The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2
A j J J V M Ff M J 1 H 45 J5 lNft Sritaw Sy F Al K1IAA1EL1 Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Ne braska as second class matter Pub lished semi weekly Congress convened Monday Shop early and the merchants hope often But early at all -events J H Morehead the Falls Oity hanker is out for the Democrat ic nomination for governor James B MieNamara the Los Angles dynamiter was given a life sentence Tuesday and his brother Joiin receiv ed a 15 years sentence in the penitentiary In the mayoralty race in Los Angeles on Tuesday Mayor Alex ander good government candi lias brought action for 50000 damages against Calvin S Rodg ers cashier of the First Nation al Bank of Minde n for breach of promise to many Notwithstanding 43 per cent of the registered voters for Tus day s election in Los Angeles were women the city goes wet bj two to ono It is a conventional assumption that women would vote overwhelmingly against the saloon if enfranchised On that assumption the liquor interest is always opposed to their enfran chisement With Los Angeles wet and the other suffrage states of Wyoming Idaho Utah Wash ington and Colorado among the wettest of the states it looks as if the belief in the dryness of women voters needed revising Lincoln Journal What fiappene To Jones And a lot of other People Is Described In Bhe HOME PAPER TAKE IT REGULARLY r Tk I Tniroical Coffee Percolator Excels all other ways of making coffee because the percolation is completed before the water boils Coffee made in it is easily known by its delicious aroma fine flavor and the absence of the bitter taste caused by boiling If you want to know what perfect coffee is like try the Universal McCOOK HARDWARE COMPANY i i NDKif i HVYrrrTTTTTrfYrrVTTTTTTTYTTYTTTTTTTYTYTYTTTTTTTTTTTV I Government Asks For Facts I Postmaster Cone received urg ent request from the office of the government aroliiteet in Wash ington Monday for bids for per forming certain preliminary sur veying on the government site foi a federal building here He wir ed in an estimate that date and en Wednesday night received an other wire accepting the bid of Charles W Kelley county survey or to do the work The surveying covers such re quirements as street levels side walk levels and measurements and facts as to the topography of the site in fine all such facts as are essential for the airehitects TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT1 Minutes of Nov 20 1911 read and approved The following bills were read Mrs Howe Smith laundry 1 50 Red Willow County Ga zette printing 1000 blanks 4 00 Irs W II Rankin laundry 2 20 L W McComnell mdse 1 35 Polk Bros 16 ventilator valves Republican printing W M Welsh Mfg Co lab oratory supplies Henry Holt Co books 1 Comstock Publishing Co books 9 I Crane Co books 1 Houghton Mifflin Co books 40 20 On motion above bills were al lowed and warrants drawn for same The following communication from -James McAdams was read November 27 3911 To the Members of the School Board McCook Nebraska Gen tlemen 1 am in receipt of the following communication from your superintendent McCOOK PUBLIC SCHOOLS W T Davis Supt Mr lames McAdams 711 West 2nd Street Dear Sir 1 am enclosing a copy of the resolution passed by the school board at last- nights meeting wlrich J think as self ex planatory Whereas That in the matter of the suspension of Francis Mc Adams be it Resolved that Francis McAdams may return to school upon his satisfactory apol ogy to the teacher before the pu pils of the room where his misbe havior was done that he bring a written note to the teacher from his parents stating thai they will co operate with her in maintaining order in the school me that Francis will be answer ible to -the same discipline thai ill the other pupils are and nc greater or less Present at meeting Doan Suess Barnes Lawritson Moore and Culbertson and Superintend ent Davis Very truly yours W T DAVIS The school board in passing Hie above resolution had evident ly thought that it was the wish jf the parents of Francis MeAd ims that he should again attend under the instruction of his late teacher We have asked for no such pririlege in behalf of Fran cis McAdams and if same was of fered to us without the humiliat ing process as outlined in above resolution it would be refused Christmas Arrangements are going on continually in our store and we want you to watch We are going to dis play from now until Christmas More Real Values for the wise buyer than ever before shown in McCook There will be almost complete chan ges every two days so we ask you to visit often an Make Your Selections while the varieties are large McCook Hdw Co PHONE 31 McCOOK NEBR now at work on the plans for the McCook federal building to pro ceed in- completing same at once Besides the information desir ed the blank called for numer ous other facts such as ordi nance requirements of city char acter of soil rock etc on the site This is additional evidence that the plans and specifications for the McCook federal building will be finished this winter that the appropriation for the building wall be made at this session and that work on the same will in all likelihood bagiin in the coming spring YYTYYTYYTYTTYYTYM - I School Board Met Last Monday I date was reelected by a major 1 School Board Session lty ot about dUUU over Job McCook Xeb Dec 4 1911 llamman socialist j j5oari met in regular session in irVn ISlipts office mi n i rr n The Omaha World Herald PlTseut Doailj Suess uouiicwj uiaii juss uiary urouui Baifts Moore and 7 son and Supt Davis 1 25 13 00 76 82 05 75 08 After the first tpunishment was inflicted on Francis McAdams b laying him across a chair and striking him repeatedly with a rubber hose I went to your super intendettfc Mr Davis and told Mm that I was opposed to punish ment of this kind being applied to children at school or anywhere else and that if my boy could not attend school without being subjected to such treatment that I would take him from school anc make other arrangements for his edueationi Mr Davis assured an that he respected my wishes in this matter and would comply with my request to phone me should my boy cause any further annoyance at school and asked me to send the boy to school again This was done with the firm belief that my wishes in regard to corporal punishment would be respected Yet two days later the boy was again whipped with a rubber hose aind now you say that wa may again send him to school if he will comply with the above resolution and his parents also- comply with requirements of tlie resolution I am aware that my boy may have erred in his conduct at school what boy lias not and no doubt at times has caiusecl his teacher much an noyance and I also fully realize how important it is to a school to have eood discipline but I cannot be convinced that in or der to obtain this- discipline that it should be necessary for the su perintendent of the school to hole a child across a desk or chair while a teacher administers blows on the child with a piece of heavy rubber hose Very respectfully yours JAMES McADAMS After the reading of the com munication Supt Davis was re quested to make a statement ol the aiffaiir to the board in writ inig which follows To the Board of Education ientlemen In regard to th ommunieation from Mr Jame IcAdamsi I will say that it con ains two essential errors Dui ng the conversation between Mi JcAdama and myself I did nc promise him that liis boy Fran iis would not be whipped if Ik returned to school I did tel iim that it was impossiblafor m to change our methods of discip line to please an individual ae that would goon leave us with no method at all I advised him fo the good of the boy to send Fran cis back to school as he was not to be punished again for anj past offense and could easily avoid all future punishment by keeping his deportment good but I never directly or indirectly promised him any immunity for Francis above that of any oth ef child in your schools As to the inference that I held Francis while his teacher admin istered corporal punishment I wil say that I was not even- present either time he was punished and his teaeher assures me tliait in neither case was he held across a desk chair or other object while beinig punished RespertfuUy submitted W T DAVES Supt Moved that tlie statement of Supt Davis be accepted and that the board reaffirm their formei acttion Motioan carried Night school began Monday November 27 with enrollment of 8 and there are several others in tending to attend Supt Davis reports that he ex pects to- have the domestic science department in operation soon Board adjourned Gloves in cotton and in leath er yjon will find a good assort ment at tihe right prices at LbeVs iiASM e f r i m r mit M TAFT REPUBLICAN CONVEN TION A mass convention of Republi cans is hereby called to meet at Lincoln at 200 oclock p m on Tuesday December 19 1911 for the purpose of organizing in the interest of the re election of Wil liam H Taft as president of the United States All Republicans who are in syn pathy with this purpose are cor dially invited to attend and in the interval to form Taft clubs in their respective communities All Taft clubs are also urged to appoint delegates to represent them in this convention C E Adams Superior Wm Husenetter Lin wood A J Morris Lincoln J C Hedges Hastings L A Varner Sterling n C Lindsey Lincoln R II Rankin Chambers II R Howe Auburn W A Selick Lincoln Dr R S Anglin Omaha Franklin Shotwell Omaha John Lee Webster Omaha Victor Rosewater Omaha C S Allen Lincoln John F Nesbit Tekamah F E Williams Aurora N P McDonald Kearney F M Hall Lincoln Ernest M Pollard Nehawka G A Ebberly Stanton W I Farley Aurora T R Wilson Papillion Benj S Baker Omaha C J Miles Hastings Geo C Junkin Smithfield A Beck Blair C A Revis Falls City J H Berger Omaha W N nughes Norfolk R B Schneider Fremont A W Field Lincoln S W Burnham Lincoln Clark Perkins Aurora A W Jefferis Omaha A L Tidd Plattsmouth A E Cady St Paul The Tribune 100 the year Umbrella with pearl inlaid signet heads for engraving monograms Both silk and linen tops Splendid stock Elegant Christmas gifts PRICES 450 to 1000 fl P Sutton Co JEWELERS You will find that druggists every where speak well of Chamberlains Cough Remedy They know from long experience in tlie sale of it that in cases of coughs andcolds it can always be depended upon and that it is pleasant and safe to take For sale by all druggists Tribune advertisers get results Get Married Theres Nothing Like It And WHEN you tfet married let us print your wedding invi tations -- -- -- We Simply Dote on Help ing Along the Good Cause tJVAME THB DAy and call on us 3jf k Copyright Hart Scbafmcr Marx wi For Bad Weather or work that exposes you to storms or cold nothing is so good as Hart Schaffner Marx adjustable collar ulsterette We have them in grey brown and black all prices and lengths Big line of dress coats and rain coats at any price A GALUSHA SON The One Price and No Monkey Business Clothiers will accept 3 in payment for The Daily Journal without Sun day for the whole year of 1912 and as a further inducement will also include a years subscription to the Independent Farmer a weekly farm and stock paper and Poultry Topics a beautifully printed monthly poultry and home magazine All three pa pers from now until January 1 1913 for tliis eutipriee of only 3 Including the big Sunday State Journal the special price will be 4 The Journal is the most independent newspaper in the state prints more state news than any other paper maintains a strong Washington bureau and uses the full associated press re ports It is unusually clean ex cluding all liquor and nasty med ical ads and is edited for Nebras ka homes In these stirring time if you want a newspaper that does things you ought to read The State Journal and if you will send in now you will receive the paper the balance of the year free This cut price offer is not good after Deicember 28 Send your money to The State Journal Lincoln Neb Real Estate Filings- Fred R Bruns to Preston P Davis wd ito lot 5 block 12 McCook 2500 00 Chas A Hotze et ux to Wm H Galloway wd part 5 hf ne qr 12-3-26 all but 4 acres 10000 00 BOX ELDER Miss Margaret Doyle and her school had a Thanksgiving pro gram Wednesday afternoon be fore Thanksgiving which was much enjoyed and full of merit After the program the industrial club served cake and bananas from 1Q to 13 years of age and were fine specimens of tlie culin ary art Cleo Doyle and Fay Larington visited the Campbell children on fcKfrrrsrsS I You Will Want This Sunday afternoon This year during its December Charley Doyle and wife visited Bargain Oiler The btate J ournai at Geo Harrisons Sunday iur ana Airs Vr xounger vis ited at Wm Doyles Sunday Mrs A T Wilson visited her father and brother A W and T M Campbell Sunday Mr and Mrs Chas Bolles call ed on Mr and Mrs T M Camp bell Sunday afternoon Mrs E A Lytle entertained relatives first of last week They were on their way from Brown ville this state to Utah Maudie and Amelia- Lytle of McCook visited with their cous ins Edith Lytle and Iva Johnson from Thursday until Saturday Box Elder has a doctor and is to have a drug and grocery store and post office The Epworth League enjoyed a talk last Sunday evening by Rev Russel ne also preached after League services Rev Fouch began special meet ings at Garden Prairie Monday evening Subject of the Epworth League lesson Sunday evening is The Star of Betid eli em A World Wide Wonder Matt 22 Luke 215 Mrs Fouch leader Programme McCook Division of Red Wilhrv County Teachers Association- will render the following program at the High School Auditorium De cember 9 at 2 oclock p m Duet by Leta Monies Pictures and Picture Study by Elizabeth Daugherty How to Teach Reading in Pri mary tGrades Margaret Doyle Parent and School by Edith Dutch er How to 1 Teach Penmanship by Francis Hall Piano Solo by Elsie Moore Relation of Teacher to Pupil Mrs D C Shaw Teaching Arithmetic by May sie Light Select Reading by Mabel Ran del A few Points on Teaching Ge ography hy Supt W T Davis Duet by Minnie Vierseu and Genevieve McAdams The cakes were made by children All patrons and pupils of ruraZ schools are cordially invited iio attend Elizabeth Daugherty Alice Moore Helen Schwab Francis HalL s 1 l V 11 J