The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4
a ft j i J rvfi M m j fc i L tf H h r t in It H a 1 I ft 7- im 1S 4 ULL i Ihsu ijaMfeSS5WBag3tiaailB 115 West B Street Free to All The Farmers Institute of lied Willow county will meet at Le banon Nebraska in Jollys hall Saturday December 16th 1911 at 2 oclock p m and will be addressed by the following gentle men who have had years of ex Crience and study on subjects of hrterest to the fanner and are rjow connected with the Nebras ka College of Agriculture Mr F AY Chase of Pawnee City gives a splendid talk upon carm buildings another one upon Slfalfa another one upon grow ing more corn and selecting seed corn Then he lias a good tilk jjrpon dairy cows Mr Earl Ilarnly gives a good talk upon the care and handling Cf eggs and cream in This is a very practical Calk and after he has finished The following tvi estate filinss iave been made in the county eierks office since our last re- iort 3olm T Hough et ux to Red Willow County qcd pt e lh seV i 22-1-28 100 00 John L Ilorton single to Platte Ixinnt wd 7 and 8 in 7 Lplianon -10 00 Lincoln Land Co to John P Ilorton wd Jots 7 8 9 in 6 7 S 10 11 12 13 14 in 7 Lebanon 17 and 18 in 11 Lebanon 00 Nelson S West single to Ilenrv WilbTs wd part unw 20-1-26 30 00 Otias E Ryan et ux to Delia Jordan wd 3 in 7 McCook 1400 00 iBlia Jordan single to Eli zabeth I Ryan wd 3 in 7 McCook 1500 00 United States to Joseph A Carter patent sVi 2-2-28 Cfaited States to John Tj Horton patent swi 9-1-26 mzzm Is but Three Weeks away DONT WAIT Until the last minute to J 17A11f nfPCPl V VW1J1 A SSJ Come in and select your presents while we have a good assortment in all practical gifts such as Collar bags bath robes ties handkerchiefs smoking jackets and guaranteed hosiery 6 pair guaranteed to wear 6 months no holes 150 in black and 3 assorted colors per box CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Adventist Services at 11 a m and 8 p m Saturday and at S p m Sunday Christian Science Subject for Sunday morning December 10 God Hie Preserver of Man Christian Sunday school at 10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m II M Mitchell mil ister German Evan Lutheran East 6th St Services every Sunday morning at 1030 oclock and evening at 730 O E Richert pastor Congregational Subjects for Sundav December 10 Morning What Made Paul Great Evei fecturing h generally takes the ing The Grey Angel of Suc 2g candling machine and demon- pess Strates to the farmers how to candle eggs and explains the Divine Science Unity health Cious grades of eggs wliich come meeting on Tuesday and Friday Sefore the egg eandlers evenings New Thought Sunday Real Estate Filings school three oclock on Sunday afternoon 123 W D street Baptist Sermons at 11 a m and S p m Bible school at 10 Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A hearty welcome to all who wish to worship with us D L Mc Bride minister Catholic St Patricks Church 8 30 a m low mass and sermon 10 30 a m high mass and ser mon 230 p m Sunday school 800 evening services Rev Wm Patton O M I pastor Episcopal Second Sunday in Advent December 10th Sunday school at 1000 a m Morning prayer and sermon at 11 Eve ning prayer and address at 4 p m Service on Wednesdajr even ings at 730 and choir rehearsal at 8 Dont worry about Christmas presents we worried for you months ago Come now and sec what itihis worry- amounted to McCONNELL Druererist F P A GFFEE On Our Special Price Offer To introduce and create demand for a strictly first grade Coffea before placing it generally in Nebraska with local retail dealers we offer a trial order to farmers and others at a price that will pleas yon as much as the Coffee F P A COFFEE is of special blend of fine flavor and has become deservedly pop nlar among all who appreciate carefully selected blended and prop erly roasted Coffee As but a limited amount of this high quality Coffee canbe dis tributed for advertising purposes please write promptly for our advertising price that you may receive your share of this offer The F P offee department 1S08 WEBSTER STREET IKSI OMAHA NEBRASKA tBTTTYTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTYYTTTTTVYYTTTTYTTB I Moisture the Invaluable Thing I One of the most interesting an the plant roots to sustain the practically instructive leetures plant or it is lost by evaporation ever delivered in this city in- the Tins process is perfect if the seel lino of agriculture was that bd is s j lOfde tat the particles en by Prof W E Taylor of Mo- of soil arc in close proximity and line Illinois Monday afternoon the calculation o air is free It in the McCook Commercial club j lrmwjr air sj acts exist in the rooms The professor works un fitd d so 1iaf tlie particles of 1 der the Deere Plow Uo people s ii ui nc in toe eonvit being at the head of their exper imental and demonstration work in the country wide field of ag riculture consequently his ob servation and experience covers much of America in his special line There can only be one re gret namely that more people especially farmers were not pres ent to hear Ids address Willi o he covered many phases of our ag ricultural situation here we must at tliis time confine ourselves to one point that of moisture which most concerns us of south western Nebraska lie said in part water water is ancuspenoiu u cmpact scil contact between trol the supply is certainly a se 0p tne rious question with the farmer lull spaces i i 1 1 Too mucli or too lirue is disas trous to the growing crop Prop er methods however will reduce the danger of damage to a miini mum An over abundance can be taken care of by ditches tile an t i a i I eu deep tliniiie out in sluiuhs uiun rr the crop during ivaVs d - wf i - StSiiSSSBSJS 531- L7siLu fc i IB in nri tne 9 tueiii n1 ii wia stop- i Two things stop the movement I or capillary waiter and it is up to the farmar to so till Ids soil tlmi tlio nlinniinnl oftTiflnttnnc iimII 9 not exist The two conditions i lilt t 1 Trash on the surface suchjfj as weeds stubble corn stalks or 8 coarse manure - Laimps in the body or on the bottom of the seed bed Trash turned under is respon sible for more crop failures or short crops especially dry years than all cMier causes together The trash turned under prevents to growing crops anu mm lu cuu the j uriw slico md tlhe bottom furrow The result is large irxi when tiie capiuaiy water reaches the brcnak it stops and the seed bed dries out Lumps in the sj ed bed produce practically the same condition There is but one good sure that is disa all the trash k1q1 I well into the ground before it is the annual raanlall is abnormal- p I plowed and disc the ground thor i i e f 11 ct a I1 lv low the problem storing I- l m fori icugh v alter it is plowed amid m suffiieicmt amount to provide semi arid regions make the seed X I 1 - nnr A- I ii- - - C nil 1 x drouths is a serious queatoon lo nnt surface packer w i nnovntm nf Rtnrinjr preventing the waste and na tures process of consuming wat er I will offer the following ex- iplaination Soil water exists in three i Mr Farmr The disc harrow is a safe insurance policy against loj whether ycu farm in a hu mid section or in the semi arid regions you enoiot afford to h nrre discing before and after i plowing With it you make avail 1 Hydrostatic or ube oi water vcgaruess of Xhe al water drouths and ycu increas th 2 Gapillaiy water feeding area of plant roots by 3 Hygroscopic water pulverizing the lumps Hydrostatic Water Hydros Hygroscopic Water tatic Avater is the water that falls j copic water or vapor water is on the surface from rains or by the moisture that exist in the irrigation It gravitates into the aiir When air enters the soil th deeper subsoils through cracks moisture adheres to the soil par- worm holes and through air tick Tlrs mcrture is of lit spaees If the soil is compact tie value in dissolving plant food and the movement sIoav the air ekiuenIs but dees in a measure spaces are filled and if the eon- stimulate plants in dry regions gestion remains too long the Moisture is conserved or pre- plants di as is of tor seen in vented from escaping through j fields of grain or any crop wher surface cr ieks and inject holes water has stood for a few days by maintaining a soil mulch blan in a low place ket on tlk surface This can be Capillary Wat or Capilka y done in corn by running n mulch water is the moisture that harrow between the rows or by tains the plant The water is using a surface cultivator The first stored in the deeper sub- mulch should be farmed as soon soils and by natures process call as the ground begins to dry or ed capillary traction it moves bake after rains Unless a far m uward passing from soil particle er U watchful one or more indi te soil particle until it reaches es of water will escape during the surface where it is used by one hot windy day ix ak f ajfafc - -- Advertised List The following letters and cards remain uncalled for at the post officii November 30 1911 Letters Chilrlprs Guy C Comp A W Rhodes W F Cards Armstrong iMdss Viola 2 Clark Mr Olias Dodge Ilr Bert Davis Mrs A T Hasan Mrs Casey Henderson Mass Inez Morehouse Mr B F Ouk er Mr John Rolling Mr George Tranach Mr Peter Letters December 7 1911 Hayward G P Rowland G II Simpson Frank Smith Miss Barbara Whipple Mr TV F Cards Bnkov UJera TCflittli niiillnt FATHER J M CLEARY wlt n Ml v TT - rwl Father J M Cleary is one of ePj E A Grav P R nood Mr the most prominent Catholic Dick Kilkner JEr Fred Mc clergymen in the entire north- Caiithey Mr Morley Mrs S R west as well as one of the best 2 Smith Mrs Alfred Stone loved and most useful Though Mr Ray Thir Miss Susie Whit a hard worker and an exceptional- lock Mr Theo ly busy man he finds time from LON CONF Postmaster his multiplicity of duties con- 1 nected with his large pastorate j Nuts and Fruits in the citv of Minneapolis to fill lluber makes a specialty of a limited number of lecture en- nuts and fruits for the Christ gagements each season One of mas He carwes for your these we are fortunate enough fction and purchase a full e 111 land complete stock of the best for local to secure our lyceum and the mapket affords course Just look in at the Main store on Father Cleary is an orator Mttin street for tilJ prcof of tn s whom all will delight to hear In j his home city Catholic and 1 Dont buy Christmas presents Protestant citizens vie with each until you have seen our big other to do him honor He is play large minded charitable- and pro gressive always a fearless pa triot an honored citizen an elo quent speaker At the Temple theatre Tues day evening December 19 Tick ets 50 cents All the fresh fruits of the sea son at Magners WOODWORTII Druggist Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Get our rates on farm loans DORWAET BARGER Tit a Tribune want ad watch results 1 Jife M in- iT if- f and rzr d 3MTWI mmiJ JWiPVTtWMirtTW8wyfii iBiiTi ones MzmggMm e During the month of December everything in our stoi will be sold at a discount of 20 per cent Including our lanre and Superb Stock of HOLIDAY CHINA and remember we have eervthinir in both tj Domestic and Imported Decorated and Hand I Painted Chilian are embracing I American and English Dinner Sets I SALAD BOWLS BERRY SETS J CUPS and SAUCERS FANCY PLATES I Hand Painted Japanese Ware Uesides these beautitul and useful things es pecially fit for Christmas Gifts this discount applies also to everything in our Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list Notice State of Nebraska Red Wil low County ss To all persons interested in the estate of Char les Lichtenberger deceasd Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of December 1911 Mary Lichtenberger filed Jier pe tition in my office praying that letters of administration may be granted to her on the goods and chattels rights and credits of Charles Lichtenberger deceased Yoii are further notified tliat I have set and appointed the- 23d day of December 1911 at two oclock p 111 in the County coin room in the City of McCook in said county and state as the time and place for hearing said petition at which time you and all concerned may appear and contest the same It is further ordered that said peitiitioaer give notice to all par ties interested in said estate of the time and place of said hear ing by causing a copy of this or der to be published in The Mc Cook Tribune a newspaper print ed in said county for three weeks successively previous to the day set for said hearing In testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix ed the seal of the County Court of said County this 6th day of December 1911 Seal J C MOORE County Judge First publication Dec 7 6ts All creditors of the estate of Mary A Whitaker deceased are notified the County Judge of Red Willow county Nebraska will on June 26th 1912 sit to examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for presentation of claims against said estate is June 25th 1912 Seal J C MOORE County Judge RITCHIE WOLFF Attorneys First publication Nov 27 8ts Notice to Land Owners To Joseph B Blair and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the center of section 19 on the quar fciafcJU Jwfcbfr Jifafttriffir 1 9bu rf rv large Line of Furniture House Furnishings Dont Fail to call at our store on West B street and prove the truth of our offer vraMM MEW FURNITORE and CARPET The Leaders in Low Prices CO tTEmimtwrrr ter section line in East Valley precinct Red Willow county Ne braska running thence south through sections 19 and 30 to within 20 rods of the southline of section 30 thence in a south easterly direction to intersect road running cast between sec tions 30 and 31 at a point about 35 rods east of the southwest cor ner of the southeast quarter of section 30 township 3 range 26 Red Willow county Nebraska has reported in favor of the lo cation thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerks office on or before noon of the 29th day of January A 1912 or said road will be es tablished without reference there to Dated at McCook this 25th day of November 1911 CHAS SKATLA County Clerk First publication Nov 27 Sts Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account In the County Court of Red Willow County Nebraska State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss To all persons interested in the estate of Henry Tingling de ceased On reading the petition of W H Staples Administrator pray ing a final settlement and allow ance of his account filed in this court on the 17th day of Novem ber 1911 and for the settlement of said estate and the discharge of him and his bondsmen from further liability therein It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may and do appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county on the 9th day of December A D 1911 at nine oclock a m to show cause if any there be why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune a newspaper printed in said coun ty for- three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing Seal J C MOORE County - Judge - 1 C E EliDRED Attorney First publication Nor 20 6ts - SJjx fSi irnt 11 cW Wi2fci ft 1 i r i 1 k L ill 1 ji V 1 s 1 I -