The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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For Sale
An bull from Va
reeola 2d who sold for 3000
Bull is worth 100 but will
sell for 20 as I have no use
for the animal
W E Corwin
Lakewood Ranch
All creditors of the estate of
Mary A Wlliitakar deceased are
notified the County Judge of Red
Willow county Nebraska will on
June 2Glih 1912 sit to examine
all claims against said estate with
a view to their adjustment and
allowance The time limited for
presentation of claims against
said estate is June 25th 1912
County Judge
First publication Nov 27 Sts
All persons interested in the es
tate of Osc ir M Matthews de
ceased are hereby notified that
on November fth 1911 Maude
Baker filed her petition in the
county court of Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska for her administra
tion of said estate and same will
be heard in said court at nine a
in on December 2nd 1911
County Judge
First publication Nov 13 6ts
Notice to Land Owners
To Joseph B Blair and to all
whom it may concern
The commissioner appointed to
locate a road commencing at the
center of section 19 on the quar
ter sectdon line in East Valley
precinct Red Willow county Ne
braska running thence south
tl rough sections 19 and 30 to
within 20 rods of the southline
of section 30 thenco in a south
easterly direction to intersect
road running east between sec
tions 30 and 31 at a point about
35 rods east of the southwest cor
ner of the southeast quarter of
section 30 township 3 range 26
Red Willow county Nebraska
has reported in favor of the lo
cation thereof and all objections
thereto or claims for damages
must lie filed in the County
Clerk s office on or before noon
of the 29th day of January A
of November 1911
County Clerk
FiTst publication Nov 27 Sts
Whereas in compliance with
ordinance number 212 of the city
of McCook Nebraska the Citi
zens National Bank of MdCook
Nebraska a regularly organized
bank located in said city and the
MeCook National Bank of Me
Oook Nebraska a regularly or
ganized bank located within said
city have each filed with the
clerk of said city an agreement
to nav said oitv the rate of in
terest named in said ordinance
no laager amount having been
fixed by resolution and have
each filed with the clerk of said
city a bond in the penal sum of
thirty thousand dollars with thro
good and sufficient sureties which
bond and sureties have been ap
proved by the Mayor and Coun
Deaths in Nebraska
Per the year ending Tunc 30th
J11 th total deaths on Nebras
ka railroads was 81 the injured
1024 These figures do not in
clude the IS deaths and 22 injur
ed in Hie Indianola wreck
The totals include thirty three
railway employes five passenger-
one tpotal clerk amd forty
two others n grand total of eighty-one
The injured number 720 cmploj
es 129 passengers thirty one pos
lal clerks and other employes
D 1919 or said road will be aiul 1 i6 other persons The total
tablished without reference there- r 1024 The average total nui
lo of railway employes on the
Dated at McCook this 25th day roads in that time was ziyzd
winie tile tcrai numiicr oi
j nue passengers
carried was 10-
I Of the railway employes killed
UiWiitecn were employed by the
I r 1 jI T31
frAr nf and TxTntfrP tm l lm rnuiue one y huc
Petition for Settlement of
Jn the County Court of Red
Willow County Nebraska State
of Nebraska Red Willow County
ss To all persons interested in
the estate of Henry Tingling de
ceased I
IT Staples Administrator pray
ing a final settlement and allow
ance of his account filed in this
eourt on the 17th day of Novem
ber 1911 and for the settlement
of said estate and the discharge
of him and liis bondsmen from
further liability therein
Island six by the Northwestern
eight by the Burlington and one
In tii Missouri Pacific Of the
five passengers killed three were
killed by the Union Pacifie and
two by the Missouri Pacific
Another small blizzard Monday
Tin- sshocl is preparing a pro
gram for Thanksgiving
A number from here went to
J M Bradys sale Monday but it
w i postponed until December 6
Glenn Fouch Hugh Lila and
i f nrl Oairmbell snrmt Sundav
Tf i lmrphv ordered tliat vou son children
rml nil persons interested in said A W Campbell and her grand
nol be granted and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said ma t
ter by publishing a copy of this
order in the McCook Tribune a
neiwspaper printed in said coun
ty for three successive -weeks
prior to said day of hearing
County Judge
C E EDD11ED Attorney
First publication Nov 20 6ts
R F D No 1
William Waters returned home
last Fridav nieht It was quite
On Our Special Price Offer
To introduce and create demand for a strictly first grade Coffee
before placing it generally in Nebraska with local retail dealers we
offer a trial order to farmers and others at a price that will pleas
70a as much as the Coffee
is of special blend of fine flavor and has become deservedly pop
alar among all who appreciate carefully selected blended and prop
erly roasted Coffee
As but a limited amount of this high quality Coffee can be dis
tributed for advertising purposes please write promptly for our
advertising price that you may receive your share of this offer
The Fo P A offe department
cil of said city as to form of bond have fairl v Ramped both the state
and sufficiencv and number of -- engage m iu
sureties and no other bank has
In using the hog cholera serum
tiled such bond such
or agree- there are SGVeral important features
ment therefore to consider the most important being
Be it Resolved by the Mayor that unless the hogs receiving the
and Council of the city oC Mc-
Oook Nebraska
Section 1 The said treasurer
of said city is hereby ordered to
keep wall the money now on hand
or hereafter received in each
fund in his hands belonging to
mad city equally divided be
tween and as- so divided deposit
ed in saiid Citizens National Bank
and said McCcok National Bank
and in his monthly reports to
said Mayor and Council to state
the amount of money in each of
said banks
Section 2 This Resolution shall
take effect and be in force from
and after its passage approval
and publication according to
Passed and approved this 27th
Cav of November 1911
I V STOLL City Clerk
n sk m m n n n n a 1 IBiBaiiHBEaBaiBamiaBBB
serum are at once exposed to cholera
Two Methods of Giving Serum to Head Off Ravaging Disease
Animals Should Be Kept Twenty four Hours in Dry
Place Both Before and Alter Injection
By J H Gain Department of Animal Pathology University of Nebraska
B B OG cholera is more widespread nutting about 10 c c cubic
over the corn belt than for a i meters in a place The skin at the
g number of years and the de
mands for hog cholera serum
point of injection should be rolled be
tween the thumb and finger to prevent
leakage Heavy hogs can be put into
a crate and the injection made along
the abdomen and between the lnnf
legs wherever the skin is loose
Should small abscesses form at the
point of injection they should be
opened freely to allow drainage
It is important that the hogs be
the protection lasts for only three or
four weeks when they will again be
susceptible to tho disease This
means that it is important to know
first whether genuine cholera exists
before sending for the serum If a
qualified veterinarian is obtainable
have him kill a sick pig and make a
post mortem In acute cholera the
kidneys show small dark colored spots
in some cases so numerous as to give
rise to the term turkey egg kidney
The lungs and intestines may also
hhow small bright red spots In the
ist stages ot the acute form the skin through the herd is rapid there will
of the abdomen turns to a purple be many tht are apparently well that
There are two methods of giving
serum In one the inner surfaces of
t av c1pi ivili tli the thighs are well washed with an
matter may and do appear at daughter Minnie vvalseji went up the dose being divided equally between
the County Court to be held in the erek Friday to visit relatives the two sides The other method is
and for said county on the 9th Minnie expects to stay until after to inject just underneath the loose
da v of December A D 1911 at Thanksgiving 1 stin of the aodomen near the flank
The thought cf the Epworth
ni nftlAftlr ji m to show
cause if anv there be why the League lessons for December is
prayer ol Ulie petitioner snouiuj uiuhuui uj
he Model Eph 411 16 11 Pel
1 3 4 Miss Ruth Fouch leader
There are many advantages in hav
ing cows come fresh in the winter
when all dairy products sell at a high
price Here in Nebraska the price of
butter Is fully 50 per cent higher in
the winter than in the summer
When tho cows calve in the spring
a surprise to his folks who had e generally milk well until the pas
1 1 i i tures dry up when the flow of milk
J B Feiohtners brother Jake
from South Dakota is here vrisit
ing lie expects to stay all
stable feeds begin the cows are al
most dried up Now if the cows
come fresh in the fall they produce a
good flow of milk during the winter
month and in the spring when they
are tinmen on grass tins acts as a
the period of milk production An
other distinct advantage in winter
dairying is that during this season the
farmer is not so busy with other
work consequently he can give more
time to thp care of the cows the milk
and the cream than is possible during
the busy season of the year When
winter dairying becomes more general
ly practiced the subject of winter
feeds will be given more attention
Of these silage is one of the most
Important since one acre of good
gilage material will yield as much feed
as three acres of pasture
kept twenty four hours in a dry place
Loth before and after injection
The serum is of doubtful benefit to
a sick hog Give only to the hogs ap
parently well in the herd and leave
them in the infected yards so that
they may be exposed to the disease
The dose of serum as ordinarily
used is 20 c c cubic centimeters
pei 100 pounds of hog but in a viru
lent outbreak or in a valuable pure
hi ed herd this should be increased to
25 or 80 c r per 100 pounds
Where the spread of the disease
irfltri4 i trrlif r o 5T Tirt rrn
far dip solution will do and the in
jection made deeply into the muscles
have been infected for three or lour
days Most of these will die In
herds that are very susceptible and
where the ouifcieak is a virulent one
the spread is so rapid that unless
serum is used at the outset the loss
will be heavy In ordinary outbreaks
if the serum is used early and in
ficient dosage the loss should fall be
low 10 per cent
breed but that a community so far as
Ry J H Frandson Professor of Dairy j possible should favor a particular
1 nreea ir nearly an tne nreeus are
represented in a sparsely settled com
munity it means that there are not
many of one breed and as a result
whenever new blood is desired ftv a
herd it is necessary to send away Ire
quently long distances to secure what
is desired Another distinct advan
tage of community breeding especial
ly where the herds are small is that
nuickly falls off so that by the timetne farmers of a community can joint-
y purchase the sire and use him for
their herds The cost of purchasing
and maintaining a good pure bred
sire will in this way be reduced to a
minimum The further advantage to
a district or locality in sticking to
second freshening and thus lengthens j cne breed s that the demand for that
By J H Frandson Professor of Dairy
It is highly desirable not only that
particular breed may be supplied in
carload lots and in this way the dis
trict will gradually work up a reputa
tion that will readily enable it to dis
pose of any surplus stock In a giPSt
measure the success of our European
friends is due to the fact that they
have as a country been faithful to
and developed that particular breed
which seemed most suitable to their
Too little care is given to the or
chard on the average farm It will
pay its share of the profits if allowed
but not when it is overgrown with
brush and weeds and the trees are
never pruned Corn Is not expected to
yield a paying crop if it is not cared
for Neither should It b expected of
each dairyman stick by a certain tbo orchard
With Less Than 4 Week
Till Christmas
We wish to announce the arrival of a beautiful line of
Japanese Hand Decorated China
in so many styles and prices that you can se-
lect to suit your taste and pocket book
A Delight to Christmas Shoppers
is our line of cut glass and silverware so reason
able in price that you will surely afford some
selections to make up your Christmas package
Our CiUery Department Better
than ever with shears scissors pocket knives
and carving sets all in Christmas boxes will en
able you to make presents of lasting value
For The Boys and Girls
wheel goods of all kinds including the famous
Rugby bicycles also tricycles in all styles and
sizes coaster wagons pump wagons roller
skates ice skates sleds and many other things
of lasting value
Santa Claus Heavy Laden
will arrive about two weeks before Christmas
with things in toys interesting to both young
and old
Make our store your headquarters
for good values and large selections
McCook Hdw Co
Phone 31
All the fresh fruits of the sea
son at Magners
Lily Patent Flour when once
used none other will satisfy you
For coughing dryness and tickling
in the throat ihoarseness and all
coughs and colds take Foleys Hon
ey and Tar Compound Contains no
opiates A McMillen
Superb S
McCook Neb
Every- person may know the
dangeis of infection and how to
prevent it Peroxideof Hydrogen
prevents infection and destroys
harmful germs
A MeMTDLEN Druggist
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are mak
ing for success at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
tock of
Ve take pride and pleasure in announcing
that we have now on display the largest and
handsomest line of
Domestic and Imported
Decorated and Hand Painted
Chinaware to be found in McCook Our stock
embraces complete
American and English Dinner Sets
Hand Painted Japanese Ware
and many other useful and ornamental articles
for all prices and to suit every pocket book
Besides we have for your selection and pur
chase the fullest stock and completest line in
the city of
House Furnishings
Doll Cabs and Velocipedes
and the prices we shine here too and have
fully earned the title of
Leader in Low Prices
Remember our location on West B
Street and make us a call