The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 13, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Thu important part of child
rens Shoes are
We have a line of Boys Miss
es and Childrens Shoes made by
S L Pierce Co who make
nothing but Boys Misses and
Childrens Shoes
Therefore the are able to give
better shoes for less money
Come and see them We guar
antee them
Corner Store
201 Main
Letters to Santa Clans
The postoffice department has
raised the ban on Santa Glaus
mail after all Rescinding a re
cent decision Postmaster Gener
al Ilitelieock has directed that an
letters addressed tu Santa
Clans may be delivered to char
itable organizations or benevolent
persons that ask for them instead
of having such mail returned to
the senders or destroyed
Me Co ok Lodge
of Pythias wall
dance in Armory
16 The purpose
to -secure funds
finance the next
mas treat for
needy cliildren of
ts are 100
Dance J
No 42 Knights
hold a benefit
hall November
of the danceJs
with which to
annual Christ
deserving and
the eitv Tick-
The Main Store On Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in
groceries fruits vegetables etc
you seek look no further than
Personal Taxes Due
Personal taxes are due and
become delinquent Decembr 1st
10 per cerft inheres added tot all
taxes after that date
C NADEN Co Treas
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Me
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c per pound
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
If you feel you want to be
shown in matter of quality go
to the McCook Flour and Feed
You should see our nice assort
ment of American and French
hand painted china
A McMILLEN Druggist
Wc never hesitate to guarantee
Lilv Patent flour At the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Think Kodaks buy kodaks attid
give kodaks for Christmas
McCONNELL Druggist
Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull
for service 100
Drink Wedding Breakfast
coffee and be happy At Hub
er s only
Magners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
Cant Entertain
Without Flowers
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the post
Arlington Mrs Etta Baker Miss
Edith 2 Brunygadt Mr John
Booker Mr Henry Cohen Mr Joi
Caslin John 2 Davis Mrs Laura
Erwin Mrs Rachel Fields Fred
II House Miss Estella Jones Mis
Jule Loar Mr Arch McDonald
Mrs Belle TJlmer Mr W Wilson
Mr Earl Wilson Mr John Wil
cox Mr W D
Chadwick Mrs Elsie 2 Crewer
Mr Ed Larington Miss Fay
Boxelder Lehan Mrs Laura
Shelley Mr A G Rodell Mr
Scott Shaw Mrs W II Stone
Mr Roy St ran e Miss Marie vBox
elder Tuttle Mr 0 E Tyler
Rev F C 2 Boxelder Walters
Lu Wyatt Mr Steve Wyeoff Mr
LON CONE Postmaster
Farewell Party
Twenty three of the lady friends
of Mrs Frank Rank came in and
surprised her last Monday night
They presented her with a salver
tea pot and souvenir spoon A
delightful time was enjoyed by
all Mesdames Brown Soliday
Kent Cox Ilegenberger Roucli
Wilcott Converse Day Burnett
Grismore Brown Bunstock Jor
dan 1 lusted DcLong Callen El
lJson Hot r Enright Carmoney
Burnett and Mcrlan were guests
G et Your Seats Early
Exceptional interest is being
shewn in the forthcoming produc
tion The Lion and the Mouse
which the United Play Company
will produce here en Saturday
November IS at the Temple the
atre by the extraordinary demand
for seats The production is one
of the very best ever seen in this
city and prices will be 25c to
- -
- -
To the Voters
I desire to express any keen ap
preciation of the splendid vote
given me in the late election I
shall endeavor to give the people
of Red Willow county an honest
and efficient administration of
the office of county treasurer
Too Stormy
The McCcok high school foot
ball eleven went down to Ilold
rege Saturday for a scheduled
game but returned on No 1 the
same day the weather being too
inclement to warrant playing the
Shakespeare Club
The ladies of the Shakespeare
club will meet with Mrs F M
Kcmmell Tuesday afternoon for
the vstudy of portraits by the fa
mous painters Whistler Madam
Virgie Le Brun and Titian
Every Lady
desires a nice gold watch Our
prices enable you to realize that
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
MeConnell for drugs
Tribune advertisers get results
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
Zoe the daughter of Mr and
Mrs E Benjamin is lying ser
iously ill at her home
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
If you wish a hand mirror we
liave the new shapes in Frennch
plate mirrors all sizes and all
A McMILLEN Druggist
Monday Evening Edition
Its Time to Commence
getting ready for Christmas If
you have some special design you
wiant made up in gold or silver
let usi do it for you
The McCook Semi Weekly Trib
une It is 100 a year
MeConnell fills prescriptions
Mount Vernon
11 Hiii sof ihr
I pitJprn
nf rf i SiIvim
ami Cut f ilsi sarenow
Of all vrviriie
i m i iiriiuiii1 il uU
ttiiil can i ma if will
will fiml n ii -in
fill as ll -
V7 tak jilfv ur in
in v i in otir inspc
tion wifitiT oii ait
rt id7lpluy imw in
liiJi r
P Sutton
hojwill conduct S lemn J I itm AK in at- iooo oxlock
Tuesday evening at 6oo oc o k he will b eiveitained at dinner in the Temple building dining hall by
K of C and at 8 3 iV ock vill lertire m the Temple Theatre
Making- New Contracts
The Great Western Sugar Beet
Co is already making new eon
tracts for next years planting
It is a pleasure to note that altho
this year was an unfavorable one
for crops generally the results
from the planting sugar beet seed
were quite satisfactory and it is
expected that it will be easier
work coming season to secure
acreage than it was last year It
is an enterprise that should re
ceive the encouragement of all
being a crop that seems to be
pecially adapted to this soil and
to our climatic conditions Mr
Weybright will remain here dur
ing the winter and will have the
business of the company in this
neighborhood in charge another
season His work has been very
satisfactory among the growers
of beets
To Rural Mail Patrons
You are hereby notified that
hereafter all mail will have to be
properly stamped before placing
it in the box and that money left
in lieu of stamps or pay postage
on unstamped mail the same will
mot be taken cognizance of
By keeping a supply of stamps
at your home and stamping your
mail it will insure the same to
go out at once and will save a
great deal of annoyance t0 car
riers Books of 1 and 2 cent
stamps from 25c to 1 can be
procureolfrom the carrier
By Order of Postoffice Dept
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
Minnie Steinman to Fern
Steinmann bill of sale
household goods 100 00
Leon L Miller et ux to
Tames Madison wd to pt
ne qr 35-4-26 93 98
United States to Enoch A
Sexson pat to sw qr 3-
3 28
Colds grippe and similar affec
tions can usually be stopped in
the start while if allowed to lin
ger until fully settled distress
and danger are invited and cure
may be long delayed Keep Rex
all Cold Tablets on hand and com
bat all colds promptly That is
the wise plan and this remedy is
the one you ca n depend upon to
cure Price 25c The Rexall
McCONNELL Druggist
Cit Supt C F White of
Trent in has been appointed di
rector c f the Southwestern Ne
bnska Declamatory League for
tlii ncning year
SUp a tough the right way
R xaI Sviup of White Pine 25c
McCONNELL Druggist
A n w invoice of the latest
pjjulr Cpvright books 50c
A McMILLEN Druggist
Viisen Oshorn open in
Wrsy this week an overflow sale
nf 30 jiys or so
Everything in drugs
That Fall
Must Reform Our Farming
The average yield of wheat in
the United States for the five
years ending in 1910 was eight-
tentilis cf a bushel per acre more
j than in the five years ending in
1905 It was less than four tenths
of a bushel more than for the ten
ending in 1903 The average corn
product for the ten years ending
in 1910 was a little less than for
the 10 years ending in 1875 Thirty-five
years have not advanced
us a step European countries
Great Britain Prance Germany
with inferior soils and less fav
orable climate produce crops
practically double our own In
our studies of conservation we
find nc waste comparable either
in nngnitude or importance to
tlv The farm will fail and the
foundation cf all cur prosperity
be underlined unless agriculture
is r formed Already the percent
rxe of our people actively engag
2d in farming has fallen from 47
36 in 1870 to an estimated 32 in
1910 Every man on the farm to
day must produce food for two
mouths agaiinst one forty years
ago J J Hill
Visit From Grand Matron
Eureka chapter No 86 O E
S is preparing to receive a visit
from the grand matron of the or
der November 24th Some neigh
borhciod chapters will be repre
sented here on the occasion whict
will be the notable gathering of
tn year A 630 a clock dinner
wiill be served members and vis
s bofor the work of Alio ses
sion is taken up There will be
an initiatory ceremony
Diamonds Shoe Sale is the tall
of the town not only on account
of the extremely low prices which
in itself should bring everybody
in McCook and vicinity to Dia
monds She Sale but everything
is brand new in all the latest nov
elties such as tan Russia Calf
Black velvet Patent Colt Gun
Metal the new White Buck on
the new high toes Remember
this is the last week of this gi
gantic sale and you have your
choice of all the above at the ex
tremely low prices1 as described ic
our circular Look for the sign
113 W B Street
Subscribe for theSehiiWeekly
Tribune 100 per year
Delivered Free to Any Place in
Corn chop per 100 140
Bran per 100 1 20
Shorts per 100 135
Barley chop per 100 130
Wheat per bushel 10U
Corn per bushel 75
uats per bushel 60
Barley per bushel GO
Alfalfa per Snie 30
91 Flour per sack 155 at any
store m McCook Every sack is
guaranteed Phone 29
Mccook milling co
in social circles
I he Friday Bridge Whist club
met with Mrs H A Beale Fri
day afternoon Light refresh
ments were served at the close
Mrs C D Ritchie and Mrs Wal
ter Stokes assisting
Dr and Mrs W E McDivitt
entertained the Thursday Whist
club end of week A 7 oclock
dinner was served assistants be
ing Mrs Walter Sfnl i nni ir
Lerov Klevpn rn nri ir n
-- uli juts
L lahnestoek and Mr and Mrs
james iiatiieid were uests
Corinne daughter of Engineer
and Mrs J W TTn fii
the 11th milestone in hm l
young life Thursday last and tin
oeeaanon was eelohratwi o 4 u
Hasty home that afternoon wdtl
appropriate particulars About
udrn girl inends participated
IMie young guests enjoyed a fine
spread of refreshments appealing
especially to the youth Mrs R B
Southard and Miss Laura
ien assisting m serving them Cor
mne was the
recipient of numer
ous pretty remembrances from
her little neighbors ind friends
Two former nriestc nf S To
ricks church of our eity assist
ed in th celebration of the Re
ciuiem Hhrli Mns c nt li ftnoi
in Lincoln of Rev William
pay ox rseaver Urossmg Fridav
morning namely Very Rev
Thomas Cullen now cf York and
Rev J J Loughran now of Se
ward Father Cullen was assist
ant Driest Fntlipr TAnffliwn
Attention is esneciallv drawn itt
the chinaware announcement of
tile Drew Furniture and Carnftf
Co We have an uncommonly
nanasome line and crave the pub
lic inspection Come and see how
nice an article even a small piece
01 money wall buy And we have
the costlier tilings too But gen
eral prices the lowest in tha itv
Assortment is large and complete
and well displayed
A touch of the real tiling was
the weather of Saturday -and Sun
day The temperature reached in
the neighborhood of the zero
mark and a stiff northwester ad
ded to the discomfort and sever
ity of the weather The snow fall
wasi sTight
The postoffice at Trenton was
destroyed by fire Friday morn
ing NotHng was saved from the
office mail sacks supplies and
equipment being complete loss
A 36 foot steel bridge is being
built over the Beaver at the Or
ley Macey place west of Marion
Six candidates in Tyrone pre
cinct tied tor tbr office of con
si able
The Tribune 100 the year
Classified Advertisements
TO RENT Unfurnished rooms
808 E 2d street J M Henderson
FOR SALE Harness and sin
gle buggy Inquire of O N
Rector Phone red 349
I have 50 tons of Choice A No
1 Alfalfa Hay for sale by the ton
or bale This is all nice bright
Hay Also plenty of Prairie Hay
Prices Right Phone 25
Marshs Feea Store