The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 27, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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j f
t t
t s
we are not the largest dealer
in the state we sell the best
shoes in the world without
exception such as
A C Nettleton Co N Y
Q ueen Quality Boston
Pierce Co Ohio
H B Reed Manchester
Therefore when you get
our shoes you get as good as
you can get in New York
You can see them now
Corner Store
201 Alain
Good Suggestion
As next Thursday is a day of
real Thanksgiving we are going
to isuggest rthat it be made such
for the operators of the tele
phone centrals in this county by
everyone refraining from using
the phone except in absolute
cases of emergency from the
hour of 1000 a m to 300 What
say you fellow subscribers
Trenton Register
Married in Trenton
Mr Sidney L Viersen and
Miss Lela M Fisher both of Mc
Cook were united in marriage by
Rev C L Anderson at the Meth
odist parsonage Wednesday No
vember 22d 1911 Trneton Reg
The Tribune joins the many
friends of these popular young
people in wishing them a happy
married life
Citizens Take Notice
It is contrary -to the laws of
the city to empty ashes in the
streets or alleys Attention is
strictly called to this fact and nc
tice is hereby given that offend
ers will be arrested and taken be
fore the police judge of the city
for proper punishment Govern
vourself accordingly 27 2ts
Chief of Police
Union Thanksgiving
services in the Baptist church at
1030 oclock Thanksgiving morn
ing Rev Harry Mitchell of the
Christian church will preach the
Every Lady
desires a nice gold watch Our
prices enable you to realize that
If you feel you want to be
shown in matter of quality go
to the MeCook Flour and Feed
Wc never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the Me
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull
for service 100
Drink Wedding- Breakfast
coffee and be happy
crs only
At Hub-
Ma gners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
Kodaks and kodak supplies
McCONNELL Druggist
If you want THE NEWS read
The Tribune
Cant Entertain
Without Flowers
Mr Polivec Has Been Missing
Since Last Friday Morning
G A Polivec of the firm of
Polivec Lankas the C IB Q
meait market firm has been miss
ing and no trace has been found
of him since Friday morning last
Thursday he drove to Culbert
son to buy some cattle for the
meat market He left the horse
and buggy there and returned
home that evening On Friday
morning he left home- early to re
turn to Culbertson to finish his
business After eating an early
breakfast at The Chicago Chop
House he disappeared and no
trace has since been had of his
whereabouts or movements
Polivec had considerable money
on his person
His wife and relatives in this
city arc becoming alarmed lest
some foul play has befallen him
or that under some -mental de
rangement he may have wanderet
It is said that there is no fi
nancial or domestic reasons for
his disappearance
A Royal Slave
With all its wealth of special
scenery gorgeous costumes and
bright and catchy specialties is
the attraction at the Temple the
atre Thursday night This piece
which has attained such an envi
able reputation and secured
sueh a hold on the hearts of the
atregoers from one end of this
bread land to the other is from
the pen of Mr iOlarence Bennett
author of the Ilolv City and
The Warning Bell and other
notable successes Mr Bennett
has located his scenes near the
city of Mexico and based the fab
ric of the play on events which
jifttnnllv oftpnrred d urine the-
brief reign of the unfortunate i
Emperor Maximiliian The great
treasure the secret of which was
as loyally and jealously guard
ed by El Aguila The Eagle who
although a sorf traced his lineage
from rthe royal Montezumas is
founded on fact The success of
itliis piece has been so phenome
nal in America that the firm has
decided to present it next year
in England
Friday Primary Day
The disclosure has been mad
that the state wide primary to be
held in Nebraska next year un
der the new law enacted by the
state legislature will fall on Fri
day April 19 which is a decid
ed departure from the customary
Tuesday election day wliich has
almost invariably prevailed The
law does not say that the pri
mary shall be held on a particu
lar day or date but defines the
time as the 45th day before the
first Monday in June every
fourth year when presidential
candidates are to be chosen leav
ing it on the third Tuesday in
August for all other years This
makes the date variable in each
ease although the day remains
certain and must be on Friday
in presidential years and a Tues
day in each intervening year
Omaha Bee
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the post
Atherton F W Hansen Mr
Nels Kennedy Mr F C Mir
acle Roy D McNiel John Tay
lor D M Ramsden Miss Cora
G Mallery Mr J V Meke Al
Hall M K Neel Miss Fay
Miracle Mrs Roy 2
LON CONE Postmaster
Personal Taxes Due
Personal taxes are due and
become delinquent December 1st
10 per cent interest added to all
taxes after that date
C NADEN Co Treas
Its Time to Commence
getting ready for Christmas If
you have some special design you
want made up in gold or silver
let us do it for you
Arthur ORourke wlio has beei
sick for a few weeks was able ito
he out and ahout end of week
Eureka Chapter No 86 and
Given a Banquet and Re
The visit of Worthy Grand
Matron Mrs Carrie E Wright to
Eureka chapter No 86 of our
ccity Friday evening called out
the highest expression of hospit
ality on the part of the member
ship nearly 150 members of this
chapter and of invited guests
from Benkelman Bartley Culbert
son Indianola and other chapters
being presnet to receive the
grand matron upon this official
visit of instruction
At 6 30 o clock the grand mat
ron visiting members and mem
bers of Eureka chapter repaired
to the banquet room of the Tem
ple where a substantial and excel
lent dinner was served with ever
comfortable and tasteful acces
sory Over 100 plates were laid
for -the occasion which was one
of the most notable gastronomic
efforts ever attempted by the
chapter in connection with a ses
sion of the order
Returning to the chapter room
after dinner the regular work of
the session was taken up and
regularly disposed of
An impressive initiation was a
feature of the session
Following the work of the eve
ning Worthy iGrand Matron Mrs
Carrie E Wright assumed charge
and conducted a school of dnstruc
tion which however the grand
matron said was more properly a
essr s
Monday Evening Edition
school of congratulation and fe
licitation upon the excellence of
the work and the fine condition
of the chapter in every particular
Making Some Tests
A R Scott local manager of
the MeCook Electric Co A L
Jones engineer for the iGeneral
Electric and F B Redd auditor
for the- General Electric all come
down from Denver on Saturday
morning and are conducting some
tests looking to making an offer
to the city council to pump the
water for the municipal water
plant here running the pumps
by electric motors The gentle
men are also making soma tests
at the electric light plant to se
cure some economics if practic
Why should you subject your
hands to the harsh treatment
they get in wasliing dishes and
doing general housework Rough
ening chapping and disfigure
ment will result and its a long
process to restore them to
moss again
about your work Seamless ones
thin and close fitting but strong
and durable We have them
They come in all sizes in white
or maroon rubber The heist ma
terial and workmansliip guaran
teed Price 75c
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Try Tribune want ads
Thanksgiving Table
isnt complete without flowers If you are entertaining keep
thes in mind If you are a guest send the hostess some flow
ers Chrysanthemums all colors and the Thanks
giving flower at 150 200 250 300 350 per dozen
Compare these prices with Denver Omaha Lincoln or Chi
cago We beat them all to a standstill And remember you
dont require a dozen as three or four chrysanthemums make
a handsomer bouquet than a dozen other flowers Be thank
ful and send flowers
MeCook Greenhouses
Oriental Plays all the Rage
The Temple theatre manage
ment has secured Clarence Ben
netts beautiful Mexican play
A Royal Slave for Thursday
evening Nov 30th The author
has evolved a story startling in
its intensity calling into play the
strongest emotions human nature
possesses The loyal undying
devotion of Aguila to his young
mistress the passionate hate of
the Countess Inez de Ora the
sweet confiding love of the gen
tle Isadora relieved by the
bright hreezy comedy of the A
merican newspaper correspond
ent and the equally sprightly Anr
neta with the specialties they
introduce all contribute share
in making A Royal Slave one
of the most enjoyable of this
seasons offerings
The Main Store On Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in
groceries fruits vegetables etc
you seek look no further than
Among the real estate trans
fers in Hitchcock county last
week are Milton Moore to
Charl F Lehn md undiv
of 14 and nOi of 15-2-31 2
500 F L White to Herman Boh
ling wd ny see 7 Arl e hf
pt ei sfi4 6-1-33 8000
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
Barrs Saturday candy 29c
per pound
L W McCONNELL Druggist
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the Me
Cook Flour and Feed Store
A private dance was held on
Thursday night at the J E Mos
Everything in drugs
Print Wednesday Night
In order to afford the force an
opportunity to be thankful with
the rest of the world Thursdays
issue of The Tribune will be is
sued one day earlier than usual
going to press on Wednesday eve
ning Will advertisers and all
others interested kindly note this
fact bringing in copy promptly
for advertisements and for news
Card of Thanks
Words cannot express our
thanks for the kindness shown
by friends and neighbors during
the illness and death of our dear
wife and mother How true it is
that a friend dn need is a friend
indeed Signed Frank Cram
er Mr and Mrs M P Hanson
Mr and Mrs Wavne Cramer
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Mc
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c per pound
McConnell for drugs
If the good were only better
would the wicked be so bad
Surt C F White or Tren
ton gos to Cambridge next ytiu
Magner sells better groceries
than tlie just as good kind Try
him for an order
St Margarets Episcopal guild
will give a dance and bazaar en
Monday Dee 18 in the armory
27 2w
The Ladies Aid society of the
Methodist church will meat on
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Sar
ah McCarl
The Ladies Aid society of the
Methodist church Avail hold a cinity
Both Same Night and on Second
Street East
The residence of Conductor E
M Cox was considerably damag
ed Friday night by fire and wat
er The fire originated in and
was confined to the rear end of
the house over the kitchen but
how it originated is still unknowx
or undecided It was first
thought to have been caused by
defective wiring but Mr Panten
burg of MeCook Electric Co
tested out the lines and is con
vinced the electric wiring was
not responsible
Wliile there is some damage to
the building and contents from
fire perhaps the chief loss is
from water plastering etc be
ing especially a sufferer
The fare was confined to three
rear rooms the bath room and
two bed rooms all of them being
somewhat charred the bath room
probably the worst
Mr Cox was in the house at
tii time the fire was discovered
as the smoke from upstairs pene
trated to the lower floor ne
had just started to heat an elec
tive light iron Mrs Cox was ab
sent from the city on a visit
About six oclock on Saturday
morning another fire alarm was
sounded this time the call going
in from the Benjamin residence
2nd street east- Eph was engag
ed in the laudable work of build
ing the morning fire in the kitch
en range when an explosion of
oil gasoline or coal added a lit
tle more enthusiasm and energy
to the occupation than was seem
ly to Mr Benjamin who did not
entirely escape injury The dam
age fortunately was small the
fire being controlled without
much difficulty or loss
Tha Servant in the House Was
Generously greeted
The Servant in the House is
one of the strong plays of the
stage of today with food for re
flection and inspiration for bet
ter things for making more prac
tical the teachings of the golden
ride for following more closely
and precisely the teachings of
the meek and lowly Galileean
This dramatization of Kennedys
novel is keenly and bitterly sat
irical against the commercialism
the hypocrisy and the caste of
the church and seeks a fairer ex
pression of the brotherhood of
man its creed is I love God
and ALL my brothers
So even a small appreciation
of the production requires one to
go beyond the symbolic drain
to a contemplation of the dead
mens bones etc in the pulpit
pew and choir
Mr Kochs woric as the serv
ant is strong but somewhat ov
erdone and constitutes a sugges
tion approaching the ethically of
fensive to the more sensitively re
ligious soul
overlook those doors and win
dows that are in bad shape Call
us up and let us figure with you
in our
Dust Proof Metallic
Weather Strip
and save a Jarge coal bill as well
as a lot of extra house cleaning
say nothing about the wear and
tear on ycur nerves worrying
over the coal bill and house clean
ing after every dirt storm
Would you go all summer long
Arith out screens No Then why
go 12 months in the year without
protection from the dust andcold
Avinds when the cost is very littl
more if any
Call us up and let us call and
demonstrate our patent device
On all orders received before Jan
1st Ave Avill make you a special
price 23 4ts
A E nOTOmON phone 29
A Modern Patriot
A farmer near Oxford set tAvo
miles of telephone poles in order
to get telephone serAice into his
neighborhood He also keeps in
to repair a mile of road in
If all farmers AAOuld do
zaar in basement of church Satb 1 as much they could have wonder-
3 t t i mi tt ii irn -
uruay uecemoer jotn not mncJ rimy improved conditions m
AAiiil be served any time during their neighborhood Bertrand
the day 27 3av -Herald
Delivered Free to Any Place
in MeCook
Corn chop 100 135 t
Bran per 100 120 j
Shorts per 100 135
I Wheat per bushel 100
Corn per bushel 75
Oats per bushel 60 I
Alfalfa per bale 50
Ground alfalfa meal for
chicken and cow
t feed per 100 105 I
Phone 29
Mr and Mrs Albert McMillen
were entertainers of the Thurs
day Whist club last week
The Kappa Kappa Gammas
held their regular social meeting
Thursday evening at het home of
Mrs J R McCarl At 7 oclock
a dainty dinner was served
The Epworth Leaguers will
hold a reception Tuesday even
ing in honor of Miss Estella
Faus an efficient and active menj
ber soon to remove from the city
Mrs Juliet Walker AAas hostess
to The Friday Bridge Whist club
and a lew guests Saturday after
noon Dainty refreshments were
served Mrs A Galusha Sr as
Mrs W W Barritt royally en
tertained a Baptist church social
at her home Friday eening A
splendid program was Avell rend
ered There Avere eighty one pre
sent a record attendance and
there Avas a deliglntful time for
everyone present
Friday afternoon Mrs Viola
Kenyon Mrs W S Morlan and
Mrs S P Hart entertained a nu
merous company at a kensington
at the liome of Mrs Kenyon A
two courso luncheon Avas served
in elaborate style Besides the
hostesses in the dining room Mrs
H P Sutton presided at the ta
ble and Avas assisted by Mrs F
S Wilcox and Mrs ClI Meek
er Carnations Avere the table
decoration Miss Velma Sutton
offered some vocal numbers and
Mr Dare Kenyon Avas at the
Across the Viaduct
Mrs Peterson Avas the object
of jn surprise hy her neighbors
and friends on Thursdav after
noon All brought AA-ell-filled
baskets and the afternoon
pleasantly spent
Mrs F E Smith was happily
surprised Monday evening by a
company of friends and neigh
bors AAiio Avhiled away the even
ing pleasantly in playing games
of cards and enjoying the two
course luncheon serAed
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
Mrs Waiter French Me
Cook friends Avill regret to learn
is quite ill at her home near
ITctldrege since her return from
For special on dill sour and
sAveet pickles see Magner
Classified Advertisements
WANTED Pupils on the pianc
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
FOR SALE Tavo Red Dur
oe Jersey Males W C Cooper
route 3 27 4t
200 acr place known as the Fra
ser farin 5 miles southAvest of
MeCook 100 acres fenced 80
acres in cultivation 3 room
house Avind mill tank outbuild
ings orchard etc Address giv
ing and making proposition HJL
Moers room 15 Carbry -building
St Joseph Mo 20