The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 23, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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tirs x
IV UtCoafc pimp
Largest Circulation in Red WiilowCo
Entered at postoffice McCook Ne
braska as second class matter Pub
lished semi weekly
Ex Secretary of the Interior
Jimmie Garfield was guest of hon
or Tuesday of tliis week at a
laiKjuet in Youngstown at wMch
a Teddy Roosevelt boom was
launched in the Buckeye State
with great enthusiasm
A religious movement covering
ill Furnas county is under way
All denominations are engaged in
the work which will be in a
sense a religious census which
will -afford much valuable inform
If you feel tired out wliile
shopping stop in our store ami
get a cup of hot chocolate cof
fee or bouillon It will make you
feel new
Sick headache is caused by a dis
ordered stomach Take Chamberlains
Tablets and correct that and head
aches wall disappear For sale by
all dealers
ttvA Jim mimIIiIH J itJi 1KmiUhhi pJmh
Are You Planning On Buying Her
If so dont wait but call and pick it out NOW while
our assortment is complete We will lay it aside for you un
til you want it But Our Furs Sell Fast WHY
Because we show the newest things We buy direct from the
manufacturer and sell you the best at the LOWEST PRICES
We also guarantee every fur we sell to give perfect satisfac
tion so that when you buy of us you run no risk whatever
If It Is A
Youre Planning
McCook with friends
Great Majestic Range Demonstration any day
this week and let us serve you with dainty biscuits
brown all over crisp and delicious baked in three min
utes while you wait in a Majestic Range now in opera
tion in our store If you are interested the man from
the factory will show you the superiority of the Majestic
If you purchase a range this week we will
give you an 8oo set of ware free
McCook Hardware Co
2jd1kr tk a
II 1111 WW
on For Her
Select that early too for by waiting you have nothing to gain
and everything to lose Our assortment now complete grows
smaller every day making the opportunity for selection poorer the
longer you wait
Visit our store for practical Christmas Gifts
They are the kind that please and last longest
Dry Goods Mlunekt Ladies Rjrnishings
Mrs F E Smith was recently
called home by the illness of her
Father Lee is very ill at the
home of Qiis daughter Mrs C W
Frank Everist came down from
the San Luis valley on 10 Wed
nesday J
Miss Minnie Blunck of Mascot
spent Saturday with McCook
Miss Marcella Ryan went to
Omaha Tuesday morning on No
2 on a visit
Miss May Ward visited tlie
family of P II Blunck in Mas
cot this week
Mr Drath of llerndon Kas
has vmn a guest of F L Schwab
part of the week
Mir and Mrs J J Strunk of
Indianola spent Tuesday in the
city on business and shopping
Mrs 0 E iWalker nee Alice
Benjamin returned to her home
in Wauneta Monday morning
Mrs A P Ely and Mrs Omar
Doling went up to Palisade this
morning on a visit to his parents
Missi Gladys Neiswanger and
Miss Ada Butler of Cambridge
spent Sunday with McCook rela
J W Murphy came down from
Benkelman Tuesday evening on
No 10 and spent a few days in
JvVV S 111
Eugene Knox the impersonator
who -will speak this evening at
M E church arrived on No 1
this noon
it Tr 11 r i i
j mjtss aiarae dcnmiux will leave
next AVednesday for Washing
ton to take up her work osi tften
ographer for Congressman Nor
M L Ruby went up to Sanborn
Tuesday morning to work on a
heating job in the new residence
ot Engineer J B Sanborn at that
Sylvester Cordeal returned on
13 Tuesday from Lincoln com
ing via Kansas City and visiting
the daughter in Topeka Kansas
Mrs E Benjamin went up to
Wauneta Tuesday on a brief vis
it to her daughter Mrs O E
Walker returning home this af
Glen Rowel I left on Tuesday
morning for Kearney to visit his
sister Mrs IJarry Jones and to
look into a business offer to him
in that eity
Mr Cramer a brother of Franll
Cramer came down from Waviy
Colorado yesterday morning to
attend the funeral of his broth
ers wife this morning
Mr and Mrs W B WJiittaker
went up to Frontier county yes
terday afternoon called there by
the death of a neighbor Mrs F
B Cramer Tuesday night
Miss Jennie McCulloch a grad
uate of Bellevue New York ar
rived in the eity Tuesday night
and lias decided to locate here in
her work a trained nurse
J R MeCarl is now sufficient
ly advanced toward recovery
from lias ten weeks or more of
typhoid fever as to be able to be
down towm some a fact upon
which hisi friends are congratu
lating him warmly
President P Walsh of the
McCook National Bank is attend
ing the National Bankers as
sociation in New Orleans to
gether with Charles Patterson of
Arapahoe They wall likely see
Cuba and the Panama canal be
fore reurning home
J B Cumining of Lebanon and
Isaac Austin of Holdrege were
city visitors on Tuesday Mr
Gumming will be remembered as
one of the earliest settlers in Red
Wallow county coming here in
1874 Mr Austin formerly lived
in this county but lias for years
been a resident of Holdrege
C A Kodgers clerk of the
court went ur to the ranch near
Laird Colorado yesterday moraf
iug on 13 after spending a few
days here looking after business
Miss Bertha Selimander closed
her millinery season with Mrs
Nies and left on No 10 Monday
evening for Oxford where she
viisited several days before going
on home
Mrs E E Lee of Oxford was
the guest of her sister Mrs R
M Osborn Saturday Sunday and
to witness the play Saturday
night She returned home on 10
Sunday night
Miss Estella Fans who for
years has been the efficient sten
ographer in the offices of C E
Eldrcd will depart Saturday for
Des Moines la where she has
been given a similar position in
the office of one of the leading
law offices of that city Miss
Fans- has formed a large circle of
friends during her residence in
McCook who will be sorry to see
her leave tho congratulating her
upon securing a desirable position
m a large eity Later Just be
fore going fto press Ave leam that
Miss Fans will not leave until on
Thursday evening next and that
her position is with Guernsey
Parker Miller
Coughing at Night
means loss of sleep which is bad
for everyone Foleys Honey and Tai
Compound stops the cough at once
relieves the tickling and dryness in
the throat and heals the inflamed
membranes Prevents a cold devel
oping into bronchitis or pneumonia
Keep always in the house Refuse
substitutes A McMillen
Order of Hearing and Notice on
Petition for Settlement of
In the County Court of Red
Willow County Nebraska State
of Nebraska Red Willow County
ss To all persons interested in
the estate of Henry Yingling de
On reading the petition of W
II Staples Administrator pray
ing a linai settlement ana allow
ance of his account filed in this
court ou the 17th day of Novem
ber 1911 and for the settlement
of said estate and the discharge
of him and liis bondsmen from
further liability therein
It is hereby ordered that you
and all persons interested in said
matter may and do appear at
the County Court to be held an
and for said county on the 9th
day of December A D 1911 at
nine oclock a m to show
cause if any there be why the
prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this
order in the McCook Tribune a
newspaper printed in said coun
ty for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing
County Judge
C E ELDRED Attorney
First publication Nov 20 6ts
All persons interested in the es
tate of Oscir M Matthews de
ceased are hereby notified that
on November 9th 1911 Maude
Baker filed her petition in the
county court of Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska for her administra
tion of said estate and same will
be heard in said court at nine a
m on December 2nd 1911
vSeal J C MORE
County Judge
First publication Nov 13 6ts
Margaret Davis William S
Davis Mildred Davis and Sarah
G Lamb formerly Sarah G Ed
monds also known as S G Ed
monds defendants will take no
tice that Frank E McKinnis
plaintiff has filed his petition
against you in the district court
of Red Willow county Nebraska
the object and prayer of whiel
is to obtain a decree of said court
quieting his title to the north
of the northwest Yi of section 21
township 1 range 30 in Red Wil
low county Nebraska against
iny claim title to or interest in
or lien upon said land that either
f you may have or claim to
have to have his title thereto de
clared to be absolute to exclude
you and each of you from any
title to or interest in or lien up
on said premises and to have a
certain mortgage thereon held by
said Sarah G Lamb by assign
ment to her as and in the name
of S G Edmonds declared null
and void and no lienupon said
premises and for equitable relief
You are required to answer
olain tiffs petition on or before
Monday December 11th 1911
Attorney for Plaintiff
First Dublication Nov 2 4ts
Tried in McCook It Has Stood
the Test
The hardest test is the test of
time and Doans Kidney Pills
have stood it well in McCook
Kidney sufferers can hardly ask
for stronger proof than the fol
lowing -
Mrs D A Jordan of McCook
Neb says About a year and
a half ago I suffered from kid
ney complaint There was a dull
Stetson Hats
Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts
Munsing Underwear
Buster Brown Hosiery
Ralston Shoes
The One Price and No Monkey Business Clothiers
All persons interested in the
estate of Elisha A Dodge de
ceased are hereby notified that
on the fourth day of November
1911 Myrtle Hartman adminis
tratrix of said estate filed in the
County Court of Red Willow
county Nebraska her final ac
count as said administratrix and
that said final account will be
heard in said court at nine
oclock a m on December 1st
1911 and are hereby ordered to
appear at said time and place
and show cause if any such exist
why said final account should not
be allowed
County Judge
First publication Nov 6 6ts
bearing - down sensation through
the small of my back and I be
came so weak across my loins that
I could hardly stoop I did not
sleep well and this resulted in
a tired feeling when I got up
Headaches bothered me and I
was very nervous Doans Kid
ney Pills improved my condition
as soon as I began talcing them
and the contents of six boxes ef
fected a complete cure State
ment given June 26 1907
The Cure Lasted
Mrs Jordan was interviewed
on June 21 1910 and she said
I gladly confirm the public
statement I gave in 1907 recom
mending Doans Kidney Pills
They effected a permanent cure
in my case and I am now enjoy
ing good health
For sale by all dealers Price
50 cents Foster Milburn Co
Buffalo New York sole agents
for the United States
Remember the name Doans
and take no other
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
Public Sale
fcgi will sell the following property at public sale at my farm 4 miles due north
v Z of McCook commencing at 10 oclock a m on
Monday November 27 1911
16 - - Head of Horses - - - 16
Bay horse 10 years old weight 1400 lbs Brown horse 7 years old weight 1050
lbs horse colt coming 3 years old 5 brood mares all bred to jack roan mare 8
years old weight 1350 lbs brown mare 7 year old 1200 lbs yearling colt suck
ing mule bay mare 6 years old weight 1350 lbs bay mare 4 years old weight
1300 lbs gray mare 9 years old weight 1100 lbs bay saddle pony 9 y ears old
7 - Head of Cattle - - - 7
Three milch cows two will be fresh soon 2 year old heifer will be fresh soon
two spring calves and one fall calf 2 head of hogs will weigh over 200 lbs each
Farming Implements and Household Goods
An extensive lino of goods in good condition of machinery household articles
etc too numerous to be listed
10 months time will be given on bankable paper drawing ten
per cent interest from date 5 per cent discount will be given
for cash on sums over 10 No property to be removed until set
tled for ViiHB
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