T Y u IC L k 1 BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time No 6 1130 P M 16 500 A M 2 550 A M 12 G35 A M 14 920 P M 10 505 P M West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1220 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arrive 830 p m 13 930 A M 15 1230 A M 9 625 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 176 arrives 330 P M No 175 departs 645 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska KAILROAD NEWS NOTES Conductor C T Scxson is on the sick list Fire box work on the 1752 this week new fire brick etc Brakeman L F Jager is on the injured list bruised foot Bill Burns came back on Tuesday from his jaunt to Den ver An additional way car was put on Tuesday with J Ann el I in charge Brakeman W Baker was1 transferred to the engine service Tuesday The steel rails are being plae i ed for the new track to the new ice house j C A Oolip of the auditors office Omaha Avas at 1crs yesterday J Mrs Earl Xwckirk went upi to Culbertscn yesterday on a vis it to relatives Conductor J F Utter took the pay car from Hastings to Den ver Wednesday J Considerable neAV material is being unloaded here for the lo- i eal storehouse j Conductor M B llarbaughj of the Oberlin St Francis branch visited headquarters Tuesday The pay car made its appear ance one day late this month riving here at one oclock yes terday Tom OXeill general boiler inspector was out from Lincoln yesterday going on to Denvei that morning on 13 General Master Mechanic-G--E Johnson of Lincoln was in the city yesterday going to Den ver on Vi that morning Mrs L P Nielson was up from Oxford Tuesday and they rented the Oyster home on Main avenue at corner of I street Engine 1765 received some at tention this week a half set of new flues valve work sylinders packed new nozzle stand etc Engineer M II Hammond came down from Denver yester day morning and moved the family and household goods to that city today The store house office is be ing enlarged somewhat and rear ranged for convenience and ex pedition in handling the business The boys are doing the work Mesdames Neal Bealer C E Greninger and Wesley Mapes went down to Riverton Wednes day morning to attend the Lad ies Auxiliary meeting there Conductor F F Neubauer was in charge of Robinsons mo tor car No 52 Wednesday on the physical valuation inspection made over the St Fran cis line Engineer Geo Campbell and Conductor C B Daltons train collided with way car 14150 at Akron Monday morning gutting the ear No one was hurt The accident was due to a misunder standing ooi the lining up of the switches 116 Main Ave First Valuation The completion of the first val uation of railroads doing business in the state of Nebraska has been announced by the physical vaiua tion department of the state nail wav commission With the ex ception of the Burlingtons re port all of the valuation state ments have already been filed with the commission From now on the statements will the used by that body in hearings which are to be held for the purpose ofgiv ing the railroads an opportunity to present their side of the val uation question and to protest against nay of the items dn which the states valuation and their own does not agree The valuation now completed includes such property as the va rious reads ihad on hand on July 1 1909 A correction to include such property as the roads had on July 1st 1911 will be made shortly C II Gerber of the phy sical valuation department will in itiale the second stage of the work the latter part of month The late valuation aviII be much more simple than the first or bas ic valuation as changes and tht addition of lines equipment and other property is all that lias to be noted in the iuav valuation ln cueh instances th reproduction values AViill be j nut slight iy altered wnile present values of the various items in cluded in the valuation sheets Avill naturally be different be cius2 of depreciation it is expected by the commis sion tint this part of the work Avill 12 so light that valuations of telegraph tlephone and ex press companies can be taken up Avithin the next tAvo Avoeks Lin coln Journal Death of Baby French A card this morning announc es the death yesterday morning of the baby son of Mr and Mrs Walter French of near Bertrand j Services Avere held at the farm near Bertrand this morning and the little body will be taken to Harvard this evening for burial The little one has not been AAell since inrrii uie parents Aveu knGAA n lo many Tribune readers have much tender sympathy from McCook and McCook division friends Brakeman G E Shipman was inarried last night at Ileart Avell Neb Extra Agent R E Gavin is threatened with an attack of the grippe Fireman Koehler Avill be in from the Avest end run on No 10 Saturday evening Marie Krieger telegraph of fice girl is off duty for a few days and Miss Hoff is relieA ing her Engineer L P Nielson took a layoff yesterday and went to Oxford to move the family up to McCook Geo Lichtenbergcr is chief clerk in the general foremans of fice during the absence of W M Gardner Mr and Mrs Ernest Osborn go doAAn to Edison and Ilolbrook thus evening on a visit to the home folks An emergency Avay car Avas put into service Tuesday night to meet the press of freight bus iness and is still in use Mrs II A Beale was called do Rock Island 111 by the death of a relative last night She AAill also visit relatives in Chicago There AAasnt a single extra fireman on the board yesterday morning and just one engineer that means pretty lively business Mr and Mrs W M Gard ner departed last night for Om alia AArith the baby upon which they may have an operation per formed an arm being the offend ing member When Things Go Wrong When things go wrong about the house The bread forgets to rise And little Minnie tears her dress And all the babies cry Oh dont sit down and mope and sigh And fret and Avorry so But dress the kidlets and yourself And see The Electric Picture Show When all the World looks blue to you And you begin to fag Your head to ache your heart to break And appetite to flag Just lock the door and leave your cares Behind you as you go And spend an hour of solid joy Seeing the Electric Moving Picture Show E E DeLong Prop COMMERCIAL CLUB Meeting Held on Monday Night Business Transacted The regular monthly meeting ol the McCook Commercial club AAras held on Monday evening AArith a fair attendance Minutes of previous meetings read and approved Supt WTDavis and W F Chamberlain were taken into th membership of the club A communication Avas read from the state rural life commission making inquiry as to a possible date for a meeting of the commis sion at McCook but it was not thought adAisable to arrange for such a meeting hi McCook II P Sutton and F M Kimmell Avere appointed to confer Avith Supt W T Davis respecting framing an offer to present to executive committee of the South Arest Nebraska Teachers associa tion to hold thoir April session in McCook A communication Avas read from the John Deere PIoav people thru the McCook llardAvare Co con cerning a meeting to be held in McCctk December 4th 1111 at 230 oclock in the afternoon at which their Prof W E Taylor of Moline Illinois Avill deliver an address to farmers of this vicinity on the question of soil culture Prof Taylor is in charge of -and director of the experimen tal Avork of the great Moline plcAv people lie has been semt srenphs of the soil of this ity and Avill analyze it so Avill be able to speak to our farmers in 1 telligently The club unanimously voted to extend the use of the club quarlieis for that meeting Another communication -from the Industrial Department of the C B Q railroad company Avasi read in Avhich Mr E M Westr felt of that department offered the good offices of the depart ment in any effort McCook might make in endeavoring to secure enterprises of any sort for this city President Cordeal stated that he Avould appoint persons and a subject for papers or discussion for tlie next regular monthly meeting of the club belicAing some good can he secured by a serious consideration of some per tinent question at our meetings In this opinion he Avas supported by several members of the club The club extended the courtesy of the club rooms for a reception to Bishop Tdhen Tuesday even ing of this Aveek during his stay in the city on the evening of his address here and his entertain ment by the members of the Kniirhts of Columbus of this city Just a Blush A blush is a temporary eryth ema and coiarfie effulgence of the physiognomy actiologized by nnfs npreentiveness of the sorium Avhen in a predicament of unequihfority tram a sense or shame anger or other cause ev entuating an a paresis ot tne vas cmeter filaments of the facial cap illaries Avhereby being divested of oib Aoii ifyiopjsmia uoirj tul with n radiance effeminating from the intimated proecordiai I Ex ADDITIONAL EAILROAD Fresh fruits at Magners Want ads 5 cents per line L Turnbull has left the com pany serriee Harvey Miller is on the sick list Subscribe for the Semi Weekly Tribune 100 per year Huber handles the Carhart gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes EVEN BLACKBIRD HAS SENSE He Limits His Hours of Labor Strictly as Any Union Workman as Theres some common sense even in a blackbird A small army of thosej dusky leathered fliers have been demonstrating each day that they ob- serve hours of labor just as strictly as any workman in town Living In the big aged trees on Bethany College campus are thou sands of these blackbirds Each night they perch in the topmost branches of these trees Each morning at day- break they leave their homes and fly in great numbers to the east side of the city There they remain all day doing their work of gaining a living in the fields at the outskirts of town But they dont work overtime not these birds Each evening at exactly six oclock the leaders fly west to their homes at Bethanycgrounds again The leaders are followed by hundredsj of other birds of the black wing They fly in a straight line several blocks in length Many persons in Topeka have been watching the iblrds for some time and have observed that they never fail to return from their days work at the same time ech evening Topeka Capital TRAP OF HIS BOYHOOD DAYS One of the Familiar Sort Set by Lacfa Awakes Reminiscences of City Man I used to set traps like that this man said referring to one which some boys had set up in a city street to catch sparrows It Avas a small wooden box turned bottom side up and set at the outer edge of the sidewalk with one end lifted and supported on a stick One end of the stick Avas on the sidewalk and the other end under the box edge The boys put some oats on the side walk under the box and to the sup porting stick there Avas attached a string leading across the sidewalk to the house area the boys lair When the sparrows came under the box to get the oats you pulled the string and twitched the stick out and down came the box to trap the sparrows under it Or that was the idea Jurt like that this man went on Thats a time honored sort of trap We didnt have any sparrows then Avhat Ave used to try to catch was pigeons doves and we used a bigger box a soapbox and Avhat Ave used to put under it Avas bread crumbs Time and again Ive set up such a trap in a street where pigeons used to come around and baited it and then got off somewhere holding the string and Avaited for the pigeons to walk under the box so I could trap em And the pigeons would come and theyd Aalk around the box and pick up things all around it and sometimes theyd get so cloie that I Avas sure they Avere going under and then Id crouch down all keyed up ready to pull and get cm but somehow they generally stopped right at the edge or if one got under and I pulled tho string the pigeon Avas always sure to get aAvay before the box came down I dont know just hoAV it was but I never caught a pigeon I guess it will be about the same here now Avith these boys trying to catch sparrows but its a lot of fun to set the trap and try WOMAN REFORMER IN EGYPT Several Improvements Urged by Are Now Laws in That Country is said to be tho most popular Avoman of her race in Egypt She has taken part in various movements to help Egyptian Avomen At a recent congress she delivered an address setting forth the needs of the Mohammedan Avomen and calling on the members of the congress to support laws to help them The con gress voted in favor of six of the re forms she proposed that every girl should receive a common school edu cation that in every school there should be an educated woman to teach the girls good manners and the rudiments of religion that as soon as practical a university school should be established for women that a phy sician and a nurse to aid women in childbirth should be maintained in every city and village that special schools be established where girls should be taught housekeeping and the care of children and that the hir ing of Avomen to stand about a bier and beat their heads and faces at funerals forbidden When proposed that the Avomen of Egypt should be allowed THE GOLDEN RULE IN BUSINESS uy Clones -A yv r IMdrege last evem tii nriviw wi hppn pivpfl I 2mng by Turkish Avomen for years there Avas an uproar in the congress When she tried to have the question of polygamy discussed there was a great tumult every member of the congress objecting Detroit Free Press How England Grows A great deal of interest is taken in England in the question of coast pro tection The ocean assailing the cliffs gradually tears them away but this very process furnishes a defense for the land by building up long beach es of sand and shingle which arrest the waves before they can attack the cliffs An effort is making to prevent or better regulate the removal of this material for construction and road building because in many places its remoAal has permitted the sea freely to exert its power of erosion The Ordinance Survey has ascer tained that in the last thirty five years England has lost 6000 acres by sea erosion and gained 48000 acres through reclaiming land the existence of which is plainly due to material brought down by the rivers From the Youths Companion Her Father an Authority Little Nellie told smaller Anita what she termed a little fib Anita A fib Is the same as a story and a story is the same as a lie Nelly No its not Anita Yes it is because my fa ther said so and my father is a pro fessor at the university and he knows Nelly I dont care if he is My father is a real estate man and ho knows more about lying in a minute than your father does in a week Overworked Words Strenuous was a good word before it was overworked So with impecca ble until it became unbearable also banal which is now banal and noth ing else through threadbare usage What superiority do these possess over the rural stock phrases of in our midst or whilst going to Turkey Run last Thursday or all partook heartily of a bountiful xepast2 Washington Post e Grof is that one good purchase creates another There are a lot of things that go to make a good purchase You must get exactly what you want at Avhat you wish to pay and it must give the service ou ou can reasonably ex pect hen it does you are undergoing an experi ence identical in every re spect with that of all our regular customers to whom we sell Our Fall and Winter Showing of mens distinctiAe clothes is unusually complete We are in position to gratify every mans taste both as to quality and price CLUETT GORDON SHIRTS HATS 0 PERSONAL MENTION Mr and Mrs W T March are W J MeGillin is in city parents of a daughter born on Miss Brown of Omaha is a Tuesday night guest of Mrs C F Heber I Mrs Sarah Haley returned to A F White the Curtis her home on 13 yesterday from pie of Blackstone etc is a city j lier visrt in Kansas City A isitor today Carl Marsh accompanied a ship Mrs S D Turner of Orleans ment of tAvo cars of stock to the is a truest ot her Barents Mr and Mrs Sam Spencer S Y Bennett and family left Monday night for their neAV home in Good Hope Mo Mr and Mrs C T Loper for merly of near Cedar Bluffs Kan sas are uoav located at Lincoln Mrs William McCallum Avas an Indianola visitor yesterday afternoon betAveen trains on a shopping trap N W Ayres of Beaver City -is in the city today in the interest of his neAV book Building a Ngav Empire Representative natfield a mem her of the last legislature was in Kansas daughter of Mr and Mrs the eity Tuesday and guest of p L McBride is visiting home Senator Uordeal ioiks tins Aveeic J S Hedges formerly of our D C MeCallum father of Mrs city late of Omaha is uoav AAith Barney Ilofer came doAA n front the Commercial and Savings bank Wauneta Monday evening t Mitchell South Dakota -spend a few days Avith his Mr and Mrs Will Lyon rived home Wednesday morning lohn Rowell came down from from their visit to liis brother Colorado yesterday morning and Ray and AA ife at Pueblo Colo spent the day AA ith his brother Mr Vermillion AAiio recently purchased the Hector place AAas in tlu pitv vpjstprdav sp llinc W V stock off his place soutliAA est of jj rftturned home to Miss Rose Caffrey and Mr Jno Caffrey of Orleans and Mr Jno Kirchner of Ilerndon so as to cure it Avith as litle delay as possible Here is a druggists opinion I have sold Chamberlains Cough Remedy for fifteen years says Enos Lollar of Saratoga Ind and consider it the best on the mar ket For sale by all druggists BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and 0u fies th Blood Denver market end of Aveek Messrs C W Doav and C B Critclifield of Indianola Avere eity business A isitors yesterday jMiss Anna Ivutzke Avent up to DenAer on 13 yesterday and may make her home there in the future Frank Stillman arrived from Kansas Tuesday night on No 3 and Avill be here a feAv days on business Sylvester Cordeal is in Lincoln this Aveek a member of the fed eral grand jury uoav in session in tliat city Mrs Emma Yosey of Oak Hill Tom lie was en route east on business J R Stansberry Avent down to- I Omaha Monday night to attend the meeting in that city first ol the Aveek of the Nebraska Muni cipal League F D Burke of near MaywooS and his father A L Burke of Kassister brother and brother japahoe spent Tuesday in the city nlaw Avere guests of Miss Ella on business both returning ts Caff rev of the teacher corps Aiapahoe same evening Tuesday AA hile attending the re- Mrs J W Walsh departed on ception to Bishop Tihen jx0 l6 yesterday for her homo -in Wymore after a visit of 3 The -implicit confidence that many j j k itj h r paaents people have in Chamberlains Colic t Q awii0J0 and Jirs s v imams Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is founded on their experience in the j Mrs L X Wimer of Marshall use of that remedy and their know- j inncsota arrived in the city ledge of the many remarkable cures I st b ridaj niglit and is a guesi of colic diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effected For sale by all of Rev and Mrs B L Webber dealers J for a short time being an 614 i 7 i friend of theirs 1 i Mr and Mrs G S Webber of Colorado City Colorado arrived Whea you have a bad cold you i in the city Monday evening and want the best medicine obtainable AAiill be the guests of their son Rev B L Webber and his wife during the winter Rollo Cathcart came doAvm frot Colorado on 14 Tuesday night and -will be here for a while Mrs Catheart lias been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Nicholas Ploussard for some time Roll may decide to go over into Iowa to Avork PICTURES OF MEN Our pictures of men look like men They show the force energy character of the sitter They are portraits that really tell something of the men portrayed Telephone Black 428 for a Sitting now The Ellingson Studio Co Commercial Hotel Bldg 307 Alain Street M