The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3
is k It ti r r a ft s J BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time No 6 1130 P M 16 500 A M 2 550 A M 12 635 A M 14 920 P M 10 530P M West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1220 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arrive 8 p m 13 930 A M 15 1230 A M 9 625 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 176 arrives 330 P M No 175 departs 645 A M Sleening dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska Engine 1952 is in shop for piston valve repairs No 318 had her steam pipes repaired this week Engine 1941 is having sever al wheels tires reset A G- Goth was up from lied Cloud early in the week Work was done on 1124 s driving brasses etc this week Mrs C Bunstock went down to Oxford Wednesday morning Mrs J F Utter and two chi dren went up to Denver Tuesday Mrs M J Sullivan went up to Culbertson Tuesday morning C E Greninger was a Hast ings passenger Wednesday mora ing Wav Car 14660 is hi the local yard for repaii s on her front trucks Mr and Mrs E A Savaga went up to Palisade on Tuesday morning Mr Viersen of Hayes county is a new hand in the wheel de partment Fireman J F Downs is on the non effectives with slight in disposition Mrs E M Cox was a passen ger on No 3 Wednesday night for Denver Engineer L E Ilanford had the pork train for Denver yester day afternoon A set of new flues are being placed hit engine 1819 A par tial set in 2S02 Engineer and Mrs Jesse Ray are making a brief visit in Nap enee this week - Engineer A L Paulson left Wednesday morning for Grand Island on a visit Conductor T J Clark went up to Denver Tuesday for a vis it of five or six days Brake man J Predmore spent a couple days with his parents in Haigler first of week Engineer Fred Alves was call ed to Juniata Wednesday on 10 by the illness of his mother Blasting lias replaced boring in getting bolts out of engine frames Resembles a mild cannon ade Applications are being filed numerously for Christmas leave of absences among the engine men Driving rod brasses and cjd inder work on 1033 progressing this week Also slight pilot re pairs Engineer L S Viersen look ed after his business interests in Wray Colorado Monday between Conductor W H Wyman left today for Chicago where he will visit with his aged father over the holidays Engineer J E Kelso and family went up the Imperial line this morning to the farm on the Stinking Waiter creek on a short Mrs Claude Harmon from Alvin went down to McCook on Saturday for a weeks visit with her parents Mr and Mrs C F Grant Wray Rattler 116 Main Ave STTTTTYTTTTTTYTTTTTTYYTTTTrrTyTTTTTVrYTYTVVVTTVYTTTY - t There Will Be No Change Now Engineer and Mrs E H Grigsby left on 10 Wednesday family hv for Aurora this state on a visit community The weddimg of Arthur T Scctt of our city and Miss Gert rude Sidles of Franklin is set for December 14th A speeial train consisting of private cars 76 and 78 and drawn by engine 414 carrying Burling ton officials was in tlie city on Tuesday Red Cloud Advertiser T J Caine former second trick night chief in the telegraph office is new extra dispatcher F W Anderson takes W L Bass place as third trick chief and Bass goes up to Caines old place Mrs Gertrude Patterson who has gained a wide reputation by being tried for killing her hus band and who has been acquit ted by a Denver jury of the The commercial club committee met with Supt Flynn Tuesday afternoon relative to the propos ed ehange in time card by the Burlington only to be advised that he had just received advice from headquarters in Omaha that most popular trains ever estab lished by the Burlington apd their advertising effect if traffic is a little light just now will go a long way toward making good the shortage As the trains run now ora the Imperial brancli and as long as the company had decided to not j the mail situation remains as at jarry into effect its contemplated present it will work a hardship changes at this time Hence Nos on Imperial branch passengers 3 and 10 will run as usual and I and as to mail upon the people oi there will be no consolidation of Nos 16 and 2 at Denver as anh nounced in a preliminary way arst of the week This order and decision leaves ihe schedule as at present which gives McCook Southwestern Ne braska and the people on the Im perial branch excellent facilities for traffic and mail which Ave all fondly hope there will be no ef fort made to ehange or lessen Trans 9 and 10 are among the Flue Welding Plant Some remodeling is in progress in the blacksmith shop to accom modate the flue welding plaint wliich is being reestablished here The plant will occupy more space tlian tormerly and will be more that brancli and m McCook and vicinity shcaild the company ever decide to discontinue trains 9 and 10 which now pi vide our early mail facilities and make it possible for passengers on the Imperial branch to get in and out without delay or inconvenience So The Tribune congratulates and felicitates all concerned in the present happy averting of the proposed change and discontinu ance conveniently equipped for work luway in McCook Several occupying an me space lormeriy INDIANOLA Joe Suiter came home from York where he has been attend ing business college last Thurs day evening Pearl Allen and Clara Wilson spent Thanksgiving with Miss VTr Mrs I L Rodstrom is1 visit ing in Iloldrege today Engineer J W Hardy is back from his Denver visit C T Kilgore is the new op erator in the telegraph office Engineer F J Zaiicek of Ox itegina Jicivenna and Helen OBrien of McCook spent Satur day and Sunday with Fern Hedg es Mr and Mrs Llojrd Bishop left for Iowa last Wednesday night Mr and Mrs Henry Powell Mr and Mrs Frank Howe Norman Howe and Robert Thomas enjoy ed a five oclock dinner at the J ford was at headquarters Tues- C Shumaker home Thanksgiving day day Mrs E L Reed is back from Mrs Mary Brahler who has a -visit of several days in St Joe I 0pn quite sick for some time ait Missouri the home of her daughter Mrs T J Rees is again on duty T- J Uerling died last Friday as the Imperial station aent morning line iunerai service ter a vacation of two weeks was held from the Catholic church Saturday morning The the sympathy of the Mr and Mrs Clark Hedges en tertained 22 of their relatives on Thanksgiving day Charles Hotze traded his 80 acres where his farm house and garden are to Mr Galloway for his farm in Frontier county Wilber Plourd was swaniped at his school Friday afternoon with company We think AVilber eq ual to the occasion Miss Marie Russell received a very badly bruised arm playing at school Monday erame passed through McCook on last mid week Saturday morning on a special car enroute for Sandoval Illinois Her parents accompanied her The Burlington is figuring or installing a 40 kw dynamo in ad dition to its present plant This will give them power enough and to spare to operate the big engine turn table the elevating of ears to the high coal chute operate the lift of the new ice house and other electric power work that may be required This would make a valuable improve ment for more economy The Old Mans Schedule When they asked the Billville young ster what the old man was doing now he replied Well when he aint talkin his head off bout breakfast bein late hes a raisin Cain with the hired bands an when he aint a doin of them things hes a diggin fer bait an flshin in the river an a doin of nuthin per tickler Atlanta Constitution When Things Go Wrong When things go wrong about the house The bread forgets to rise And little Minnie tears her dress And all the babies cry Oh dont sit down and mope and sigh And fret and worry so But dress the kidlets and yourself And see The Electric Picture Show When all the World looks blue to you And you begin to fag Your head to ache your heart to break And appetite to flag Just lock the door and leave your cares Behind you as you go And spend an hour of solid joy Seeing the Electric Moving Picture Show E E DeLong Prop S 11 Stilgebouei visited relatives at while MARION J E Dodge and family and Miss Myrtle Sines spent Thanks giving at Wiilsonvillc W F Miller and family Avre guests at the Eifert home one daA and family Danbury on Thanksgiving Mrs Oman and children of North Platte visited her sister Mrs Rogers close of last week Lon Clay of the sand hiE coun try visited Geo Harbor a few days last week Charlie Still from west of Ob enlin visited his sister Mrs Fred Furman a few days recently Dr Bartholomew was to Le banon to Arisit his parents last week Mrs 1 W Pepper and child ren and Mrs C W Reed and children spent Thanksgiving Avith their parents Mr and Mrs John Wingo northeast of Danbury The M B A lodge elected the following officers at their meet ing Monday night President A C Furman Alice president Estel la Stilgebouer secretary Birdie J Dodge conductor Ernest Dodge chaplain Myrtle Sines Avatchman F H Furman sentry E E Blake trustee T F Gock ley After lodge a boumeous oys ter supper Avas served to the men hers and their families also music by the Marion string band GRANT Cole Peters is sick Avith an at tack of mumps Mvs August Wesch and daugh ter Miss Etta left for Hastings Nebraska on Sunday last Mrs Wesch Avail return home in a f ew Aveeks Miss Etta Avill make that her home this Avinter Mrs Jacob Wesch is among the sick this Aveek St Margarets Episcopal guild Avill give a dance and bazaar on Monday Dec 18 in the armory 27 2av 3 from Bartlev attended used by the tin shop now in the h masquerade dance at the hall backshop It will require two ad- Thanksgviing evening diitdcmal hands department to run tins new OCK Judgment lan Be Weil E y Diiyin Now All these and many more articles we show would for Christmas presents L ADVERTISED AT LAST Ip HERE was a merchant in oui town Who was so wondrous wise He saw his business running doATn Yet would not advertise SAID he I cannot see the sense When trade is at its worst Of multiplying my expense Ill wait till trade comes first T last this merchant ill advised Had naught to do but fail And then the sheriff advertiser A bankrupt auction sale Artistic Engraving XsX s eju o OOO To Advertise our splendid service for gift buyers we engrave free of charge any article bought at this store in the most artis tic manner It is the finish ing touch to a choice gift a feature of personality and a distinct advantage you have by getting your Christ mas gifts here Come early so you will not be disappoin ted OPEN EVENINGS L C Stoli Co The Jewelers DeuROFF ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Glen BoAvell arrived home last evening from Kearney to re main until Mie first of the year Mrs Frank G Westlamd return ed to Lincoln yesterday morning from a A isit of a f ew days in the city Mr Barnett of McCook Avas in the eity last Aveek priceing resi dences and business lots Curtis Enterprise Mrs G E Thompson spent xercised Sweater Coats for Women and Children all the newest creations in a wide range of prices fm unatii Sweater Coats Special at 1000 Childrens knitted headwtar Silk Petticoats White Light Blue Maize Pink Gray Navy Brown Green and Black Messalines and Taffetas be Christmas is near at hand and now is the best time to do your shopping while the assortments are large and we will have plenty of time to show you the many beautiful and useful gifts we have Womens and Childrens Coats We are making some spec ial prices on these All the late Novelties ns Dresses We show a beautiful line of these dresses in the various fabrics at from 50c to 600 Ladies and Misses Dresses of woo and silk very pretty patterns and styles 800 and up very appropriate y wJ I Mrs Nina Harris Wade Avaa a Lincoln visitor Monday Mass Laura McClain arrived home early in the Aveek for the holidays E J Kates of the state rail road commission A as in the city Monday night leaving for Beav er City on Tuesday morning He is out making physical valuation of the telephone lines of the state C C Heskett and family art enjoying a visit from Ids sister Mrs S Kent of California Sh inauKsgiving and over fcumunn remain several h S iilTS1 tken Avill go for an extended vi nuiiji icioi uives iuu mencls in Um aha returning on TMfrlif it to relaltives at ColumbusOhio j Daily o Torn state Avh la s een m Denver for several Ar i r n m ii 1rtwul1lu months arrived in McCook mid VV r i tortained Mack BroAvailae uo Aveek much i in iT family of southeast of tOAvn ate dinner Thursday Mrs BroAvnlee leaves this afternoon for a feAV days Aisit Avith the Charlie Grant family of McCook Wray Rat tler Charlie LaAvrence of MeCook is here tliis Aveek Arisiting his par ents Mr and Mrs Wood Law rence Wray Rattler A 11 Scott is doAvn from Den ver noAV and looking after the active management of the electric plant doeal Good Printing Is the art of putting into another mind what is in your own IT IS A SUBTLE METHOD OF SUGGESTION It Is a means of making a favorable Impression To have the best results It must be the best printing That vre are prepared to give you WALK RIGHT IN improved health and Avill remain here a Avhile hay ing spent considerable time here lastrsnmmer Avith profit Andrew J Rutermark of Port land Oregon briefly Aisited his uncle Nels J Johnson tliis Avteek Mr Rutermark left on train 10 last evening for SAveden via London Mr Johnson had not met his nephew for about tAventj years Mr and Mrs A C Marsh av lurve been ATsiting for some time at the old Ohio home Kento hae gone from there to St Cloud Florida for a further vis it They JiaAe been Aisifcingr briefly in Knoxville Tennessee en route D W Colson left on 10 last evening for Orchard Nebraska to attend the funeral of liis late uncle Norman SiJsbee Avho died on Wednesday morning at that place Mr Silsbee Avas Mr Cor sons mothers only brother and Avas Avell along in years He has visited here in years agone ani Avail be remembered by some readers of The Tribune PICTURES OF MEN Our pictures of men look like men They show the force energy character of the sitter They are portraits that really tell something of the men portrayed Telephone Black 428 for a Sitting now The Ellingson Studio Co j Commercial Hotel Bldg 307 Main Street i