The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4
t Ibu R 1 t fi ff -9 Q A POLIVEC PO paid ST O Nelson Mfg Co Ifyank Cain FM Kimmell B B Carrigan Co BCT PT Atvniiii ijsy m MiWInuMi JOHN LANKAS r JJ tl 1MJI IHIiUma i tr rumiinm irn Is equipped with all the latest and uptodate appliances for properly handling GOOD THINGS TO EAT Our long experience in the business has taught us many things ne cessary to know in order to give you the best service the best goods and at pricesthat must attract and hold your trade HAVE YOU BEEN BUYING RIGHT Has the service for which you have paid higher prices been satisfactory IF NOT TRY US WE WILL TRY OUR BEST TO SATISFY YOU for we want your trade and want to keep it Look at these i SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Our Special Home Made Wienies Boston Special Roast Best Cut Sirloin Steak 15c 15c Nice Spring Lamb - Home Made Pork Sausage Nice Pork Chops These prices as all our prices are RIGHT and to guarantee you a square deaI6 ounces to the poundwe have installed the latest style scale LIVEC LAN City Council Meeting Til mayor and council met in regular session Monday evening vritli all present except Council utan Woods Minutes of previous meetings read and approved Mo- J tion wa made and carried to ac- jcpt bid of C A Burton Machin err Co to furnisli boiler for the j pumping station j Motion nil and carried to fnTiir thr r rliis in eitv nark to 15 candle power each Motion made and carried to in struct ChM of Police to employ dog catch- The f refunding water bonds was taken up and laid over until next in tmg j The following bills were ap proved by tin finance committee jmil nr motion were ordered j JO 2 00 Rvnir TTnfW 15 7 Ed Huber 4 0u Petition for building permit to build sign board was referred to committee for investigation Report of police judge was read and filed Resignation of L A Fitch as clef of police was read and ac cepted Mayor appointed Fred Sbhlagel as chief of police which appointment was on motion con firmed Mayor appointed W A Mid dletcn for three year term I L jjodstrom for two year term and Dr C L Fahnestock for one year term as park commissioners Appointments confirmed ly coun cil Motion made and carried to in struct city treasurer to pay war rants of J E Corey and J A Harmon whicli were held up for occupation tax Motion made - and carried to SmES McADAjMS Mayor L T STOLL Jy uierjv MARION B F Darnell and family wore ovj Sunday valors witli relativ es af MJinden wv H Biff ert shipped a cat at to St Joe Saturday nigM ca ft accompanied the TOfr Dr- Bartholomew was u business inJSiftir at Lebanon Saturday e Noe of DanMuy pufedown a well for E G Caine Co one day last week Mr and Mrs Henry Sill from ten miles west of Oberlin visited their daughter Mrs Fred Fur man and family last week Harriet E Yeater of Des Moin es lewa gave a lecture here Fri day evening on the liquor ques tion and also gave a talk Sun day of the Hold Land of which she has seen having -traveled ex tensively in Europe and the Or ient She is also very prominent in W C T U circles Mrs J C Lafferty returned last week from Hastings wilier e she had been visiting her broth er Will Graham and family a few weeks We experienced a real Nebras ka blizzard last Saturday the thrmometer registered six de grees above zero most of the day but did not snow very imuch And Sucidav morning the mercury had dropped to six below zero but moderated considerable during the day Miss Holmes of the Methodist hospital in Omaha gave a talk in deaconess work to a fair audience at the school house on Sunday evening Glen Smallberger Guy Sines Will and Fred Lafferty left last week for Rdverton to look for work A J Greer and family and F M Yeater and family were vis itors at R S Sanders Sunday afternoon II S Keith and family of Dell were visitors at the Blake home Sunday The Standard Bridge Co of Omaha are putting in a 36 foot steel bridge in the Fairview coun try INDIANOLA Mrs Walter Martin lias her household goods loaded and wall depart for her new home at Lib erty Neb where her husband is engaged in newspaper work Mrs Grant Clark arrived home the latter part of last week from her visit in Iowa Mrs Fern Clark Dilkes is here visiting friends and the scenes of her childhood Cliarlie Boss atWillie Fritseh axe home again from their trip at Lincoln N J Uerling and others went up to McCook to attend tta din ner given -in honor of Bishop KAS - 15c 12k 15c I The Toledo Electric Springless Scale They are the worlds standard of accuracy and honesty Give us a call or phone 62 T TfTT irf OO0O 102 07 11 20 40 75 2 Tihen Tuesday We hear of one field of corn going 10 bushels to the acre in this vicinity E F D No 1 Mrs J F Nobbs left last Fri day for Ilappville Colo where she will visit relatives for a couple of weeks Henry Calkins left Friday for Colorado to visit friends G A Roedel finished shred ding his corn fodder Tuesday Miss Hazel Ball visited at the A O Rogers place latter part of last week There was an entertainment at school house district 31 Wed nesday night Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings liave been made in the county clerks office since our last re port United Stales to Benjamin W Cook pat sw qr 27-1-27 Mary A Carmichael to jas Cairmichael wd nw qr 26-4-28 3200 00 Larzelior C Blount et ux to Alfred J Koontz wd pt G in 12 4th McCook 10 000 Affa C Seeley et al to Em ma Sorg wd lots 11 and 12 in 19 Indianola 1 00 B C Johnson et nx to W T March wd int in 10 11 12 in 2 2nd Mc Cook 1 0G Iliberd E Waugh et ux to Samuel E and Anna F Ingram Wd 7 8 in 2 Lebanon 10000 00 Iliberd E Waugh et ux to Samuel E Ingram et al wd 9 10 si in 2 Leban banon j 4500 00 Emma Leland et cons to -William A Mapes wdl 7 in 8 Wallow Grove 00 00 Peter Foxetn et ux to Linda Arnold wd sw 1 130 3200 00 Sarah E Strawder et eons to Eugene F Smith ef al wd se 1-3-30 600 00 Ambrose Strawder et cons toEugene F Smith etl al wd bwI41 and n1 ofrhw 34 12-3-30 9600 00 You dont have tocougih if you use White Pine and Tar Men tholated It cures where others fail 25 and 50c bottles AVOODWORTH Druggist m 1 1 v - -- - Uw PROPOSITION IS TWO SIDED City Girl and Country Lad View the Farm Life From Different j Angles I have otten wondered Mr Clovjr top if the people living on these dear old farms amid scenes of such peace ful and quiet rural beauty have as keen an appreciation of the wondrous beauty of field and hill and meadow and sky as we dwellers in the city have when we catch our all too fleet ing glimpses of them when we face hitherward for our brief midsummer holiday said Miss Annabelle Gusli ington to Adoniram Clovertop when he was taking her from the station out to his farm Then she added O I am quite sure that you must be sensible of all the charm and beau ty of your quiet happy peaceful en vironment Are you not Mr Clover top Wa al its this away said Mr Clovertop when a feller has pulled out o bed at three thutty in the morn in an has milked nine keows in mus keeter an fly time an the keow crit ters has basted ye with their tails fer a couple o hours an mebbe kicked ye over a few times an then ye have to give a drove o screechin hawgs their feed an a hundred ole hens is chasfci ye all over the barnyard cluckin fer their breakfast an a calf or two drags ye all over the barnyard while ye air tryin to git them away from their mothers an the thermometer shootsj up to a hundred in the shade an ye have to dig weeds or bug taters allj day or git in hay or chase ten or aj dozen miles after some keow critter that has got out o the paster an then ye have all that milkin to do over1 again at night an ye finish up yer chores by lantern light the longest day in the year when all that hap pens maam ye aint in no condition to git sentymental over lights an shadders an peaceful scenes an sich like Thars two sides to evry proposition an I reckon my side o this beauty bizness aint the same as yours Glowin sunsets and rosy morns dont appear the same to me as to you Judge GETS GOLD FROM SEA WATER Dr Oskar Nagel Clairrs That He Has a Machine Which Will Do This Oskar Nagel Ph D an Austrian chemist whose home is at 50 East Forty first street confided to the news papers last night that he had invented a way to extract god and potash from sea water and that with a plant that will cost complete not more than 242000 he could Take from the sea 1300000 worth of geld a year This he added meant a gold production of about 3G00 a day to get which will cost about 300 leaving a clear profit of 3300 each working day in the year Doctor Nagel purposes after he has passed the salt waters of the globe through his extracting pumps and squeezed the gold and potash from them to return them again to the seas so that there need he no appre hension of the disappearance of those useful bodies of water Doctor Nagel told first of his method of getting potash from the sea He did not say that he believed he could extract the great commercial article of which 20000000 is imported each year into the United States from Ger many but stated most positively that he has proved already the value of his invention New York Times Boy Who Knows How Whether the three fs fads frills and frivolities have displaced the three rs reading riting and rith metic in the education of the child it is nevertheless true that teaching the boy or girl to be more self reliant and quick witted has certain advant ages In Brooklyn the other day a man was injured and had an artery severed One of those who hurried to the scene was a boy on roller skates The man was bleeding to death The boy removed one of his skates took off the strap and with a stick some body picked up the youngster made a tourniquet stopped the bleeding and held the tourniquet in place until the ambulance surgeon arived thus aiding materially in saving the mans life Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Poor Day for Trade Rainy day trade aint what it was before that moving picture show start ed up next door said the umbrella dealer sadly Used to be when peo ple got caught in the rain they came in and bought umbrellas now when they get caught and the barker for the show sees em heading for my door he says Step right in till it stops raining Costs you less to see the show than to buy an umbrella and by cricky if that aint what most of em do Defective Education There must be a bad way of teach ing the elementary branches in this city What makes you think that Because this electioa inquest shows that so many of the election officials cant count Suspicion Didnt your queer friend tell you he had taken a degree in several cit ies Yes Then Ill bet it -was the third de cree - Superb Stock of We take pride and pleasure in announcing that we have now on display the largest and handsomest line of Domestic and Imported Decorated and Hand Painted Chinaware to be found in McCook Our stock embraces complete American and English Dinner Sets SALAD BOWLS CUPS and SAUCERS county Nebraska her final ac - -1 BERRY SETS FANCY PLATES Hand Painted Japanese Ware and many other useful and ornamental articles for all prices and to suit every pocket book Besides we have for your selection and pur chase the fullest stock and completest line in the city of House Furnishings Doll Cabs and Velocipedes and the prices we shine here too and have fully earned the title of Leader in Low Prices Remember our location on West B Street and make us a call BREW FURN3 and BOX ELDEE Mr and Mrs E A Sexson of Lndianola visited tlieir son W B Sexson Tuesday Mrs Elsie Lytle visited Mrs Eliza Shields of McCook Mon day C II Munday has gone to the eastern part of the state to husk corn Mrs D B Doyle and children of Colorado came down Saturday to visit relatives Walter Modrell and Bessie Doyle visited Minnie Wilson on Sunday The Ladies Aid society mot witih Mrs L S Pouch Thursday of last week Mrs Bolles mother Mrs Vaughn lias returned to her home at Scandia Kansas Mr and Mrs A T Wilson and daughter Minnie visited ait T M Campbells last Friday The lineman had a run away last Tuesday While going thru a gate the team started to rum One horse was quite badly injur ed If the blizzard of last Satur day is a fore runner of the com ing winter and the winter has any thing to do with the coming crop there will sure be a the coining year Subject of the Epworth League lesson for next Sunday evening fe Giving Christ the Eight of Wav Gal 220 614 Col 33 Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Huber s all the time AW persons interested in the es tate of Osc iv M Matthews de ceased are hereby notified that on November fth 1911 Maude Baker filed her petition in the county court of Eed Willow coun ty Nebraska for her administra tion of said estate and same will be heard in said court at nine a m on December 2nd 1911 Seal J C MORE County Judge EITCHIE WOLFF Attorneys First publication Nov 13 6ts All persons interested in the estate of Elisha A Dodge de ceased are hereby notified that on the fourth day of November 1911 Myrtle Hartman adminis tratrix of said estate Sled in the Conritv Court of Bed Willow TU RE CARPET CO count as said administratrix and that said final account will be heard in said court at nine oclock a m on December 1st 1911 and are hereby ordered to appear at said time and place and show cause if any such exist why said final account should not be allowed J C MOORE County Judge EITCHIE WOLFF Attorneys First publication Nov 6 6ts All persons interested in the estate of Mary A Whitaker de ceased late of Eed Willow coun ty Nebraska are hereby notified on the 27th day of October 1911 Jennie Hendershot Mabei E Colling and George A Whit aker filed their petition in the county cooirt of said county for appointment of George A WMt aker as administrator of said es tate and same will be heard at county court room in said county on the 18th day of November 1911 at 9 a m Seal J C MOOEE County Judge EITCHIE WOLFF Attorneys First publication Oct 30 6ts Margaret Davis William S Davis Mildred Davis and Sarah G Lamb formerly Sarah G Ed monds also known as S G Ed monds defendants will take no tice that Frank E McKinnis hplaintiff has filed his petition against -you m the district court of Eed Willow county Nebraska the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of said court quieting his title to the north of the northwest 34 of section 21 township 1 range 30 in Eed Wil low county Nebraska against any claim title to or interest in or lien upon said land that either of you may have or claim to have to have his title thereto de clared to be absolute to exclude you and each of you from any title lo or interest in or lien up on said premises and to have a certain mortgage thereon held by said Sarah G Lamb by assign ment to her as and in the name of S G Edmonds declared null and void and no lienupon said premises and for equitable relief You are required to answer plaintiffs petition on or before Monday December 11th 1911 C H BOiTLE Attorney for Plaintiff First trablication Nov 2 4ts v 1 u 1 Y in f i 1 K M f