The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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    U i
ii y
5 0J i
JmJhJhj j j JJ t2I J
Delivered free any place in MeCook
Corn chop per 100 133
Bran per 100 120
Shorts per 100 135
Wheat per bushel 100
Uorn per uusuei to
Oats per bushel 60
Alfalfa per bale 50
Ground alfalfa meal for chick-
en and cow feed per 100 103
Phone 29
Session Will Be Held Latter Part
of March
The executive committee of the
Southwestern Nebraska Teachers
association met in Cambridge on
last Saturday to determine upon
a location for their next meet
ing Supt W T Davis of the
MeCook schools and one member
of committee appointed by Me
Cook Commercial club appeared
for the club committee before the
return they will go to housekeep
ing at once in their home at 502
west 2nd street which is already
furnished for their reception
Both are well known and popular
in this community for their high
characters and attractive person
alities and a very large circle of
friends will join with The Trib
une in washing them a bon vov
age on matrimonys sea
The chief anxiety cf too many
people is to keep up appearances
If they are poor they must at
any rate appear rich When
Jones the wealthy brewer across
the street sets up a motor car
the Brown family puts mortgage
on the house and lets the butcher
go unpaid to the end that they
tco may boatft an automobile
Be a real man not a shoddy
sport or a sham aristocrat Be
sincere with yourself your
friends and your work With
sincerity a few talents and a lit
tle strength you may go far
Without it genius itself may fail
Chicago Tribune
Freshest fruits at Magners
You will find them fresh and
clean at Magners grocery
Try our 30c per pound choco
A McMILLEN Druggist
Classified Advertisements
FOR SALE A first class pian
with Ceeilian piano player at a
bargain on terms Inquire of
this office for particulars 9 28tf
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
TO TRADE Have the follow
ing city property to trade in on
land all clear of incumbrance 7
roonvtlwelling in very desirable
location 1 four room dwelling
also iii desirable location in Me
Cook in first class condition Call
phone red 295 or write H E
Cuibertson MeCook Neb 12 4ts
take charge of a ranch in Fron
tier county -Nebraska Man with
family preferred For informa
tion call on or address F D
BURKE Maywood Neb or this
paper 164
Address by Mr Weybright
At the next regular meeting of
the MeCook Commercial club to
be held on December 12 tli J F
Weybright agriculturist for The
Great Western Beet Sugar Co
wall address the club on the sub
ject of sugar beet culture
The problem of producing sug
ar becits is becoming more and
more important to tliis section of
Nebraska and lias views as an ex
pert on this question will be of
interest and will eonatin instruc
tion for all and The Tribune
feds at liberty ito assume that
every club member has an inter
est in fcluis matter
It Avill be of interest to note
that about 12000 tons of sugar
beets were sliipped from Sanbcirn
station this fall
It is stated in this connection
that results this year have been
so satisfactory in the Cuibertson
field that the acreage for next
year in that territory will be
While results were not all
hoped for in the MeCook field
this season on account of
association committee presenting1 alv unfavorable wather condi
McCooks offer which was accept tioiis there is no doubt but that
ea oy sue association communes 1 fi0ia ean be developed into
and the next session of the asso
ciation will consequently be held
in MeCook the date determined
upon being some time the latter
part of March
The people of MeCook headed
by th commercial club and as
sisted by th1 teacher corps of the
city schools propose to show the
teachers of Southwestern Nebras
ka a good and profitable time
during their sessions
Hassler Moore
Wednesdav morning at 130 in
a suce and profitable one
The Tribune hopes Mr Wey
bright may have a large hearing
on this important subject
Some Easy Money
Every now and again some per
-on attempts to raise some easy
money by forging checks and
passing them on local merchant
McCcck had a little experience
along that line last Saturday
evening C L DeGroff Co and
WrJcox Sen being imposed up-
f n for mall sums in that manner
St Patricks church Mr Frank cjnn iwis
S Hassler and Miss Nora drawn on locai illl n MeCook
berth Moore both of our city hy a Avell cn0Wn stockman in thin
were united in marriage Rev neighborhood presumably Botl
Wm Patton O M I officiating choecs were forgeries it appears
The young people left on No- 9 thp ol fencier js ieen located
same morning for Denver on a ald wH 1P ircilcilt to account
brief wedding trip to be absent f0 n s eCinfjuet
until Sundav night Upon their
We have a superb stock of the
finest ones procurable all sizes
from little 5 cent ones up to cle
ganl large skins at 150 These
chamois are splendidly finished
even in color and thickness Suit
abk for any purpose that eham
oif can be put to fancy work
chamois vests carriage and auto
washing etc
Now is the time to buy these
choice skins for your holiday
L W McCONNELL Druggist
New Office Quarters
The MeCook Electric Co is hav
ing the old gas company room in
the Walsh -building prepared for
th r use and will occupy same
December 1st
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozellfc Sons at clothing
Get our rates on farm loans
Pure Gold flour from winter
wheat at Magners
McConnell fills prescriptions
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads
the list
There is magic in the words
Advo They are the final
word in canned excellence An
Huber is the prophet
We have a nice assortment of
ladies new Hand Bags Gents
Purses Card Cases and Pass
A McMILLEN Druggist
As a result of tlie second period
of sororiity pledging which closed
last Saturday at the university
Miss Clara Hankin of our city is
a member pledged for the Chi O
mega sorority
Monday morning of this week
work on a test hole was begun on
the Dave Kaley farm south of ithe
Republican river at Red Cloud
Oil eoaL iron gypsum or any
other old thing will he accept
The Thanksgiving week session
of the Young Married Peoples
club was with Mr and Mrs J
R McCarl Tuesday evening an
was regular in performance with
Mew Edna Waite Mr J F Cor
el col and Mr David Cobb as the
guests Light refreshments fol
lowed the card playing of the
The Epworthians gave a farj
well affair to Miss Estella Fans
Tuesday evening in the brother
hood room and basement of the
The ladies of the Catholic guild
held a card party at the home of
MrsJ S Williams last evening
V -
r ii
Thursday Evening Edition
SIrt fonr
BBPr 9 v 9V Vr
I The Past Week in Society f
Mr and Mrs II N Rosebush Mrs W F Jones and Miss
were at home Monday evening Martha Abel gave a bridge whist
to u company of friends in hon- party Monday af tea noon to meet
or oi Miss Estella Faus The eve Mrs W W Wright of Hebron
ning passed all too quickly dn Nebraska sister of Miss Abel A
playing games a guessing game
affording the chief amusement of
the -evening In this L S Vier
sen s olfactory nerve proved most
accurate and he was rewarded
with a handsome bouquet of
white chrysanthemums W B
Mills was consoled with a cute
little doggie with a wagging tail
on which he will hardly be able
to escape taxation A two course
dinner was served Mrs Henry
Smitli Mrs Barney Lewis Miss
Nina Tomlinson Miss Minnie
Viersen Miss Florence Rosebush
Miss Lila Lamb assisting Dur
ing the serving Mr Lewis Lud
wiiek was at the piano Later in
the evening Mr Ludwiek and
Miss Florence Rosebush sang so
los and duets Miss Nina Tomlin
son rendered some selections on
the piano Recitations by Merle
Rccibush were other appreciated
items of entertainment
two course luncheon was served
The guests were Mesdames W
W W Wright Leroy Kleven A
M Williams J R McCarl A Bai
nett II D Stewart G L Bur
ney Viola Kenyon A Galusha
Sr Juliet Walker iWaliter Stokes
A McMillen W E McDivitt B
Ilofer J G Schobel and James
Hatfield Mrs Kleven won the
honors Mrs Wright the guests
About thirty ladies enjoyed the
hcspitabty of Mrs II C Clapp
Tuesday afternoon at a kensing
ton During refreshments Mrs
J R McCarl presided at the din
ing tableMrs Marie Brcnson and
Mrs II II Miller assisting Large
bonquets of yellow ehrysanthe
mums -were beautiful buffet and
table decorations The effect wan
heightened by ithe wide ribbon
sitaamers from ceiling of dining
room to buffet and table where
they ended in large bows The
room was darkened
The Entre Nous met with Mrs
Emerson Hanson Tuesday after
noon Mrs W W Wright of
Hebron Mrs A M Williams and
Mrs C II Husted were guests
A two course luncheon was serv
The Research club will meet
with Mrs L E Ilanford on next
Monday afternoon at 230 The
club did not meet this week
Miss Martha Abel entertained
theJunior Dorcas Monday even
ingat the home of Dr and Mrs
W F Jones
You have the satisfaction of possessing in tangible useful
form a certain amount of genuine wealth
It is always as good as new never goes out of style at any
time can be turned for cash at approximately same figure paid
for it
We have them in all sizes of stones from 1 8 carat on up
If you are tliinking of purchasing a stone you will not re
gret having looked our stock over and get prices that are
We are making a special price on a diamond ring stone
weighing 1 8 carat in a Tiffany H carat ring at 1250
Come in before the rush and let us figure with you wheth
er you expecit to buy at this time or later
Jewelers and Opticians
Soil Culture Is Interesting- As
told by Dr Taylor You will be
well repaid for tlie time listening
to Mm in his free lecture in the
commercial club room MeCook
Neb at 2 30 p m Monday Dee
4th Ccine prepared to ask liim
questions on this important sub
Dont forget that Barney Ilof
er will save you money on sub
scriptions new or renewal for
any paper or magazine publish
ed Get his new club catalogue
It Is Criminal
to neglect a cold Our Laxative
Cold Remedy will cure a cold la
grippe or eough if taken in- time
Monev back is not satisfactory
A McMILLEN Druggist
Death of Baby Ellis
The infant child of Mr
Mrs Alex Ellis of Gerver pre
cinct died last night The little
one was seven weeks old
If you have been praying to
know more of Christ do npt be
surprised if lie takes you aside in
to a desert place or leads you in
to a furnace of pain Gods pri
vate mark is always burnt into
the spirit in a furnace F B
Must Get Down and Dig-
Chicago Nov 20 Most of Hie
government literature on agricul
ture is too teclinical for the farm
ers it is supposed to reach and
therefore fails in its educational
purpose according to James J
Hill chairman of the exeeaitive
board of the Great Northern road
who arrived here today
The former is net replacing
the fertility of the soil and takes
no care whatever of it said Mr
Hill The only way to teaeh a
farmer is to got down to the soil
ajnd show him Most of the ma
terial that is written never reach
es han and lectures are of doubt
ful value because of the same
Try a Tribune want ad and
watch results
Everything in drugs
Our ntire holiday line will
soon be on display Ateh for it
McCONNELL Druggist
Be faithful that is all
Go right on and close- beliind
There shall follow still and
find thee
Help sure help
Free to All
The Farmers Institute of Red
Willow county will meet at Le
banon Nebraska in Jollys hall
Saturday December 16th 1911
at 2 oclock p m and will be
addressed by the following gentle
men who have liad years of ex
erience and study on subjects of
interest to the fanner and are
mow connected with tlie Nebras
ka College of Agriculture
Mr F W Chase of Pawnee
City gives a splendid talk upon
farm buildings another one upon
alfalfa another one upon grow
ing more corn and selecting seed
corn Then he has a good tilk
upon dairy cows
Mr Earl Harnly gives a good
talk upon the care and handling
of egga and cream in theafter
noon This is a very practical
talk and- after he has finished
lecturing he generally takes the
CSS candling machine and demon
strates to tlie farmers how to
candle csgs and explains the va
rious grades of eggs which come
before the ogs eandlers
Irrigation Improvements
W n Ferguson was out from
Lincoln last week looking after
some considerable improvements
being made m the irrigation
dileh south f the city Among
other improvements iron flume
ib being placed over Dry Creek
on his land using iron pipe two
feet and four inohes n diamcL r
This iron flume will a distinct
saving of witcr as Hi- wood a
flume has been a source of waste
and annoyance Besides Mr
Ferguson is having built a con
crete basin which will give a
stronger head of water on Ids
land for irrigation purposes All
together tlie improvements wall
add greatly to efficiency and val
ue of the irrigation ditch on the
south side
overlook those doors and win
dows that are in bad shape Call
us up and let us figure with you
an our
Dust Proof Metallic
Weather Strip
and save a large coal bill as well
as a lot of extra house cleaning
say nothing about the wear and
tear on your nerves worrying
over the coal bill and house clean
ing after every dirt storm
Would you go all summer long
without screens No Then why
go 12 months in the year Avithout
protection from the dust andcold
winds when the cost is very little
more if any
Call us up and let us call and
demonstrate our patent device
On all orders received hefore Jan
1st we will make you a special
price 23 4ts
A E HOTCHION phone 29
Farmers and Others Interested
in tilling of the soil will be great
ly benefitted by hearing Dr Tay
lors address en Soil Culture on
Monday December 4th at 230
p m in the commercial club
room in the Masonic Temple the
atrt MeCock Neb
You will miss a treat if you
fail to hear ihim The doctor is a
pk3sant talker and is well in
formed having had over twenty
years actual farming experience
and is now at the head of the soil
culture department of Deere
Co at Mcline Ills Dont fail to
hear him his talk is free
Citizens Take Notice
It is contrary to the laws of
the city to empty ashes in the
streets or alleys Attention is
strictly called to this fact and nc
tice is hereby given that offend
ers will be arrested and taken be
fore the police judge of the city
for proper punishment Govern
yourself accordingly 27 2ts
Chief of Palis o
Thanksgiving Hours
The general delivery and stamp
window of the MeCook postoffice
will be open Thanksgiving day
from 8 to 9 ia m and from 12 to
1 p m City farriers will make
the morning delivery only The
rural carriers will not make any
delivery during tlie day
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
McConnell for drugs
vv ysft
5 verJ
some people fail to make a
financial success is not be
cause they do not have the
ability to make money but
because they lack persisten
cy or
You can save if you WILL
Perhaps you have tried to
develop a bank account and
have failed Does that one
failure justify poverty in old
age This bank offers you
allthe inducements and fa
cilities possible for a bank
to offer With the ready as
sistanee and advice of which
customers of this bank may
avail themselves there is no
reason why YOU should not
accumulate an independent
Start a bank account NOW
P Wal3h President
C F Lehu V Pres
C J OBkiejt Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Adventist Services at 11 a m
and 8 p m Saturday and at 8
p m Sunday
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m H M Mitchell mil
Christian Science Subject for
Sunday morning December 3rd
God the Only Cause and Cre
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 O E Ri
Episcopal First Sunday in
Advent Sunday school at 10
Holy Communion and sermon at
11 Evening prayers and ad
dress at 4
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Fridaj
evenings New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Catholic St Patrick s Church
8 30 a m low mass and sermon
10 30 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
800 evening services Rev Wm
Patton O M I pastor
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and S p m Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to worship with us D L 3tfC
Bride minister
Methodist Miss Holmes a
deaconess of the Methodist hos
pital of Omaha Neb will speak
at the M E ehurcli next Sunday
at 11 a m Miss Holmes is a
very interesting speaker and her
presentation of truth is such that
jGod and His plans for humanity
are better seen and understood
Come and hear her The Epworth
League service Avill ibe at seven
and preaching at 8 p m You
will find a cordial welcome at
these services
esh fruits at Magners
A McMillen Druggist
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magners
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Hubers
all the time
Do you knew that almost every
toilet need can be supplied at our
store Imported and America
face powders Tale powders
soaps perfumes toilet water sa
chet powder and tooth prepara
A McMILLEN Druggist
Here is a woman who speaks from
personal knowledge and long experi
ence viz Mrs P H Brogan of Wil
son Pa who says I know from ex
perience that Chamberlains Cough
Remedy is far superior to -any oth
er For croup there is nothing that
excels It For sale by all dealers