1 J i K fJ 0 I Sy F M K1MMELL Largest Circulation in Rest WiilowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Ne braska as second class matter Pub lished semi weekly Tlie remains of the Furnas County Democrat Avere conveyed to bleeding Kansas last -week for proper interment Tliis leav es Beaver City again once more with but one newspaper As a rseult of the revolution in China the 300 young Chinese students who -were sent to this country on the Boxer idemnity funds rebated by the United Stat es government -will have to re turn home or go to -work Clian ESvaa Yu Imperial Commissioner appointed to assume charge of the -wards of the government brings the news that there will be no moore funds for the students as the upheaval in China is tak ing all the money the govern ment can raise The motion picture business is here to stay Its stay will be prolonged rind in its remaining it will be a pleasure and a blessing only as its promoters see to dt that its product is clean educa tional as well as amusing and en tertaining and that due attention is paid to the best sentiment of tlie tccmmiuiities m wihieli they operate And this includes a pro j per regard for the laws oi the land and of the communities andl a due respect for the Christian J Sunday j j I The confession of the McXam aras in Los Angeles end of week ought to be a source of thanks- TKjkr yt w J Tl Real Jewelry Is Not ijkan Extravagance 1 I - but an In vestment pay daily dividends of satisfaction gather value with the passing years Select a locket that you can treasure for a lifetime Look for the little W H Co lercs a lieart m every locker rd W W fyH i ETS i -I Look for ThisMark On inside heart trade mark It guarantees reliability and correct design An endless variety of styles and shapes for both men and women Ask to see the locket shown above No 9465 H P SUTTON CO fl rfKsrty 5j5cAaHRWi Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ding to all clearing up as it i ward for any cae of cattail tliat can does what might otherwise always not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure have been a source of misgiv ing and doubt The dynamiting of the Times building with a loss of 21 lives is one of the most dastardly crimes in Amer ican history and a blot on union ism which they should now make no small effort to remove and a blot wliich we believe is sincere ly regretted and repudiated by all right thinking union labor men in America i i The Nebraska political situatioi begins to thicken And in the first place it looks as if it would be quite necessary soon for the bovs to get itogether and agree F J Cheney ic Co Toledo O ve the undersigned have knowji F J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation HELP THE KIDNEYS McCook Readers Are Learning upon some termsto avoid further confusion Now comes one E ZI Pollard a former congressman and more or less at the front in the so called standpat organ ization in the interest of Presi dent Taft who feels aggrieved sorely aggrieved we might put it at the men of that organization beinfr called standpatters claiming these socalled Pills ters to be the very article who secured for Nebraska the vain able progressiva measures and laws now in force Who os who anyhow And again these is some won- derment as to the real purpose of this paragraph from Frank Har rison s paper the Way Its the little kidney ills The lame -weak or aching back The unnoticed urinary disord ers That lead to dropsy and Brights disease When the kidneys are sick Help them with Doans Kidney J A remedy especially for sick kidneys Doans have been curing kid ney troubles for 75 years Endorsed by 50000 people en dorsed at home Proof in a IcCook citizens statement Mrs M Carmoney 310 E TjfMks like there would be Fifth St McCook Neb says nough candidates for congress Our experience with Doans in the Fifth district to furniiah Kidney pills convinced us that plenty of excitement during the they are the best kidney medi nrimarv campaign The present cine to be had A member of our incumbert George W Norris family suffered a great deal from dropping out of the race and the j ed him all the time and often the resultant vacancy has attracted misery was almost unbearable a horde of would be statemen I Doans Kidney Pills brought re- But if George W would change lief as soon as they were taken he drove th his mind and announce that would again be a candidate the scatterment would be something like that of a bunch of small boys when they find the mother dog has detected them in the act of stealing a pup What is what anyhow and continued use away trouble For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Eemember the name Doans and take no other Postponed Sale On account of bad weather I have postponed my sale to Wednesday Dec 6th at which time I will sell a large amount of STOCK and MACHINERY on the terms and under the rules of the first announced sale in every particular J M0 BRADY PERSONAL MENTION Judge Perry of Cambridge was in1 the city Saturday Miss Alice MeKhena was with Hastings friends over Enos Rishel arrived home Sat urday on 13 from a business trip to Beatrice J B Colling of lndianola was a business pilgrim to the coun ty capital Friday Mrs S J Miller went down to Cambridge Saturday night on 14 on a short visit to relatives Matt Colling of route No 1 ln dianola was in the county seat Friday on matters of business Earl Shaw came down from Beukelman end of last Aveek and went to work in our city E E DeLoy was called to Alma tliis morning by news of the death of Iris father at that place Miss Ella Caffa ey xeturned on 13 Monday morning from her Thanksgiving visit with relativ es at Orleans Max Hare was up from the uiii vrrsily at Lincoln over Thanks giving Aacalion coming up Wed nesday night Miss Martha Abel and sister Mrs W W Wright of Geneva spent their Thanksgiving with itli family in Red Cloud Miss Edna and Miss Edith Waite were guests of their cousin Miss Gladys Nedswanger in Cam bridge Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs F L Schwab returned home Friday night from spending Thanksgiving with his brother II F and family in Le banon Miss Eva VanScyoc of Osborne Kansas arrived in the city last Wednesday night and is the guest of her sister Mrs C M Matson for n few weeks C L Markwad is here from Westboro Missouri Mrs Mark Avad has been visiting relatives here for several weeks They may decide to remain here Mre Fred S Harris and daugh ter Aimee came down from Den ver end of week and will be the guests of her father Mr Joseph Menard for a length of time Mrs Wick of Portland Oregon who has been a guest of her mother Mrs Caroline Menard for some months departed close of j week for her home on the coast Rev R T Bayne of the Con gregational church was with his parents in Kearney during the Tlianksgiving time returning in time to fill his Sunday pulpit ap pointment Miss Pattie Galusha spent a few days close of last week with old time Red Cloud friends and to see the foot ball game on Thanksgiving returning home end of week Bert Sutton of Brush oClo rado spent Thanksgiving with his cousin II P Sutton and to visit his mother who has been a guest in the Sutton home here for a few weeks Mrs Cushman who has been visiting Mrs II P Sutton for a few weeks departed on 3 Satur day for Brusli Colorado where she is making her home with her son Bert Sutton Congressman G W Norris who has been on the Pacific coast was a passenger on No 10 on Thursday night from the west and continued on his way east to Washington Mrs Dr Murphy of Arapahoe arrived on 13 today and will be the guest of Mrs A PEly until tomorrow morning when she wiT go to Palisade on a visit to her parents the Dolings Mr and Mrs J R McCarl de parted on 10 Thursday night for Harvard on a visit to Mr and Mrs G n Thomas They will also visit in Lincoln briefly be fore returning Qiome Mrs 0 N Rector and Miss Cleo arrived home Sunday night Crom spending Thanksgiving witl C E Rector and family at Over ton Mrs Reetor and her two babies returned to McCook with them Miss Vernice Franklin of Mc Cook was a Thanksgiving guest of the Pringle family of Parks attending the cowboys exercises in tliis city in the afternoon with Geoirge N Pringle and sister Mrs Jennie Reynolds Benkelman News A Difference In Material Makes a Material Thats why we havo taken pains to lay in the best stock of Papers the latest styles of Typo and the most im proved Printing Machinery We are prepared to print anything from a Visiting Card to a Poster and to make it a Work of Art GRlfil TRAGEDIES OF OCEAN Many Vessels Abandoned at Sea That Are Constant Menace to Navigation There is a grimness about the brlet news dispatch which states that the derelict destroyer Seneca of the Uni ted States revenue cutter service weighed anchor and steamed out of New York harbor to search for dere licts of the seven day storm which tended recently Vessels that have been abandoned at sea unless deliberately destroyed continue to be a menace to shipping for a long period following their abandonment For many years it was customary for sea captains on coming into port to report such dere licts as they had observed during a voyage and the government published charts in which the position of the re ported derelicts was shown in order that sailing masters might be on theirj guard against collision with them There was at one time some talk of in j ternatlonal co operation In the task oij clearing the sea of these floating ships but nothing came of it and thej United States government finally took the matter up on Its own account being for a long time the only govern ment which did so and presumably it occupies that position to this day Thd vessels designated as derelict destroy ers are specially fitted out with dyna J mite and other means of destroying and sinking the floating menaces toi navigation and the significance of the departure of the Seneca lies in the fact that the storm of last week Is1 supposed to have caused many wrecks j off Hatteras and along the coast of the Carolinas HARD TO PAY THE TAXES French Deputy Runs Afoul of Red Tape When He Tries to Get on Tax Roll Jean Javal who Avas elected deputy of the Sens division of the Yonne de partment In France in 1910 bought a house in Sens just after the election Discovering a few days ago that he had never paid any taxes on the prop erty he looked up the list and found that his name had never been placed there As no self respecting republican deputy would care to avoid such an obligation and not for- getting the weapon non payment olj taxes would give to his opponents in a future election II Javal wrote toj the authorities asking to be inscribed on the list rThrt lof far wnc Tvltb fho Tinj 7 r isuioys tincation mat nis request couiu not db considered unless it was sent in on stamped paper with a 60 centime 10 f cent stamp Violin Was a Find Gaylord Yost violinist has a valu j able violin which he acquired underj interesting circumstances His story of the find as told by himself lows One day in Berlin as I came outj of one of the music stores I was stopped by a couple of gypsies They had at least a half dozen violins caught up loosely by the necks Some were stringless cracked and dirty They1 asked me if I wanted to buy a violini cheap and I replied that I was always looking for good violins Meanwhile I had scanned the violins and I ob- served one with very artistic lines and workmanship good varnish but in bad repair I asked him how much theyi wanted for that one and they replied 120 marks Of course I could not tryj the violin in the street so I gave themi my card and told them to call In thel afternoon As soon as I placed the bow on the strings I realized what It was I finally got the violin for 79 marks I guess it was cheap Would I sell it Well hardly Real Enemy of Aeroplane One still often reads comments onj the effects of musketry on aeroplanes usually written by those who have probably never seen the effect of bul lets fired from a distance It has beenj truly said that to hit a rocketing aeroplane with a rifle shot is an ex tremely difficult matter but to con i elude that the aviator is therefore immune when at 1000 feet up is surd says Sir Baden Powell It is pot the danger from one marksman that has to be taken into account tut volleys from a Avhole battalion If 3000 or 4000 shots be fired at a ma- chine Avhile it traverses one hundred yards there is a good chance of its sustaining some danger so long as it is well within range It is however the Maxim gun that seems likely to be the most formidable enemy of the aeroplane All such guns must in future be mounted in such a way asi to enable them to be fired nearly vei tically How to Use a Life Preserver The worst trouble about a life preserver said an old sailor is thatj few people know what to do with onej when its thrown to them Many aj man would drown in trying to get aj life preserver over his tiead The average person struggling about in thevater would try to lift up the big life ring and put it over his head That only causes the man to sink deeper and take more water into his lungs The proper way to approach a life preserver in the water is to take hold of the side nearest you and press upon it with all your weight That causes the other side to fly up in the air and down over your head ringing you ast neatly as a man ringing a cane at a county fair After that the drowning man can be rescued Ifrom the American Boy MafmOLWJCCT ISBMftWrUM DANBURY j Notice to Land Owners Robert Puelz returned home on t To Joseph B Blair and to all Wednesday after being absent at whom it -may concern Seottsbiuff Neb for the past The commissioner appointed to two montlis j locate a road commencing at the Mr and Mrs J W Nufct gave center of section 19 on the quax a Thanksgiving dinner to about ter section line in East Valley forty guests Thursday precinct Red Willow county C W Rodgers and family were braska running thence south down from south of Marion on through sections 19 and 30 to Thursday to spend Thanksgiving witliin 20 rods of the southline Mis Rea Oman and children of section 30 thence in a south arrived on Thursday from North easterly direction to intersect Platte for a few days visit at road running east between see the M M Young and C W tions 30 and 31 at a point about Rogers homes 35 rods east of the southwest Some of the young people took ner of the southeast quarter of in the basket supper at White section 30 township 3 range 26 Hall school house Friday niglit Red Willow county Nebraska Harold Stone and Ardil Min- has reported in favor of the lo niear were lndianola visitors on cation thereof and all objections Thursday -evening thereto or claims for damages- Prof Morris and Wm Sandon must be filed in the County Avent to Lincoln Tuesday niglit to Clerks office on or before noon attend the Shriners lodge meet- of the 29th day of January A ing D 1912 or said road -will be Wm Greemvay of Lebanon Avas tablashed Avithout reference there up Saturday betAveen trains to Wayne Ilethcote came Aery near Dated at MeCook this 25th day getting a bad injury in tiiQ schoo of November 1911 house Friday morning A ladder CHAS SKALLA leii Avitn mm ana angnting on a radiator He Aill be laid up for a few days The hay seed social given by the Royal Neighbors Thursday eArening AAas Avell attended and appreciated by all Miss Mary Cross of Ragan vis ited Edna Henton lastAveek Ed- na accompanied her home for a month S Aisit Here fc FOR YOUR HAIR Ar2 Facts We Want to Prove at Our Risk 1 l iHPSI You When the roots of the hair are entirely dead and the pores of the scalp are glazed oAer Ave do not believe that anything can re store hair grorwth But AAhen the hair roots re tain any life Ave believe there is nothing that will so surely pro mote hair groAvth as Avail Rexall 93 Hair Tondc To prove that statement Ave promise to promptly return all the money you paj ns for Rexall 93 Hair Toms should it not please you Rexall 93 Hair Tonie de- the germs AVihieh are usu ally responsible for baldness It penetrates to itihe roots of the hair stimulating and by promot ing circulation nourisliing them Rexall 93 nair Tonic helps to relieve sealp irritation to re move dandruff to prevent the hair from falling out and to promote an increased groAvthi of hair It comes in two sizes pric es 50 cents and 100 Remem ber you can obtain it only at our store The Rexall Store L W IMcConnell All creditors of the estate of Mary A Wthitaker deceased are notified the County Judge of Red WilloAV county Nebraska Avill on June 26th 1912 sit to examine all claims against said estate Avith a AieAv to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for presentation of claims against said estate is June 25th 1912 Seal J C MOORE County Judge RITCHIE WOLFF Attorneys First publication NoAr 27 Sts BEGGS5 BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood SK5SK55KSoL 52sn rf fetaSlUS IIS Pfe UW Stt nSN Bnaai9BHnCS County Clerk First publication Noa 27 Sts Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account In the County Court of Red WilloAV County Nebraska State of Nebraska Red WHIoav County ss To all persons interested in the estate of Henry Yingling de ceased On reading the petition of W H Staples Administrator pray ing a final settlement and alkow anee of his account filed in tliis court on the 17th day of Novem ber 1911 and for the settlement of said estate and the discharge of him and his bondsmen from further liability therein It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may and do appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county on the 9tli day of December A D 1911 at nine oclock a m to show eause if any there be AAdiy the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune a nenvspaper printed in said coun ty for three successive Aveeks prior to said day of Qiearing Seal J C MOORE County Judge C E EHDRED Attorney First publication 20 6ts miss Mcculloch Trained Nurse Phone red 479 804 East Second Street Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash N6W location 11 t ncr street q P W hh biim More maae SSSSSSSS HcCook AptireCream of Tartar sssssssssassssssss sHHXmffiM KKUKllgUH S IS ssssssssssss Powder 1 WWvf vVHb 8HBB cBMHBI HHHHnHHH CHEAM Bait iiia Powder SS Home Baking eiter every way I than ine ready foods I I Made frcm Grapes j VXXVXXCSXVVVVXVAXVNXXXXXSXNXXXVVVVCVVSNX KS3yKsga3ft3KsaKa - w fi T it V vl S V