The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 23, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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- -7
I I i IL -
Delivered Free to Any Place
in McCook
Corn chop per 300 135
Bran per 100
Shorts per 100
Wheat per bushel
Cora per bushel
Oats per bushel
Barley per bushel
Alfalfa per bale
Phone 29
jhj jx i z i x 4 i i
Barn Burned
R Z Breritons barn in West
McCook was destroyed by fire at
about midnight on Tuesday The
building was insured for 200
beang valued at 250 to 300
There was but iittle of- rvalue in
the barn About two hours dater
the Avreckage was fanned into
flames again by the breeze and a
small outbuilding on the Sickler
place was burned loss nominal
The fire -department was first
summoned by locomotives in the
local yard giving the alarm the
caliope and fire bell joining in
the chorus later
We wish to announce the ar
rival of beautiful Japanese hand
decorated fancy china in pattern
never before shown also cut glass
of new desins and very reason
able in price Early Christmas
buyers get the cream of selec
Childs Wool Sweaters jjOc
Good navy blueyOLsweabra
with - Vncclfand large 4 aiole
jxlimttons 50c Other boys
garls sweaters from 35c to
150 each The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value
McConnell fills prescriptions
Freshest fruits at Magners
You will find them fresh
clean at Magners grocery
Everything in drugs
Classified Advertisements
FOR SALE A first class pian
with Ceeilian piano player at a
bargain on terms Inquire of
this office for particulars 9 28tf
FOR HENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms- for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
black 271 16
TO TRADE Have the follow
ing city property to trade in on
land all clear of incumbrance 7
room dwelling in very desirable
location 1 four room dwelling
jilsfTini desirable location in Mc
Cook in first class condition Call
phone red 290 or write xi jcj
Culbertson McCook Neb 12 4ts
take eliarge of a ranch in Fron
tier county Nebraska Man with
family preferred For informa
tion call on or address F D
BURKE Maywood Neb or this
paper 164
You have the satisfaction of possessing in tangible useful
form a certain amount of genuine wealth
It is always as good as new never goes out of style at any
time can be turned for cash at approximately same figure paid
for it
We have them in all sizes of stones from 1 S carat on up
If you are thinking of purchasing a stone you will not re
gret having looked our stock over and get prices that are
iWe are making a special price on a diamond ringstone
weighing 1 S carat in a Tiffany 14 carat ring at 1250
Come in before the rush and let us figure Avith you wheth
er you expecit to buy at this time or later
Jewelers and Opticians
asmi ijmiWiiWf n
J v X v v v v v v v v v I J v v v
QerrrQt 4 M Tirt T2Vkrtn
Mr Koch has a commanding
presence His impersonation of
Manscn sound and painstaldng
As a whole the representation
was helpful and stimulating and
120 made a profound impression upon
the audience Chicago Record-
Herald Sunday Sept 25 1911
Not one member of the cast
last night was here dn the play
two and one half years ago when
Crcston Clarke Clay Clement and
Mass Gladys Wynne appeared
The company last night with
Hugo B Koch Donald Merrifdeld
and Mess Sliirley Moore in the
same roles put on a stronger pre
sentation than when given here
before Shebovgan Was
Telegram Sept 15 11
To Meet the Dawn
-Curtis Neb Nov -20 Special
13 ee Telegram Mrs Lillie Nel
son distributor of Dawn of the
Millanium literature committe
suicide by drinking carbolic acid
at hea home southwest of here
She was known to have been in
a despondent mood for some time
Mrs Nelson was 28 years old
She lias relatives living in the
vicinity of Omaha
Black Dress Skirts 175
Just received some very neat
ribbon trimmed black dress skirt
for 175 Some Panama skirts
with handsome Bonnaz embroid
ery for 325 Velveteen skints
325 Girdle top skirts from
325 p to 750 Alterations
free The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
Vs V
Fleeced Union Suits 23c
for children Others 27c MeiaiiV
- i
up to 100 Our lanes
wear are complete and include
extra sizes for men and women-
We save you 15 per cent to 25
per cent The Thompsoir D G
Co Utmost value for cash only
Speaking of Fountain Syring
es we want to call attention to
the Waldorf It is a red rub
ber combination fount syringe
and water bottle guaranteed one
year and sold only by us If you
Avant the best call lor a Wald
Our mid season sale was a
grand success and we decided to
offer bargains each week Look
for our special sale for this week
in this paper
Our photo department should
solve some of your gift problems
For instances A Brownie Came
ra is a splendid gift for a boy or
a girl 1 to 12
McCONNELL Druggist
Mrs R L Taylor will serve
dinner and supper in the store
room adjoining the Pastime the
atre Saturday November 25th
Price 25 cents
We have a nice assortment of
ladies new Hand Bags Gents
Purses Card Cases and Pass
A McMILLEN Druggist
Pure Gold flour from winter
wheat at Magners
For drugs see Woodworth the
Medicine Man
Thursday Evening Edition
I The McCook Public Schools
Board of Education
McCook Neb Nov 20 1911
Board met pursuant to call of
president Present Doan Suess
Barnes Lawrdtson Moore Cul
bertson and Supt Davis
Minutes of NoAember 6 read
and approved
The following bills were read
W T Davis postage ex
press etc 31 02
C L DeGroff Co
mdse 23 73
A B Dick Co paper
and ink 8 00
MacMillam Co books
Houghton Mifflin Co
Main Bangor Slate Co
5 94
1 56
150 to each of the following
for state examinations
Helen Couse Alice Wilson Min
nie Vicrsen Stephen Miller Leta
Monks Helen OBrien Avis Rec
tor Laren Ludwick Julia
Ida Gordon Maurice iBenja
min Martin Lawritson Lawrence
Glandon Frank Emerson Clar
ence Emerosn Agnes Clark Ray
mond Haar Florence Enright Ait raunjty and make possibl
n a Amsaen inorence wiison
Susie MoBride
On motion the above bills were
allowed and warrants ordered
Supt Davis piesented check for
332 for fines etc collected
It was moved that Mrs Mae
Douglass be employed to teach
night school at 2000 per month j
the f eliocl to be open to children
of school age who are unable to
attend the public schools in the
day time
Motion carried unanimously
Motion was made That Supt
Davis be instrucited to install -the
Crete system of domestic science
in the high school as soon as pos
sible and a reasonable credit be
allowed for the work
The following resolution was
Whereas That in the matter of
the suspension of Francis McAd
ams be it Resolved That Fran
cis McAdamsi may return to
school upon his satisfactory apol
ogy to the teacher before the pu
pills of theroom where his misbe
havior was done that he bring
a written note to the teacher
from his parents stating that
they will co operate with her in
maintaining order in the school
and that Francis will be answer
able to the same discipline tliat
all the other pupils are and no
greateFor less
On motion the board approved
the action of the building com
mittee that East Ward brick
school building and north rooms
of frame building be given tof O
Grismore to complete weather
stripping and puttying where ne
cessary all windows and to com
plete weather stripping and put t
tying where necessary an win
dows in the West Ward building
for 17500
Night School
At the meeting of the school
board Monday evening is -was
overlook those doors and
dows that aie in bad shape
us up and let lis figure Avath you
in our
Dust Proof Metallic
Weather Strip
determined to establish a night
school for the benefit of those
who are unable to take advant
age of the day school
The school will open on Mon
day evening next November 27
Tdie school will be open from 7
to 9 m of each school day
Mrs Douglass will be the teacher
Studies will be arranged and
text books furnished to medt the
needs of all those who may care
to enter
The school is not intended for
those who find it possible to at
tend the regular day school It
is rather intended to meet the
needs of those who are unavoid
ably prevented from attending
the day school Students who are
41 uo backward or irregular in their
work will be welcomed to this
Credit will be given for work
done here just the same as in any
other part of miblic school sys
tem Special attention will be
givne to the fundamentals read
ing writing and aritlrmetie
The board believes this school
will aneet a real need of the com-
e ffche
gaining of school advantages by
those whose educational prepara
tion would otherwise be so limit
ed as to handicap them in their
future work
Persons reading this article may
know of some one who would be
benefitted by the advantages of
a night school Do them the fa
vor of calling their attention to
the night school
State Superintendent DelzeU
snys It is within the legal prov
ince of a school board to spend
publie money for the purpose of
giving boys and girls of school
age an education by organizing
and maintaining a night school
if the funds are witliin the gen
eral and will permit the
same He further says I
heartily approve of the scheme
and think you are making the
light moAC
Students Avishing to enroll in
the night school may do so at
the first session of the school on
next Monday evening or by Arisv
iting the officers before that time
Any inquiries in regard to it will
be gladly answered by the super
Domestic Science Department
The Crete plan of domestic sci
ence is to be introduced into our
liigh school The success of it
will depend very largely upon tht
ladies of the city
This system is in successful op
eration in some half dozen tOAvns
dnj the state and in many ways
has- an adAantage 0Arer the formal
laboratory method
As -the poet says
We may live Avithout poetry
in usee and art
j Weliriay live Avithout consciT
once and Ave may live with-
out heart -
We may live without love and
i live without books u
But civaiized man ean nttf
t If It Is To Be Had McConnelT
Has It His stock is ahvays com1
Call plote nn those goods Avhich
easenroai tirug store to
be complete means that it is grow
ing all the time If you get it
there rcu can depend upon- it b
and save a ilanre ccal bill as Avell g wcfrtliy quality His stoeJc
as a let of extra house cleaning bag- aways stood for
amr -4-1 in ol ni 4- llV null TTf ivX wWflfr tll fVT hTliSfii
ijaiy xxiiiiiixjg auvuu uiiu VVui ciuu c x- xjoc
tear on your nerves Avorryang to nave even tnougti itfleya
over the coal bill and house clean particular thaaje
ang afcter every airt storm j Q7miSfflffi
Would you go all summer long m3SJffiif i
mthout screens No Wigfrf
go 12 montlis in the year AvIthbutWnf KCcokal they aidt Tgi v-
winds Avhen the Cost is very littl lY Jcke t suits of
nvntra fotnr aviooI at 1000 there no excus1
n iill nia iTnTir1 W nc rnll nnfl fCT any One Q
A E HOTCHEIN phone 29
Lace Curtains 50c 65c 85c pair
And on up to 650 at The
Thompson D G Co Utmost Aai
Fresh fruits at Magners
f ry -iv - n - o rn Air nn 1 ih i n
-T uu mi ouv
demonstrate our patent device -
The D G Go Utmost
n oil nft fl Afnro Tfin Thompson
lue tcr casl1
1st we Avill make you a special v T
23 4ts I
We make a specialty of babys
Avants such as feeding battles
nipples brushes talcum powders
sponges foods etc Call on us
for any thing the baby needs
A McMillen Druggist
-- Ma
- v r
rV i vans jw r
What is Being Said About The
The P E 0 ladies had a mock
initiation Monday eAfening at
their convocation at the home of
Mrs J A Wilcox on the further
occasion of their tenth anniver
sary of the institution of the or
der At tliis time the B I L S
Avere increased in membersliip by
the addition to the roster of Mes
srs E S Waite G E Thomp
son R J Gunn J R MeOarl
P L Seirwab Herman Pade of
our city and Mr Neal Quick of
Indianola Mr J J Hadley of
Indianola only escaped like
pleasure by being unable to at
tend the meeting The refresh
ments of the occasion Avere in
charge of Mesdamesi G L Bur
ney Herman Pade and II D
SteAvart and any of these ladies
can qualify at the head of a do
mestic science department Mrs
C n Meeker gaAre a recitation
from Riley Avhich Avas received
Avith acclaim for its clever ex
pression Old time songs and the
usual social Avays crystallized the
informal affair into one of the
pleasantest eArer
Dispatcher and Mrs T B
Campbell came to the 30th anni
Aersary stage dn their happy mar
ried life Wednesday and in the
afternoon of that day Mrs Camp
bell had in a company of friends
to celebrate the day Avith her
There Avas a one o clock luncheon
in a darkened room in Avhich
miniature candles furnished the
subdued illumination Mrs L E
Hanford assisting in the serving
The guests Avere Mesdames A
Campbell E S Waite John Mor
ris O M Knipple E II Doan
Vina Wood W W MoMillen
Mary A Northrup Z L Kay V
J Gathea cole Emerson Hanson
A R Mehaffey
MjrSj L J3 Hanford will enter
tain the Research club on next
Monday afternoon Avhen they
complete Much Ado About
Nothing It Avill be last meet
ing before the holidays
The Fortnightly Whist club
met with Miss Laura MoMillen
last evening
The Priscilla club met with
Mrs F S Wilcox yesterday af
There Avas a happy hop at the
Commercial hotel last night
Supt Davis Will Speak
Next Sunday evening at the
Congregational church the sub
ject Avill be The Opportunity of
the Motion Picture Sunt Dav
is of the McCook schools Avail
speak on The Educational Op
portunity and the pastor on the
Avork of the National Board of
Censorship and other problems in
Beautiful New Waists
tC silk chiffon messaline and ba
tiste just received Avith fringe
trimming Avith pepiumsr with ruf
SIS and 125 to 500
TJrojnpsqp D G p Ut
V Velvets and Velveteens
We quite a complete line
iobIaekAyliite and colors ip
rtjhesemucb Avanted fabrics bee
uliirstor last The Thompson
D G Gio Utmost value
Shelf Oil Cloth 5c Yd
In handsome patterns of best
XIXAA z irVi mr t nnnivit
yittvx ii
D G Co
v i
i i
- i
fKodaks aid kodak supplies
I TV 1ronnnVi7TT TArno me
r nv i Ob1
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Hubers
all the time
Dont cough-
i i - -
Wliite Pine and
Tar MenthoTated A ill cure Avhen
Others fail 25 and 50 cents per
Do you know that almost every
toileit need can be supplied at our
store Imported and America
face poAvders Tale powders
soaps perfumes toilet Avater sa
chet poAydei and tooth prepara
A McMILLEN Druggist
some people fail to make a
financial success is not be
cause thev do not have tliA
ability to make money but I
because they lack persisten
cy or
You can save if you WILL
Perhaps you have tried to
develop a bank account and
have failed Does that one
failure justify poverty in old
age This bank offers you
all the inducements and fa
cilities possible for a bank
to offer With the ready as
sistance and advice of which
customers of tins bank may
avail themselves there is no
reason Avhy YOU should not
accumulate an independent
Start a bank account NOW
Mccook national
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBbien Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Adventist Senices at 11 a m
and 8 p m Saturday and at 8
p m Sunday
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m - preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m H M Mitchell min
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 O R Richert
- Christian - Science The subject
for next Sunday morning Avill be
Aineieint and Modern Necroman
y alias Mesmerism and Hypnot
ism Denounced
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
evenings New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Catholic St Patricks Church
8 30 a m low mass and sermon
10 30 a m high mass and ser
mon 2 30 p m Sunday school
800 evening services Rev Wm
Patton O M I pastor
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p m Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty Avelcome to all Avho Avish
to worship Avith us D L Mc
Bride minister
Episcopal Sunday school at 10
Morning prayer and sermon at
11 Eveniing prayer atnd addaess
at 4 Choir rehearsal alt close of
the latter Thanksgiving Day
Holy Communion and sermon at
10 Offering for Clarksan hos
pital Omaha
Congregational Usual sermon
Sunday morning Evening sub
ject The Opportunity of the
Motion Picture Supt Davis of
the McCook schools Avill speak on
The Educational Opportunity
and the pastor on the Avork o
the National Board of Censorship
and other problems Everyone
invited - -v
rU4SaItclQiiioTil - -
fr5y3afs Brass Sash
iodsr tliree times rapidly then
come qiucKiy aoAvn ana get six
oL them at Joe a piece trom The
Thompson D G Co They put
themselves up
It Is Criminal
to neglect a cold Our Laxative
Cold llemedy Avail cure a cold la
grippe or cough if taken in- time
Money back is not satisfactory
A McMILLEN Druggist
We get fresh candy every
Aveek Take a box of chocolates
Avilth you to the theaftre Saturday
Call and get our special pric
es on photos W B Fearn
studio Phone 38
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magners