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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1911)
i i Skirts of Class Are among the new shipment just received Panel Front and Back erges a East Depart Central Time No G 1130 P 16 500 A 0O 04n A JO J Ji 12 C35 A M M M M M 14 920 P M 10 505 P M West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1220 P M 3 J1Z4 sr iM 5 arr 830 p m Xo OU il ll 15 1230 A M q fi os A M 7 J J a AtM Imperial Line Mountain Time No 17C arrives 330 P M No 175 departs 645 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D P Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska EAILROAB NEWS NOTES Mr and Mrs A G Goth left Monday morning for AvocaIowa in r esponse to a telegram from Mr Goths mother requesting them to come Red Cloud Argus The dining car on No 3 is now cut off at Hastings and picked up by No 9 This moves the bunk car of the waiters to Hastings wliither it was taken Friday night on No 70 I 1 High nd hki irTVi Girdle Waists Swell New Mixtures At 400 500 and up to 1000 each Handsome Black Voiles At 600 750 and up to 1500 each In ail colors at all prices Dont fail to see this line of New Neat and Nobby Models Here is What Yon For THE WINTER STYLE BOOK 32 Colored Pages 2000 Illustrations of LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS IS NOW ON SALE 5c if purchased with a ISc pattern ve iX 3 ATI HO ii8tSm x n o j e JJ A t ttt SSOtlClfOH Humored Set J 4 rm t t J - p mm I iT T t 7 mtW 1 Ly i ifefK ring AE5SiH f n Your SP J wuupoasb Keueeni able Now and get one of these Style Books of Auth entic Winter Fashions Lest you forget let me repeat that any Ladies Home Journal pattern shown in this or any other paper can be found at my store WDRGOOD3 MILLINERY LADIES FURNIShiJesr X MS COOK NEBR BURLINGTON TIME TABLE Will Lyon of the telegraph f K T Graves was on the office went up to Trenton sick hsl Friday day on 13 to do a little nimrod Cnductor T Mai en was up stunt from Oxford Sunday W L Bass of the telegraph j Brakemai M E Moede was m office was a passenger on 13 Pri dav for Colorado where Mrs rom Red Cloud Saturday -Brakeman Ileyward came up Bass was recently called by the from Lincoln Friday on No 9 injury of her mother D- Burnett and wife spent L Lawritson the Burlington Srnulay with her parents in Strat I roll agent at tins place is connned in a hospital at Omaha with what may prove an incurable malady Strait on News Harold Wey and Johnnie Baggett of the local Western Un ion force went down to McCook last Friday night to attend a meeting of the order of railroad telegraphers They returned the following day Iloldregc Prog ress not moving to Denver until after the first of the year Chas Lund berg who has had the switch en gine has been given the regular run between Hastings and nold rege on the freight Three days in each week he is employed in switching dn the local yards Holdrege Progress TSTFNM JL W J m si 1 j o o o THE ELECTRIC Presents the latest and best MOTION PICTURES Including Western Dramas with reckless riding Modern comedy dram as Funny Farces Interestiug Scenes and all the best Fea ture Pictures Go Tonight Always a Good Show ADMISSION 5c and 10c Good Music by Jones Jones As a consequence of the talc- - -Brakeman C O Woods and wife arc visiting in Long Island I Kansas Brakman J H Morris is lay ing off en account of the illness of his vjfe Retrenchment in the Omaha section of Burlingtons legal de partment lets out Wall- A Dil wcrth and Charles Marley Conductor J M Madison will be put on Brakeman C N Neubauer came up from Iloldrege Sunday Brake man R G Talbot vis ited headquarters first of week Conductor -G L Burney went up to Stratton Friday to spend a few days visiting his mother and to do some hunting at odd moments Mrs Burney accom panied him The Union Pacific contemp lates a million dollar addition to its Omaha shops making them the equal of any in the land Its million dollar office building is now nearing completion According to the Goodland Republic engineers began setting grade stakes along the line of survey of the Gulf Northwest ern October 20th and a thousand men will be grading and con structing the road from Goodland to the Wallace county line within a few days Backache Headache Nervousness ind rheumatism both in meiu and women mean kidney trouble Do not allow it to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it prompt ly with Foley Kidney Pills They reg ulate the action of the urinary or gans Tonic in action quick an re sults A Mcllillem HOLDEEGE MAY GET AN ASSISTANT SOON ral Changes and Jonsequexu rj actions Ai to be Made The story was current in Bur lington railroad circles that there would he several changes on the Nebi aska lines of that sys tem which would give promotion to several men According to the rumor G eneral Manager Iloldregc is to he given an assistant gen eral manager who Anil be Ed Young general superintendent of the Allianc Billings division Master Mechanic Wiltze it is said is to- become superintendent of the Omaha division Superin tendent Smart of the Omaha di vision is tio go to the McCook di vision and Ed Flynn of the Mc Cook division is to become supr intendent of the Sheridan divis ion General Manager Iloldrege was net in the city today and this ru mor could not he confirmed at hiirc office Omaha World Herald Buried at Box Elder J C Dedmans aged mother who dirjd at Ingleside end of week was shipped here on No 9 this morning The body was transported to Box Elder where the sen ices wer conducted bv Rev Foss and interment was made in the Box Elder cemetery at two oclock in afternoon Jones and Jones closed then engagement with the Electric the atre Saturday night and left on Sunday morning for eastern Ne braska where they have an en gagement at a considerable ad vance in salary They expressed much regret in leaving such r pleasant environment as McCook has been for them J O Lyne formerly superin tendent at Culbertsonand Min den succeeds at St Paul S IT necommg tendent deputy state Martin who goes to Broken Bow R T Elliott of last named place J F Parker 2021 No 10th St Ft Smith Ark says that he had taken many kinds of kidney medicine but did not get better until he took Fol ey Kidney Pills No matter how long you have had kidney trouble 3rou will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney Pills Start taking them now A Mc Millen Try Tribune want ads Sick headache is caused by a dis ordered stomach Take Chamberlains Tablets and correct that and head aches will disappear For sale by all dealers ORDINANCE NO 211 An ordinance prescribing some of the duties of the city treasurer and provid ing for the equal distribution of the funds of the city of McCook Nebraska among all regularly organized banks therein which shall agree to pay month ly to said city interest at the rate of three per cent per annum on the daily average balance placed therein andeive bund to said city in a penal sum i not less than the estimated receipts for the current munipical vear upon taxes went up to Denver Sunday night md special assessments levied and to o and will run out of that I ing off of the switching crew place here Sid Moore who for many j Brakeman A G Goth is back years has been yard master has from his call to Roea la and been moved to Denver where he working on the beet engine at has been placed in a position in Brush Colo the yards Mr Moores family j pr0Speefs for business are wiill nmain liovn lin i i i 1 t - xi iy w 1 iinJr javoiaoie tins weeK anc a j couple of additional wav cars bo levied by said city and to repeal any and all ordinances and parts of ordinan ces in conflict with this ordinance Be it ordained by the mayor and coun c 1 of the city of McCook Nebraska Section 1 The City Treasurer shall keep all money now on hand or hereaf ter received in each fund in his hands belonging to said city equally divided among all regularly organized banks in said city which shall agree to pay monthly and pay monthly to said city interest at the rate of three percentper aum on the daily average balan ce placed therein and which shall have on or subsequent of the current municipal year executed and delivered to said city a bond in a penal sum not less than the estimated receipts for the current mu nicipal year upon taxes and special as sessments levied and to be levied by said city which bond shall in no event be less than 826000 with good and suf ficient sureties resident free holders of said city in such number as the mayor and council may require which number shall be the same for each of said banks and which bond and sureties shall be approved by the mayor and council of said city in his monthly reports to said mayor and council said treasurer shall state the amount of money iueach fund in said banks Section 2 Any and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage approval and publication I ding to law Passed and approved this 4th day of November 1911 JAMES McADAMS Mayor Attest - L C STOLL City Clerk seal s tv l S5HSSSJ5SKJK5N55S v 2sscr5w5sewf WVS Si A f A WiTiv S LS5WBI A A N I W sss n s anxiety on 1 skiiiirctay if yon 11 sk k5m k irxp k a a h 1 1 ksTS s Subscribe for the Semi Weekly Tribune 100 per year Fresh fruits at IMagners EJfiSJESi net M 1 1- Li a jl SS 1 wnoiesorne food I Jlras A purefreamofTartarh Powder iftlfeMmmma A GREAT DISCOVERY Certain Ingredients That Really Pro mote Hair Growth when Prop erly Combined Resorcin is cne of the most effec tive germ destroyers ever discovered by science and in connection with Beta which both germicide and antiseptic a combination is form ed which destroys the germs which rob the hair of its natural nourish ment and also creates clean healthy condition of the scalp which pre vents the development of new germs Pilcarpin although not a coloring matter or dye is a well known ingre dient for restoring the hair to its natural color when the loss of hair has been caused by a disease of the scalp These ingredients in proper com mlnation with alcohol added as a stimulant and for its well defined nourishing properties perfect per haps the most effective remedy that is known for scalp and hair troubles We have a remedy which is chiefly composed of these ingredients in combination with other extremely in valuable medicinal agents We guar antee it to positively cure dandruff and to grow hair even though the scaJp in spots is bare of hair If there is any vitality left in the roots it will positively cure baldness or we will refund your money If the scalp has a glazed shiny appearance its an indication that baldness is iperman ent but in other instances we believe baldness is curable We want every one troubled with scalp disease or loss of hair to try Rexall 93 Hair Tcnie If it does n i cure dandruff and grow hair to the satisfaction cf the user we will witl out question or quibble return every cent paid us for it We print this guarantee on every bottle It has effected a positive cure in 93 of cases where put to a practical test Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is entirely unlike and we think in every partic ular better than anything else we know of for the purpose for which it is prescribed We urge you to try this preparation at our entire risk Certainly we know of no better guar antee to give you Remember you can Obtain Rexall Remedies in Mc Cook only at our store The Rexall Store L W QlcConnell The Main Store On Main Street If it is the freshest and best in groceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers J W Copeland of Dayton Ohio purchased a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold and before the bottle was all used the boys cold was gone Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctors bill For sale by all dealers The McCook Tribune S100 a year j jtol i m t u n Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 3 jfVCjHwyU ti JOtyyVUjv w 2vttzil2MiiMt d MS S V BDLLARD LUMBER Co SELLS THE BEST IT 1 fl 1 i PHONE NO 1 McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Blacksmlthing Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 210 1st sL W -- Phone red 450 BE YOUR OWN RAIN MAKER Did the recent long dry spell hit you pretty hard cutting down your crop yield and your income for the year In the Big Horn Basin and the Yellowstone Valley farmers have raised splendid crops Thoir income this year will be great er than ever and it all comes from an ample water supply The farmer control ed the rain and applied the water as his crops needed it The Government system of irrigation provides during the growing season two feet of water per acre the equivalent of twelve heavy rains of two inches each think what such a water supply would have meant to your community during the summer of 1911 Why not go with mo on the next excursion into the Big Horn Basin and look over that land of sunshine and bounty new Government units of the finest kind of irrigated land near Kalston now available with perpetual water rights on the easiest terms These are the richest gifts the government has had to bestow upon its people within thirty years Ml D CLEM DEAVER Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam Street OMAHA NEB Z i i i i t I i