The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1
tf M J Vr v 1 4r l v v i THIRTIETH YEAR v - I v J I DAILY MARKET Delivered free any place in McCook Corn chop per 100 S130 Bran per 100 1 20 Shorts per 100 135 Wheat per bushel 100 Corn per bushel 70 Oats per bushel GO Alfalfa per bale 50 Ground alfalfa meal for chick- en and cow feed per 100 1 05 McCOOK MILLING CO Phone 29 v v v v v v 9A The Personal Touch adds greatly to the value of a gift Yoii have time before Christmas to crochet a nice soft pair of slippers for slipper soles to embroider some towels or doylies or pilloAV tops to make up aprons bibbs baby jackets 3arn caps scarfs mittens velvet bags coat hangers and other use ful and ornamental things You save money by it too So fig ure out a list of such tilings and needed materials let us supply the ials The Thompson D G Co Utmost value for cash only Drop In Any Time Wo have so many beautiful goods in out holiday line that it will take you some time to in spect all of them We therefore ask you whenever you are down town to drop in and look around though vou can stay but a few minutes- you will get valuable ideas at each visit which Anil make the choosing of gifts a pleasure L W McCONNBLL Druggist A Clock Wouldnt be a bad gift for anyone Theres always a place for it den din ing room parlor bedroom Think over a clock gift 42t STOLL CO Jewelers SubscriptionsL Dont forget that Barney Hof r will save you money on sub scriptions new or renewal for published any paper or magazine ed Get his new club catalogue The Grey Angel of Success will be the sermon subject at the Congregational church next Sun day evening Good music A hearty welcome to all McConnell for drugs Freshest fruits at Magners You will find them fresh and elean at Magners grocery Evervthing in drugs McCONNELL Cameras from 200 to 2500 Everv one a dandy WOODWORTII Druggist - i44444 For the benefit of all who wish to take advantagb of the rate we will again re- peat the announcement that anv time before January 1 1932 you can renew your subscription or become a new subscriber to the Mc t Cook Semi Weekly Tribune at the rate of One 100 Dollar per year THE TJfU3UlNJi iyzzii V Classified Advertisements Modern furnished room for rent 507 Mam ave Phone red 366 FOR SALE A first class pian with Cecilian piano player at a bargain on terms Inquire of this office for particulars 9 28tf FOR RENT Furnished room modern house Inquire 319 1st W Phone red 281 W21tf TT TRADE Have the follow ing city property to trade in on land all clear ol mcumDrance i room dwelling in very desirable location 1 four room dwelling nlsn inr desirable location in Mc- Cook in first class condition Call phone red 295 or write H E Culbertson McCook Neb 12 4ts WANTED A PARTNER To take charge of a ranch in Fron tier county Nebraska Man with family preferred For informa tion call on or address F D BURKE Moywodd Neb or this paper 16 4 lagMPIgggg a jtbs 7TUss ar tsss IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Mr and Mrs II C Clapp en tertained a large company Tues day evening at whist A de lightful seven oclock dinner was served Large bouquets of white chrysanthemums added the dec ciratdve effect Mrs Linus Stoll accumulated largest number of paints in the games and acquired the honors while Mr J G Schobel received the consolation Miss Leah Pennell at the victro la and piaao afforded vocal and instrumental numbers Miss Bes sie McDonald Miss Barbara Sehlect and Miss Clara Burton as sisitd in serving Miss James Hatfield anticipat ed the regular Entre Nous club day by untorLidning the members Tuesday afternoon of this week Mivs Frank G Westland of Lin coln was a guest A two course lu ache on was served Mrs Arthur Wood entertained the Priscilla ladies Wednesday afternoon Miss Addie Dean as isting Refreshments were serv ed in two courses Mrs Z L Kay and Mrs F M Kimmell were hostesses at the O E S kensington yesterday after noon at the Kay home Going- the Limit Expenditures ior personal ad ornment need to be proportioned to the reputed income or the ex pected admiration turns rto scorn But outlays for others 3ield only gratitude and respect Get a rich harvest of joy this Christmas by exercising the grace of giving Gifts of comfort and beauty can be liad for all from cur large lines of Furs Hand Bags Belts Back Combs Barrettes Belt Pins Jabot Pins Gloves Silk Scarfs Silk Waists Lace Collars Dolls Baby- Bonnets Bootees Bibbs Moccasins Mufflers Neckwear and everything that men women and children wear Diop in and see things The Thompson D G Co Utmost value for cash only Christmas Cards Barney llofer has the finest and largest stock of Christmas post cards and booklets ever shown in McCook Notice of Removal The McCook Electric Co are now located in their new office 106 C street west Walsh block Rock Bottom prices on diamonds this month anv size any mounting 4 2t STOLL CO Jewelers O E S Friday Night There will be a regular session of Eureka Chapter 86 O E S tomorrow Friday evening The ladies of the city who are interested in establishing a course in domestic science for the girls of the high school are requestec to meet in the superintendents office at the central building at 4 i m Friday Plans will be dis cussed looking toward the es tablishing of the Crete plan in our high school PJiotos several of them are beting taken and prepared for the government architect of the fed eral building site in McCook to show the topography the lay of the land as it were It is what might he enthusiastically styled a peach of a site Our doll rack and toy counters are a source of delight for the little folks hring them in and let tliem see the new things in toys WOODWORTII Druggist Our entire holiday line will be on display Saturday Dec 9th McCONNELL Druggist G W Connely Chiropractic and Spinologist has removed to 401 West 1st st 7 2w The city electrician calls for a due observation of ordinance No 204 Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners The McCook Semi Weekly Trib une It is 100 a year Thursday Evening Edition SPECIAL SESSION COMMERCIAL Club Monday Evening Well Attended and Some Questions Discussed in Lively Fashion TRAM SERVICE IRRIGATION BY PUMPS ETC Considered and Committees Appointed to Look Further Into the Matters and ReportInteresting Talk by Prof Taylor Also Part of the Programme A special meeting of the Mc Cook Commercial club Monday evening brought out a fair repre ssntation of the membership and several special matters were- con sidered and some action taken The first subject discussed was that of the proposed reduction of train service on the Burling ton main line the contemplated taking off of trains 9 and 10 consolidation of 16 and 2 at Den ver etc Supt Flynn was present also the new trainmaster J E John son Supt Flynn stated that the move was contemplated and that the new time card was in course of printing when the com pletion of the card was held in abeyance by telegraph instruc tions from Ciucago Just what would be done he could not at that time state The action pro posed however is only the reg ular winter schedule in effect last year The matter was discussed at same length the sentiment being that an effort should be made by the club acting in harmony with the people on the Imperial branch and elsewhere o have trains TJ and 10 run at least to McCook The talks of members anade plan the fact that not only Mc Cook but all the surrounding country would suffer from delay ed mail that passengers on the Imperial branch would be delay ed here for 2 1 hours as well as mail for all that section of the country and that other inconven iences would necome eitective fers every advantage from the railroad point of view for th j dispatching and operating of the trains having facilities only eq ualled at Lincoln and Denver After considerable discussion a committee of three was named by President Cordeal to cooperate with Supt Flynn in the effort The committee is composed of F M Kimmell F A Pennell and Bring in your copy early for Christmas advertisements and avoid the rush Its not that 1 hate you that I 1 ate you but to show my au thority over you Rings which we can guarantee the sets will stay in or we will replace the set if lost 3 to 10 If P SUTTON CO Jewelers Burnt wood outfits and outfits for piercing brass with instruc tions can he liad of C R WOODWORTH Druggist TliaTribunet is issuing several hundred xtra papers during iihe preholiday advertising Added to our already largest circulation in Red Willow county makes our advertising most yaluable Most people in the county read The Tribune irrigation by pumps which brought out nn interesting ex pression C II Meeker thought we- do not have the water supply to make such a plan effective on a large scale and referred to the fact that we have 2000000 worth of surface water flowing by our door every year which should be utilized gravity irri gation being finally much cheap er J F Wey bright was more fav orably disposed toward pumps as was also W B Mills Both of these gentlemen gave facts and figures1 from neighboring towns where pumps are in service and where others are being placed for that purpose at Stratlon Culbert son etc Mr Meeker conceded that the pumps could be used effectively and profitably where the water bearing sand and gravel aie of sufficient deptth but that there is difficutly an this section to secure such sand While admitting the inestimable value of the water nOAv coursing its way by our doors every day Mr Mills spoke of the tremen dous expanse of storing the wat er arguing that in the meantime pumps are available at compara tively small expense and thai they are practical within their capacity This interesting dis cussion finally culminated in the appointment of a committee o three to further investigate the subject and report at the next should the proposed schedule he 1 meeting of the club December 12 come operative All Tlins committee is composed of II ly agreed that nothing possible Waite W T March and II G should be left undone to secure Phelps at least an extension of the ser 1 Before adjourning the club had vice to McCook which i the the pleasure and profit of a more natural point for the ternvi 1 short address from Prof Taylor nus of the trains from the reas jof iloline Illinois a rail culture on that this is the division head- and plant life expert and en thus quarters location of shops home last His plea was for better of engine and trainmen and of- j farming he thought that nothing more helpful could come to Mc Cook than the establishment of an Agricultural Demonstration Schcol in our vicinity where the rudmentary principles of scil eul ture and of animal life could be taught the boys amid home and country surroundings and away from the glamor of city and sGreek letter frats and scrois The doctors remarks were greeted A Galusha with enthusiasm indicia liny that The discussion then veered to a his ideas Avere in hannonv with contemplation of the question of those of many present All of Geo II Lees poultry and stock r Miiedies are personal ly guaranteed by us They are all that they are claimed to be At tills time of year a lew cents expanded in a poultry tonic or roupe cur will bring dollars on the investment Ask us about Lees C R WOODWORTII Druggist Miss Holmes a nurse and d coness from the Omaha Metho dist hospital spoke in the Meth odist church Sunday morning last presenting the case of the hospitals need of a 40OOU Aving to its main building A collection followed the interesting address Say folks if your poultry has roupe Germazone is the true remedj for that disease- A few drops in the drinking water each day does the work For sale by WOODWORTH Druggist Sri b title McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER 7 1911 Notice to Electricians Ordinance No 204 sections 5 and 7 of the city of McCook re quire that electricians doing wir ing in this city MUST secure permits to do wiring before com mencing any work and before connecting with the sen ice MUST report the fact of com pletion to the city electrician be fore connection can be made with the service in order that wiring ina be officially inspected All offenders against the pro visions of the ordinance in fu ture will be prosecuted according to the ordinance A M WILSON City Electrician The Grace of Giving is universally commended No one objects few criticize The most auspicious time to give gifts is by common consent Christ mas Charles Dickens put a fin ish to the old Scrooge ideas more than 50 years ago So mala a hearty resolve to do the grace ful thing with credit to yourself and resultant joy to the recipi ents Lot us help you with our large lines of suitable gift artic les for all ages tastes and purs ets Jhe list is too long for the printer come and look through The Thompson D G Co Utmost value for cash only Prosecute Telephone Company Ihe raalway commission has decided to request the attorney general to prosecute the Iloi broolc Telephone association fni failure- to file reports required by law riie commission failed to obtain an annual report on time and urged the officers to comply with the law The secretary pleaded sickness and said he would file a report when he got one that he thought would pass muster with the commission The commission gave the company wn til November 29 to report No re port having been filed a prosecu tion will be commenced Christmas Gift Problem can be solved easily at our store We offer a splendid line of liigh rade goods at fair prices Come ind see our Holiday Goods wheth er you wish to buy or not Early buying is most satisfactory A McMlLLEN Druggist Trustworthiness The most essential tiling about a man is his trustworthiness If he can only be trusted so far as lis own instincts of ai2 concerned he is not so I spendable as a dog Saturday Critic Dont Wait Until he rare things are all gone Our Jhristmas stock is here now Lat you 11 hurry and worry avoid he crowds take your time 4 21 STOLL CO The Jewelers We can shew you a most at tractive collection of silver sets in both Sterling silver and fine plated wares such as knives and forks oyster forks salad forks bouillon spoons berry forks but ter spreaders etc Silver is al ways useful and ornamental II P SUTTON CO Jewelers Very likely Woodworth has tha xoi y thing ycu are lacking for on ChrJstmss pros ants lie has about everything and every one ii invitd to come and see the display The Tribune will issue two or three special editions between now and Christmas for benefit of those business men and adver tisers who wish to communicate with the people And all the folks for miles around are invited in to see our elegant display of Christmas pre sents C R WOODWORTH Druggist The public sale at J M Bradys farm nonth of town yesterday drew a large and liberal bidding and results were very satisfac tory to Mr Brady Christmas postal cards 10 cent per dozen AVOODWORTH Druggist Twas a false alarm day afternoon NUMBER 56 THE REASON WHY some people fail to make a financial success is not be cause they do not have the because they lack 1 cy or 3 You can save if you WILL Perhaps you have tried to develop a bank account and have failed Does that one failure justify poverty in old age This bank offers you all the inducements and fa cilities possible for a bank to offer With the ready as sistance and advice of which customers of this bank may avail themselves there is no reason why YOU should not accumulate an independent competence Start a bank account NOW with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh Prudent C F Lchn V Pres C J Cash OIISECTOPS M Loutjhran P F McKenna ilfTJSTCLJ CHRISTMAS CANDIES Huber Has Hundreds of Pounds of Sweet Stuff Before making your purchases of Christmas candies see what Huber has for you to make selec tions from Literally hundreds of pounds of it Good stuff too lie is making specially low prices for churches and Sunday schools Better buy early while the as sortment ds complete and tin stock is full PERSONAL MENTION Miss Grace Chandler is visiting with her cousin Miss Laura Me Clain S D McClain and D C Harsh are up in the St Ann neighbor hood today after cattle E O Williams of Waite Co left today for the west to be ab sent all winter expecting to vis it the icoiast and northwest dur ing his migrations A M Williams retired first of month from employ of the Grand Island grocery house he has rep resented in this territory for sev eral vears Woodworth for drugs A McMillen Druggist McConnell fills prescriptions The whereabouts of Mr Palivee are still unknown Subscribe for the Semi Weekly Tribune 100 per year Remember Father dearys lec ture Dee 19th Tickets 50c The best brands of canned fruits and vegetables at Magners Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Ilubers all the time Get your Semi Weekly McCook Tribune before January 1st for next year at 100 the year Candies and nuts for holiday at Special low prices on quantities and for churches and Sunday schools Get our fig ures Sue our eolid gold scarf pin sets with a small diamond at 650 we are making a special of tliis and the value cannot be equalled anvwhere at the price II P SUTTON CO Jewelers If ordinary cold creams are greasy sticky or offensive use Nyals Peroxide Vanishing Cream and youll be delighted 25e per jar WOODWORTH Druggist We are displaying a very large and well selected line of La Vallieres and pendants solid gold set with real stones solid silver and filled prices ranging from 2 to 25 You can not buy hex a present that she will appreciate more H P SUTTON CO Jewelers fWWWWB