The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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    i i
1 Thanksgiving Reminds -Us
1 That Christmas is Near By 1
V01 J
and our store is putting on its Holiday appearance This year more than
ever people will expect to be given and will want to give
Presents That Are Practical and Useful
Our store is teeming with just this kind
a o
six pairs in a Giivsimas eox
Pur Sets
v iMnv
Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Entered at postoffice McCook Ne
braska as second class matter Pub
lished semi weekly
The day of the political boss
is past is a familiar caption in
the press of the day Maybe
Or is it just another instance of
some anon new bosses Maybe
The foot ball season of 1911
is- ended and the roll call of the
dead and injured ismadeup
Thirteen died of injuries receiv
ed and forty seven were severely
A mass convention of Republi
cans is hereby called to meet at
Lincoln at 200 oclock p m on
Tuesday December 19 1911 for
the purpose of organizing ia the
interest of the re election of Wil
liam H Taft as president of the
United States
All Republicans who are in syir
pathy with this purpose are cor
dially invited to attend and in
the interval to form Taft clubs
an their respective communities
All Taft clubs are also urged to
appoint delegates to represent
jfliein in this convention
G E Adaans Superior
Wim Husenetter Linwood
J Morris Lincoln
J C Hedges Hastings
03 A Varner Sterling
Black and Colored Hos
in appropriate Xmas boxes
Fancy Collars Frills and Bows
Kid Gloves all lengths and colors
Handsome Bed Blankets
Comforts and Spreads
For The
cial Coat
W EfEil
A deked shipment of plush coats has just been received and for the
benefit of those who have not already purchased a coat we offer these
andsome Seal Plush Coats
Beautifully lined with Gold or Black Satin fastening with large Silk Frogs
a wonderful coat for 25 the price this week specially priced at - -You
should see this coat to appreciate its unusual value
Other Attractive Prices
will be found in our coat and suit department making it an
object for you to learn our prices before you buy elsewhere
II C Lindsay Lincoln
R II Rankin Chambers
II R Howe Auburn
W A Selick Lincoln
Dr R S Anglin Omaha
Franklin Shotwell Omaha
John Lee Webster Omaha
Victor Rosewater Omaha
C S Allen Lincoln
John F Nesbit Tekamah
F E Williams Aurora
N P McDonald Kearney
F M Hall Lincoln
Ernest M Pollard Nehawka
G A Ebberly Stanton
W I Farley Aurora
J R Wilson Paipillion
Benj S Baker Omaha
C J Miles Hastings
Geo C Junkin Smithfdeld
A Beck Blair
C A Revis Falls City
J H Berger Omaha
W N Hughes Norfolk
R B Schneider Fremont
A W Field Lincoln
S W Burnham Lincoln
Clark Perkins Aurora
A iW Jefferis Omaha
A L Tidd Plattemouth
A E Cad y St Paul
The Tribune 100 the year
Get your Semi Weekly McCook
Tribune before January 1st for
next year at 100 the year
When you have a -bad cold you
want the best medicine obtainable
so as to cure it with as litle delay
as possible Here is a druggists
opinion I have sold Chamberlains
Cough Remedy for fifteen years
says Enos Lollar of Saratoga Ind
and consider it the best on the mar
ket For sale by all druggists
11- Vv Willi
Baby 1
We are showing in a large variety and assortment FOR THE GIRL
MISS or LADY we have the NEWEST in FURS at the LOWEST in
Marriage Licenses
Alexander Felker 25 Mary
Iropp 18 both of McCook
Sid Parsons 28 Eustis Rox
ie Wineland 28 Natona Kas
James C Brown 22 Flor
ence Middleton 22 both of Mc
Frank J Hassler 26 Ilonora
E Moore 26 both of McCook
Robert M Hyatt 19 Lizzie
M Tuttlo 18 both of McCook
j Paul Jussel 23 Charlotte Rein
era 26 both of Indianola
Warren C Telford 23 Sarah
B Harmon 23 both of Furnas
Engineer R E French was
up from the branch Tuesday go
ing back on 14
Brakeman R R Beams will
spend Thanksgiving with his
folks in Lincoln
Mrs Darve Burnett and babe
went up to Stratton Wednesday
morning to be with iher f oiks for
Conductor G A Brooks
threw up the MeOook Holdrege
local and goes into the pool F
F Neubaiier is on the local
Mi and Mrs James Steinman
Miss Thulia Molinder and Mrs
Belle Stephenson were guests Sun
day of Charles Miller and fam
ily of Culbertson
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular That
such is the case with Chamberlains
oCugh Remedy has been attested by
many dealers Here lis one of them
H W Hendrickson Ohio Falls Ind
writes Chamberlains Cough remedy
is the best for coughs colds and
croup and is my best seller For
sale toy all dealers
Little Gambling Episode in Which
Watch Me Was Able to Say
You Lose Three Times
A Gates anecdote that never got
so far as it deserved if it was true
was about his riding down town from
a New York hotel in a cab with a stock
market friend
Ill match you said John Watch
me to see whether you or I buy this
horse and cab from the driver if its
It was cabbys so they matched
and John Watch me had the satisfac
tion of saying You lose The bar
gain struck John Watch me had an
other proposition to offer the new
Now Ill match you he said to
see whether you keep the outfit or
whether you sell it hack to cabby at
his own price And once more John
Watch me said You lose
Here it dawned upon Gates com
panion that in the last match John
Watch me had stood no chance to lose
whichever way it went and he made
All right said John Watch me
Ill match you to see whether you or
I stand the difference between the
buying and the selling price For
what he had just sold cabby would
only give a buying price that was just
100 less This was the stake in the
last match and for the third time
John Watch me was able to say You
The Only Hybrids in the Geographical
Service Are Sent to
Two mules with a history were
shipped down to W B Hardy on the
Island of Kauai recently He is car
rying on the work of the geograph
ical and water research branch of the
I department there and it was found
that animal transportation was the
only way to meet the difficulties
There were only two mules in that
branch of the service and they were
over in California Likewise Hardy j
was the man who worked them over
there when he was on the mainland 1
Now he and his friends will be re
united on Kauai
The work of the department on that
island is arduous owing to the fact
that where the water runs are not al
ways roads Accordingly some means
have to be found by which the in
vestigator could get about He has a
saddle and pack and can ride the
mules as far as he can get them over
the tracks and then do the rst of th
Avork on foot The work necessitates
constant traveling of a rough sort
Honolulu Bulletin
Not a Cheap Buiiriing
It has been estimated that to re
build the pyramid of Cheops under
modern conditions an expenditure of
100000000 would be necessary and
the labor of 40000 men for two years
It has been calculated that the work
really required the services of 100000
men for thirty years
The pyramid occupies a space of
twelve and three quarters acres is 746
feet high and contains about 143315
000 cubic yards of stone and gran
The material alone represents an
item of 36000000 while the labor
would increase this amount to 72
000000 To this must be added 3
000000 for tools transportation and
similar items
The pyramid Is built on a solid rock
150 feet deep and to build a founda
tion of this character would add to
the cost to the extent of making the
total of 100000000 Scientific Amer
When Sleeping
It is well to sleep from infancy with
the head uncovered as the hair thus
retains its beauty longer On retiring
the hair should be raised high above
the ears without pulling plaited loose
ly in a single braid and tied with a
silk or cotton ribbon Avoid wearing
starched nightcaps as the starch is
injurious to the hair When old age
approaches it may be well to wear
Brush the hair well using a soft
brush on going to bed and in the
morning The best brushes are made
with short bristles If the hair is
combed from the roots downward
withoutbeing divided in several parts
much harm may be done to it The
hairs would certainly be broken off
become uneven and could never be
made to look cared for It is an ex
cellent thing to smooth the hair with
the hands
Cats Drive Off Snakes
For many years I have been running
a cattle station in Queensland where
snakes are tolerably numerous At
the head station we have always kept
up a standing army of from 15 to 20
cats and have been practically free
from the presence of snakes about the
building and yards
That this was owing to the presence
of our cats I have no doubt whatever
They were always on the lookout and
I have often seen members of our
feline body guard growling over dead
or dying snakes and have more than
once witnessed savage encounters be
tween them and their victims On
the other hand martyrs to their duty
were from time to time found dead
In the morning with all the evidence of
a fight and their defeat in the shape
of a snakebite on their bodies Spec
aro a a o
I hanksg
F S Wilcox and W 0 Rus
sell were in Lincoln Monday on
Mrs C E Minniek of Indian
ola was a guest of McCook
friends Tuesday
C F Edwards who has been
absent from the city for some
time returned home end of the
Aveek from Wray Colorado
Miss Anna Cannel arrived home
Wednesday morning on 13 from
Kansas City where she has been
studying for a nurse in a
I Mrs C W Britt arrived
home Monday from a delightful
visJt of several weeks in Califor
nia Of course she caught the
California fever but Nebraska
looks good just the same
Miss Millie Elbert and Miss
Matie Elbert of the county
clerks office departed yesterday
morning for Pueblo Colorado
on a visit to their sister Mrs
Ray Lyon to be absent a week
or two
F L Wolff went to Lincoln on
No 6 Wednesday night to take
depositions of witnesses residing
there He expected to finish on
Wednesday attend the Shriners
ceremonial session that night and
return on No 9 Thanksgiving
U G Jessup extra agent on the
Burlington who has been work
ing ih the local office for the pasl
two weeks was called to assist m
superintendents office in Mc
Cook and S H Cole was trans
ferred from Minden to take his
place here Wray Gazette
H C Giese of The Great West
ern Sugar Beet Co is spending
part of the week here and here
abouts looking after company in
terests He and Mr Weybright
went down to tlie Red Willow
country on Wednesday morning
and he departed on Wednesday
night for Fort Morgan
McCook Division of Red Willo
County Teachers Association will
render the f ollowing program at
the High School Auditorium De
cember 9 at 2 oclock p m
Duet by Leta Monks
Pictures and Picture Study by
Elizabeth Daugherty
How to Teach Reading dn Pri
mary tGrades Margaret Doyle-
Parent and School by Edith
Stetson Hats
Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts
Mtinsing Underwear
Buster Brown Hosiery
Ralston Shoes
The One Price and No Monkey Business Clothiers
Dutch er
How to Teach Penmanship by
Francis Hall
Piano Solo by Elsie Moore
Relation of Teacher to Pupil
Mrs D C Shaw
Teaching Arithmetic by May
sie Light
Select Reading bv Mabel Ran
A few Points on Teaching Ge
ography iby Supt W T Davis
Duet by Minnie Viersen and
Genevieve McAdanis
All patrons and pupils of rural
schools are cordially invited to
Elizabeth Daugherty
Alice Moore
Helen Schwab
Francis HalL
Mrs E Minniek had a week
end party last week
Maggie McOlung who has been
in the hospital past few weeks
was able to come home the first
of the week
Albert White and wife are up
from Kearney oh a visit to the
home folks
Mrs Fred Ghees more is on a
visit to her sisters at Lindell
The monthly C E social was
held at J C Shoemakers Friday
The Ep worth Leagues monthly
social was held at the home of J
R Andrews Friday evening
The old lumber taken from the
bridge south of town was sold
Tuesday A pant of the material
was purchased by parties wanting
to build private bridges
Mr Floyd Bishop and Mrs
Fern Clark Diilks were married
at the home of the brides broth
er Mr Grant Clark Nov 28th
Only a few intimate friends were
Miss Annie McDonnell and Mrs
Shoemaker were McCook business
visitors Safturday
Joseph and John Harrison
shipped cattle to Chicago Tues
day to be on hand at the Inter
national Stock show from the sec
ond to ninth of December
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in