for modeling as it can be made- of cortrasting ma terial For instance on a frock of taupe crepe dc ehene or silk cashmere the panel jould be of taffeta shades of faun and grftii O for more elaborate 6546 wear all over lace in Venise or macrame would be very hand some The sleeve strikes another new note in the band and puff that lengthens it and puff -may be extended if desired by featherbene in the new crinolin effect For a perfectly plain one piece froek tlie panel may be omitted and the dress made up in dark blue serge with no trimming save a piping of satin finigluing around the neck and a saitin gir dle LZJt 55 5 - fs Vj5 J deeds for county oo John W Du teller fees state vs Sliirley 2 00 Jolm Crocker fees state vs Shirley witness 2 80 bouis Viontz fees State vs Shirley 2 00 Leonard Ilethcote fees State vs SliMey -witness 1 00 J E Kelley fees Zanders insanity ease 3 00 Dr Z L Kay fees Zanders insanity case 8 00 A Rodgers fees Zanders insanity case 6 00 L M Iliggins fees Zand ers insanity case 15 17 L M Iliggins fees lm insanity case 20 J C Moore recording offi cial bonds 1906 3 00 J C Moore recording offi cial bonds 1907 75 J C Moore recording- offi cial bonds 1908 3 00 J C Moore recording offi cial bonds 1909 75 J C Moore recording offi cial bonds 1911 2 00 C Naden freight advanced 8 27 Ghas AV Kelley surveying for county 6 00 Chas W Kelloy surveying for county 5 80 C LI Goben viewing road -No 443 4 00 Chas recording 2 n lit Tni j iji j u jiiiiiiesiien pro- j fei sional servaces MrsrSaf ijiiicn - 21 uu Xbr Institute for Feeble M blinded Yuth keeping jg il v 4Kuby Boyd 1912 2560 Nebraska Telephone Co December rentals 19 25 Nebraska Telephone Co toll county attorney 2 25 Nebraska Telephone Co tolls county attorney 1 55 L M Iliggins telephone tolls November 2 15 McCook Electric Co light November 12 6C W M Plourd Son black smithing 3 00 W M Fritseh blacksmith ing - 10 40 Jennings Hughes Co repair work 75 Nelson Hardware Co hardware 6 36 II P Wait Co hard ware 20 05 A Mcmullen mdse toP Wood destroying prairie dogs 17 00 Henry Corcoran filling well 3 00 Jianies Doyle filling well 3 00 George Traphagan filling well 2 50 Hammond Stephens Co supplies county superin tendent 43 10 Hammond Stephens Co supplies county superin tendent 9 75 F M Kimmell general elcc faion ballots delinquent tax lists printing and supplies 231 12 F M KimmelL stationery supplies and printing 40 28 State Journal Co justice dockets record for treas urer and general election supplies 100 60 Klopp Bartlett Co 1 desk rack clerk of the court 1 50 II D Strunk senate pads 6 00 C A Rod gem fees state vs Shirley 8 50 L M Higgins fees state vs Sliirley 60 S R Smith fees State vs Shirlev 6 70 ry INSURES A HAPPY CHRISTMAS No one has too much nice jewelry and as the styles are constantly changing if s easy to g ve something new and orig inal We have many good things to offer you fry our service this year and see how you will be pleased ENGRAVING FREE L C Stoll Co The Jewelers F S Lofton commissioner services and mileage 37 50 Edward Sughroue commis sioner services and mile age 29 90 V N Rogers commissioner services and mileage 36 30 Commissioner district No 1 II Springer road work Missouri Rddge precinct 7 50 Frank Thompson road work Missouri Ridge precinct 10 50 Ted Stranger road work Missouri Ridge precinct 3 00 Emil Ilofrock road work Missouri Ridge precinct 6 00 Bert Thomas road work Missouri Ridge precinct 7 50 Herman Reiners road work iBondville precinct 28 75 Ben Schamel road work Bondville precinct 15 00 Carl Kunkee road work Bondville precinct 4 50 Ered Unger raaid work Bondville precinct 1 00 Gottlieb Breittling road work Bondville precinct 6 00 John Tro ester road work Bondville precinct 9 50 I Ienry Ebent road work Bondvillo precinct 5 00 FredWagner Jr road work - Bondville precinct 2Q 50 Ivan Korb road work Bondville nrecinct 10 50 2 00 Henry Kisfcer Jr road work laallttiwVifeWftffiftift vondville precincit 12 00 IMoKisker road work Bondvalle precinct g 12 00 VVfii Uerlings road work f IBondville precinct 6 00 Ed Bey road work Bondville precinct 12 50 Ed Esch road work Bondville precinct 9 50 JuBus IEnz road work Bondville precinct 12 50 Charles Wieintz road work Bondville precinct 3 00 Fred Wagner Sr road work Bondville precinct 7 00 Emil Rodel road work Bondville preeinet 4 50 Rudolph Schultz road work Bondville precinct 4 50 Won Kircher road work Bondville precinct J L Sims road work Bondville precinct Win Willi road work Bondville precinct Henry Karspeck road work Bondville precinct Fred Crocker road work Bondville precinct 4 00 6 00 1 50 4 00 3 00 Henry J Schamel road work Bondville nrecinct 6 iVIcCook Nebraska December S 1911 lin accordance with the law of the state of Nebraska pro viding for the payment of jurors the county clerk issued the follow ing warrant on the county gen eral fund levy of 1911 in pay ment for jury service at the Oc tober 1911 term of district court as certified to him by the giTOTata gii 00 BSgQRT OF THE CONDITION 1C t 0F THE 5 Citizens National Bank ft1 McCook Charter Number 943G at McCoofrm the State of Nohraska attheclose -S-bf business Dec 5 1911 BEsonncEs Loans and discounts 5215812 25 Overdraft- secured and unsecured 957 49 U S Bonds to secure circulation 50000 00 U S Bonds to secure U S Deposits 5000 00 Premiums on U S Bonds 479 17 Bonds securities etc 7115 21 Banking house furniture and fixtures 16000 00 Other real estate owned 8095 0 Due from approved reserve agents 109157 26 Checks and other cah items 593 fcO Notes of other National banks 5435 CO Fractional paper currency nickels and cents 162 06 Lawful money reserve in bank viz Specie 22805 50 Lesal tender note 1760 00 245S5 50 Redemption fund with U S Treasur er 5 percent of circulation 2500 CO Total 3445893 51 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 50000 00 Surplus fund 25000 00 Undivided profits less expense and taxespaid 11882 13 National bank notes outstanding 48900 00 Due to other national banks 9327 66 uue to scaie ana prirue DanKs ana bankers G5S22 08 Individual deposits subject to check 135017 42 Demand certificates of deposit 96803 27 Time certificates of deposit 3140 98 Total 445893 5t State of Nebraska I County of Red Willow f ss I R A Green cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief R A Gkeen Cashier Correct Attest V Feanklix G HWatkins A McMillen Directors Sutarribed nnd sworn to before me this 7th day of Dec 1911 Wsr H Ackebman rKAi Notary Public My commission expires February 8th 1912 Keniember The Tribunes phone is 19 We will appreciate an item any time V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin clerk of district court C G Coglizer juror Octob er term 3 50 CIIAS SKALLA County Clerk If You Have houses to rent list them with Whittaker Gray They have several applications on file now for houses Phone black 283 Of fice in Temple block Magners groceries meet fully the pure food law requirements 100 The Tribune one year THEYRE ALL ALIKE Ask any man past fifty years of age and he will tell you of some time in his life when he was sailing high Things were coming his way There are few exceptions Why is he poor now Well there are va rious reasons One thing is sure It is not because he placed his money in a sound bank and checked it out only when safe investments were se cured There are more ways to lose money tham to make it If you are making any money no matter how small the amount start the saving habit by open ing a ank account The First National Bank of McCook Neb COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coalar in connection with onr grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday v esLJj tUlM amwa xwxvrxr2i SSS52S3EES THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Blacksmithfng Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 210 1st st W -- Phone red 45B Osborn Burton DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Boor South of DeGrofPs Phone No 13 Fire and Wind Insurance V 5 J Written In First Clas3 Companies o C J RYAN White Line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 x i - r i For Sale For Cash or Bankable Note Several Red Polled Bulls Jos Dack McCook Nebr Phone Ash 3853 RKKftS mrvnn purifier I CURES and Purifies the Blood V ViSL - v x ri a ri fl i