The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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The Lamp Tliat
Saves The Eyes
Children naturally never think of
possible strain on their eyesight when
poring over a fascinating book
It is up to you to see they do not ruin
their young eyes these long evenings
by reading under a poor light
The Rayo Lamp is an insurance
against eye troubles alike for young
and old
The Rayo is a low priced lamp but it is constructed on the soundest
scientific principles and there is not a belter lamp made at any price
It is easy on the eye because its light is so soft and white and
widely diffused And a Rayo Lamp never flickers
Easily lighted without removing shade or chimney easy to clean and rewicL
Solid brass throughout with handsome nickel finish also in many other styles and finishes
Ait your dealer to thow you hu Ine of Rayo larrpi or write for descriptive circular
to any agency of the
Standard Oil Company
East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
13 945 A M
12 C35 A II
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arr 830 p m
13 930 A M
-15 1230 A M
9 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
tuiu niseis can on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
J Mr and Mrs 0 L House
went to Omaha Saturday
Several cars of ear wheels
Avere unleaded here end iof week
Donald Dungan of Denver
visited Frank Barnett end of
Engineer and Mrs M II
Hammond departed Friday night
for Denver
General Sup It Allen was out
from Lincoln Friday on a visit
of inspection
Engineer J W Hardy went
up to Sterling Colorado Satur
day on a visit
Engineer 0 E Rostratter was
i passenger Friday morning for
Denver on No 13
Two trainmen engaged in an
argument at Akron Friday
which was conclusive if not regu
Dispatcher and Mrs A Cal
lioon are visiting his people down
in Missouri near Kansas City
leaving on 10 Friday night
Engineer L S Viersen re
turned Friday evening on 10
from Wray Colorado where the
company is conducting a sale of
Brakeman W E Magnuson
Brakeman A E Cassell and Con
ductor W T Wilcott laid off an
order to take in The Lion and
the Mouse Saturday night
TV M Gardner general fore
mans clerk returned on Satur
day night from Omaha report
ing the baby progressing favor
ably from its severe operation
the amputation of one of its arms
above the elbow
Miss Fern Graves and sister
spent Sunday in Tndianola
Brake man 0 J Kunkle is a
conductor beginning today
Win Sehmer and John Roach
are new brakemen added today
Brakeman G E McQuistin is
up from the Oberlin branch today
Mrs W Darvc Burnett spent
Sunday with the home Folks in
Strati on
Mrs F C Runnells departed
Thursday evening on Xo 10 for
Mrs P E Russell was a
Hastings passenger on Xo 10 on
Conductor Herman Ilegenber
g r was up from Republican on
Will Lyon went up on No
13 today for some hunting near
Brakeman B 0 Dickey
married Thursday night in
erlin Ivas
C M Ketler of Bartley
up for the Masonic doings
Saturday night
Firemen Nelson Matz Cox
and Mitchell were promoted Fri
day to engineers
C E Winger agent at Wau
neta came down Friday night
enroute for Minden
Way car 14251 has been ov
erhauled and goes on today in
charge of Wilbur Fiske
James Boldman agent at In
dianola came up Saturday night
for the Masonic doings
Mrs J R Weidenhamer went
up to Denver on Saturday morn
ing on a short trip and visit
Brakeman J A Clark went
down to Red Cloud Saturday to
take on some Masonic degrees
The Burlington has been do
ing om e repair work about the
Palisade depot and stock yards
The Burlington has acquired
the water rights of the Maurer
springs near Red Cloud for
Brakeman A II McCreath
left on Monday for Raton New
Mexico called there by the ser
ious illness of his father
Robt Burns Avife and molth
er left on No 6 Friday night
for Omaha where Mrs Burns is
to be operated on today
Mrs J P Murray child and
mother Mrs Mullen left on No
13 today for a visit of some
length in Sheridan AVyo
Mrs Andresen and little son
left on 10 Friday evening for
Chicago on a visit to relatives
A brother of Mrs Andresen will
be operated upon during her ab
Saturday November 25th
Gaskilland Mac Vitty Inc offer the greatest modern play
By Chas Rann Kennedy with
Ana the greatest cast of Players Ever Seen in the Middle West
One Year in New York City Three Months in Chicago
One Year in London Now a Sensation in Berlin
A Sensation N Y Times
A Masterpiece Washington Post
An Epoch Making Play Chicago Inter Ocean
True to Life Club Life
The Thing to See Harpers Weekly
It is a Play for the World to See Harpers Weekly
The Best Example of Dramatic Work Now Extant N Y Post
Prices 25c to 150
Curtain at 9 oclock
PERSONAL MENTION Miss Kate Sipe of Bartley
cainei up Friday to see the foot
J P Crouse was in Lincoln on ball game
business Friday J r Margaret Toll of
E P Iluber went m to Oma hoe visited with June Wyckham
ha Saturday aright on a brief i end of week
business trip Cream Messenger McCree of
Mrs J F Greimnger went to1 Oxford was in town today be-
Oberlan Kansas Saturday morn tween trains doing some shopping
mg iu visit lrs Foster sister of Mrs S
Carl Bates of DeGroff CoiE Harvey returned this morn
spent Sunday on business in jllg from ier visit in Kansas City
Wray Colorado 1 Mesdames E I Bohanan and
Mrs C F Ileber made a flying Omar Doling of Lincoln arrived
trip ic Brush elcuado banirdayi on x0 9 this morning to be the
morning on a visit guests of thenir sister Mrs W D
Mrs C B Iloag of Indianola Burnett
was guest of her daughter Mrs at - Arc iftiiM11
C B Gray end of week
E B Perry of Cambridge the
fcTr ViMAOrwvm - -
iU w Cw vJfcNfc Tt
- MiAi J J IWWIVH a All m o
Jones Miss Smith and several oth
ers came down from Benkelman
next judge of the 14th district Saturday
11 r 4- I n t 4m viaJr h - I -
l 111 LUU l il Oil LIU UU UU
evening for the
rpi T l i ir
inc iiun iiuu iiiu uuuair
R B Sheridan went up the
iur ocoxt or urieans came up i lmpHial lraneh latter paint of
on No 13 Saturday and is a last week to e ixySmt for some
guest of her parents Mr and Mrsitime coking after has farm and
Joseph Evans I ranch interests along the French-
Mi s II H Miller avIio hasman
been visiting her sister Mrs A j iss BmtM Brown wm lias
III Petty ot Lincoln arrived horn n0 otjf nf -ire n 1Tn
C t vu 111 i111 iIiO V J JJO
oiinciay morning jjj
jirs a uamnneJi wiuo lias t
been absent several weeks visit-
Itlcr lini criofoi in nnill VfiilViSKr I
ka7 arrived home last Friday eve
Mr and Mrs W A Dolan Mn
W D Maekechrie and Mr C E
Man nick weiv amansj the Tndan
ola people at the Temple Satur
day nisdit
MrsW E DeWitt of Lincoln
who spent part of last -week in
Palisade Nebraska visiting
friends returned home on No 10
Fnidaiv night
Wll Ilartman of Monte
ta Colorado came in from the
west on 10 Friday evening on
a visit and to transact some bus
iness matters at the former Iicane
Miss Lorene Calliocn -was a para
senger Fridav night on 10 for
Mexico Missouri where she will
visit Miss Gertrude Suess of our
city now a student in the school
at that place
Mr and Mrs I M Baerdslce
of Indianola were city visitors
Friday They are about ready
to go to Arriba Colorado to
spend the winter with their
daughter Mis George Hill
left Saturday on Nb9
Denver and Los Angeles
Ileber accompanied her as far as
Fort Morgan returning home on
No 10
Mr and Mrs W A Dolan and
children spent part of Friday in
the citv coming up in the familv
car ir Uolan came to attend
the meting of tthe beard of gov
ernors of the Red Willow Auto
mobile association Friday after
Borlington Pays Taxes
The Burlington swelled the
chequer of Red Willow county on
Fridav 1o the extent of 26
53632 being ats taxes for 1911
Of this amount 3 6034 repre
sents tthe taxes on th Beaver
branch the balance the main line
etc 2293083 This is an in
crease of 178200 over the taxes
of last year Tn this connection
it may be interesting to note that
tax collections for 1911 have so
far exceeded those of last year
up to this time of about 2200
wliile the tax sales only exceed
ed those of last vear by about 1
yTWt A ai7V W - 41 tJJZ
When thou makest presents let them be of such things
as will last long to the end they may be in some way immor
S and may frequently refresh the memory of the receiver
Our Christmas goods are here and we will be delighted to
have you inspect them
The Chicago Burlington
Qiiiney railroad in the fed
eral court yesterday afternoon
entered a confession of judg
ment for 6000 in favor of
Bessie jI Damron of Jjinc
lOln wife and administratrix of
the estate of Walter J Damron
who was lolled in the wreck at
Indianola jLay 29 of this year
Mr Jamiion was a locomotive
fireman on train No 12 at the
time of the wreck IMrs Dam
ron will also receive the insur
ance from the Burlington relief
amounting to about 2500
On October 24 the Burlingtoni
paid 6685 to Daisy Olson ad
ministratrix of the- estate of the
late Albert J Olson a fireman
wtho was killed in ifche Indian
ola wreck Both suits were brot
for 50000 Lincoln Journal
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Order of Hearing and Notice on
Petition for Settlement of
In the County Court of Red
Willow Countj Nebraska State
of Nebraska K ed Willow County
ss To all persons interested in
the estate of Ilenry Yingling de
On reading the petition of W
II Staples Administrator pray
ing a final settlement and allow
ance of his account filed in this
court on the 17th day of Novem
ber 1911 and for the settlement
of said estate and the discharge
of Mm and liis bondsmen- from
further liability therein
It is hereby ordered that you
and all persons interested on said
matter may and do appear at
the County Court to be held in
and for said county on the 9th
day of December A D 1911 at
nine oclock a m to show
cause if any there be why the
ffle fmm Bg3 gassm f Tsc
tsss3 6smifflG is am
For sixty years American house
wives have found DrQ Frices Cream
Baking Powder a guarantee of light
id wkclesome
prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be jriven to
all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this
order in the McCook Tribune a
newspaper printed in said coun
ty for three successive Aveeks
prior to said day of hearing
County Judge
C E ELDRED Attorney
First publication Nov 20 Gts
All persons interested in the es
tate of Oscar M Matthews de
ceased are hereby notified that
on November fth 1911 Maude
Baker filed her petition in the
county court of Red WilRvw coun
ty Nebraska for her administra
tion of said estate and same will
be heard in said court at nine a
m on December 2nd 1911
County Judge
First publication Nov 13 6ts
All persons interested in the
estate of Elisha A Dodge de
ceased are hereby notified that
on the fourth day of November
1911 Myrtle Ilartman adminis
tratrix of said estate filed in the
County Court of Red Willow
county Nebraska her final ac
count as said administratrix and
that said final account will be
heard in said court at nine 1
oclock a m on December 1st
1911 and are hereby ordered to
appear at said time and place
and show cause if any such exist
why said final account should not
be allowed
County Judge
First publication Nov 6 6ts
Margaret Davis William S
Davis Mildred Davis and arah
G Lamb formerly Sarah G Ed
monds also known as S G Edr
monds defendants will take no
tice that Frank E McKinnis
plaintiff has filed liis petition
against you in the district court
of Red Willow county Nebraska
the object and prayer of whiel
is to obtain a decree of said court
quieting his title to the north
of the northwest 4 of section 21
township 1 range 30 in Red Wil
low county Nebraska against
any claim title to or interest in
or lien upon said land that either
of you may have or claim to
have to liave his title thereto de
clared to be absolute to exclude
you and each of you from any
title to or interest in or lien up
on said premises and to have a
certain mortgage thereon held by
said Sarah G Lamb by assign-
ment to her as and in the name
of S G Edmonds declared null
and void and no lienupon said
premises and for equitable reliefl
You are required to answer
plaintiffs petition on or before
Monday December 11th 1911
Attorney for Plaintiff
First oublieation Nov 2 4ts
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210lst st W -- Phone red- 45
Thats All
JLJ m h 4 0 g
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Li er i Coal
Be Your Own RainMaker
Did the recent long dry spell hit you pretty hard cutting down your crop
yield and your income for the year In the Big Horn Basin and the Yellowstone
Valley farmers have raised splendid crops Their income this year will bo great
er than ever and it all comes from an ample water supply The farmer control
ed the rain and applied the water as his crops needed it The Government
system of irrigation provides during the growing season two feet of water per aero
the equivalent of twelve heavy rains of two inches each think whatsuch a water
supply would have meant to your community during the summer of 1911
Why notgowithme on the next excursioninto the Big Horn Basin and
look overjthat land of sunshineand bounty new Government units of the finest
kind of irrigated land near Ealston now available with perpetual water rights on
the easiest terms These are the richeskgif ts the government has had to bestow
uponlitsjpeople within thirty years
Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam Street - OMAHA NEB