The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 06, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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T McG ooft Triiftiis
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
McCook Nebraska October 2 i
1911 John M Watson Esq
Bartley Nebraska Dear Sir
I am in receipt of your letter of
the 22nd instant asking my opin
ion in regard to Mr Skalla the
county clerk being a progressive
Republican In reply I ivill state
that Mr Skalla has from the very
beginning been an earnest and
thorough progressive He has al
ways been outspoken and emphat
ic in his support of progressive
measures and progressive men I
know of one or two standpat Re
publicans who are bitterly fight
ing Mr Skalla for the sole reason
that he is known to be a support
er of Senator LaFollette and that
he belongs to the progressive
wing of the Republican party and
lias been active in his support of
progressive principles and if
such men should succeed in de
feating him they would immed
iately make the claim that such
defeat was a demonstration that
the progressive wing of the Re
publican party was in the minor
ity and in this way injure the
progressive cause It seems to me
that this ought to be a very good
reason why other things being
equal we should give him our
hearty support The proper tiling
of course in the election of a
county clerk is the qualification
of the respectivae candidates I
think it is an acknowledged fact
that Mr Skalla has made a rec
ord as county clerk of which ev
ery citizen of Red Willow county
can justly feel proud His ad
ministration of the office it is
conceded by all has been of the
highest character His efficien
cy as county clerk has never been
exceeded and I think all concede
that it has seldom been equaled
I know of no reason why he
should not receive our hearty and
enthusiastic support Yours truly
Ohns Skalla Republican nominee for county clerk is made
the object of a vicious and unwarranted attack by one who is too
cowardly to come out over his own signature The attack is made
upon Mr Skalla and the young ladies in his office in the form
of questions which the writer knows cannot be answered now
for lack of time in wliieh he insinuates certain charges
One of these which is noticed only because of its absurdity
is that Mr Skalla rides upon a railroad pass furnished by a
bridge company from which the county buys This charge is
a deliberate lie and is known to be such by the person making- it
otherwise why did he not make tliis accusation in time so that all
the voters might know Mr Skalla has never ridden upon a rail
road pass and lias accepted no favors of any sort from any
bridge company
It is also charged that Mr Skalla is responsible for the incur
ring of costs aggregating six hundred dollars on account of the
indictment of a certain individual who resides in this county
This charge is false in every particular Mr Skalla did not in
stigate the prosecution nor has the county incurred one cent of
costs on account of it This prosecution was instituted by the
United States and any costs that may have been incurred on ac
count of it were paid from the United States treasury at Washing
The charges that have been made are of the same character
as those that were made earlier in the campaign that Mr Skalla
has collected illegal fees and tliat Oie has not had the tax books
completed within the time required by law Both of these charg
es were proven false and have not been repeated It is be
lieved the voters will repudiate the charges as they should do
because of the effort that is being made to deceive them
Chairman Republican County Central Committee
TSie Famous JiidSfo Lamp
The Rayo Lamp is the best and most serviceable lamp you can find
for any part of your home
It is in use in millions of families Its strong white light has made
it famous And it never flickers
In the dining room or the parlor the Rayo gives Just the light that is most effec
tive It a becoming lamp in itself and to you Just the lamp too for bedroom
or library where a clear steady light is needed
The Rayo is made of solid brass nickel plated also in numerous other styles and
finishes Easily lighted without removing shade or chimney easy to clean and rewick
At your icJcx to show you his line of Rayo lamps or writef or descriptive circular to any agency of the
Standard Oil Company
To the Voting Public
Tomorrow is election day I am a candidate for county
judge I am running for a first and not a fourth term
I earnestly solicit your support I am a believer in the
nonpartisan court therefore regardless of party I ask
your consideration
I want to thank at this time my many friends for their
expressions of good will during the campaign
McCook has been my home for over 27 years
I A Question of Fitness 3
Washington D 0
McCook Nebraska October 7 1911
Honorable John L Kennedy
Chairman Rep State Central Committee
Omaha Nebraska
My dear Mr Kennedy
Upon my return home after an absence of several days I find
your letter of October 4th awaiting my attention In my judg
ment the issues of the next campaign should not enter into and
are not connected with the issues of the present campaign In the
presidential primaries next April the voter will be called upon to
determine questions that are in no Avay related to or connected
with the issues in the campaign tliis fall This fall we are electing
judges of the Supreme Court Regents of the State University
and a Railroad Commissioner The qualifications of candidates and
the fitness of men for these offices are entirely distinct and sep
arate from the questions to be determined in the presidential pri
maries next April and no mans vote at the coming November
election should be influenced by the position he intends to take
next April in that contest
Personally I had hoped that the issues of next years contest
would not be brought up for discussion until after the coming
election was out of the way and I would not have entered into
any discussion of the issues and the men involved in the president
ial primary had it not been that the question was first opened up
and discussed by those who will be on the opposite side from ni3r
self in the April primaries
Yours very truly
McCook Nebr November 4th 1911
Mr Editor
Last Monday my opponent Frank Golfer Democratic candi
date attacked me in a Long letter in two McCook papers lie
based his attack on the following newspaper comment in the Mar
ion Enterprise quoting but six lines his letter is entirely with
out foundation
J C Moore for County Judge
The attention of the voters of this vicinity is called to the
candidacy of J C Moore for county judge Mr Moore is a man
of mature judgment 55 years of age and has a record to be proud
of in the office to which he again aspires lie stands and always
has for a high standard of morals and is being opposed by ring
politicians and the sporting element of the county on account of
his opposition to their interests
The office is an important one as it has to deal Avith the
widow and orphan in the settling of estates and it behooves you
to consider the qualification of the man you elect to this respon
tliis whole letter is based on his claiming that this Marion
write up injured him His letter is not worthy of answer but will
say j
1st TheMarion write up is every word true I AM OPPOS
2nd The write up did not re far to him in any way good or
3rd He has since printed in other papers a long letter and
on Saturday before election sent out a long circular letter all
eleventh hour appeals which I will not notice further than to
say that while I am opposed by such interests I am on the oth
er hand supported by a large number of people in town and coun
try whose confidence and good will I hope to merit Avhether
elected or not Yours very truly
J C MOORE County Judge
Respect for law for authority
is only exceeded in direful result
bj absence of reverence for re
ligion for things divine The
individual or the nation having
a controversy with the Almighty
is in for a fall
Down in Red Willow county
the fusionists are opposing the
Republican candidates for coun
ty clerk and county judge be
cause thejr are candidates for
third and fourth terms respectiv
ely LTn here they are favorintr
their own candidates for the- same
reason Wheres the difference
- Republican Faber
There isnt much appeal in a
progressivism which hasnt ideals
higher than merely getting one
gang out and another in the
destruction of one organization
and upbuilding of a second the
getting and holding of office
The genuine article stands for
the people and against privilege
and favoritism everywhere This
Avill and must prevail
Dr L L Lumsden typhoid fov
er expert connected with the
United States marine hospital ser
vice is investigating the typhoid
fever situation in Lincoln Ty
phoid fever prevails quite gen
erally over the country
You properly expect the best telephone
service and the best business treatment
Fair criticism of our service and business
methods is sincerely invited
We try to accord you the same equitable
and considerate treatment as is rendered to cus
tomers in any well managed private business
To the end that we may give you the best
service known to telephone practice we have
altered our equipment and improved our oper
ating methods to accord to the most advanced
methods in use anywhere
Nebraska Telephone Co
For Sale fey
All Dealers
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing it through the mucous surfaces
Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from repu
table physicians as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from themHalls
Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J
Cheney Co Toledo O contains
no mercury and is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and
raucous surfaces of the system In
j buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuhi It is taken in-
ternaliy and made in Toledo Ohio
by iF J Cheney Co Testimonials
Sold by all druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular That
such is the case with Chamberlains
many dealers Here is one of them
H W Hendrickson Ohio Falls Ind
writes Chamberlains Cough remedy
is the best for coughs colds and
croup and is my best seller For
sale by all dealers
A Mail Carriors Load
seems heavier when he has a weak
back and kidney trouble Fred Due
hren mail carrier at Atchison Kan
says I have been bothered with
kidiney and bladder trouble and had
a severe pain across my back When
ever I carried a heavy load of mail
my kidney trouble increased Some
time ago I started taking Foley Kid
ney Pills and since taking them I
lhave gotten entirely rid of all my
kidney trouble and am as sound now
as ever A McMillen
Wo now handle the- best
grades of Colo and Fenna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location nt acr JJrCrtflr
street in P Whlsh bivlaiag lWUUtt
uatawHpacaaijiiagzpjoiiijajuaaagiaiwjfci j
Have the Paint Mixed on the Job
p HHERE is just one right way to paint and that is to mix
the paint on the job using pure linseed
oil turpentine and pure white lead The
painter will know the proportions to use when
he sees the surface to be covered
Pure White Lead
and pure linseed oil make an Jrvl M
old fashioned paint that holds
to the wood like a nail It is
the cheapest per gallon as well SrJ
J itt I
M f J3 isq - vi
0tZ -id Slfe 4JS
as pur ou anu wnen years oi
ervice are considered there is
no paint tnat can compare JSr SiS wSw
with it
Ask for Ow Free Painting Help
containing color schemes and
miscellaneous painting
5 ria J as
i zzjrrjmKs x i
Cmi MsEtiMMS
w n i nrj v ij inn mtitm ttr - - r -vi l
Ki x arvsrtiy in vmw3t - - a
ing Magazine of the West
The Pacific Monthly of Port
land Oregon is publishing- a ser
ies of snlendid articles about the
various industries in the West
The September number contain
ed an article on Success with
Cherries The October number
had a beautifully illustrated ar
ticle on Success in Growing Ap
ples Other articles shortly to be
published are Success with Live
Stock Success in Growing Wal
nuts Success with Fodder Crops
These articles are written by ex
perts and are not only authori
tative but very interesting
In addition to the above The
Pacific Monthly each month pub
lishes a large number of clean
wholesome readable stories and
strong independent articles on
the questions- of the day
The price of The Pacific Month
ly is 150 a year Ta introduce
it to new readers it will be sent
for six months for 50c if tliis pa
per is mentioned
Address Pacific Monthly Port
land Oregon 23 3ts
A Household Medicine
that stops coughs quickly and cures
colds is Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound Mrs Anna Pelzer 2526 Jef
ferson St So Omaha Neb says I
can recommend Foleys Honey and
Tar Compound as a sure cure for
coughs and colds It cured my
daughter of a bad cold and my neigh
bor Mrs Benson cured herself and
her whole family with Foleys Honey
and Tar Compound Everyone in our
neighborhood speaks highly of it
A McMillem
How Many McCook Readers Havd
Had Those Sudden Twinges
the back
Dees your back ache with a dull
heavy draggy throb
Is it hard to straighten up after
Hard to nrise from a chair or turn
in bed
Is the urine dark colored Passages
When your kidneys need attention
use a tested kidney remedy
Use Doans Kidney Pills the rem
edy that has cured thousands
Convincing proof of merit in Mc
Cook testimony
Mrs Elizabeth Kummer 208 E
Fourth St McCook Nebr says I
was subject to backaches and head
aches and I knew that my kidneys
were weak as the kidney secretions
were badly disordered Upon taking
Doans Kidney Pills I found immed
iate relief and continued use made
my health much better I heartily
recommend Doans Kidney Pills and
advise their use in all cases of kid
ney complaint
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
1 i WiMfcWHW
V Franklin F263 G H Watkins Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
i 1