if 4 t - A t h w V IV tf J V Jvi is l VOV - X u tf v HOLIDAY GIFTS When thou makest presents let them be of such things as will last lone to the end they may be In some way immor tal and may frequency refresh the memory of the receiver - THOMAS FULLER Our Christmas goods are here and we will be delighted to have you inspect them L C STOLL CO Brakeman 6 resigned fefit RAILROAD NEWS NOTES F H Xeubauer is on the sick list iGv GTge Avery is a new brake man New flues rod brasses etc are being given the 2019 A set of new flues is being placed in the 2841 this week Work is being given the 318 s steam pipes dome etc E S Howell of the blacksmith shop is in Havelock on a visit Machinist Leo Murphy is a car toonist in the making of a very clever sort Engineer F W Boswortli went up to Denvei Tuesday night on No 3 R4 engines were all put in pool Monday and will remain so until business slackens Blacksmith JE Moss of E S Howells force has been trans ferred to Denver The tm shop has been moved into quarters on the erecting side of the machine shop Fireman A A Grigsby ent down to Lincoln Tuesday even ing on No 10 on a short visit C F Knosp has moved irto the country near Perry but re tains his job with the company A new spark arrester Avas made for the 1765 which has been given other repairs lately Word from Omaha states that W M Gardners baby is getting on quite nicely at this printing H J Utter general piece work inspector of Lincoln was at McCook headquarters Tuesday Ben Riggs and- brother left for Beaver City Tuesday morn ing on 16 to attend the funeral of a relative Lester Wilson who was laid with mashed f ootf up a few days a resumed work in the repair gang yesterday Sanitary closets and waiter coolers are being placed in the mail cars running in and out of McCook Harvey Snider went down to Republican City on 14 Tuesday flight ta do some work on an engine at that place 3f Auditor Gavin went up west on 13 Tuesday in the line of his work Mrs J S Knobbs and child ren are visiting her sisters Mrs Robert Highland and Mrs Nor- P Hayward hag man Silvers up near Wray Colo rado Mcsemans crew went downi to Holdrege Saturday to erect a new ice house Later they wall go to Denver to put in a concrete subway I Engineer and Mrs L E Ilanford departed last night for Fairbury to spend a few days with his folks there They will return Sunday Robert Bums returned to Omaha Tuesday night to be near his wife who is reported resting easy after a serious operation per formed Monday Mr and Mrs Webb C Steph ens left on 16 Tuesday morning for Beaver City to attend the fu neral of her brother who died there this week Mrs J E Sanborn went up to Sanborn Tuesday morning on 13 to spsnd a few weeks on the ranch Mr Sanborn accompanied her for the day Engineer C D Purinton left today for Omaha on a visit which will include Orleans His sister Mrs Rose Bayless and her son Roy accompany him Conductor and Mrs J M Matteson and babe left on 13 Wednesday for their new home in Denver where Mr Matteson has been transferred E E Young general super intendent of the Wyoming divi sion passed thru in his special ear attached to No 1 Wednesday noon Mr Young was superin tendent here at one time Henry and Mrs Best and Mrs A T Buck returned Wed nesday morning from Omaha where- they went to attend a per formance of the famous Neisel string quartette Road Foreman W H Dungan of the west end now in an Oma liai hospital is getting along nice ly from na operation and will be 3y from an operation and will be out and about in a short time now When Things Go Wrong When things go wrong about the house The bread forgets to rise And little Minnie tears her dress And all the babies cry Oh dont sit down and mope and sigh And fret and worry so But dress the kidlets and yourself And see The Electric Picture Show When all the World looks blue to you And you begin to fag Your head to ache your heart to break And appetite to flag Just lock the door and leave your cares Behind you as you go And spend an hour of solid joy Seeing the Electric Moving Picture Show 116 Main Ave E E DeLong Prop RAILROAD NEWS NOTES The steam piping is about finished A more complete and comprehensive job ifchan common has been performed this fall The railroads of Nebraska did a total business for year ending June 30 1911 of 5509430063 The total for 1910 was 53725 4061G or an increase for 1911 of 136889447 No 14 -was about an hour and a half late last night caused by her engine slipping a tire at Keenesburg Colorado Engineei Avery -was driving her A freight engine was requisitioned but did net deliver the goods satisfactor ily unci a I2 brought the train in from Brush making up about thirty minutes between Akron and McCook Steve Finn was on ihe right side box ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Mrs Carl Bates and Miss Flo rence Jacobs entertained the Bap list Ladies Circle tihb afternoon Mis J II Korf and daughter left last night for Delta Iowa on account of sickness of bar mother Mirs Joe Kummer of AVest Mc- fw - itin iamiLm jajjCm lu 3 2f A 1 S i Li HOE y s Notice to Water Consumers It will be economy for you to see that your meters are kept in good condition All those meters out of commission and not pro perly repaired will be charged a flat rate as follows Per an mun 300 per head of stock 250 per room 400 per bath tub 250 per toilet 500 per quarter for 50 foot lawn four hours per day By order of city council D DIAMOND Water Commissioner R P D No 1 Henry Calkins visit was short He returned last MODEL STORE LADIES White NuBuck Button Black Velvet HiCut Button Patent Colt Dull Calf and Tan Calf Button MEI MS THE FLORSHEIM SHOE Tan Button and Blucher Dull Calf Button and Blucher Vici Kid Blucher KushionSole BOYS AND GIRLS 37T tg ss s 7IW k Salt Pepper Vinegar Mustard Three days of skipping rope finishes an ordinary girls shoes Fit her with a pair of Buster Brown Shoes She can scuff them Scrape them Bang them The shape holds They stand wear Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes Vu nVJ85M vw vnrV yIVij if 3 Mt For youngsters 150 to 250 Phone 18 THE MODEL E D PERKINS CO A Mai Carriers Load seems 5ieavier when he has a weak back and kidney trouble Fred Due hren mail carrier at Atchison Kan says I have been bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had a severe pain across my back When ever I carried a heavy load of mail my kidney trouble increased Some time ago I started talcing Foley Kid ney Pills and since taking them I have gotten entirely rid of all my as ever A ItfcMillen For Sale Two Red Duroc Jersey Boars W C Cooper McCook Neb Route 3 A New Morris Bldg cut day sick with pleurisy Denton Stroiid came home last Sunday morning for a visit of several days The basket supper at school dis tract 31 was a decided success Chris Troester would be glad if th e fellow who broke into his cellsir while he vas at thebasket -upper would call and get the gloves he dropped Airs W N Rodgers was assist ed at quilting this week by about I a dozen ladies of the M E j li 11 Kislt fniinTir i frutii Ap nw Cook was surprised Wednesday j gastrmmic features were afternoon by about twenty neiffh I asto ako the ladies bors tnends and incidentally n vn was ui shower i - -- o u a Bimu Arndt Breitling is home from his trip where he helped The Tribune 100 the year nislc corn BOX ELDEE JMaldred LModrell spent Sunday afternoon with CLeo Doyle a nd Fay Larington Rev flFouteh is holding speeiail meetings ait Spring Greek A farewell party was given at the Wm Doyle home last Wed nesday evening for Earl who left next day for Wyoming A gen eral good time was reported by those present Mdmey trouble and am as sound now j W B Sexson and son Raymond Advertise in The Tribune and get results have gone to Holbrook to work IMrs A T Wilson and daugh ter jMHnnie and Mrs T M Camp bell did some papering for Grand pa Campbell last Saturday Another huge dirt storm visit ed this neck of the woods on Saturday Subject for EpwortHi Legaue next Sunday evening is SleitliO drisms Responsibility to Ameri ca Num 14 14 Psa 33 12 147 20 Mrs L S Fxratch leader Get your Seim Weekly McCook Tribune before January 1st fox next year at 100 the year Try a Tribune watch results want ad and Thanksgiving Day Thursday Nov 30 The approach of Thanksgiving sug gests Table Linens House Furnishings and the closeness of Christmas Some of our table linens window curtains and drapery would add much desired air of holiday spirit for turkey day No where else will you fine so many useful Christmas Suggestions You will be surprised when you visit this store how easy your Christ mas shopping is and how little it costs for a fine lot of gifts Table linen and napkins to match per yard 50c to 200 Sets at 500 to 1650 White curtain net per yard 20c to 90c Arabian nets per ard 20c to 90c Colonial Draperies per yd 20c to 30c DANBURY Mrs Jas Toner arrived Wed nesday with the body of her moither Mrs East who was bur ied in the Danbury cemetery on Thursday Rev Jackson is holding revival meetings in the M E church Howard Ruby left Monday for Chicago where lie will -study en inoering Coy the International Harvester Co Chas Iloag of Indianola was a visitor Tuesday A doctor says that large hats are injurious So are big heads for that matter Mose Miles formerly of tliis place but now living in California was married last Aveek to Miss Seward nt Modesto California Al Roberts of Herndon was down on business Saturday Rev Anderson is holding meet ings at Sacramento Neb Wm McCants a brother of Mrs Emily Thompson departed for Oklahoma Tuesday evening Mrs Will Minniear and chil dren left Tuesday for Altamount Kansas to make their home Herb Butler of Denver arrived Wednesday for a visit with rela tives at this place The Christian Endeavor people gave a program at the Congregar tional church Saturday night Ruben Arnold arrived home on Friday lie was accompanied by Charles Arnolds wife Charles Arnold died a few days ago Huber handles the Carhart gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes Figired Figured Etamine per yard 45c to 75c Fa pest ry per yard 50c to 250 Lace curtains white and arabian per pair 90c to 750 Portieres at from 300 to 1400 C L DeGROFF COMPANY 1 i Special Sale AT DIAMONDS SHOE STORE For Saturday November 25th and continues for one week Wc offer the following specially lou prires Ladies black velvet button boots with rnilo buttons at Ladies gunmetal bluch er new toe special Boys button shoes on the new toe special Boys all solid box calf blucher special Littlemens a 1 1 solid blucher special Misses black high top button boots special Childs black high top button boots special 245 225 169 139 2 Lb 195 These shoes are all new guaran teed in every respect at a saving from 50c to 100 DIAMONDS SHOE STORE 113 West B Street f BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER I CURES and Purifies the Blood PICTURES OF MEN Our pictures of men look like men They show the force energy character of the sitter They are portraits that really tell something of the men portrayed Telephone Black 428 for a Sitting now The Elllngson Studio Co Commercial Hotel Bldg 307 Main Street K 1 f