The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 04, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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t s
The best part of the day is the evening when the whole family w
gathered together around the lamp
The old days of the smoky fireplace and flickerirg candle are gone forever In their
place have come the convenient oil stove and the indispensable Rayo Lamp
There are to day in the United States alone more than 3000000 of these Rayo
lamps giving their clear white light to more than 3000000 homes
Other lamps cost more but you cannot get a better light than the low priced Rayo
gives It has become so popular we may almost call it the official lamp of the
American family
The Rayo is made of solid trass with handsome nickel finish an ornament anywhtia
Ask your dealer fora Rayo lamp or wrie for drseriptive circular to any agency of the
Standard Oil Company
B N Layton has been trans
ferred to Denver
Mrs G 0 Rogers went up
to Denver Friday
Trainmaster Dungan of Or
leans was in the city Friday
Brakeman Lee Jagers lias
been transferred to Republican
Irs Allen Jeffries Avas a
Denver passenger on 9 Saturday
II W Perkins Avent up to
his farm near Wray Saturday
Way car 1446 has been
busted as a result of the drop
in business
Brakeman G E McQuistin
has been transferred from Repub
lican to McCook
F F Neubauer Avent down to
Orleans on 14 Saturday to work
out of that place
0 M McClure laid off for a
couple of days on account of the
illness of his Avife
Geo Vanosdole Avent up to
Akron Saturday night to work
on the Akron helper
II J Peterson Avent up to
Akron Saturday on 13 and Avill
Avork out from that point
Engnineer A C Bowers is
laying off and enjoying a Arisit
Avith his mother in Denver
Fred Archibald came up
from Orleans Saturday on 13
returning to Lincoln and school
Agent George S Scott came
doAvn from Brush Colorado on
10 Saturday eATening on a short
visit at headquarters
President Brown of the Noav
York Central has announced that
orders have been placed for 120
locomotives and 17400 freight
cars for- all lines It is thought
probable that an issue of some
thing lake 15000000 in equip
ment trust certificates in equip
made to finance the purchase of
this equipment
tsXsXs sXsXs
To Advertise
our splendid service for gift
buyers we engrave free of
charge any article bought at
this store in the most artis
tic manner It is the finish
ing touch to a choice gift
a feature of -personality and
a distinct advantage you
have hy getting your Christ
mas gifts here Come early
so you will not he disappoin
L C Stoll Co
The Jewelers
-- i - - r r t i - fAri
- - t sir v s r -T - p ii cTr tT
S S - i Z -- - i
- sBf n - -- - - - - Z - - - aiS
The Famous jrSclJfe Lamp
Mrs Emerson Hanson Avent
up to Denver on 13 Saturday
C E Greninger went doAA n
to Hastings Monday morning
Mrs J W Line arrived home
Friday night on 14 from her
Denver visit
J E Johnson formerly road
fcman at Omaha is the iicav
trainmaster here
Mrs II II Miller was a pas
sjngr for Denver Saturday on
13 on a short Aisit
Mrs W II BroAvn accom
panied Conductor BroAvn to Den
ver Monday on 13
Engineer Jake Maitz goes to
Akron today to take Tip his work
on the Akron helper
Engineer D E Cotner a1io
has been running out of Denver
is noAV Avorking out of McCook
Mrs SDTuraer came up on
13 Saturday on a visit to her
folks Mr aud Mrs S D Spen
Supt Flynn Avent down to
Lincoln Thursday night on No 6
on time card and other division
J P Murray Avill go to Sher
idan Wyo tliis Aveek to accept
a position as a regular trick
Engineer W II Radoliff AArko
has been in the R4 pool is noAV
running on the McCook Ilold
rege local
Conductor C B Dalton
bumped Cinduclri Frank N u
bauer and is uoav on the llold
rege local
C L Ilileman Avho has been
ill so long with typhoid return
ed to his work in the blacksmith
shop this morning
Mr and Mrs K K Stang
land returned home Friday even
ing on 3 from observing Thanks
giving with the daughter at Min
The night gang in the back
shop had a Thanksgiving Feast
in tli ilCp with a big spread
TavcIvc of the boys were at th
Harry Cox Avas slightly injur
ed in last Thursdays game Aviith
the Red Cloud foot ball team an
did not return home until the fol
loAving day
Murrays transfer creates a
vacancy in the dispatchers of
fice and there are several applir
cations from the McCook tel
egraph office
Mr and Mrs Ohas Hasty
of Arapahoe came up to McCook
Saturday and AA all lie guests of
Engineer and Mrs J W Hasty
for a few days
Mr and Mrs Elmer Boeock
of Holdrege returned Jiome on 10
Saturday evening after a shoint
Aisit Avith Mr and Mrs ll E
Culbertson here
Mrs A F Smith and son
DAvight spent Thanksgiving AA ith
their daughter Mrs R R Reed
They departed for home on No
10 Saturday evening
Chief Dispatcher F C Runr
nels returned from Lincoln on
Thursday noon but returned to
that city on No 6 same night on
further time card business
Douglas Wentz arrived from
Havelock on No 5 Friday night
Mrs Wentz and the children met
liim here They Avent up to farm
near naigler on 13 Saturday
Mr Steinbreeker of Emer
sons force Avent doArn to Lincoln
Saturday night to see the Avife
Avho is in a hospital there haw
ing recently been operated upon
The Machinists dance on
Thanksgiving night AA as one of
the social events of the AAinter
They enjoyed the presence of a
large company of satisfied pat
rons and none Avent aiway with
out the sensation of having had
a delightful evening The arm
ory Avas appropriately decorated
for the big hep and the K of
P orchestra made the instrument
al inspiration that put the AArhoIe
affair in the clear
No 6
-Depart Central Time
JXuU XT m 11
ta WW Xa XVI
TXfJ x lYli
A 11
a a t i Wtl
14 920 P M
i V a a a a U U X lfla
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arr 83o p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
V OZO XX lla
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
ary point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Lincoln Neb Nov 29 That
Mrs Margaret O Grady has a
right to push her claim for
1525 against the Burlington rail
road company AA as the finding of
the supreme court in a deeisior
handed doATn today
Mrs O Grady Avith her family
of nin children Aras on her AA ay
from Superior to Ilaigler When
she purchased her tickets the
agent at Superior assured her
that she Avould not haAe to
change eais IIoAvever Avhen she
reached McCook she AAias told by
tli2 trainmen that she Avould have
to change
It Avas m the middle of the
night and in the confusion she
left a satchel on the car The
sitchel contained the family bank
roll 1525
When she gathered her brood
of nine about her on the plat
form at McCook she thought of
the satchel and its precious con
tents on the train But the train
men refused to permit her to re
enter the car
In the district court of Furnas
county the court demurred on
the ground that she did not have
a cause of action according to
the contents of her complaint
Special Dispatch World Herald
A Calhoun is temporarily
Jay cliief
Brakeman C O Woods is on
the sick list
J S Chambers is yubstitut
ing for Calhoun
T J Gaine is in the dis
patchers office during Elevens
C A Adams machine shop
foreman Avent up to Denver on
F C Runnels and Roy
Kleven are in Denver attending
a laAV suit
Supt Peekenpaugh s brother
is the neAV night chif dispatcher
at Alliance
Cards are out announcing th
marriage of Mir Arthur Scott an
Miss Gertie Skiles of Franklin
Mr- 11 A Beale arrived
home from Illinois last Wednes
day night haAing been called
home a Icav weeks since by the
death of her father
Mrs J W Line accompan
ied him to Denver this morning
on No 9 AAhere he goes to be a
company Avitness in a suit noAV
in progress in that city
- n Dungan did not find
it ixpedient to leave the hospit
al end of last Aveek as expect
ed but hopes to do so about
Wednesday of this Aveek
Floyd Berry Avent doAvn to
Holdrege Saturday evening to
meet the family returning from
spending the ThanksgiAdng days
Avith her parents at Wilcox
Mrs W II Dungan Miss
Dorothy and Master Donaid Avere
down from Denver over part of
the Thanksgiving holidays the
guests of McCook friends They
returned home on 13 Saturday
Paul Benjamin has been ap
pointed round house clerk at
Sterling Colorado and left Mc
Cook Friday night to enter up
on his duties Paul spent Tlianks
giving day in Sterling looking
OAer the Avork
Get your Semi Weekly McCook
Tribune before January 1st for
next year at 100 the year
Without opiates or harmful drugs
of any kind Foleys Honey and Tar
Compound stops coughs and cures
colds Do not accept any substitute
A McMdllen
Foley Kidney Pills
Tonic in action quick in results
Wall cure any case of kidney or
bladder disorder not beyond the
reach of medicine No need to say
Chicago Nov 30 American
railroads lose 50000000 AAWiith o J
fuel a year and consume 200000
000 AAorth of coal to secure 80
000000 Avorth of efficiency a
further Avaste of 120000000 of
fuel according to figures pre
pared by Chief Engineer L E
Fitch of the Chicago Great Wesi
ern railroad That road conduct
ed an investigation by istelf fol
lowing the charge by Louis Bran
deas that railroads AAasted 1000
000 a day in inefficient serAdee
and Mr Fitchs report is one re
The remedy suggested is a fuel
bureau of experts improved fir
ing devices on locomotives and a
school for firemen more scientific
ordering of locomotiAres for serv
ice and closer AAratch on exposed
coal yards
Each loss of 1 per cent in
fuel in American railroad busines
means a loss of 2000000 says
Mr Fitchs report Only 45 per
cent of the coal used returns ef
fective results remainder be
ing Avasted This loss goes into
bloAA n aff steam unburned gases
locomotives that have
bcn fired up too soon radiation
from boilers lumps lost along the
mad and taken frcm open coal
yards ucjaknliifie handling of lo
c motiv s and other Avastes
The fuel bureau could begin
by intelligent purchasing of high
er grado coal could instruct fire
men to perform their AA ork AA ith
economy in ahcav could conduct
tests for better heat insulation of
boilers haAre call orders for en
gines issued Avith mere regard for
the length of time required to
fire up and eould otherwise con
sarve the fuel supply
In ten years says the report
American railroads have increas
ed the cost of their fuel supply
from 101926000 to 213828000
Present Rate of Increase Is Found to
Be Greater Than Ever
Life is not growing shorter but Dr
O H Howe a Massachusetts physi
cian finds that the worlds statistics
indicate a steady lengthening for 350
years with a present rate of increase
greater than eer before Records
for Geneva show an average increase
in the average age of all deaths from
212 years in the sixteenth century to
397 years in the nineteenth In Mas
sachusetts life is now lengthening
about fourteen years in a century the
average lengtfi at the time being about
forty five years in Europe the in
crease per century is about seventeen
years and in Prussia the land of
medical discoAery and its application
about twenty seven years In India
Avhich has neglected medical science
the life span has remained stationary
at only about twenty five years The
lengthening of life in Massachusetts
has been promoted by the diminution
of infant mortality ty the almost com
plete disappearance of small pox and
by the lessening of the mortality from
scarlet fever and especially from diph
theria to a small fraction of what it
Avas a few years ago Continued study
of disease germs of which the num
ber has increased in twenty five years
from only two to between twenty and
thirty now known Avill further length
en life Modern conditions however
partially offset the beneficent work of
medicine and Massachusetts statistics
shoAV five times as many deaths from
heart disease in 1895 as in 1850 with
Brights dease and other kidney dis
orders and cancer more than doubled
Large Proportion of American Work
men Unable to Maintain Effi
cient Standard of Living
An estimate was made some time
ago that a New York family consist
ing of a man wife and three children
under fourteen could maintain a nor
mal standard of living on an annual
income of 900 Then the question
arose as to the number of families
whose income equaled that sum
Scott Nearing the economic writer
of the University of Pennsylvania
studied the question for many months
and in a book Wages in the United
States which was published recent
ly he states the conclusion that a
large proportion of American work
men are unable to maintain an effi
cient standard of living Three
fourths of the adult men and nineteen
twentieths of the adult women he
says actually earn less than 600 a
year or to give his conclusions more
in detail one half of the men are
earning less than 500 a year three
fourths less than G00 nine tenths
less than 800 while less than ten
per cent receive more than that fig
ure Of the women one fifth earn
less than 200 annually and three
flfths less than 325 while only one
twentieth earn more than 600
To arrive at these figures Doctor
Nearing takes up various state wage
statistics Massachusetts New Jer
sey Kansas Michigan New Hamp
shire Ehode Island and Pennsylvania
arejltlHed while special wage
reportges U Wisconsin and Illinois
are included
Stephenson Union Suits
Suit Athletes
i 111 Mr
m tip
R 1 fSli
j3W fffjj
J J5rf nHj
3 L2
Tho Giant Swing
jo JL
Real Estate Pilings
Carl Reinmiller et ux to J
M Miller wd to se s 10
ne ne and w hf
4800 00
Lincoln Land Go to Irma
M Dow wd to lot 21 folk
29 IndianoJa 75 00
Central Land Co to Midland
Investment Co wd to ne
anl n hf se 8-4-30 7200 00
Some of the neighbor ladies
helped Ben King can apples last
On Tuesday of last week Mr
and Mrs Charles Allen with
their friend Mrs McPherson and
Mr and Mrs Louis Longnecker
visited at Roseoe Korns and
on Wednesday the same company
and Mr Elmer were at Louis
Longnecker s
Horace Taylor and wife were
business visitors at McCook the
last of the week
Mrs Longnecker and Mrs
Paul Smith spent Friday with
Mrs Taylor
Mr tWaddell and family took
dinner at Louis Longnecker s af
ter Sunday school
Mr and Mrs Will Ran del call
ed at Mr Longnecker s Sunday
Lee Waddell was at home from
his school in Frontier count re
turning Sunday afternoon
Mr and Mrs Fred Randel and
Mr and Mrs Will Randel ate
Thanksgiving dinner with their
brother Jacob Randel
Mr Thompson took his consti
tutional walk Thursday afternoon
from McCook to Indianola stop
ping a while at Mr Sexsons
Louis Longnecker and family
spent Thanksgiving at the old
Mr Waddell and family were at
Mrs Taylors for Thanksgiving
After a long painful illness
Mrs Bradler was relieved of her
sufferings passing away on Fri
day The sympathy of all is ex
tended to the orphans
Mr and Mrs Clark were call
ers at Mr Sexsons on Thursday
Any man though of
tender hide can wear
wool underwear if he
procures the right qual
ity and weight adapted
to his habits of occupa
tion Also ill fitting un
derwear of inferior qual
ity is an abomination
Stephenson under
wear is RIGHT is
made of the very best
fabrics correct cut have
elastic cuffs high grade
button accurate stitch
ing and fine finishing
2 and up I
1 and up
Thats All
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Marriage Licenses
Walter II Duff 2oL Denver
Colo Rosalind Wood 5lac Don
nell 29 Pittsburg Pa
Carl B Kugler 27 Cnlbcrt
son Pearl Bright 22 Beverly
Edward II Ranft 22 Bluffte
111 Anna Tressa Cappel 2
If You Have
houses to rent list them wiik
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 2S3 Of
fice in Temple block
Magners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
ier it
But we can meet y our
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
mmtmmiiM ti
December Travel Bulletin
TO THE PACIFIC COAST Inquire about the personally conducted through
sleeper excursions to Los Angeles via Denver Santa Fe Route a route
of sunshine and miJd climate Faom Omaha and Lincoln every Tues
day night from Denver Wednesdays
WINTER TOURIST TICKETS The attractive south land is claiming its
own in Winter tourist patronage From the Missouri Valley the Winter
excursion fares to southern resorts are extremely favorable and involve
but a modest outlay for a tour of the south
Homeseekers Excursion Tickets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
month to the Big Horn Basin the NortlnvesJ West and the South
American Live Stock Meeting Demver December 12th and 13th 191L
National- Sheep Show and Wool Growers Convention Omaha December
14th to 16th 1911
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska