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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1911)
J v 1 J i t 1 i kl f BV 1 m i v r if- i vi - i P r I A ur He W l PS I 7 r IJ 7 THIRTIETH YEAR WH tusisa3aae3s5wg n is n m i ii a- we are not the largest dealer in the state we sell the best shoes in the world without exception such as A C Nettleton Co N Y Queen Quality Boston Pierce Co Ohio H B Reed Manchester Therefore when you get our shoes you get as good as jTou can get in New York You can see them now VIERSEN OSBORN Corner Store 201 Main Mr Bortner Badly Injured Wednesday morning about If oclock II J Bortner who re sides about twenty miles north west along the Willow rode ur creek taking his dogs with him Later in the morning he rode in to the home ranch in such condition- that at is remarkable that he kept his seat in the saddle The left eye and side of his head were badly bruised as if he had been thrown from his horse He was taken into the house and a physician summoned One of his dogs returned with him all cut up and another didnt get back for several hours Mr Bornters sons went up the creek and found a large coyote that had ev idently been killed by -the dogs Nothing definite could be gotten from Mr Bortner avIio was in a completely dazed condition but lie spoke vaguely of a big fight The theory is that Mr Bortner and his dogs killed the coyote and that his horse became frightened and threw him as he tried to carry the dead animal awav with him on the saddle K of P Officers At the annual election of of ficers last Wednesday evening the following officers were elect ed for McCook lodge No 42 Knights of Pvthias D N Cobb C C II n Woolard V C II P Sutton Jr Prelate George Stroud K R S G H Watkins M E N -I Campbell M F George Ivca rns M AV A T Scott M A C W Kelley I G J N Gaarde O G Dan OBrien Trustee Lon Cone Representa tive Grand Lodge Matt Lawrit son Alternate O E S Kensington The next O E S kensington will be held at the home of Mrs Z L -Kay Wednesday of tliis week Mrs Kay and Mrs Kaan mell being tlie hostesses of the occasion Rock Bottom prices on diamonds tliis month anv size any mounting l 2t STOLL CO Jewelers Surelv fine toilet articles will be included in your list of gifts to bs bought This is the place to come for them Our stock is full cf new things many of them just on the market for -the first time A line of toilet articles such as curs affords wider choice of useful tlrings than almost any one line to 30 thought of You can find something in this superb snowing at any price you can wih to pay Heres just a par tial list Bristle goods of all de scriptions Comb and brush sets manicure sets toilet sets mir rors Traveling cases toilet cases novelties etc etc L W McCONNELL Druggist Fresh fruits at Magner s Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull for service 100 McCOOK HARDWARE CO If you want THE NEWS read The Tribune a CTBfflorjjtt wimiwwwwM o Foremost in His Line A Chicago weekly has the fol lowing paragraph concerning a former lied Willow county bay son oi C W Kneeland of the South Side George Jackson Kneeland th man who supervised collecing of the facts that made the report of the Cluicago Vice Commission such an astounding and most con vdncing array of faots has had a wandering career as sheep herdei cigar maker and divinity student Probably jio man in world has collected first hand as complete a report on the life of the under world as Kneeland has -put to gether Kneeland s report prov ed that at least 15000000 a yeai are the profits on Chicagos vice It showed tan immense army of poor unfortunate girls exploited by men for money hotel keepers druggists brewers real estate agents property owners It show ed that Chicago was not worse that other cities and that tliis pathetic underworld makes up a universal situation among our cit ies and towns a situation which it is time that Ave take in hand DONT overlook those doors and windows-that are in bad shape Call us up and let us figure with you in our Dust Proof Metallic Weather Strip and save a large coal bill as well as a lot of extra house cleaning saiy nothing about the wear and tear on your nerves worrying over the coal bill and house clean ing after every dirt storm Would you go all summer long without screens No Then iwhy go 12 months in the year without protection from the dust andcold winds when the cost is very littl more if any Call us up and let xis call and demonstrate our patent device On all orders received before Jan 1st we will make you a special pno 23 4tS A E HOTCIIKIN phone 29 Another Party Investigation so far has only brought to light the fact that a third party is involved in the cheek forging of recent date It now appears that Jake Eicman the payee of the checks is not the artist who forged them but another party forged both the name of the payee and of the drawer of the cheeks He has not as yet been apprehended Some Increase in 1878 Enos Rishel of our oity purchased a quarter section in Gagv county paying 1000 for the same Close of last week he closed the sale of the same piece of land for 16000 Everything in drugs McCon nell McConnell for drugs Give Kodaks for Christmas Premos Brownies and Kodaks froom 1 up McCONNELL Druggist Next vSaturday our entire holi day line will be placed on display We invite you to call and see the superb jiv stock at that time It will offer many gift sugges tions that will be of great ihelp ito you in- making up vour Christmas list McCONNELL Druggist Dr W E Taylor who is at the head of the soil culture de partment of Deere Co Moline Illinois spoke to the high school students at 1120 this morning The doctor is an enthusiast on fanning He calls the attention of the rising generation to the highest calling of man that of tilling the soil GLoves in cotton and in leath er vou will find a good assort ment at the right prices at Hu bers The ladies of the Methodist church will hold a bazaar in the basement of church Saturday Dc camber 16th Hot lunch will be served any time during tlie day Home cooking a specialty 27 3w Huber handles the Carhart jrloves and caps also and a full line of other makes Jt I iC ill ill ll nuts and fruits for the of the occasion were Mr and Mrs A McMillen Mr and Mrs C R Woodworth and Dr and Mrs R R Reed There was a private dance at the Monte Cristo hall Saturday evening The 1904 card club iuet with Mrs F S Wilcox Saturday eve ning mas trade lie carries lor your inspection and purchase a full 2gc and complete stock of the best and freshest the market affords Just look in at the Main store on Main street for the proof of this The front basement under the Commercial hotel is being reno vated and will be used by Mrs J M Trammell as a storeroom She will stock the same with ladies1 wear of various sorts She wn11 rent her home and live in the store room Advertise in get results The Tribune and t V Monday Evening Edition HTTTTYTTTTVTTVTTTTTTTYTTTTTTYYTTTTYTTTTTYTTTTTTTTYTH Social Activities of the City A miscellaneous given at the home ana Jirs n fc viersen on Wednesdav evening for Mr shower was of Engineer last and Mr and entertained dinner of Mrs W II Mrs E D Perkins at a Thanksgiving pleasant particulars Dungan and Mrs Sidney Viersen Many hand ter Miss Dorothy of Denver and some and useful presents were re ceived by the young people A so dial hour was happily passed in vocal and instrumental music guessing games etc A splendid seven oclock din ner was a feature of the meeting of the J O C whist club on last Thursday evening with Mrs II ur ana Mrs Z Jj ivay ol our city were the guests A theatre party in the evening closed the social affair Frances and Elizabeth Simmon gave a happy Thanksgiving sea son party tb a company of little friends on Friday afternoon last from 2 30 to 5 30 A five oclock O Clapp as hostess The guests dinner was seryed to the twelve girl guests Besides all had a joyous social afternoon Friday afternoon a score or more little friends enjoyed a par ty at Dorothy Prekins home from 2 to 430 oclock Games music and refreshments filled their childish hearts and appe tites Mrs W II Dungan Mrs E Sawyer and Mrs Mae Doug lass assisted MYYYYYYYYYVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYK I Doings in Cupids Domain B A A A A A A A AA AA AA A AAAA A A AA A A A A A A A A A A AAA AAA AAA A A A A A AAA AH Miss Florence Middleton daughthe Methodist parsonag ter -of Councilman and Mrs W A Middleton and Mr James C Brown a brakeman in the Bur lington employ at this place were married by Rev L E Lew is last Thursday evening at nine oclock at the parental home the members of the immediate family and a number of the girl friends of tlie local telephone office wit nessing the liappy event Mis iGustavson and Miss Stephens of lloldrege were out-of-town guests A two course lunch was served The young folks left cm the fol lowing morning far Ridgeway Missouri Mr Browns home where they will remain until en of this week expecting to arrive home coming Sunday They have the congratulations and bel wishes of many friends in which The Tribune shares Mr Edward II Ranft of Bluffs 111 and Miss Anna Tressa Cap pel of McCook Neb called at gaving day at 6 p 111 Thanks in com- pany with George Cappel and George Peter Cappel father and brother of the bride where they were united en marriage by L E Lewes pastor of the M E church Mr and Mrs Ranft will visit friends in McCook for about ten days and will then take their departure for their nw home in Bluffs 111 We trust their lives may always be full of sunshine and their home full of joy Walter II Duff of Denver Col and Rosalind Wood MaeConnell of Pittsburg Pa were united in marriage ait the Methodist par sonage November 30 1911 at 6 p m L E Lewis pastor of the M E church officiating Two sisters of the bride Miss Laura G Wood and Miss Helen Wood were at the wedding and left Mc Cook for their home in Pittsburg Pa on No G same evening Mr and Mrs Duff left for ther hore in Denver Colo on No 3 BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYff I New Time Changes Dec Oth I 3AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH On Sunday next the Burling ton will reduce service on its line west ol Oxford to its winter standard cutting off the runs of Nos 9 and 10 at Oxford and combining Nos 2 and 16 west of Oxford These changes are brief ly dealt with in a circular issu ed by the ipassenger department of the road at Omaha On tlie new schedule No 9 will end its run at Oxford arriv ing there at 645 a m On its westward run it will leaveOmaha at 1145 p m arriving at Lin coln at 1 35 and depart at 1 45 a m No 10 will start its eastern trip at Oxford instead of Denver leaving there at 345 p m It will connect at lloldrege with No 152 from Sterling and will arrive at Lincoln at 925 p m and de part at 945 p m It will be scheduled east- via Omaha and Plattsniouth arriving at lOliieago at 225 p m Nos 9 and 10 will comprise the usual coach and chair equip ment a ten section sleeper and observation car for the entire trip Nos 16 and 2 will be combined at Denver and run as a solid train to Oxford leaving Denver at 9 p m forty five minutes earlier than at present No 2 will reach Lincoln at 1 15 and re main there for fifty five minutes and will dcipart at 210 p m A local train will be run ont of Denver leaving there at 9 a m arriving at MeCook a 5 35 p m remain there over night and run local to Oxford leaving McCook at 430 a m and arriving at Ox ford about G am No 152 will leave Steiiing Col at 645 a m two hours earlier than now and will arrive at nol drege at 430 ip m connecting l there with Nos 5 and 10 Nuts and Fruits Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber makes of a specialty tti i u -v o u0 V - I pi i iii no- I VJVJUIV 1U1 LJIU UUU VliliilVJU lJill 1 Wlli Hall coffees Priced at 20c and 35c per pound Magner sells better than the just as good kind him for an order M Try St Margarets Episcopal guild will give a dance and bazaar on Monday Dec 18 in the armory 27 2w The Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church will hold a ba zaar in basement cf church Sat urday December 16th Hot lunel will be served any time during the day 27 3w Sribmte Wr McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA MONDAY E VENING DECEMBER 4 1911 mmi vr VBkr SOUTH McCOOK ITEMS Mr and Mrs F E Smith en tertained Mr and Mrs Charles Boston and family Thanksgiving at a five oclock dinner Mr and Mrs Joe Lowley had a family reunion Thanksgiving Those present wrere Mr and Mrs R L Cr asman and family of Box Elder Mr and Mrs H A Creasman aud family of Danbury Mr and Mrs W A Irons of our city Mr and Mrs Elza Ward enter tained Mrs Martha Johnson and Mr and Mrs George Shields on Thanksgiving F E Smith went to work on Thursday evening but became sick and had to lay off Oh you turkey Mr and Mrs Craning depart ed Saturday morning for Russia Miss Gladys and Master Del bert Branscom returned Sunday morning to their home in Cam bridge The trees in the water works park look bare since they were trimmed Many loads of branch es have been hauled away There seem to be echoes around the water works pumping plant that sound like Pape Under bill Mr and Mrs Robert Hyatt have located in South McCook Grandpa Underbill is able to b up and about again It seems a shame to see the Methodist church in South Mc Cook go to rack and ruin like it is CHRISTMAS Huber CANDIES Has Hundreds of of Sweet Stuff Pounds Before making your purchases of Christmas candies see what Iluber lias for you to make selec tions from Literally hundreds of pounds of it Good stuff too lie is making specially low prices for churches and Sunday schools Better buy early while the as sortment is complete and the stock is full Pleased Many The production of A Royal Slave Thanksgiving night in the Temple was greeted by a fine house and pleased many The out-of-town contingent was espec ially numerous Doubtless it was one of the best of the medium priced shows we have had Mr Molyneaux gave a good account of himself as the royal slave while Mr Jones the newspaper correspondent and all around man went even more directly to the public heart in his vocal ef forts and comedy stuntfe A Clock Wouldnt be a bad gift for anyone Theres always a place for it den din ing room parlor bedroom Think ov m a cloek gift 42t STOLL CO Jewelers We are getting our Holiday floods On Display and invite you to visit our store and look them over Make choice arly while stock is com pi Me McMILLEN DRUGGIST Try Tribune want ads weights sizes and qualities for every machine carbon manuscript covers etc All stock NUMBER DAILY MARKET t Delivered free any place in McCooK Corn chop per 100 130 Bran per 100 120 Shorts per 100 135 X v Wheat per bushel 100 Corn per bushel 70 Oats per bushel 60 X Alfalfa per bale 50 Ground alfalfa meal for chick- en and cow feed per 100 105 X McCOOK MILLING CO t Phone 29 Lost at Red Cloud The McCook liigh school tfoot ball eleven played Thanksgiving at Red Cloud losing the game to that fast aggregation by a score of 15 to 0 The Red Cloud Commercial Advertiser remarks as follows Hurrah for the Red Cloud foot ball team On Thanksgiving day they played the cracked foot ball team of MeCook and shut them out 15 to 0 Now that is going some and puts our iboys winners ot the high school teams in this valley and also of the col lege teams Now Franklin should come down for a friendly bout and go home whipped That is that is the way we look at it We have a great team and how they diid play foot ball yesterdav was a caution Notice to Owners See 5 of Ord 97 Sec 5 Any person who shall own keep or harbor anv do male or female within the City of McCook and who shall refuse or neglect to pay the license fee required by this ordinance and obtain the license for said dog or violate any of the provisions of this ordinance upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than two dollars nor more than fifty dollars and stam committed till such fine and costs are paid FRED SOIILAGEL Chief of Police The Main Store On Main Street If it is the freshest and best in groceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Huber s Dont Wait Until the rare things are all gone Our Christmas stock is here now Lat er youll hurry and worry avoid the crowds take your time STOLL CO The Jewelers The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Car hart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Read The Tribune 1 a year For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner If you havent perhaps you had better do it pay your dog license to the city treasurer The regular county taxes are not enough It is the proved quality of Mag ners groceries that accounts for their increasing popularity with the buying public Every patron is a satisfied patron Classified Advertisements FOR RENT Two furnished roams for light liouse keeping Inquire 21G West B St Phom black 271 i tf FOR KENT About 200 acres irrigated land in Frenchman riv er valley Ideal for beet culture Four miles to railroad A ten room house and other buildings Address R B Sheridan McCook Nebraska FOR SALE Two Red Dur oc Jersey Males TV C CSooner I wnitn Q OTtf lC J a Xli WANTED Pupils on the piant and orsran Besrinners nref erred Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc- I Bride Phone black 464 Remember The Tribunes phone FOR SALE OR RENT Tlie is 19 We will appreciate an item 200 aere place known as the any time Ser farm 5 miles southwest of McCook 100 acres fenced 80 A specialty of typewriter supplies at aeres jn cultivation 3 room The Tribune Shop Papers of all house wind mill tank KiDDons j lnggj orchard etc Address giv papers n aIKi making proposition HE kept In Moers room 15 Carbry building -- St Joseph Mo 20